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Chapter 8: Networking and Internet Basics

True/False Questions
1- Computer networks are circuit switched networks (F)
2- The Internet is the world’s largest network. (T)
3- An intranet network allows employees of an organization to access their
files and network from any location.(F)
4- A network adapter enables a computer to be part of the local area
network. (T)
5- Fibre Optic cables make up the majority of the Internet’s backbone.(T)

Multiple Choice Questions

1- The worldwide network of circuit-switched telephone lines is:
c. VPN

2- A network that only consists of clients is called a(n):

a. Client only network
b. Client/Server Network
c. Peer to Peer (P2P)
d. Extranet

3- The _____ address is a unique hardware address for a network adapter.

a. IP
b. MAC
c. LAN
d. Wifi

4- A(n)__________ repeats a wireless networks signal to travel longer

a. Router
b. Hub
c. Switch
d. Repeater

Matching Questions
1- A(n) protocol is a rule or custom that governs how data is transferred in a
2- VPN technology creates a secure, tamper resistant data tunnel between
two points on the Internet.
3- Smartphone owners can tether their smartphone with their computer,
using the phone as a modem to connect to the Internet.

4- A(n)switch is a gathering point for the computers in a LAN to connect and
participate in the network and sending messages only to the correct port.
5- The Internet is a mesh of routers and servers connected to one another st
multiple points

Switch mesh Protocol VPN latency

stack broadband ISP tether hub

Listing Questions
1- List the four types of networks based on their geographical range
a. Personal Area Network (PAN)
b. Local Area Network (LAN)
c. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
d. Wide Area Network (WAN)

2- List three examples of wireless technologies

a. Wifi
b. Bluetooth
c. Infrared
d. Microwave

3- List three types of Network Cables

a. Coaxial cables
b. Twisted Pair cables
c. Fibre Optic cables

4- List four types of Internet connections

a. Dial-up
b. Cable
c. DSL Internet
d. Satellite
e. Internet over Cell Phone Networks (3G/4G)

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