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ena Aug EHARRE Solutions for Problems in Classical Electrodynamics Nachhilfe fur Klassische Elektrodynamik THALES Dr. J.-L. Julian TING ss 5 a3 : "757 BEIM ay ‘ 4 x cTTESM. x ; | RIBLIOTECA CENTRAL THE CHO ERE ; Old Father William poem to Lewis Carroll: 2 “Yoware old, Father William,” the young maw said, : “And your hair has become very white; ; : And yet your incessantly stand on your head— } Do you think at your age it ix right? > Reply: | “In my youth,” Father Wiliam replied to hiv son, 2 “I feared it might injure my brain; ! But now that I’m perfectly sure I have none, i Why, I do again and again.” 5 PE RE IME Colt RBGLEH ATP CRA MORT aie Preface This book is a solution manual for J.D. Jacl specified in the title no book for which this solutiot Jackson's book is the standard work on this topic. ‘All students of Physics know that, of the four mechanics, the other three are not especially difficult; the notable exception is classical electrodynamics. Jackson himself mentioned that some students even called him for help when undertaking their homework. | studied a course on classical electrodynamics as a student at University of Southern California. In a preceding course for one semester from Professor Novik ‘on Mathematical Methods for Physicists, we had each week to solve about ten problems that required an entire week of effort; as a result of that course my mathematical skill greatly improved, but when I encountered (Harvard-graduate) Professor Thompson on electrodynamics, | still marveled at his mathematics: he attended classes with at most a small piece of paper, but calculated everything on the spot! His examinations were challenging, even though he gave us his old examination problems to ameliorate our review. His examinations contained diverse applications of geometry, but were completely of type closed-book! In my undergraduate years I considered such old examination problems or solution manuals to be a sort of cheating, During my study in England, | found that libraries there have old examination problems openly available. Professor Thompson provided his own old examinations problems for students to review. Thereby 1 recognized that these materials should be regarded as study aids, which assist us to absorb the textbook content more effectively. Thanks to Professor Thompson's rigorous training, I successfully passed the Ph.D. entrance examination of Tsing Hua University (Taiwan) without a zero score! That year the entrance examination was one of the most difficult; those candidates who scored zero on electrodynamics tests were kson’s Classical Electrodynamics. 1 n manual is designed, because summarily eliminated! The present solution manual results from my study with reference to solutions from other professors in more than ten universities around the world. However, after comparison, I think what Professor Thompson taught me is still the best approach. In my opinion, the secret to successful study of electrodynamics is to have a strong preceding training in mathematical methods. If you might be confused by theorems of Gauss and Stokes, if functional expansion and special functions are difficult for you, they will vertainly impede your progress in studying electrodynamics. Hee 1 intentionally retain a handwritten form for most of thi reader will not mistake them as by simply doubly clicking a ee va print. Only in manuscript form can I transfer to a reader the shock I e ete Professor Novik when I received the first homework carefull raded es lice after a mid-term test Professor Novik mentioned that he sat 7 from him. Once, solutions written down THR EHDERE and that those who needed them can come to him, but he Permitted me to make no Photocopy: I had to kneel on the floor before his office and copy by hand, word by word. He was impressed when he saw me still in front of his office after he had taken a stroll outside, and said, “I thought you had left”, Only such an imprecise manuscript can achieve the purpose of a study aid, so that a student will not be able to copy them directly and degenerate into plagiarism. Another anecdote arises from my period as a Professor, there is another story: the final answer of one Problem was “30 k”, Many students in my class copied their homework elsewhere, which they wrote as “3.9 k”, with triumph and satisfaction; I therefore knew who should Pass! A further anecdote about solutions bears accounting; when I was a student in Cambridge University, I audited a course by J. C. R. Hunt. After the tripos (examination), I went to him to Tequest a copy of the problems. The next time I met him in a seminar he came to my ear and told me he found a solution for those Problems! I was certainly eager to receive it and said to him “Could you please Provide it to me, sir”? He told me to solve them first and then he will give me them. I eventually realized that he sought to press me to study. Years later, after I have experienced ten countries, in my recollection I still did not meet many such situations. I therefore understand how Cambridge could have so many Nobel laureates and great masters. I hope this manual can also serve such a purpose to a reader. The most significant Modifications from the second edition to the third edition of Jackson’s book are, firstly, introduction of numerical methods, and secondly, introduction of SI units. While Jackson saw the future of numerical computation, I see the possibility of symbolic computing. Numerical methods began to be generally applied around 1960 after the emergence of digital computers whereas symbolic methods were practiced only a decade later as a result of researches in artificial intelligence. It is not that straight forward to go from analytical methods to symbolic ones, just as it is not from analytical methods to numerical methods. The reader will find that for some problems I resorted to symbolic computation. Most universities teach Jackson's book only up to only chapter 9 or so ina course on classical electrodynamic. I learnt other chapters during courses on advanced quantum mechanics, scattering theories and quantum field theories. Therefore, our solutions are also more concentrated on the first few chapters. ' Electrodynamics is essential for a theorist's training. I hope that this book can e ome a mature scientist. : ase the reader's way to becom: sesna Ting 2005, Taichung, LI Use Gauss’s theorem [and (1.21) if necessary] to prove the following: (a) Any excess charge placed on a conductor must lie entirely on its surface. (A conductor by definition contains charges capable of moving freely under the action of applied electric fields.) () A closed, hollow conductor shields its interior from fields due to charges out- side, but does not shield its exterior from the fields due to charges placed inside it. (©) The electric field at the surface of a conductor is normal to the surface and has a magnitude o/ey, where o is the charge density per unit area on the surface. If Co) Pe emductor alloun change te move Frey inaide , by definition. TF the ot | ache Field ineide ondluctors, changse wil move For stabic combguuhen E=0 Gaede cmdactors, By Gauna’s fans, TE =0 cnaide meee no chee tnaide, Ke change nove untdl no plas to scape, ne. ct He surface () By Gamer’ Paw, shechic Rell 2 duc to chaagte snclmed. For te fall putsdle, dee art ayer enclosed. For the Fld wad , no charge snclesed, 508 Ol chergse| one ok the susfan (from part (a) ) () TE Hr ce tanguhal 2 charges wall move mm athe confer Ey U2) TIA we beat zo bine 1,3 Con te mae oabitraniby small, » Jéuhe fEdo tende Seah =o Ea ats dl, =0 te oy possibly @ ELK Je: Jeav m " na 1.2 The Dirac delta function in three dimensions can be taken as the improper limit as a 0 of the Gaussian function D(a, x, y, 2) = (20)-a-3 en[ be +t a] Consider a general orthogonal coordinate system specified by the surfaces u = constant, v = constant, w = constant, with length elements du/U, dv/V, dw/W in the three perpendicular directions. Show that 8(x — x’) = 5(u — 2’) 8(v'— v") &(w — w')- UW by considering the limit of the Gaussian above. Note that as « —> 0 only the infin- itesimal length element need be used for the distance between the points in the exponent. cake" 2 : eet 1 oom OF) Dds x Hz) ae ae Zp the 11 ke -pietaie are SRR) = Be D (oj meni, geal, ez!) = SHIT PIE 2D ko q J Sbrenb) dead —3), has a total charge Q. Use Gauss’s theorem to obtain the electric fields both inside and outside each sphere, Sketch the behavior of the fields as a function of radius for the first two spheres, and for the third with n= -2,42. I-4(a) comduct hg Sphere — L 2 INF Evan, Fe me paste { 2 E-4nr oD rere ! = i. a (b) uniform change dasity = $1a Vea ar | eae ee rea E -49r s Be ya a & e=ar” i at a= arf r' (ar Jar = athe ope (3) 0 r* rea anal ots (nt )Q r re 4qV'E = . 40 a 416, OF nt3 : a rk "Es gen Gar) tae a ee ee ae yoa L5 The time-averaged potential of a neutral hydrogen atom is given by wide (4 o- = (1+2) where. q is the magnitude of the electronic charge, dnd a”! = dg/2, ay being the Bohr radius. Find the distribution of charge (both continuous and discrete) that will give this potential and interpret your result physically. IS Passe Ey. THEE : tar ar let f=7 gee ie z) oy pe-e VE =-A(geftevf- Vat FUG) Ghe-H ef e-arst?) cat) e 22 he oe MD. Og -- foe Citar~ Fy = De N(-2-2dr toe’) Ape y80F) - £ ver sd chong change ditribdion combina ' at T=0 (chide ) cproten) NB. jPatx=o ive, nutial Aydagyn TS the were eng enue change Lf over, GE wld tove to produ a Lb canlrilukm fo the potential 13 "16 A-simple capacitor is a device formed by two insulated conductors adjacent to each other. If equal and opposite charges are placed on the conductors, there will be a certain difference of potential between them. The ratio of the magnitude of the charge on one conductor to the magnitude of the potential difference is called the capacitance (in SI units it is measured in farads). Using Gauss’s law, calculate the capacitance of (a) two large, flat, conducting sheets of area A, separated by a small distance d; (b) two concentric conducting spheres with radii a, b (b > a); (c) two coricentric conducting cylinders of length L, large compared to their radii a,b (b >a). (@ Whats the inner diameter of the outer conductor in an air-filled coaxial ca whose center conductor is a cylindrical wire of diameter 1 mm and wh capacitance is 3 X 10" Fim? 3 x 10~?? Fim? & a EA ahs k 2 2 at rod = “J ea = ‘Bee \ W a? 6 (a) fe v . &) z=; v c te) 2-24 OH the change par unit Bagh v ¢ cd) a= OS nm Ca 3x or 3x7 ® & 6.37 am Cisiee oo Fee prackead Pepeses He capacitance per Margth ohoiaw cron cabhe cornet be made much smullir’ hen, a few 17 Two long, cylindrical conductors of radii a; and a, are parallel and separated by a distance d, which is large compared with either radius. Show that the capacitance per unit length is given approximately by ay" c= n(n!) where a is the geometrical mean of the two radii. Approximately what gauge wire (state diameter in millimeters) would be nec- essary to make a two-wire transmission line with a capacitance of 1.2 x 10" Fim if the separation of the wires was 0.5 cm? 1.5 cm? 5.0 cm? 1.7 Bren Cased Dou Er ig Be AGH : x - Te plobad d:eteorcs LN CY W-Vale are f(b + gh) ae iam Fre emf { = Bear - In (a-r)}| i 2AleTe - in a) aA ards a ua a sd, = Gee eee ce 4y7 es a He the gamhil wim of a, a, Jor C= ,2xpo" FY, A= 286K d se eg gsmm