State Chair's Quarterly Status Report

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Appendix 4: Sample Survey of Affiliate Regarding Core and Critical Activities

State Chair's Quarterly Status Report

. Date of this report: , , __
State: ---

•• My state has a written strategic plan for the next 1-2 period.
·. My state builds an annual budget and manages revenues and expenses
according to it.
•• My state has an official web site
•• The web site can accept donations
•• The web site lists Libertarian candidates
•• The web site presents Libertarian news and opinion
•• My state has a newsletter published __ times per year
•• My state has a toll-free number: _-:-:--:-:-:--_--:-:- _
•• My state tracks state legislation and lobbies on it
• • My state maintains email lists for activists and announcements
•• My state government treats the state LP as a recognized party, legally on a par
with the Democrats and Republicans
•• My state has anti-takeover provisions in its Bylaws and/or charter
•• My state performs new member prospecting on an ongoing basis
•• My state contacts new inquiries and asks them to join
•• My state contacts lapsed or lapsing members to ask them to renew
•• My state can put candidates (including President and VP) on the ballot without
external assistance.

Appendix 4: Sample Survey of Affiliate Regarding Core and Critical Activities Page 158

Number of state-only members: __

Number of County/Regional Affiliates: __
Number of Municipal Affiliates: __
Number of Sub-Municipal Affiliates:__
Percent of state population covered by at least one affiliate:__

Number of activistslvolunteers: __ Number of registered Libertarians (if
applicable ):__

Total state LP revenues this quarter:__
Total state LP expenses this quarter:__
Number of monthly pledgers:__
Total of monthly pledge donations: __
Number of fundraising appeals done this quarter: __

Electoral Success
Number of US Senate Candidates:
Number of US House Candidates:__
Number of statewide candidates: --
Number of state upper house (senate) candidates: _
Number of state lower house (representative) candidates: __
Number of County/Parish/Regional candidates: __
Number of municipal candidates: __
Number of sub-municipal candidates: __
Number of elected officeholders: __
Number of appointed officeholders: __

Communications & Outreach

Dollars spent on advertising this quarter: _
Number of press releases: __
Circulation of state newsletter:
Number of high-school teachers and college professors who are members: _

Appendix 4: Sample Survey of Affiliate Regarding Core and Critical Activities Page 159

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