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Standard Activity 1.

Skylar A Tomblin
West Virginia State University
Educ 650- Internship
The reopening of schools for the 2020-2021 school year has been a current issue that
districts and State Departments have been faced with across the entire country. I felt that this
issue would be the most relevant event to discuss for this assignment, as it will impact families,
educators, and students in the upcoming weeks.
Now, you have to ask yourself, “Is there really a safe way to reopen schools.” That’s the
question everyone has been trying to answer. For the state of West Virginia, the Department of
Education has reviewed the CDC guidelines and the State Superintendent has discussed plans
with Superintendents of all 55 counties in West Virginia. However, the decision of how school is
reopened is going to be left up to each district, with the state reopening date for all West Virginia
schools being on September 8th, 2020.
Since each district is left up with the decision of reopening plans, Lincoln County Board
of Education has formed a “Reopening Plan Team” to discuss the options of school reopening.
The team has drafted a “One to One Technology Use” Policy with hopes of implementing a one
to one device program for all students in Lincoln County. No other announcements have been
made pertaining to the reopening of schools at this time. The Reopening Plan Team is working
hard and putting the needs of all students into consideration when deciding what the best route
would be for reopening Lincoln County Schools.

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