Th the Sepaation woe. OS om KgPmn Son a cu 15 18 @) For, the three capacitor geometries in Problem 1.6 calculate the total electro- static energy and express it alternatively in terms of the equal and opposite charges Q and —Q placed on the conductors and the potential difference between them. @) Sketch the energy density of the electrostatic field in each case as a function of the appropriate linear coordinate. b® (a) we £ etd ci) penal ie & (Sayad v we & Jetdy = S AGT AS = death Gi) sphoded capacitor - arebaV* ~ (b-a) Gi) Cotindrsad capacitor c ay nie v* = (55) same J ar = We “ie i &;,Q O wee =) oe (2 >yY 2 . d Oo) we aS acY PARR Ba one Calculate the attractive force between conductors in the parallel plate capacitor (Problem 1.6a) and the parallel cylinder capacitor (Problem 1.7) for (@) fixed charges on each conductor; (b) fixed potential difference between conductors. WTC) Gi) ha nagabively changed plate anprionee a Sietd E==8 2 NFEOES Bs Gi) E= Ee 2 + 20 me 0 Hee ald be Se ay at at tly cv ~ , Hap a re on ee te prmciple of viral work fe aolee this problem oe work dont by eclemal fort meu Pete Sp aan a ; a cdhrachve . Hin Work Pecome ‘ee Fst = Wt SQV o Feit aly * : 49° a. Ned we deh = fog a le : we et v ne BE = BE (attache ) | a @) wetov Fe ae Lah (te d)= t AP (cthel)’ CH) felon Groal Fe ae a Cae . eigen at t a) we zaV : e v OL belay O= at Wes BD g 7736 Td) ‘f) 20. v I 17 110. Prove the mean value theorem: For charge-free space the value of the electrostatic potential at any point is equal to the average of the potential over the surface of any sphere centered on that point. : Gren Harem eee -¥F4}e = Seqat-y st ia § chase a comdzrale system suck tek the poist of aleest’ ie ak the oxigen . Coder ao sph S of mabe R. oatind al the orig Ut b= Ve T-E VE 0 tyydat V Vy = - 4050) po om S 2y 2-4 mS an re Greank Hesiom gree 5-480 ab =-hje ee S Eo)= A. j Fda = mion villas she plete over tle sphere é DR eee L11_ Use Gauss’s theorem to prove that at the surface of a curved charged conduct: the normal derivative of the electric field is given by 1 0B 1 +) 18 (+e Ean e R,, where R, and R, are the principal radii of curvature of the surface. hint: use series expansion and knowledge from differential geometry LL Deffounhal gonty bil ue, Hk Slut) on a coved suface a nomal vecbr at Lr pla a $y 2 2k +442 ax x Rr a, t+? Gaures Jaw toll a he shbee BOL alle normal to the surfer ie, Zug) =e (Bet wire) Sine we art ody cntinected in the Load behavirr ntior te orp, X KOR ase Ry We fwe 2& - £ ae £ CUS Ste PTR ‘he Sed ia normal to he sulaw, . He, BE BE rr en \ TE so ae , 2E .- (25 + 2 az en x on ate) s pEe--b E an ( +z) Ls This problem is solved by Esteven and Bhuiyan in American Journal of Physics, volume 53, page 133 (1985). Please consult this paper for detail. 19 4.12 Prove Green's reciprocation theorem: If © is the potential due to a volume. charge 12 density p within a volume V and a surface-charge densi ; surface S bounding the volume V, while © is tie oicaiia oe distribution p’ and o’, then ier charge [wvaes [cor de=| roars | code Stok with Green's Hiren, J ete FAH) Adee Satev res ey tt $2 SB, Yrs! J(ea'- B98) Adee [eve ave] 3 jevan- [eve de = jatew- { ada' Ada vo Ss 5 Sinn Bod B! ant clactric: petenhels va--£ va'--£ Eo perpeneadan fo a eodchng suf (Prablim U pact ©) 3 E ond Rone andi- porated 8 n Ve Rhe-8Aa £ qe he-E maf Chay og fy al eS, = £ ye (35 jeee je fda=-fapey af da Ss v 3 at 52H 4 jae . fara {aed 113 Two infinite grounded parallel conducting planes are separated by a distance d. point charge q is placed between the planes, Use the reciprocation theorem, of Green to prove that the total induced charge on one of the planes is equal to (— Caen ere tional perpendicular distance of the point charge from the other pla? (Hint: As your comparison electrostatic problem with the same surfaces choose one whose charge densities and potential are known and simple.) be Semave fesian = frase Jo's dA guifeur and ak de pomk char f, She pole ck the lo grrunded plules vanishes. We need to chose onather stration with thr sams suas for which we fro the polentich . Dre possibly ve the paral plibie capacitor densiby 20 wogulen oxagt ot the plales, aA BOs BF Plugging into Gren prciprocity theorem, x20 ved (y x24) + ot PEP) = 2 +0 ee-Fe on phate tao by syemeby » the induced chanye on tle ot, plate & 1 d- i Pp -O Dy ee ungrinal exon: P, © vanished sxtry hire, etept ok the ty pladie’ bs t 20 21 115 Prove Thomson's theorem: If a number of surfaces are fixed in position and a given total charge is placed on each surface, then the electrostatic energy in the region bounded by the surfaces is an absolute minimum when the charges are placed so that every surface is an equipotential, as happens when they are conductors. = £e( pl a pas Fron (ASA) we Rand we =; [pl x Rs salar polerkel a Vangng ee o nee bia) = HG Ot TD AT aw v dhe ininam ves we ar Doky for KB=0 em sfc aw | ao a th cardihion Sor He minima 2 a t. a 2 a a 2 | = “{Z \\¥(oeo4 ane) | a) Vagresshon who: veer fe | fafiewot ata} >|, a} J Ftz0) Tho ex} 1 eriagrabion by pects Sudv= uv~ Svdu us dpe) v= ThE) = ts Fork) — Sweepers | : Ke ‘udu “V 7 qGl) 20 on sundae hDTEE =o > FPR) =" SS Lagfacs Ey, dances the mincname onanry stele a Hogpera for condachrs TF cufacr, a aber conerdtad As ee west yet” faaay Bait , " Se] hoeds + | 94. Hat € Ky uthen, all infest ane palpalentish } = const. = BLhat SAP Phd $ re Thonaml, terion " w * x. 117 A volume V in vacuum is bounded by a surface S consisting of several Separate conducting surfaces S;. One conductor is held at unit potential and all the other conductors at zero potential. (a) Show that the capacitance of the one conductor is given by C= ef ior ax where (x) is the solution for the potential. (b) Show that the true capacitance C is always less than or equal to the quantity CY = 6 J [WP de Where ¥ is any trial function satisfying the boundary conditions on the con- or This is a variational principle for the capacitance that yields an upper (-17 (a) From (1.62) end (1.54) w= hB2 cauyee? | ab rak Smee only ons emrductor Vi = 1 othus we fee cae) ipl ax i RS fre a) v= > tS $ berng the sxact saan for she ported Seo m all surface sacs, | Wel dx ee ere EEN aa = el iplat 26 | ap dapat e Jie & v eee —_LT or es ap Wepeabon by pas ze = 2eapap - 26, STP SF ex : " ° oy de ender ‘S29 Foao ms oot, oe te nee Be i 23 119 For the cylindrical capacitor of Problem 1.6c, evaluate the variational upper bound of Problem 1.17b with the naive trial function, ¥:(p) = (b - p)/(b — a). Compare the variational result with the exact result for b/a = 1.5, 2, 3. Explain the trend of ur results in terms of the functional form of ‘Y,. An improved trial function is treated by Collin (pp. 275-277). specced capacitor of problem 16 (be) dae m toab = bra ca we wen trial Gunction L We) = ao THe) = at? « Ff From problem 117 (b>) cy) = ef VF ¢ey[ andr ante (° o2yp = ane, : + BS) J eee = saree cm _ In estimating the capacitance of a given configuration of conductors, comparison a eoees is often helpful, Consider two configurations of n conduc tors in which the (n — 1) conductors held at zero potential are the same, but the ‘one conductor whose capacitance we wish to know is different. In particular, let the conductor in one configuration have a closed surface S; and in the other configu ration have surface Sj, with Sj totally inside 5. Use the extremum principle of Section 1.12 and the variational principle of " Problem 117 to prove that the capacitance C’ of the conductor with surface 'S{ is less than or equal to the capacitance C of the conductor with surface S, that encloses Sj. (6) Set upper and lower limits for the capacitance of a conducting cube of side a, Compare your limits and also their average with the numerical value, C = 0.655(47ea). (© By how much do you estimate the capacitance per unit length of the two-wire system of Problem 1.7 will change (larger? smaller?) if one of the wires ig replaced by a wire of square cross section whose side is equal to its diameter?- 1-20 (a) Since $/ vi a conductor whase suface 2 totally insicle S, B sahsfier the bc. For Sy, ve. F Boy mS,, BV inside 5, NBaVaSs +B cam be atsal funclion for SV" because. ik saksfieg the conedt b.c ha conec poleria B! i tha ona theh minimize WEB o WEE WE] sine c=2wlB), C'=2vlB} C£C! ch) compara. condachag cube of side a with crcumseribed and cnrce: { spears For splus c= $ * Shae = 406 R Roof corcumseutbed sphere. = 4 fara = 3a incuibed. spy = & 7 2 ate Dc Coe < FM. Bo ‘ at oa wpper bound and the Lowe bound.= TE, (0,693) wl ben only 4% From o6SS (4 Ea) Ce) Problem 1.7 showed Cx ™ 5S l ) a 7% Vag, ' ! Ape amallli. cmduchr by appee cunaaachn wine with side = 2a, Ci) =e ar wae ' , = IZ, MA, Ci >e Sopa 2 Ca! 2S 0 arpa. Langer emduchy by agpore vue sachin wite wilh side = 20 25 4.22 Two-dimensional relaxation calculations commonly use sites on a square lattice with spacing Ax = Ay = h, and label the sites by (i, /), where i, j are integers and x; = ih + Xo, y; = jh + yo. The value of the potential at (i, j) can be approximated by the average of the values at neighboring sites. [Recall the relevant theorem about harmonic functions,] But what average? (a) If F(x, y) is a well-behaved function in the neighborhood of the origin, but not necessarily harmonic, by explicit Taylor series expansions, show that the “cross” sum. S. = F(h, 0) + F(O,h) + F(-h, 0) + F(O, —A) can be expressed as S. = 4F(O, 0) + VF + me + Fy) + OCA) (©) Similarly, show that the “square” sum, Ss = F(h, h) + F(-h, h) + F(—h, —h) + F(h, —h) can be expressed as ‘ A Sq = 4F(0, 0) + VF — x (Feue + Fry) + z VWF) + Oth) Here F,,,, is the fourth partial derivative of F with respect to x, evaluated at x=0,y-=0O,ete. If VF = 0, the averages S_/4 and S,/4 each give the value of F(0, 0), correct to order f° inclusive. Note that an improvement can be ob- tained by forming the “improved” average, z (FO, o» = [s. + is| where ‘ (F(, 0) = FO, 0) + eR + TCE + O(n8y If VF = 0, then S gives F(0, 0), correct to order AS inclusive. For Poisson’s equation, the charge density and its lowest ord lacian inserted for the same accuracy. oe con te I-22 Fora en cae tray, the Rth order Taylor apportion ancved eg) & Suy)- + $0y4) Ue x0)" Cyr te)" yee aint ao ot (a) cama average 3 4 > k aw Echo) = Floe)thFy t Phxt Etat of Fat ie Fo FOU) z 3 * F (hyo) = F (oye) he tae = Bet Er BEB, FOO) * E (0, h) =F (oe) HHA # 6, + fry th a Fy tt Fy +0 0H) Cia het EA PA me 1 ocH) F (o-h) = 4 4 7 gS, = FER Eat Py) Bae Fg) + OH) one vr Cb) Spe so i + F(th, th) = Flo, o)t Hertha) +3 (fy Fig + OFF) FO) A SF AF loo) + 2K Fig + Fg )t Ee Bg) + BGA B+ OCH) FTE) = Fag + 2Fnag + Fag Be ae Finny = ECVE) - Fu - Fey) Pog cartyey tate 4 SHEP E DIE, thy) F007 F)- LF tae thay) + 0061) wa w rs = 4¢(0,0) + 2h F te 1A point charge q is brought to a position a distance d away from an infinite plane conductor held at zero potential. Using the method of images, find: (a) the surface-charge density induced on the plane, and plot it; (b) the force between the plane and the charge by using Coulomb's law for the force between the charge and its image; (©) the total force acting on the plane by integrating o”/2¢) over the whole plane; (d)_ the work necessary to remove the charge q from its position to infinity; (e) the potential energy between the charge q and its image [compare the answer to part d and discuss). (© Find the answer to part d in electron volts for an electron originally one ang- strom-from the surface. a-| In cxfindcad coordind (6, 2,4) zoo Hel pt _ _t 19 = welt — ree P oof i = FG 22 (ad Pee cman | . oe 2- _ _ etd AME (ad HE amped 6a. 4 + tl eae ene fee and CGP HY Si CGS ee O Fagen cay Pek FE . E ee oa @ ewe $02 > ot aah ne Feat eee | ve oe de ter i (try lene, gt ® we [rue EP nie 1 , iene, 2 loned (eg le wh pled ae 2 ig-e) med ay Wj wd $e) wine sah aged, been co CA) he Image matte him fe mavee 4) eee noxpoe TA= 07m Wee Lehkion'? Sua Fruity =36eV 2.2 Using the method of images, discuss the problem of a point charge q inside a hollow, grounded, conducting sphere of inner radius a. Find (a) the potential inside the sphere; (b) the induced surface-charge density; (©) the magnitude and direction of the force acting on q. (d@) Is there any change in the solution if the sphere is kept at a fixed potential V? If the sphere has a total charge Q on its inner and outer surfaces? 