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A large city offers a number of options for public transport to help people commute.

While public buses offer the promise of cheapest fair, travelling by a metro is
often seen as the most convenient way to travel around a large city. It is agreed that travelling
by a metro provides certain advantages that make it the most appropriate option for
commuters. These advantages will be discussed in the following order.

Firstly, travelling by a metro promises faster travel times. Other modes of public transportation
like public buses, though cheaper in fare, have to negotiate traffic at various times during the
day. As a result of this, buses tend to increase the travel time during peak hours which can be a
significant problem in a large city. A metro does not have this issue and therefore cuts the
travel time by a substantial amount during rush hours. For this reason, a lot of people prefer to
ride the metro in a large city over other modes of transportation and thus is more convenient

Secondly, there is a lot more seating available in a metro. This allows for a more comfortable
journey for the passengers who do not have to wait for a seat unlike in some of the other
available options for public transport. The promise of a comfortable travel is another reason
why most people prefer to travel by a metro. This makes people favour metro over other
means of public transport for traversing a large city.

A large city tends to have many options for its people to commute around the city. A metro is
considered to be the most viable option for people because it saves them a lot of commute
time and also offers a more comfortable journey. For these reasons, a metro is a more
practical option for travelers who are trying to get a round a large city. This will remain the
most used commuting option by the masses until a faster and a more comfortable means of
transport becomes available.

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