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The Collapsed Workshop POSTCARD LABYRINTH #1

of the Weaponsmith

In the mountains, a magical weaponsmith’s shop is destroyed and the genius killed when an earthquake strikes the region. Decades later, our
heroes learn of “a terrifying dungeon” and, as is required of heroes, they set out to loot the labyrinth.
Setup: Place the dungeon in any mountainous region of your world. You will need the die-cut megahexes from The Fantasy Trip Legacy
Edition or a hex battle mat to build the labyrinth.

1. A gash in the rocks and earth of the surface leads into this small chamber. Inside, you encounter 1d3 giant rats (per
party member). The beasts fight until one of their number is killed, then they flee down the chasm in area 2. The rats
watch from the shadows, though are unlikely to attack again. 1
2. Warm air rises up from the chasm. The bridge, while ancient, holds. You can hear the rats somewhere below
you . . . as well as odd creaks and groans from the room on the other side of the bridge.
3. This large room is lined with racks of weapons of all sorts, from daggers to
great swords, and everything is covered in dust and cobwebs. As soon as you
step into the room, two suits of plate armor - stops 5 hits - (per party member) 4
spring to life and step from the racks. Each animated suit has ST 12, DX 11,
IQ 4 a broadsword, a small shield, and MA 10. These guardians fight to the
“death” and are immune to magical attacks. If you attempt to flee, the suits
will not cross the bridge. If one of your party has died, the surviving rats
attack as soon as you are on the center of the bridge.

4. Inside this narrow hall, protected by a locked door, are the treasures: 3
two magical daggers and a single magic sword. Treasure is minimal –
coins plus whatever arcane trinkets you deem appropriate.
Making it harder: The floor of the workshop is covered in rubble/rough
terrain. The rope bridge snaps once the party first crosses it.
Place First
Stamp Here

Continuing the Adventure

The weaponsmith’s descendants hear that treasures were recovered
from the workshop and show up, asking that the party return these family
heirlooms to their rightful owners. The adventurers will have to decide how
to deal with this unexpected request; the weaponsmith’s kin won’t take
“no” for an answer . . . but they will accept gold. If the adventurers refuse,
a small bounty is placed on their heads.
Copyright © 2019 by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. Ornamentation copyright William McAusland, used with permission.

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