2 , ' 20) dQ) =a lagi a *_,) wee fete eo -e Ht], = art le Spe Sep ee, 7 ae lpg * geaeat) eck aur % 40 Get -aagear * Whe Fit = # fodn=-£eaat-H) | a ae se Helin Se oF 1 io =) eS Pz VeL= lary ac ES athadwe Vda Cf'eal-20q x)* Xeeer 4 Cd) ah the conduchor wee fred at g LMfnecd penball, or aquinabently Wf aka choy sti pot m ake conker, than te polnhal world eal. ¥ 48) acl gat + wyut Vv The ackic BA cm He spl and the rndaced eg te side sua ond be aor : @ ) © @ 29 A straight-line charge with constant linear charge density A is located perpendicular to the x-y plane in the first quadrant at (xo, yo). The intersecting planes x = 0, y 2 0 and y = 0, x = 0 are conducting boundary surfaces held at zero potential. Consider the potential, fields, and surface charges in the first quadrant. The well-known potential for an isolated line charge at (xo, yo) is ®(x, y) = (A/42re9)ln(R?/r?), where r? = (x — x)? + (y — yo)” and R is a constant. De- termine the expression for the potential of the line charge in the presence of _ the intersecting planes. Verify explicitly that the potential and the tangential electric field vanish on the boundary surfaces. Determine the surface charge density o on the plane y = 0, x = 0. Plot o/A versus x for (xo = 2, Yo = 1), (Xo = 1, Yo = 1), and (x = 1, yo = 2). Show that the total charge (per unit length in z) on the plane y = 0, x = 0 is a--te() What is the total charge on the plane x = 0? Show that far from the origin [p> where p = V@™+)7) and po = VGE + yo] the leading term in the potential is _ 4A Gay)(2y) Te 2 On Interpret. 2-3 (a) : 2 7 2 ‘ tee dels Gay way inet “aay Faas Uin feo eine RRS ERS = FRET ee 2 a7 Uys ze fee RYE RK, Re RTS Peleus ** Som de she bee ih oe = 2 ax, eee. ob) 6-03} --2[ oh - mrad te) AS wore = L rita lp (KF Ke) + ye ; : , sae feun Be fee Bares) He thd chaye induced on the sori ce - 00 (A) exper p ( abeaa) Ps GaBne) =m (4 taf wearqay) ceateipay) = (aay) £ a im Sonsoek nr seeing ord, in Xe gd gine x 6 ogy Ox. 4A x4 Te. Orgy Me hos Kin ve the ppuadlaupole cadribubion 30 31 24 A point charge is placed a distance d > R from the center of an equally charged, isolated, conducting sphere of radius R. (a) Inside of what distance from the surface of the sphere is the point charge attracted rather than repelled by the charged sphere? (b) What is the limiting value of the force of attraction when the point charge is located a distance a (= d — R) from the surface of the sphere, if a << R? (©) What are the results for parts a and b if the charge on the sphere is twice (half) as large as the point charge, but still the same sign? [Answers: (a) d/R — 1 = 0.6178, (b) F = —q?/(16rea"), i.e., image force, (c) for Q = 2q, diR — 1 = 0.4276; for Q = q/2, d/R — 1 = 0.8823. The answer for part b is the same.] 2-4 From Ep (2.9) : R(2d'- RY) le ge 4[a- ar Hs fra henge Syn when Fae For =F ala eye (od RB) ag a): = a =| Let xet x - ee O02 ¥ -1) et 2-1) 20 For x zl w+ Eo 1 61h "golden man @) deate accR Th choys batid tro Une te th suduer, tlesfor dite not fal the conte rf te suchen Re ansren shad be the come ee he plone conduchig sucfrce. Fhe. omaatte. cam be obbained by om snpansion ie : fore ove a small parauln Ye foe 0p ee Ce wath $ Gr Tiny) epet-atd thie )+--] ang For Reap we obtain 2 - $0 — 2"¢axt] =o KM L420 7Sd ok xP ma 4x bytes ke Aad 2269 that the work done ta remove the charge q from a distance r>ato Ae aay against the force, Eq. (2.6), of a grounded conducting sphere is ga ‘ WH Fret? — Relate this result to the electrostatic potential, Eq. (2.3), and the energy dis- cussion of Section 1.11. (b) Repeat the calculation of the work done to remove the charge q against the force, Eq. (2.9), of an isolated charged conducting sphere. Show that the work done is w--L [fe -f¢-2 4meq|°UP-@) 2° + Relate the work to the electrostatic potential, Eq. (2.8), and the energy dis- cussion of Section 1.11. 2S We ae = fas le Fir “ey one.( ra) compen fe dizoaemble the ak $5) me 5 eI yl ae + re ep -w'e- 4M ie? The dlferoncn ve Vacoues. , fe aby gt 5 nip whhe W’ & ut, sein okt = HL sh Nee =—p_fa_ _ fa ae, zone ~ a ao for a= apt fh, - He - # We. oe yr Y ———— y sae Sse Fred a Ae splot Ue maven ok thade oe eons Hove veduse allved 32 TEES a BIBLIOTECA CENT: 2.7 Consider a potential problem in the half-space defined by z = 0, with Dirichlet boundary conditions on the plane z = 0 (and at infinity). (a) Write down the appropriate Green function G(x, x’). (b) If the potential on the plane z = 0 is specified to be ® = V inside a circle of radius a centered at the origin, and © = 0 outside that circle, find an integral expression for the potential at the point P specified in terms of cylindrical coordinates (p, $, z). (©) Show that, along the axis of the circle (p = 0), the potential is given by Bk _ Zz 7 (! wre) (@ Show that at large distances (p* + z* >> a”) the potential can be expanded in a power series in (p? + z”)~!, and that the leading terms are oe e__2 _[,__3¢_ SGP +0) 2 (+2 AP +7) BY + 7 Verify that the results of parts c and d are consistent with each other in their common range of validity. TWHLNTD VOR: > 1 I GU2,8)= ga” TF-Figt = a4 X= - xX, est -s) RP Rey - > ! ce } iy FA frrtarceag pled! 1+ 2rrald-titetey -4(e-2) = (z+) ie) 2. 25) wah oh arvnenidedl tip 3, ae 23 |= Pe a ET te = anv cal) H(r2F Ys - # | - 42 ' = (atarrentb Oye 24 ; | Tt put inte una). — epee Baccara yrs EH x jae rt awend-d ey yt raridg! 4 7 : T aL Ce rzar' a AT Cea arrente-#n OS Ft |) ak v=o ear 7 | a vega ot eye vce Se | Bea & 2) = \iccerr py TVG: we a VG ie) | A) (ter = ar! aad-$)) + zye i = redyt( 1 eee) y r74 27 2 rey Te pas eee Bp ytaawlee (6-F' s ay 1% = (Hd)? ($Y St omeseety pd) Vv Pearle $4 2 1k My! tse _ a alot $9) is poreadyyy _- - Ht @) (rere) Cl Cae tee ¥ _ av pg 2%, erente-4) at is offs ‘ Creel 3 2Ur42*) +e) FS tre | _ ie aremd@) a? 5 GreaXbdy oF d | Bree) Seep FO 34 35 18 _Atwo-dimensional potential problem is defined by two straight parallel line charges separated by a distance R with equal and opposite linear charge densities A and —A. (@) Show by direct construction that the surface of constant potential V isa cir- cular cylinder (circle in the transverse dimensions) and find the coordinates of the axis of the cylinder and its radius in terms of R, A, and V. (b) Use the results of part a to show that the capacitance per unit length Coftwo right-circular cylindrical conductors, with radii a and b, separated by a distance d>a+b,is 2a€, ce 2 oa(eae*) 2ab (©) Verify that the result for C agrees with the answer in Problem 1.7 in the appropriate limit and determine the next nonvanishing order correction in powers of ald and b/d. (@ _Repeatgthe calculation of the capacitance per unit length for two cylinders inside each other (d < |b — a). Check the result for concentric cylinders (d= 0). solution due to G. Raithel a): It is to be shown that the equipotential surfaces of two parallel line charges of equal magnitude and opposite polarity are cylinders. Using the variables identified in the figure, we claim that for any potential V there exists a cylinder with radius r and axis location identified by x such that for all values of 7 the potential on the cylinder is V. We prove the claim by finding a unique solution for z and r. Figure 1: Equipotential surfaces of two parallel line charges of equal magnitude and opposite polarity. only be located on a straight line through the that for symmetry the axis of the cylinder can First we note sym saa ia oie two line charges. Since the potential at a distance p from a line charge A is identified in the figure by 7 and r the potential is @ = 32; In 72, and ‘QregV n =e0(' ‘ nm : iS a _ (Rt a)+rP—-AR+z)r cosy and using the law of cosines it is te ley For that equation to hold for all 7, the ratio of the coefficients of cos’y and the ratio of the terms without cosy must both be equal, and at = (RAP tr, 2 _ atta (e— RY a? = Rta) a ert 2er ‘The second equation yields(2 = } whieh, when inserted into the first equation, yilds| r = |-#8;|| with exo (§2)} It is noted that for V > 0 the value of z is positive. For V — oo it is r+ 0 and z + 0. For V <0 the value of z is negative and < —R. For V ~+ ~co it is r + 0 and 2 + —R. The figure shows both a case of negative and positive V. These findings are important in the next part of the problem. b): ‘To determine the capacitance, we need to place two line charges with opposite polarities such that two cylinders with the specified radii a and and center-to-center separation d are equipotential surfaces of the system. ‘The voltage difference between these equipotential surfaces will then allow us to calculate tthe capacitance. First we note that for two cylinders outside of each other, ie. d> a+b, we are seeking a solution of the type shown in the figure: one circle with positive potential V3. around the line charge A > 0, and one one circle with negative potential V_ around the line charge —). From the given answer we suspect that it will be useful to calculate (d° — a? — ¥2)/(2ab). Defining oemen (9%) ana andusing a = 2 39 4 L a1 it is found that 36 37 oat qed. and the capecitance per length is oa eS : ): For f 3a? +2, it is =gi=" > 1. Since cosh”? y r In(2y) for y > 1, it then is wo (Ege) om Gb 25)) mm hon -£92) a) F ec: dro, eo fe : (22%) f aeEaeT eC) * BC) CA) ‘The reoult exhibits the correct behavior for #232 —+ 0, and the lowest-order correction in $3! d): For cylinders inside each other, choose voltages Vj. and V_ of same polarity. Without loss of generality, ‘we can choose them both positive, and repeat the calculation of b): a4Rk a_R = >o = 28, = = on ar ve FEoo de oe RST Tt is found that For d = 0, it is cosh* (2549") = In($). You can show this by application of cosh on both sides and evaluation of the expression on the right, Thus, for d= 0 it is, as expected, Ce are L “ae: insulated, spherical, conducting shell of radius a is in a uniform electric eld E, = {fine aphere is cut into two hemispheres by a plane perpendicular to the field, find the force required to prevent the hemispheres from separating @ if the shell is uncharged; @) if the total charge on the shell is Q. 2-4 (0) The change dosity indead a 6 = 36E vadine Gore. funit pan ¥ < (Aa aledstahe pesue) fe ha Senta on the night tod Kenigghrre 2 = ot § 63 -dk = vceytane dx = deer’ uno =x bn capa fever aching cn tha opposite airechon told be papnad te deap the Lenisphese From sepracting Ch) ake chouye density oe 62 36E,un6¢& = 30k. (K+ mae) dan TER Feb (ot 3-4a = suse Sanne (! gin it i af 36 J, xOet et de = daeetet+ Loe, +O . * RE TRE 39 