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Standard Activity 1.

Skylar A Tomblin
West Virginia State University
Educ 650- Internship
When conducting a student conference, I used posing probing questions and “thumbs up
thumbs down” if the 1st grade understood, or didn’t understand. I complete these conferences at
the midterm of every 9 weeks to review each student’s grade with them and we both sign a
contract stating that the student will try their best in the subject they need assistance with, and I
as their educator will provide additional assistance to help them improve their grade. By posing
probing questions and requiring a “thumbs up or thumbs down” to ensure that students
understand, I leave the conference confident that the student is aware of their grades, where they
need to improve, and to always ask for my assistance if they do not understand. This not only
makes the communication more effective, but builds relationships with students by having the
one-on-one conference and showing them that their educator cares about their success.

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