2.10 A large parallel plate capacitor is made up of two plane conducting sheets with separation D, one of which has a small hemispherical boss of radius a on its inner surface (D >> a). The conductor with the boss is kept at zero potential, and the other conductor is at a potential such that far from the boss the electric field between the plates is Eo. (a) Calculate the surface-charge densities at an arbitrary point on the plane and ‘on the boss, and sketch their behavior as a function of distance (or angle). (b) Show that the total charge on the boss has the magnitude 31r¢,Eoa”. (©) If, instead of the other conducting sheet at a different potential, a point charge qis placed directly above the hemispherical boss at a distance d from its center, show that the charge induced on the boss is &-a ge qf ] ors] 210 he problem a simtln f 4 grovel Vine candacking spire vm auasform dhetr'c eld D e Ese, disused im $2.5. Fhe atgion bebweem the i two pales ce idurhial to ore of tM MN spas cm Sas whe He Reb space a Adkins by a pene perprrdicaln to the eld ond cat the sphur into «Tove Aamisphore - (a) He poterkal between the two phates ca gem by (2114) om spherical coord. $00) = 6, (r--Sp) od = he surloce chonge density on tle boss Gte6)= eEeln = a2] = 3€,E, Ub o) i Bird) = at Earlrenint) «) f Bwyd) = 21a, = TY t Ty a= te “2 7 weg [* cnmboanp df = 5,, Le an ae able aM) c (= aly odd-m ferme surnve Be g)= Mil + HOW 3, 5 wry [as a zth He) In ed are fs we doe Bitg) = WE 4 UN) eS C= PA. 2B) 62-6 et Dips £, or + ( het "Tape (ry f-b n Va ie _. a 28 VME yeah Beane? tpt ragtoa't lai = -¢, Move aot Theep * 44 2.14 A variant of the preceding two-dimensional problem is a long hollow conducting cylinder of radius b that is divided into equal quarters, alternate segments being held at potential +V and —V. (a) Solve by means of the series solution (2.71) and show that the potential inside the cylinder is ana ce! x 5 (¢ ) sin[(4n + 2)¢) 2n+1 (b) Sum the series and show that ae (0,0) = © sano 8872) (©) Sketch the field lines and equipotentials. 4 LA tuncau So $(F,b) = a, +Z Asf*sining) re ore, oe { i sm nod - -{ sng ap +5 ) er [ootal ¥ -* [Pomntag - [Fenn )4g tf sown smn gr | : ° ne4mto [23 224 sumeo av if aetl [a8 5-4 sumeo = YU = . 2 “4 = re Conn) ' ames 3 324, SES av av = — ondmton | = 2% — i er eal : ene et 4mi2) ee aw "AC (amet) ss ( 3 ve sin (Gmt2)) wo SP? (ama) tO C8) = ®) (3023 - ei” ut | 44RB) | oe Ty rat sn sinlannrd antl tno 4 yy esneh ~ tong) + (BYTE (sont aoe ‘ete son Fa = fa eins + nti" ro 8 EP alent “ar (eeu t 22 (ys smp z ee art ant Sin((ae)-2$) ett 2eblsmab “ea a pa 28 — 46 wa + cnet alg HE ce var wyor')eaunys’) antl 47 215 (a) Show that the Green function G(x, y; x‘, y') appropriate for Dirichlet bound- ary conditions for a square two-dimensional region, 0 5 x S$ 1,0 y <1, has an expansion Ga, yxy’) = 2 > &a(y, y') sin(nax) sin(nax') where g,(y, y’) satisfies (& —R a) Bn ¥') = —4mB(y' — y) and gy(y, 0) = gx(y, 1) = 0 (b) Taking for g,(y, y’) appropriate linear combinations of sinh(n7y’) and cosh(nzy’) in the two regions, y’ < y and y’ > y, in accord with the boundary conditions and the discontinuity in slope required by the source delta function, show that the explicit form of G is Ge yxy’) 82 >, ranges Sra) sin(aae’) sinh(nmy.) sinh ~ y,)] where y_(y,) is the smaller (larger) of y and y’. 245) For Drickbt bounds condition proline G muck D veush on the b & Wa-(S+ + q = 4m 5 -x')SCq-4!) var separshm of werieblas , mma = 2602984 4) | yok ae + 4,2 a = ay Sx-K')S GY -Y') For xax', gag! gti feo | xi g ing, os sade fame =m const \ Sh aaa aa Solve fv & Las hi Bape 56-4) he tee we aed G0) $u-x) = z Ca Sin AEX) SHER Ca Can be Seucl Frm orthogonality condition 1 { SQ-X) sm(nnx'Jdx = Co SiC ATX) » t Se (nnx) = Cy sin(wne) Lb Gas 2 for al? n de = 2S sem (naxy sin (wx!) EK 4 Wa 2S Jy (4 Ps (m4) sth (x7 eI dn sabety th Weg, = -4n5 (y-9') (b) Te solsfy He boundaag candition 4,2) = g0(8 =e Let = A { cant!) rh Cnn can ai p, with a discontinuity of slope at p’ = p determined by the source delta function, (©) Complete the solution and show that the free-space Green function has the expansion Gtp 4:6, 9°) = ~Inigs) +2 3 2 (E2)” - costed — 41 where p_(p,) is the smaller (larger) of p and p’. IAT (a) Phe Free spa Gremns finchor vt 4a, #)= 4b wr inligrate with meget to (2-2) Bk usa-z’ s du Conny eye ee 7? = in (utdoemqahe )| =e st[ociiuprelt vie |, Ui crhtethe} J 2300 ‘ ye zUit Ut ae een 200 G (uf esq'e ty I) va pay eo 2tatut (enteteat yt) = Jn (388 tl 41) trl 50 ee Sl 4 Getta) aes wee — dn Lornselgeay') oan Gy) +U 4 Ln 42° an" inessonbil const.” uikich ton be mylacted bet xs (eap 2 fsing Gluarig) = nl pee 2ep ica g-4)) 211) 9G = - ans (¢-2'y tm paler coordadle Falter aa =~ ay E549") ver seperation of variohtee te oblain e owns GUE 8) = (60) 34144) ae lt 8%, gr art B+ a SH =e Lo 2p 2%) _ a . % ap (OSpt) =v" 7 Ht HEED cc CEE smen_ ayideo) = dp (420), Veielge enpress Sth) the beads which we antond 34, 6) Sed =F cers wang orthogtrabity #5 find Cn i: sd-#) ei Fag! = x, ce"? i ehrrris et. Cnet. on < cae at s(b¢)= #tZ, eine) Garb ey= PE aceryeret? inetd back Sule the Lomogeraore. fy nl PPD ait seer) falta) sae sit-f) aeitc) He govel sofaien for id ae “7 nbn oa’ An ent Bat! re gun {int Baw rl Bim 20 Sate ok 23 Pan =? watching FPF P tant” = Bint" Aw = Yap” Bn =f” Ya - ee ec wih) 7h ctigmbien crass AL al tb Sat Ym, oF eee s Tae -t Sor MeO Yel for mee Gana ae rice ae 2) rot >a le) rssh beck Che He expansion eau a L(eye ert) Ney 1 =-bhe, $2 z, EY en tnht)) 53 2.18 (a) By finding appropriate solutions of the radial equation in part b of Problem 2.17, find the Green function for the interior Dirichlet problem of a cylinder of radius b [g,.(p, p’ = b) = 0. See (1.40)}. First find the series expansion akin to the free-space Green function of Problem 2.17. Then show that it can be written in closed form as a wo Es + bt — 2pp'b? cos(d ~ | B7(¢* + p' ~ 2pp' cos(d - $')) or 3: fe = PO - p+ Pp - ef] Pip - e'P (b) Show that the solution of the Laplace equation with the potential given as (5, $) on the cylinder can be expressed as Poisson's integral of Problem 2.12. (c) What changes are necessary for the Green function for the exterior problem (b < p< ©), for both the Fourier expansion and the closed form? [Note that the exterior Green function is not rigorously correct because it does not vanish for p or p’ -> ©. For situations in which the potential falls off fast enough as p> ©, no mistake is made in its use.] 28 (a) hit={ hm ft +8 e'st hag ho Be ps ete Brondag candibion { fa Fine ct de orgy. Bae nee ak rob AW EB um ee thames mt bY for some const. To, matcheg oF Pe net er COL EJ & hme TREY | * Qutb = 4 uby- Eee rE (A) ot “ Be hoa a file jong ot UL dg. byt ig dela Sle santa lf) P co tee OES wand AUB — (FS) Globee LE Letty (EY Jono) tes ho change aside SB b)= J BUO) SF a ob 24 py 2rtaactourd) af! ateted) apr 4 2 PO arr PE)” PH PL apptaid-¢) 2q -p{o* oe! Vee nb AE waar} CC) For Mee teesior pron Greands Furchon sa the sama. at decom ral a chonge or, ” He amswer change sign eo, ie, hime tw bo Binz - Nab” Bee=z af Sut yy" coninaity es ree PAE -aptoatt-#) wn ete UFY > CFI] aile jpeg ane coll fY- Cy ache f= Z Yor = Sm = (+ 3)" a kUA)- EY) ee ae Afferance Bak Hee Dased—Corm expression. wine symeutlnced co hen 5S 2.21 Use Cauchy's theorem to derive the Poisson integral solution. Cauchy’s theorem states that if F(z) is analytic in a region R bounded by a closed curve C, then Lf Fea’ _ [Fo inside Gide 2’ -2 A Hels wide ™ Hint: You may wish to add an integral that vanishes (associated with the image point) to the integral for the point inside the circle. 2.21 Pha Poisson vabigrall aden ve the poldion + prob. 2.12, i. te peoskel iasi : 1 ga4) eee , inside a cotinder Bip?) # J B64) Reed 54 Conchys theorem 2 expressed wang comply vaieble @ tt | be inside te cue C, F(R)= Bed Bee gi § Sel ae’ Bwe)+ are ye : a image fae (Ufa et = V/at wkd Lin otside C ' st # oo dz’ =0 can be subtracted from & (2) Ba)= ab baevlaty - emel* Joe the Poisson ndtigul proklim, the cave C ie a cack rf rode by gum cue, he. gig = be ‘ . 7a _ 2 , with, a Bw ae 2e't/gs = $e (2*- 2") : wr bet ol fe, ee ateateat-2liat yatta" Bar” gaye * Te Ye-2 2 eee : = 1 att- get dé! * BW hae? ee In polar coordina gz. pee z’a be’? .eeter? eee V dF ccag! lacalt= pie abel #-4) Wh potenbal aside ths carve tn pola coordina ve Tice are Elid) srl) eae oppositely charged conducting hemispherical thells sep. f eee case gap. ex chown in Figure 2, show thatthe interior potent, rated by a tiny gap, 8s (r a, and cio -L[ 23a $] alQ+ Gay 2 for |z| Graven * = BC. ee) WEEDS to") agra with (227) if rea! bv) For 27a with Ey. (222) 2-2 yep zat ye. _Vo® a Fescae V(b apae)* Gaya Ot ee For zea eB RU See) (BHR) Bae Eo Oe Electwin | Feld Liver 2 1 1 | 2@)= Gat (a 2) oj as As 2 4A Az **1 in the region (-84, 24) plot in units of a. maaan | op meses og 0 2.23 A hollow cube has conducting walls defined by six plancs x = 0, y = 0,z = 0, ang x =a,y =a, 2 = a. The walls z = 0 and z = a are held at a constant potential y, ‘The other four sides are at zero potential. (a) Find the potential ©(x, y, z) at any point inside the cube. (b) Evaluate the potential at the center of the cube numerically, accurate to three significant figures, How many terms in the series is it necessary to keep in order to attain this accuracy? Compare your numerical result with the: average value of the potential on the walls. See Problem 2.28. (©) Find the surface-charge density on the surface z = a. 59 fOR wm (2,56) : > &yZ= a 3m (SEE) sin SEE ) sink Lom z) oD Saupe) £ Ani sin OE) son MEE smh (Te Vir) = V 7 a 4Vv . mx went i= ~ zien {ise sa Co Ay sa ) i =o 4v 2h 2K _ tO t GsinkOT Yew) a wn AMT sick Cre we) — Se d Hbdd= 2 ra Ae, svt) som AEE oink (Yee 2) ) $005 4,9) = a Aan, sen CA) oat SEH) can Co EE) ° oO a «(aK curd | hia = SH fee (Cay oe Eo" OS) ear lov j = oe with ‘A. dA Katee RP Y pecaree K, 2, Mm aBR venge Com 1 fe we with td vader ig lev SAREE (ay Lyra) So EW 2) Tt wee vem sink(T Yt n® ) eee oo ug > soli allt) sonk (HR) — | = BY net vam sieh (Toc ) | | | 4 ae Hs 7 aur E pect, sav oe sinh L fw) =e eet Tun Seal OTA) 1 ) nia. ~ BY Fook EYED mM? vs ce oe ie monte) TF ages nom sini aha i i ' i | ' , 2v | ‘Sm ail $(4,3,a)= > = ole 1 | ke) od _ ey ge smtRheca) +2) renh EPEMa))E er fe wrenkinissa) re (Ziwsele-2)) seve SNC) ee OK aS Sk we) rrr, (onhldoge @ eazy) +, Lae-ae| = ro =e (enh irae) cake) a Be) ss) \) 61 2.24 In the two-dimensional region shown in Fig. 2.12, the angular functions appropriate for Dirichlet boundary conditions at ¢ = 0 and ¢ = Bare ©() = A, sin(mmd/B). Show that the completeness relation for these functions is 84 - 6°) = 2S sintmadie) sinimnd'A) for 0< 46 a om Sine) stish 9,069 gat) a singgt sn ar [ sake glbedeg, ip) é te bagie wat seped ah$) wipes 3(g- py) & nn’ i. 514-8) =F ews wt on at 7 ee =F ca sini Bs, Gin, bape 28 geneyen sin ang! parle B)- BIO. ag SE To Sad Bn (PY psp’ Sw gm at P20 RRP = Ame Pp C7e. fe we ae © Salt.e) = Bae” Po = oa fh > m 2, 7 etn 2g | . we peane, ree Flee ae lan = Ee Zl : eet Efe BLS Gee Ze wee 12 x) F sinh an - as 2.2% The two-dimensional region, p 2 4,0 = = B, at d=0,p=4, is bounded by conducting surfaces and ¢ = f held at zero potential, as indicated in the sketch. At : a large p the potential is determined by some configuration of charges and/or cot ductors at fixed potentials. (a) (b) © Problem 2.26 Write down a solution for the potential (p, ) that satisfies the boundary conditions for finite p. Keeping only the lowest nonvanishing terms, calculate the electric field com- ponents £, and Ey and also the surface-charge densities o(p, 0), o(p, B), and o{a, $) on the three boundary surfaces. Consider 6 = 7 (a plane conductor with a half-cylinder of radius @ on it). Show that far from the half-cylinder the lowest order terms of part b give a uniform electric field normal to the plane. Sketch the charge density on and in the neighborhood of the half-cylinder. For fixed electric field strength far from the plane, show that the total charge on the half-cylinder (actually charge Per unit length in the z direction) is twice as large as would reside on a strip of width 2a in its absence. Show that the extra Portion is drawn from regions of the plane nearby, so that the total charge on a strip of width large compared to @ is the same whether the half-cylinder is there or not. goat (a) Ha prtrsd alien ee Be, 4)= erat FOe” by IA @ 2ore be =O abo =? AYze mt me 43,7 B= @ aU, @)=° oy. t 2 oe ® Blap)eo = at het Bh)t E (ae? aa thal ~ ) Bm in| Av= Bo =° ae dot cau, canbe act te eo ont = dn ot? dats Cn = aw Bn ., ou -% ee i BIGb = E, cn PSR bm dalnined by be Sef Co) ha duet oN ag pene te m=! Bie, yug (08 - pe : By e wd cine ir tha P dan 4 2% KI Ep he -pag = op °? -a o ph ) att on the bowen dan Eola, ¢)=- aap att int Eplap =o, Ep (6,0) 4 1 Eg (f, 0) =o E (pe /s Eplt,6)=0 ote Up - E gtr, 6 ck (ett - ae + r aa 1B fs 6--6,26 Ss 6 Lay $)= EE p |. = 7 26ifo $a! aint EU) = GEG ly, 2 Ge (FPA. a p | SUH )= ey] = eck (PPT gp” tc) omidn Bet for Pr7a =E, ze eS Ae +60) act +) s ib 65 2.27 Consider the two-dimensional wedge-shaped region of Problem 2. This corresponds to a semi-infinite thin sheet of conductor on the Positive x axis from x = a to infinity with a conducting cylinder of radius a fastened to its edge. (a) Sketch the surface-charge densities on the cylinder and on the top and bottom of the sheet, using the lowest order solution. 26, with B = 2m. (b) Calculate the total charge on the cylinder and compare with the total defi- ciency of charge on the sheet near the cylinder, that is, the total difference in charge for a finite compared with a = 0, assuming that the charge density far from the cylinder is the same. 2AT(A) Tia prokfen va a apscich coer for problem (2.26)fy Be 21 ok 66, $) =~ cea? om : 6 (Po) = ce, 4c ee -ape)=6lf, 21) o"ice, { 02 06) 08 2.28 A closed volume is bounded by conducting surfaces that are the n sides of a regula, A iybearon (a = 4, 6, 8, 12, 20). The n surfaces are at different potentials V, i= 1,2,...,1. Prove in the simplest way you can that the potential at the center the average of the potential on the n sides. This problem bean, of the polyhedron is in Problem 2.23b, and has an interesting similarity to the result of Problem 1.10, 228 y, hertes : “f 4 “ : ve yo cn 8 | profes. 2 by prciprocal Huorem Soros [rp dy = Sedas+ frerey o Second method OCD =~ ae) G07 2) bCFY as! ; = E Ca) eects Fas ° nae werd by Gautat Jas) ond suns a hu Flea hong each sucfoce shod be te et 67 34 Two concentric spheres have radii a, b (b > a) and each is divided into two hemi- heres by the same horizontal plane. The upper hemisphere of the inner sphere and the lower hemisphere of the outer sphere are maintained at potential V. The other hemispheres are at zero potential Determine the potential in the region a = r = b as a series in Legendre poly- nomials. Include terms at least up to | = 4. Check your solution against known results in the limiting cases b > », and a — 0. The problem i mo Oty, 8)= Ea Oe Blane) eg, By delemin fom B.C mall bath side by Peon), sige 1 Chr tea) ‘i 3 (H,8) Reb) d (on8) = rea Vv s Prledee = —2—[ Pyo! + Be 7 2 aed Y 7 - b V [Pema = [Abts ab? 4 2ktl : a =D! J) eatiorak = (- £) a 7 “el Lye (2)! ~(at) mi HED! = rl halt a J nv (-d)% Bae = rae ve By pey Hh): “On oat" (ob Salsa’) Bede Sant SRT Ose ar par ar BE (oan) cafe * fees a ye Ss Fue)- Mee aa "Tete % he bt b> 90 the prota, alaces & he aleior ftom te 827 Bod) = dy (Sf pore) - VFB Bewao)t--- at) a0 beume Ha alerior problem & $3.3 Bnd) =~ By E)R (me) + VG pean) t > - (3.36) radius R has charge uniformly distributed over its Surface i of 2 2 sphere aR, except for a spherival cap at the north pole, defined by the cone 0 = a. (a) Show that the potential inside the spherical surface can be expressed a r A [Prs(o0s a) — Pr-s(008 @)] Birr Pi(cos 6) where, for | = 0, P;-1(cos a) = —1. What is the potential outside? (b) Find the magnitude and the direction of the electric field at the origin, (©) Discuss the limiting forms of the potential (part a) and electric field (part b) as the spherical cap becomes (1) very small, and (2) so large that the area with charge on it becomes a very small cap at the south pole. 69 ' x aad Petcoer)) Rede(sinr) 2 | a x =z vt \ Paton) (gir dv ag AP, oar) AP, (oar) L. ee dear) ~ dienr) ae Pen (oor) AP es (oar) BRN) fee Eye (din iene 7 SE ee] accar) a) 2 roan &” Lee Be tees) + feces] a oo =. Fo tt & Be-yol = RPAH a al |e Zz ay (ate) afrrt iene) -Rycenash fer ene | ro = 2 pleco P, Comet) ] P, conP) ene Con?% AQ » A tgene- 2-1 pre tage? = wee) Ric) (308) 8 Eyl Bote“ fe “ar By ) . we Ve" 7p Pav(ca®) _ Rea® Prcino) tas tay tno) Raton) peer TSE ~ rentg don) aus pete) _ PPP) T cng h ae Rena’ oan) [ Rot _.@ % DRG J 2R = > aarp He OL? =~ Beng Catt -15 ae A a E = +B enti) (en € - sme 6) with mag nites. ae on (C) pokentiah- cap veup sma enw s» 4 e- 22 era Fen) = Pea (4) ] ge a Bs Rewae) ~~, tt ; Oa pls) = 2eRe cap veug Jags one —> A jam z-¢ Ze cry (Pan) - Pea C1) [arr Pte) Base -_s 22a _, -8 Cctne GekAd erat] . . a ome Reo Aen ° Po Bd (reg porct ceeds , rast oly orig) 70 A thin, flat, conducting, circular disc of radius R is located in the x-y plane with its center at the origin, and is maintained at a fixed potential V. With the information that the charge density on a disc at fixed potential is proportional to (R? — p?)"1”, where pis the distance out from the center of the disc, : (a) show that for r > R the potential is 2 or, 0, 6) = MRS Ct (§ Pate writ. () find the potential for r < R. (©) What is the capacitance of the disc? po oe 9) aub-c); Ss cang(_ EFrhero ) ds . ane Palo ae Vine » (21D! with Roan Pan OY = CI) “Gnyry eon 1 (Feet = ack cat Sipe = \ yer U = ane 1)" ett a ‘ sine do c £ - Rune —— APO a) oa Sco = & a" im ey @ , = + Btn (LY (441) 3 Bune) = 2 Swabs ase, Racaoe): : [ R,0) = ox ste qed port Gro TR SCAM ey a ane Fay ty bh) 7 = Bet) =a, em Buy hsv “Cs ay A 3 @) er Fs “9 & du,2)- cf pte Tee (Z m PORE )) dp +e Es F 5a Hy Pacer 1) a8 zal aon x (Fy tp) a 22 Sere roll es | a | ©) @= axe co 2k ‘ |, TRF 7% 7 - @ _ 2e \/ ae oc 72 73 surface of a hollow conducting sphere of inner radius a is divided 34 sei of equal segments by a set of planes; their common line of one i the z axis and they are distributed uniformly in the angle $. (The segments are like the skin on wedges of an apple, or the earth’s surface between successive meridians of longitude.) The segments are kept at fixed potentials +V, alternately. (a) Setupa series representation for the potential inside the sphere for the gen- eral case of 2n segments, and carry the calculation of the coefficients in the series far enough to determine exactly which coefficients are different from zero. For the nonvanishing terms, exhibit the coefficients as an integral over cos 6. (b) For the special case of n = 1 (two hemispheres) determine explicitly the po- tential up to and including all terms with / = 3. By a coordinate transformation verify that this reduces to result (3.36) of Section 3.3. a4 She quod aabetion v2 Zuag)= Ee, (ml t FH) Yn0609) Jone pork chase inside i He poke Rae fo be fale Be =o dhe plehel ia invecod und $2 $¢+2L trechoatin . ents ent on (2D )e] co omelea (&) ham daleanuned by the suxfoor potetal Hla, 0,4) = VCD! for Beg eR) jz ota, --, 208 lay ; Pan at © J BOA pnd = fe J a coke f Bisrge + ap J'xt0h ty = ve [Peale Mapa (e%yF (-e"% } : ve da i at Son ied « i [Pas erp =- aie Th, oat be odd sen Rls) ve ante if Atmecuen , oad if ktm = odd ‘Mako onty if Rpm beth odd or beth sven sea it nave oad me (akti)n The olor inside the splece vz £08, 2 F < 14 1 The Kee 22 paaiin Sst ner unas A ALA nb Oak ae Anon hy = 24¥ faa (gt r 2 Made Gay] Pr ode Ban Se Peay: { Pr erds Ss by ot (8,¢) Ag, oetn Youten a 3-4¢b) for n=} the ie vanshiny Ayn op & Sez as =A = AYP veh = adh fam AnZh Bag er (Bulut bya Vat Pan t Aaa ba Tay Sst Ashe Dt Bbw Ye WF PA Ny Dt Ae Ms Ys 2 = UL smosmp 4 avs Y? 5n8 (Sta -|) Sug + ave SWB sml3$) vp beLponosieg + 2(esone (Sext-1)-20 sikB sin'f + Somtonag FY F= amg Tr Carlesian cod. y= asmOenf, Je asmasmp a x # =v {22+ Zh dsk 2). tk = #3] volale coordinth x>4, 332, Bwae= Vig 2+ ZF 6K -Lprok asf -S)}} Sransfkte. back te spbrical coordinate BCG) = VEE Leabt LL sead(s50'Beatp-1)- rove +1504 0(- sxosm'p)}} cee FS 1Eoup - deo} Pi(eeo)- BE peed f 55 (3.96) zx =vit sviee 74 low sphere of inner radius @ has the potential 75 A ; Specified on its surface to be cd V(6, ¢). Prove the equivalence of the two forms of eae . soh ‘ o- : lution for the potential a(? - 7) Vo", $') @ 0) =f Fre — Par cos pm where cos y = cos 8 cos 6’ + sin Asin 6’ cos(¢ — ¢’). = i r t @ o@) => 2 An(£) Yim(8, $) & where Am = S40! Y7n(6', V0", $'). aye ake) (_ vce, @ydnt 3-5 (a) BK) = “an Cs ch aarcer Lar = 28 erd't smo sing’ onid-g) 26 (2.19) Cb) aolukion of Eg.G.61) 2 BaF Z (Cart Dyn OP] Yan tO- 4) ov Baile ct r=0 B08, $= VOHd = 2 Can a4 (8, 4) ae Sag anally by Nene (BF) 4, intigrab § ved yg tadvan = 4,8 Sedan = Sw Cam = he J C8$) YG (0,4) dr 2 t eng BG)= FZ bya EY n(6$), alee Pin? BY LCA)VEO) hie 2 ypiohon can be shoum Ap appriveled te (a) vein Fy 6.02) Pacar)= A = YEO Yu (OP) Ey (3.28) zy wae et = ot . Pel be ne 7 VOY orrear &G)= Sox ver aye (f zai ang Su att ee Yan Neel 4) Noo a Pilcay) = Ran voby2F MEP mle t ak Jo heer] 1 eat, v a = dy) a VO) [a0r 2 Ze Beant tee) S 7 +a a \ ne ar Jeu vee) Gr ste Gaetan * frees Ons (0) $) as2! = Ber) y Has at J eens x ‘ PRR Hew 36 Two point charges 7 and —q are located on the Z axis at z = +a and z = respectively. ~a, (a) Find the electrostatic potential as an expansion in spherical ha : powers of rfor both r > a and r <4 monics ang (b) Keeping the product 4° = pi2 constant, take the limit of a —> 0 and find ing he rnc = denon x ioe ong the = a a potential. (©) Suppose now that the dipole of part b is surrounded by a grounded spherica, shell of radius b concentric with the origin. By linear superposition find the potential everywhere inside the shell. a6 Let Hxlao0) Kala Te) om oplndrical coordinate ye ee 0) 20)= ge GET a E) 2 a i. aes Lan 5 oh Pies 4) Yat) VERA Yan 9 49) He me ay : proline apinsthally ayanchic erly m= 0 tine auunve Vin (4, )= (FRE Pylon o) = fit + Yo (ube pu Pyloen) = (4)! ae a . Ba)2 LE : & be war EE Ey, CO) I= UY yer ——— - ody edd 2 fire swvice th) paz Bae apo pdeo Bra, 0,g)= Pt 7 ae Zy S sar Peed) fabs, {2 "oo TM aye A Prloeo) P _— oe G38 die cd unlee P=! > ane OP «) B= 2 ) B= Bet B= EM toed) + Boone 4K bane di . leg condihe, Birch)» ; Neo D=0 8 oly 20 try mmnve re BW) s Cr8)= ZEEE) tent J 76 31 77 Three i ight line with separation a and int charges (q, ~2q, 9) are located in a straight . 0 ith the middle charge (-2q) at the origin of a grounded conducting spherical shell ee radius b, as indicated in the sketch. Problem 3.7 (a) Write down the potential of the three charges in the absence of the grounded sphere. Find the limiting form of the potential as a — 0, but the product qa’ = Q remains finite. Write this latter answer in spherical coordinates. (b) The presence of the grounded sphere of radius b alters the potential for r < b. ‘The added potential can be viewed as caused by the surface-charge density induced on the inner surface at r = b or by image charges located at r > b. Use linear superposition to satisfy the boundary conditions and find the po- tential everywhere inside the sphere for r < a and r > a. Show that in the limit a — 0, 7 (7,8, ) +2, ( - 5) Pacos ® 7 thea probin ve sinilee te (6), we Hee Sdigktl, tHtewd method toy ; om anonis the a S Ho = Cet wa + aad mappa (HG) HET 2a J = BglGT GS from thee raat, or can onffer the Qs sapressin For the polewha ve Bere) = SEL (SY Rene + (Ff Renadt —-- J = EE [rterd) + GY Blmayt - i cb) the saunface choys en the sple produce om trdra. cod ribution Be te the polecha withen the et Ben) = Poche! per) pier) * Bur, b= ster tion + Eo! Pr uae) » dg 82 Bm anvire Ase oe —> & ado ae hine) bc. B(b,B)=0 Btn9)= ght (Bo Remo) 7 39 Ahollow right circular cylinder of radius b has its axis coincident with the Z axis and its ends at z = 0 and z = L. The potential on the end faces is zero, while the potential on the cylindrical surface is given as V(¢, z). Using the appropriate sep- aration of variables in cylindrical coordinates, find a series solution for the potential anywhere inside the cylinder. 34 Tha problens ack for wala; Laplace at THee HK Ke. Bipde)eo Bl64,LJ=-= Bl bz)= Veg 2) ay the paldion has the form Fp 4, 2) RIQ($) Za) PRagging into te Laplawe ep. ore gote : AUG) + Roa Wh) t Bsin (VE) — Zz) Coa (he) + D sm(he) Rit EDL + F kv(ke) KO Oba =QUb) Vem mo42,- fmite at Poo oe mr he Ne replied by Bud “Bg he cylindrical surface is made of two qual hat 1 in Problem 3.9 # other at potential —V, so that t potential V and the Vv for -1l2 << af2 vo={_y for mi2<@<3n/2 3.10 For the cylinde! cylinders, one at (a) Find the potential inside the cylinder. (b) Assuming L >> 5, consider the potential at z = L/2 as a function aslcompare it with two-dimensional Problem 2.13. of pand g 310 (0) From the sual of (24) Beg 2)= FF, 1, (AC) snltBe) f Aansinrg)t 8, c20F)} fro D iE wh A= — oT with Any wawe) | [tvanenetye coe) * aE \ steel P Vonnta . fm “4 4 2" Bas —2— (* mr) j = \a Vdyayerom, 4) sin (2 ) iio ? 3 in ME * Kae ef | Verw(mp)ap — ] Veampap| - Lz Tp | _ 2 L A z ; Thay lo] Sbach)- aes} mato ’ : “4 Gb mn ore odd Let mezkty neat! ’ ae Baan > a v. aT Hi ater TL CD29 (MEO ay ant) Fe (akt\)bRe1) okt) 11 Tagu (QUE) sia( =F 80 wb) Laz Tce Tan CPE) wb “Tel ea f pat Tan (GRR) = (4) kel 81 Ge] oath “BREE EE eer v (Ly ytetotw} AE Lecco - a i ait Poca atti) p) = AU RAZ xc) Lyfe acetone 6 or G Tay - 4 al 1 2 ter olad ae “a a Bsea@!A8 (2m) vi att 7 =bE = ep a; tr'- ow) Ee) YE (6,0) sme! do! no aryimathall syns, Meo je yey a! i+! Be = avd 2 tent y= Sar. a a] i Yeh Oo Yio = va ar PS _ Py (bp, a 2+) oe = z Tee itr ark bE {fhe ax with pps gh Cin Pea} , ws ate 40) > Penll) — Faf0d + Beet) -' 2 Othe Sit ts ce - ae \ = bye =¥ ~S)0q)+ C-hd 0 eh ue Ty? S45.) Ps ” n GAD! Sean $F _Paentob) [y™ - Seo) ES | - =) oe b ) v ed 3 —)¢ Pt) =e) + = = + GBB , 5 vest Unto Nm) a ae ez, eee ray ~yar' Eo a ett. canal” (sn - pe) = -E ey") agit spt i. : : eee) ee (ber - Sn j Peters) sinp'dg’ a= tZ ard oe i Petddx' Petoab dary 1 _ 1t FZ ae) OF ve) ait) Fait0d~ BED F Baa) . H ¥ 22 Pp(neB) a le ee 400) ) ty ER LEB ETE eta tal? _ vo Pranioah) Oo” 1 CP (01> PO) +¥ '. 5S et or) fae : va = _ Byloao) cat Be Bs 5,- FF ( wer i Pont) a (pi = "FaF) e. ie mit : aw”? +E rsa Cant) ~ C0) alg CV - San.) fame th fr tn oe / B= ese Bancene) CRaal0)— Roy) 4 / Vie Rees) (Be + Reap) oF) Xo pad as 4 FE) ho) + Lele 4 bre B45 oy g-4 thee Thrceen) +2 (a4 (ep) + - - - YR eng - - - Al x 89 ‘414 Aline charge of length 2d with a total charge Q has a linear charge density varying as (d* — z”), where z is the distance from the midpoint. A grounded, conducting, spherical shell of inner radius b > dis centered at the midpoint of the line charge. () Find the potential everywhere inside the spherical shell as an expansion in Legendre polynomials. (b) Calculate the surface-charge density induced on the shell. (©) Discuss your answers to parts a and b in the limit that d << b. ef wz) dz =o at oa 2 ) 3 .cerip Sat ma A mo te UAE) oF rey rr Ge Z heuer) fatoao) (E) tr - yr) g-\ a5 Taraine! ax do! pe2% (tt) (5(cas'-1)+ S(can'+! and 4 ' = Bl [E desnun( ath jen Saearfinenee Veo constes . 4 2 , i |" E [eleonours dental b —Ta )etador Yeo ue —_ PecorBd+ C4Y*Pce8) 6. al odd term vanish! PT ER uray ae 6 ce Se)o"dav | a wt r (kere te ae se)” a a ‘ An rh 4)" gr “ba eh aGTO J. a ene en ae - = 22 5 By (aed tome ) 2b ® 627% Br hee A on dt vid, 4? : ae : Z Peacoas) [3% “Syd - ae + ¢ +] e: a my S hee Pua Se ree) + om | a e _ ee J — ter of came «) » with (L — z), a and p fixed and show that the results of Problem 3.12 are recovered. What about corrections for L >> a, but not L >» ©? 3.18 BIRO) The gnoral sabution of Hy Leplarr eyuhion cm egbirdrial coordines with omgulen agmamaty hed vanish ok Zao BUe,2)= Paid) alae snncteyak multiply both aide ty PURE), Mbigrite ct 2=L yirlde J prwratccd = fay sabtany {ex.ceryacernar} a J atari cany {pte Rf de " FMR) sink tL) ; r . Mi) = shy J P Tolar) Bt L) dp = VAL . * atte, PIKE AP cal) S ux(wdu= = ids lta) Rtay= v [anteater MES aa av [soya JAW) an ey 218 (b) x sin (25 ) sede dF, sneha EE) F499, 018) = -Bh sr, antSpey snp) ae Berd Gied ey) = i E yermncttoce) als Hl Se) - By = Feo bor ree" pee Me he Bue jt geltee, =o S. Baz? aglee) = Am ep 4 3% % pre gala, P)=o hae Be ile so | gr (hey invmiond undr PP ‘ sech eoge “Y% 1 £6, fF “bd pe — rads *t tu ma cect.’ ips acres ta jum eo £2.(°3F oe =- scp- Pde Sealey (CP) - 7 f \ FF a el = | 2iin ee op RLHEy fc c= , "Y% nh oH ps m™ ogee yet he ae oe 1 wt mn my ay, "%p Gob = Ap hy ps ee %p PY enctgtyence) 1) inside a grounded cylindrical he point (P's # t the potential inside is located at the poi 04 Show ta the Eve] A poi ad the suriaces £ = OZ ee es tore: following ox can be — meen (eat) Oe, x) = 32. 2 SnerPe1 on) sion (22 =) vate wofiee- a ee ‘ 2) oe. - 4 33 poate Discuss the relation of the last expansion (with its extra summation) to the other two. 104 t 105 iz ci il foprd she Gra Gone $,f date g= SE Aeesee™? wD vei tem vee Ze Ht & ) irae Tattghy=— Furs st0-0) 6e2) S ot ap [Paeeatosas Gn) & a, Oued Ct Zs) hawt = 7 ABD ET 45 St) Aer = Que TE) (-C2Y+ 3 lie = “ete, 8°? zeae et) Gay = CRED KBD ane Wl) =o = shh (22 h= shh (422) WL) =e c= smh( 21-2) ak 2ez! cwlht KI = orn ae = +t er c= teen . Ge 4 ge nt Le enh 42.) smh (%2(1-2,)) Ls I ged a ee dvehon and Ame BSE | ge Z svt =) fee ore my ot a n sr CEe =o Fars | gee SEM } HF F ey) ebb neg | Vasco ad ne i“ 2 12 nt FE Bx + Jen cm( BEDE a . 4 f Bre -& -CD gue FSU) calculate numerically the ratio of the potential at p = alrial ofthe disc, assuming b = L/4 = af2. Try to obtai figure accuracy. Is one series less rapidly convergent es (@) Using the var three expansion: (b) For each series, 2 = Li2to the pot east two-significant- the others? Why? * (Abramowitz and Stegun have tables; Mathematica has Bessel functions, does the software of Press et al.) / . Problem 3.24 ‘Useful integral: Napt = 2 ' Hotkoyap! = * ff sleeve = pte [ensoorie = giath) — Filho); ff atteay = $Kitha) ’ (0) Using the rons of Problem 3.28, we get three forme of expansions of the Green fanction (1 ion (m = 0 dee ¢- invariance): ot ty x 4S 20(Zonp/a)lo(zonP’/a) 5: Glaze) =4 Zon: * sie#) = 5 Dae, JH Gon nnh(200L 70) a inh (L 25 )) Closese tty = 4 Sain sin EE mL lovsio' 2!) = 7 Sain Ysinl oes) 1 PES eo LE) — Ke yh (nxa/L) t TL) Kol vat) tare tym 8, So neti op) toda ae {l2on/a)* Ee ets) bint K(k) ‘The potential inside the cylinder is given by je sd 3 (0.2) ey aPrcteryar - gf war =-¥ oG,, wee > olzonp/a)o(zonp’/a) 8 ¢ 2 Sed leom)aiaheonl/a) BP {son Ayia (1-2) fea — 4 F Jolzonp/a)Jo(zoup'/a) _, a FemDoablewt yay Sg) @ pet ae (p, 2) = 2¥ 5 JolZonp/a) sinh(zon2/a) f° es Sy BjenelelsinhlTons/a) f° ’ sinh aoe a? £5 Jil@n) sink(ton L/a) [ P'Jo(zonp'fa)dp =wty Aelzonp/e) J lzonb/e)siadlnesl ish(om/6) Ls” Fond; (zon) sind (zo /o} ») (8G - Float in EE) AOR CLLY Rg REP _ gM = L * Te(najL) {r7FP Ket L = Ko NTI} 108 por p> Pc =P ad Pr = PE 2nV naa na, mp, na.) mmo. To(nmp!/L) s- (—1)" sis - a(n) = - GF uo yr sin) {10 FKP) — Kol Tole Lo Taio ty? by gyn RE, mma, np, na, , nxp,y Iy(nnb/L) aE LCM an {1a F oP) — Kol AND} Fare Z} yor p< bs the integration has to be break up from 0+ p and p+ b: 69. = BY Sots) {ro KO) — oF} f” ACRE ay & BY Sayin EE EAD {12 no RE nea, nap 549 ey To(nna/L) J, iyo a ie) Sey tinbrene lL) (7, PEP) tty 2) Ko( AE) — pol a )lo( TE = BLO Saray Polo F-)Kol™F") — eka" F-Mo(“T")} i ve Si L) ya 2 oka ME) — oR EE) — Ko SE MOET) ~ ahTED} = FLY we + we rb, us {ove aKoT) — tt 1 (RE) ~ bE) Ha) + Kol EEE 26 a BE, SoH Hed siners/Llone/a lem J re) Bal" = Thad 2 {Caen ah? (er E Ven) AnV La k(-1)! sin(kxz/L)Jo(zone/a) f° 90.8) = — Tat DD eon l ay + REP Coon) [enteme'iade anv o SF Hew ins zone zat) 0 cint Zon {(Zon/ a)? + (/L)*}J9 200) (b) For L= 4b and a = 2b: @ 2 bya Se inane = ow (2on) sinb(2r0) ti) 0=02-D=tv yer" sit {lo(nm/2)K (nr /4) + Koln /2)Fi(re/4)} (7 L. So es (=1)* sin (hr /2) 1 (00/2) (iii) Op=0,2= 5) = VEY SatGh + On Fao.) No need to work out numerical numbers. istributions shown as parts the charge distributions s! Parts a for the Sn shin moments valid for all /, but in each Calculate the multipole m and b, Try to obtain results ishing moments at the very least. case find the first two sets © 41 Problem 4.1 (© For the charge distribution of the second set b write down the multipole ex. pansion for the potential. Keeping only the lowest-order term in the expan- sion, plot the potential in the x-y plane as a function of distance from the origin for distances greater than a. (@) Calculate directly from Coulomb's law the exact potential for b in the +-y plane. Plot it as a function of distance and compare with the result found in part c, beslessh ah asymptotic form in parts c and d to see the behavior at large distances . % 4-1 (a) tis Z, 3 C 1-0) Scab) (506) + S(G+E) — $(6-11) - 51 o+34] in | rYP"8, 4) Pl) ak = [ee] GEmy: t ~ial . 40 (Lem) $e Plo) 1 ite wnt _ eo = ene : fort . wi ay bo ote vei Roa Br ald . fim = 241k (-1)*") faRCERT . ) (er tat P,”(0) 4, = ‘th FURS 4a he = 4 Fa) [BE - a hi 3 we 110 M1 ib) P sa {8cr-2)5(enb-1)+ 5Cr-a}5t000H1) — sol a ee tat Bc) + at (A) 25,6} =f} Lseaty-2inh in Sirst two mon -venishons, mononte ne toe Ade ase os otf peraytt- ) d= ack PTET) A. ag = dg slve r; 22 Pip) =i % = (30026 - -Dt--- In te ee a enh zo pu, oE)=- qE-& me ptoo cd) the tract paterdiak vn the x9 plone. : ap ey ee ; Or, Be 2) = ac te - 2H at rhage iH - gett agres with (c) f in unite of -a/ (ance) A point dipole with dipole moment p is located at the point xo. From the properticg of the derivative of a Dirac delta function, show that for calculation of the potentia) © or the energy of a dipole in an external field, the dipole can be described by ay effective charge density Puc{x) = —p + V8(x — Xo) 42 ds prbbe wat t sew Bw)= Bt md W=-P-E(R) ae ye Frm sye (Payer 7 Ba gt | feet wef ebawe® wen fgg =~ PTS) Propidy of §-Funchim : J 48) $50"-DI& = -FF2) E(=- ake: C5 Fay eee ee ae (4 Bila) We -P- SH se-A ait ay = Pw BG a) = -p-E( a“ 44 113 (a) Prove the following theorem: For an arbitrary charge distribution p(x) the values of the (2/ + 1) moments of the first nonvanishing multipole are inde- pendent of the origin of the coordinate axes, but the values of all higher mul- tipole moments do in general depend on the choice of origin. (The different moments dim for fixed ! depend, of course, on the orientation of the axes.) (b) A charge distribution has multipole moments g, p, Qj, .. with respect to one set of coordinate axes, and moments q', p’, Q/,... with respect to another set whose axes are parallel to the first, but whose origin is located at the point R = (X, Y, Z) relative to the first. Determine explicitly the connections be- tween the monopole, dipole, and quadrupole moments in the two coordinate frames. (© Ifq #0, can R be found so that p' = 0? If q + 0, p # 0, or at least p # 0, can R be found so that Qi, = 0? , Pah ee at +2, et Fam Key E, Vary x=0 2 2 byte et dy aes . = SER Zl - PO oe Retype 2K¥iy BEL + 24% QE ¢ ar 7 28 ae ex) a THA EA ERE 46 —Annucleus with quadrupole moment Q finds itsel” tric field with a gradient (aE,/2z)o along the 2 0s (a) Show that the energy of quadrupole interaction is £ of 2 = £o(% tself in a cylindrically symmetric elec- ‘at the position of the nucleus, (&) If it is known that Q = 2 x 107% m? and that Wih is 10 MHz, where his Planck's constant, calculate (9E,/@2)o in units of ef4mega3, where . ay = 4meghime? = 0.529 X 10™"° m is the Bohr radius in hydrogen. (©) Nuclear charge distributions can be approximated by a constant charge density throughout a spheroidal volume of semimajor axis a and semiminor axis b. Calculate the quadrupole moment of such a nucleus, assuming that the total charge is Ze. Given that Eu! (Z = 63) has a quadrupole moment Q-= 2.5 x 10° m? and a mean radius R=(atb2=7X10%m determine the fractional difference in radius (a — byR. 460) W=-¢EG,; ZElo) (4.23)(424) Aj no contriadion ha probln Ara cgtindrial symmetry — < On = Oar j Re trae of the puduipele Breer ve pre O1= Q.=-10y (pis!) ; hs tpodrupile manant in a ruchais 2 dend te be Q= 18, hs sDactric Feld for W ih Hin axtemnal Field wlth the melee 7-2 <0 & SUH - 3-33) Js kay ©) Aa equation for a spheroid we X49", at Sale ee ve fab) eae f a = troy J rey A 3 cum wnibom chan loncly Pe = le, o am aoe Ba= tem 5, eae (22 (de = pry AOR) 2s ay waab) 2 (ett) Sa 2 ar S) Q=DZa-Y)es Ela-b lat) s ~ 5S steecee) o XB 258 4) 6 Rae? 17 47 A localized distribution of charge has a charge density 1 pr) = Ga Pe- sin?6 (a) Make a multipole expansion of the potential due to this charge density and @) © determine all the nonvanishing multipole moments. Write down the potential at large distances as a finite expansion in Legendre polynomials. Determine the potential explicitly at any point in space, and show that near the origin, correct to 7° inclusive, 1f1_ 7 0) ~ Te [; — Tap Palcos | If there exists at the origin a nucleus with a quadrupole moment Q = 10-* m?, determine the magnitude of the interaction energy, assuming that the unit of charge in p(r) above is the electronic charge and the unit of length is the hydrogen Bohr radius a = 47reyh”/me” = 0.529 x 107'° m. Express your an- swer as a frequency by dividing by Planck’s constant h. The charge density in this problem is that for the m = +1 states of the 2p level in hydrogen, while the quadrupole interaction is of the same order as found in molecules. * T Coch made the chee dittrbutn AMa) Swen Pe indi ™ 4G, and OT fe yt . 2 “sy We Gan Sie he cn terme 4 splstical hesmmuie with mao m2 fen ei 4ye ae (9, ¢) av" te ve aet sn'e)-t) 2, sito2-3/E Vitae by? 5 meo, £=0,2 subtipeba catibals to = |" Yar Lye ")dr= *_ bao 2 [eth re bee OF BR = gel, “ES +at, MS ]- aR 2», %] egkt& - ofl =guplt theo] v (2) a (&) BR)= a) eH ne ae, Gy Y WUXI ALLO) nly L202, mez colic, ton the orn Yo EW)= 25 Bah mi’ AOR YS oidyrant f CO) gr? = Liar Fz Sear 1 pe" dr ¢ mer al dere") 44] = EOC Ere abd ee- hy Ce) E, ) We-tE0y 2] (4:20) similar to prot Hd oa -2@n = as eQ off - toed conporent ng Ey BLL LL PEI EE,. deg ny med Pye 22e AG Ha’ org 2 ned a Sen = PH BIE nee : 2 1 TB eth ee : Dz” Deort, ent, 2 2 ame © we Pate! “% BS UMW 119 48 Avery long, right circular, cylindrical shell of dielectric constant e/¢ and inner and outer radii a and b, respectively, is placed in a previously uniform electric field Eo with its axis perpendicular to the field. The medium inside and outside the cylinder has a dielectric constant of unity. @ Determine the potential and electric field in the three regions, neglecting end effects. (b) Sketch the lines of force for a typical case of b = 2a, (© Discuss the limiting forms of your solution appropriate for a solid dielectric cylinder in a uniform field, and a cylindrical cavity in a uniform dielectric. Let @ denote the angle with respect to the external field. Then, because of symmetry the solution will only contain terms x p*" cos(nd). ‘After elimination of diverging terms other than that producing the external field Ep, the potential is of the following form: ‘Outer region: ©, = —pE cos + > dup" cos(nd) Middle region: 2 = bap” cos(nd) + J emp” cns(nd) = ot Inner region: 5 =} anp” cos(ng) at Boundary condition on outer interface for D-field: 2B] a Bl : pot a ot 2 be = Ora Yn: enbyb"—! ~ enead’ = -€F edn, — condn Boundary condition on outer interface for E-field: 08] Yn: =nbyb®—negb"? = Edna — rid" pAe |, Boundary condition on inner interface for D-field: aoa eo Yn: conan“! = enbya”! — encga™®* | 1. : Boundary condition on inner interface for E-field: Os, _ 8; : m1 aba"! — nega! pel, ~ pa Yn: —nana’ = —nbya" Nena Note that the boundary conditions for the E-field are equivalent with setting the potentials on the interfaces equal. The system to be solved therefore is a -a™ -1 0 Gy 0 a -ga™ & 0 be a me 0 et me A on ~ EP? bn.1 0 er 1-1 dy, Eo? bn. where ¢, = ¢/eg. Since the determinant D = a?*(2?"(¢, +1)? -a"(ér —1)?) is generally # 0, all da,bnyensdn are zero unless n = 1. For n = 1, with Kramer's rule, Mathematica or equivalent one finds: 207? (¢r ~ 1) we a = Poa ni - Pe +1? a = Poche (a? - #)(2 = 1) a= Boa iP be, + IP homogeneous clectric field of a size leas than the outer Geld Eo, In t bz) In the inner region, there is @ us and weakest (see figure). mediate region, the field is inhomogeneot — Inner field/outer field oe Figure 2: Uj Peer Panel: Strength of inner feld relative to outer feld for b = 2a va. dielectric constant of ‘the shell. ‘The presence of the diel : ive drawing of aan lectric shell attenuates the field. Lower panel: Qualitative dre 120 121 Figure 1: Field lines in Problem 4.8 for b = 2a, « = Seo. ¢): Solid cylinder (case a = 0). iar 4 = (irrelevant) 5, = —E. a = 0 aq = ba &r = etl ‘The inside field, given by b, and cy, is homogeneous and attenuated by a factor <2 relative to the outside field. The d;-term reflects a “2D dipole moment” proportional to area, external field, and contrast {73} in the dielectric constant. Septet in bulk dielectric (case 6 — oo). We Bnd a = Bae, — 1 : aR a= -B le b= a d, = ((rrelevant) Here, the outside field is given by b; and c1. At large distance, the outside feld is homogeneous and bas 8 ‘magnitude given by by. The cavity field, given by a1, is homogeneous and amplified by a factor 2; relative to the asymptotic outside ficld. The c)-term reflects a “2D dipole moment” of the cavity proportional to ‘area, the asymptotic outside field by, and the contrast {é*=7} in the dielectric constant. 5 49 Appoint charge 7 is located in free space a distance d from the center of a dielectri sphere of radius a (a < 4) and dielectric constant €/€- (a) Findthe potential at all points in space as an expansion in spherical harmonics, (b) Calculate the rectangular components of the electric field nec : the sphere. jar. the comes of (©) Verify that, in the conducting sphere. limit €/e > ©, your result is the same as that for the za Y Aynathd synmay Bve)= EArnlno) rea ° . xu ae a acyed : 3 (te : a nF +e eb) rod Be, ok rea camponent * =e, 2B oa 20° fe Sr dyeat Line”. = Wyre, Spat! LH) By jee < Ape 2f-V p coy all end vel + ain) £0 Are w : + 2 | ae (Get rsa a endaceg tee 36 Nyege sphere tanish) pote at, bw oe ft Bea tines ws By = Aya’ “ES Re to & — ata gee wae Lane ao de | Wm Be ong oe wbade due to plead, Eo): Kur Pileae) + AP lee) = Tas wud tat) fay age as erie tga in) Sram ie ings - Ske &e ake 2th met }te a = ate wach)” ee ake aac? Teast (7) 7) uuter radii a and b, respect; eres is half-filled by a hem: as shown in the ee concentric conducting res of inner and 01 = bial Sen ea ae between the sphi spherical shell of dielectric (of dielectric constant de), + -@ Problem 4,10 (a) Find the electric field everywhere between the spheres. @) Calculate the surface-charge distribution on the inner sphere. {©} Calculate the polarization-charge density induced on the surface of the di- electric at r = a. 124 seme ro Phun conmat te any potenhal differonce on a emeluchr suet a) vs He adedvic field on hee tuo aigion mak be He same begging Gassee Leo with Gamntren auniiee tf rodina 7 tehieen a,b § Bk - 8 (CE tEE) arse 3 So ES ZEste) 5 = 6680 Be he sin eee ee ee C2) te vacuum atgion tha prlaagehin sunlacr cheng demarty v2 yore, while te pepim whhdiedne | Pece- oO tb te Pale-QJE = oy ere He problem can alec be ralued oa otlin, boundary value probit : Swe the dichockic Rae uniform premitivity , all prlessation clays wasts om the Voruadaty. Inaide , the polorbal ohey Laplace ep. Na yinutha syametrg asérsb BOVE Piao rere) 0 8 Erte + ar) Bs os fake conkimowa at the bownd * Eth ert (r-4) J Fyo) =0 trae for off odd 2 Bag lo) 20 D w cleo corhnurve at He bo Elem ece)rt ¢ RIE ef) = ome be amt Sor odd QR Cob =ECy «B= ED an teh Ae =p Be = Dy EZ ars Beye oan)s (n+ ag ) Rag tnt) wt a: [58 Bred = 88 s-a fz z De $4 py) Be a a pete Ci pee [ona ee ee we) 413 Two long, coaxial, cylindrical conducting surfaces of radii a and b are low, vertically into a liquid dielectric. If the liquid rises an average height h between the electrodes when a potential difference V is established between them, show that the susceptibility of the liquid is (0? — @)pgh In(b/a) = ae where p is the density of the liquid, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and the susceptibility of air is neglected. xe ae r At squbibrium, the aladnatatic. force ballsnce the gravity For 0 Fixed polentd dtferonce V, the aladrostah ¢ force a given b Feo = EVIE CECH Cay : Sov a cybindrigal capacitor tm Varuuen ten St Int) C= 2aUHReh | aestteh) data) + In Cha) = a Ree tv'de = MeXev" ci aV Gh = Ribey Fac tmcb adhe Ferg 4 den Wrtirighe He) tov* A meh +e} 126 127 1 Starting with the differential expression . bl i aes aB av x for the magnetic induction at the point P with coordinate x produced by an incre- ment of current / dl’ at x’, show explicitly that for a closed loop carrying a current I the magnetic induction at P is Hol 4a va where 0 is the solid angle subtended by the loop at the point P. This corresponds to a magnetic scalar potential, ®y = —jol(/4m. The sign convention for the solid angle is that 11 is positive if the point P views the “inner” side of the surface span- ning the loop, that is, if a unit normal m to the surface is defined by the direction of current flow via the right-hand rule, 0 is positive if m points away from the point P, and negative otherwise. This is the same convention as in Section 1.6 for the S-| electric dipole layer. Fhe protien koe Te, Rea te uer yeclor pelea) A (5.52) +, TER) (igs: = Fa aena KER’ n)-s| ‘ ~ Le RSF a = fe Seb note ax jaa tsi Pad flee Fy (1.25) = & jaw -2ae) 82a Ge ZUR) B= AZ FN) THRE END4 52 Along, right cylindrical, ideal solenoid of arbitrary cross section is created be ing a large number of identical current-carrying tack. could be wound on a man coil was made rigid (e.g., with epoxy) - ' (a) In the approximation that the solenoidal coil is an ideal current sheet infinitely long, use Problem 5.1 to establish that at any point inside the pet the magnetic field is axial and equal to H=NI and that H = 0 for any point outside the coil. (b) For a realistic solenoid of circular cross section of radius a (Na > 1), but stn infinite in length, show that the “smoothed” magnetic field just outside the solenoid (averaged axially over several turns) is not zero, but is the same in magnitude and direction as that of a single wire on the axis carrying a cur " I.even if Na — ». Compare fields inside and out. 52 contide. a poink on the avis of the sofsrvid at point 2, frm problem 5.1 dg: Ze nz desu Tes [aun - [AE ewe * pd z me aye oC ae) 4 HNL Ln = : diese MNT =| Gb gpl)ae S (a - 2) ed : Fwy (Vie -2,) = Meet ae Inthe Lint Zope Bye Aen me z By syrmehy, By, Ha Joop te the LM of 2,, pve the pane centnbdien © BT Bet Ge = Mont HenL 1B dueded abe He Fouts Ha se Bee pg : cy fev A gem 2, Hm indap FP 2, Hear Sf L e-evis Duk side, by spat ee egies within ate. selene ry sprmadey, the mage Su : nna nahts te map Fell uate tha 2- divechion #0 away From hy ant ag ms, auelace he dap by dipane mh aberg the gros ~~ bane (RM 2? (3 + > 22 mr Tom-T, p-2 = Hae 128 129 A right-circular solenoid of finite length L and radius a has N turns per unit length and carries a current J. Show that the magnetic induction on the cylinder axis in the limit NL — © is : B, = HM (cos 6, + c08 6) where the angles are defined in the figure. Zz bemenennnn cE Problem 5.3 oo &23 dg= Ae Tear (Bink -Savect Jad) a Y 4 for nn Loop on ah p= Ae Lavasm§ _ Mol 2n8" i an [ 2 4 Tete Nite = dN=Nde Be = ayo » dns 424 Sa So 1-8 os B~ f Bad = Bawa | _ Simo do a dau [uee, -en(t- 6) = ae [cab 61) SA A magnetic induction B in a curre! nt-free region in a uniform medium is cylindricay, z) and B,(p, z) and with a known B,(0, z) on ih symmetric with components BAp, ° w " axis of symmetry. The magnitude of the axial field varies slowly in z. (@) () Show that near the axis the axial and radial components of magnetic induction are approximately 0, B,(p, 2) ~ B,(0, 2) — (2)[2282| tee az? nino!) (EE) ‘What are the magnitudes of the neglected terms, or equivalently what is the criterion defining “near” the axis? 131 BHO) For & comnt free nyin FB=0 ne. § 6.408) ve ctindaical coordnte 5 = Rip) 22) Q(4) RC) = AD(At) + BN tA) za= ce No tule ad PEO AlH= Det yaw + magushe Fuld ve nah a hinchn of $ nee cRune™ B+-¥E =-[H fr pRsrBe aToly _- | = ce ae ots cammane 2 ao ee , hea = cage ft cantare te u——_—— ie a Be Bals2)= CRE Bub = (8) Bel 2) Expand Ji, Jo ap (nae Che (AL - E+.) Be (+t) 2 Spelyed 4, . = -(L) BOY 4 (fy AB + B (nee Cae # (Ie AE +--- D = (02) — (2) ZELWE) 4 _ ®) ¢, 7 v Be . <<] ae ae [2 Srv Bp 5.6 A cylindrical conductor of radius @ has a hole of radius b bored paralle} centered a distance d from, the cylinder axis (d + b only met] suvive for each 4, the mj and m=-1 fous ove sppak GSI) G53) a as St pa fos P 7 0 40 Be, 7440 Ys! Heat) (Yer PB ya Pa (une SH LT OjaR: * on aE, iby | Patonsy Ty (ni'9') Bx’ eee inkeuioy, wer, yer! A a t= aE achy fork! (ox0')3 17,0) fv Blea) oe way} she Pl ent Tp cr 05d" wee. © «aT, Gar’ re a Taam J 1 Pe ab) Tyr, Od} ar oat) ie, a= Fay) 1 Coat HELY, OF Be! 134 135 $10 A circular current loop of radius a carrying a current / lies in the x-y plane with its center at the origin. (a) Show that the only nonvanishing component of the vector potential is Adlo, 2) = #28 | dk cos ket(kp.)Kitke) where p- (p,) is the smaller (larger) of a and p. (b) Show that an alternative expression for Ay is alos 2) = EE | ak eH (hays) (©) Write down integral expressions for the components of magnetic induction, using the expressions of parts a and b. Evaluate explicitly the components of B on the z axis by performing the necessary integrations. S110 (4) From (5.35) weary (344) only m=} tem suave x2 facy 27 choose the coordinale system tp thak =O eZ (vd! dSe. S08’ OR! S008’) &r'-a) Me Re ltigy= ore e-*) _ Me 1 43 fa [ var’ deny smb! $608) S(0 -o)en te) (80) Kil AF) = aT am) = ead [dh carte) 1( RL) Ky (Ps) (b) ver the ARpan sion from problem (3.14)() RF, PD inch-b) ROT e (RE) O00 - , , Atnaye at 5 | ong S01-0)§(2) € — eet : oer? p'de'dd da'dk chaose $2 dara to RO ee (AP) J, (Raj dk 725 Je ' (ka) - | aga (" Ail acy zieaidh ho (C) Suppose. the obseavohon poiat ie wm the inkerior aagion of the Lap Pe=p fae vag amsins (OD B =C¥ek), = - 2a 2 ~ ABU) sinks Tythp) K, (Rade 2A & =Cax2], = =ohe +3 = ental BMY + ar ar] yearde fre Lio. Bog ato 4 ** Bel = = - Bele) = SBM (” Reaks Kida) dk = Fade 3 f » Bz (feo)= Tu > _F _Ih& 2-2 fare 2 Pale ' $40 (Cc) WAR_tnpension (b) = -2h¢ . Bre (haya yy =- A2fFew sere + Bz(pz) = Mola (m -kwl be) = dels Fe Laks +L gan on the Z-anis poo Belge) a AM ie Belt a= Ade ote! J e€ ‘ital! Be fave dk = 4a” R& (20 e” "Tite dk =A ate 137 511 A circular loop of wire carrying a current J is located with its center at the origin "of coordinates and the normal to its plane having spherical angles 6, ¢o. There is an applied magnetic field, B, = Bo(1 + Ay) and B, = Bo(1 + Br). (a) Calculate the force acting on the loop without making any approximations. Compare your result with the approximate result (5.69). Comment. (b) Calculate the torque in lowest order. Can you deduce anything about the higher order contributions? Do they vanish for the circular loop? What about for other shapes? a mo B We ned favo coordinales : Re magache Feld exists on the x-y plane me Loop Ae a sphovid coordineke (&,4,) 7 b Ri zanis & the normal of tHe eumect Loop The trencformation between tuce two coordinaes 12 x! a8, vag, 028, sind, -sinB. | (KX (¥) = ( —sing, ab. ° 4 5 SinD cap, sindsnd, ond / \é x noon, 24> sinBoted, (3) = (cent cad, sindosnd, | 2 =sin Oy & oe, stl oe F=SGxFyav (ta 46) $' = sat sing 24 00 7) Fav = rk = (sing sm, tandeady )[t (cing na, tj = Tadd [(-sing' cand — endings it Biwy= & Litpgisy] 248. Cet pH TT = Bit ap (and'cad, shh t singicad, ) 7+ BAB longo 8, 004, — smp'sing Nf ( F@) ay =-1,8,v=(- )4p2a 5, 4g'(sin' sin, $04) (FB ]yve ABW = aan (sont /sin 8, Oh, ) 5x8 = + (+) ve not input (x8 i ).we (5eBy- Ty) Wa CFO eda eng Tae oad" f >T of cnt! or sind! suune sng flex Aha mlegrall anand thy dooP Rye WBLa’ B sind, sind, Faz Bla B sme, wag, Fase Compent with Ist orden agprnination sseabt (5.64) Rewer?! = tat (sm Bocag, & + 5B, sag [teas &) VBR) = F(a, tCitoyyen +B CHBXDMy ) = BB (my ttm, 3) = MBLA'B. (sin b,sing, 4 Sin 8, ong, i) agen With, oor sal 138 139 5.12 Two concentric circular loops of radii a, b and currents at, have an angle a between their planes. Show that the torque about the line of intersection of the two Planes containing magnitude. = Hom’? S (n+ 1) [_Tin+3) T/o\* Na Boned [rethts (?) Floes(oos a) where Pi(cos a) is an associated Legendre polynomial. Determine the sense of the torque for a an acute angle and the currents in the same (opposite) directions, respectively (b < a), ‘on one of the loops is the loops and has the SZ Simibar technique ae SII dafne two coordinales : : A Re He Prema vn which the smaller Joop Lube cn \V ai the x4 plane SN oe ee Pang ==... ooo key plone tater He Das of inkusection of ther two planse. te be yrawis x ged Sv gleanis tre cphecad coordorale Ona, gro wR tramsformation matrix ae in (Sill) with B= a, G =o nN = J¥x (Re) xB) are? BAF ISC)- (PEIAO far ie oh no wt on rads = j yB(¥) I (®) ar » raed died, Evabacte Rak Fh) = TScr-b)SC0- tye- snp tangs] + Ny =~ (" Br (rab, 02, b) sing dP Ny= Ib f” Borst, ork, b)cag dp erppess By the coord. ee Sagi boop , Tackson (S42) aan! Coen oy" py, (eed) eo 2*at te Serene R no ' en of oa ede t! comcide Be = Gy! bak Pry (oad) mad & be dons. 1 Khel + Zend rsmPcadsind t rend oot = Sin sind saptoelien = Rind t gent sromB ond: nate capi = 2 By Cr'sb, 8)= Fac oo8!) = Pe (60.8 cant + sind smwoap) = Pe (2B) Pelee) t 2 z PF te.8) Py (eet) emp the smalle, dong axists cm the xg plone ss al powds on that Loop B= E = Pale) Aloe) t2e PF Cen) Pp (eed yoamp ty Ny=o ree? Cutetiy , , Nye & ata! Pal (4) Pylon) a a (148) sennon. Tat be Ly | rut ra be Gal raed ¢ ‘gy Py (een) 140 141 5.13 A sphere of radius a carries a uniform surface-charge distribution o, The sphere is rotated about a diameter with constant angular velocity w. Find the vector potential and magnetic-fiux density both inside and outside the sphere. on A an a) 4! Plesavene ‘ Re Ap = Set 2 ae > = Bucs ocunn ws! (E sir aa yt ad yait.2)] = owas | Z z ar Yaal®s oyRe( fr ‘in?B eter ay Lyecadjaranag’ ' ay hm O ' - eer =F aphimel sy TR Scraper JL [ent oR end] ——__———— =e snd Sr Sera) or =f cee Blonds =~ J! ey Pabeddx ROY, rea) = wborsne § . ‘ alk ADT (8) Pee} wins 0 4 BQ, ra) = St Pb = WEP (goer) a 3 ear te 3a B= Uxk =55 Z como Pt La cchyl)é = sy (Re Pre boy] 2 x rb Actually, wo may argue on symmet ty grounds that the sin terms must all Vanish: otherwise, the fields would take different values on the positive and Feasting vate, but there is nothing in the problem distinguishing these axes each other. With this simplification we may down expressions the components ofthe H field in the three rexions. ss" *s — 2g =F —nAnp cos nd, r> Ant Ger poe? eB, = =o) + ue + GY 2arC. = (me + DAL 7 A= 20 (8 +e) 2 ye E = (ye — Ve? Ar. * : (3) Ge and now equating these two equations gives ay? Gt? a= h-())] gana ‘The other coefficients may be worked out from this one: ~Ayb? Bo ~ ese (ar — 1)?a? wo =2te + 1907 Bo = Gripe ta pe 2p ~ 10? * Gry ore ‘The H field is yb? Boy poe Ge = 1)" pio an “pomtcpeternoo Y= 200 —1)(2)Pconet}, acres By, aud Bo : at Grae fe (2 ) (3) b+2snea, r>b ‘The ratio r of the field within the cylinder to the external field isp = ——_4#r__. = GP “ ~ (a/t) = 05 : (0/8) = 0.1 a Damping of field ingide cylindrical cylinder of permeability br- g ” + : ‘ ay + * ogg He ‘ : 145 515 Consider two long, straight wires, parallel to the z axis, spaced a distance d apari and carrying currents 1 in opposite directions. Describe the magnetic field H in terms of a magnetic scalar potential ©, with H = —-Vo,. @ ) © If the wires are parallel to the z axis with positions, x = +d/2, y = 0, show that in the limit of small spacing, the potential is approximately that of a two- dimensional dipole, . _Id sing by Zap + O(d*Ip?) where p and ¢ are the usual polar coordinates. The closely spaced wires are now centered in a hollow right circular cylinder of steel, of inner (outer) radius a (b) and magnetic permeability p. = 1,1. Determine the magnetic scalar potential in the three regions, 0 < p < a, a b. Show that the field outside the steel cylinder is a two- dimensional dipole field, as in part a, but with a strength reduced by the factor eo (a, + 170? = (u, — 17a? Relate your result to Problem 5.14. Assuming that 2, >> 1, and b = a + ¢, where the thickness << b, write down an approximate expression for F and determine its numerical value for HM, = 200 (typical of steel at 20 G), b = 1.25 cm, t = 3 mm. The shielding effect is relevant for reduction of stray fields in residential and commercial 60 Hz, 110 or 220 V wiring. The figure illustrates the shielding effect for alb = 0.9, By = 100, SUS tee cogh wite wih curt 1 oling he Frans q "By, zo Bs aglndicd comdineke., by atparetion of B,-- 24 (Problem 2.) eke, a i= -¥8, = oe ¢ (a) For two witee pea & oe yom =12 ot te) cout a (-4,0) by supespesition » Bat Hlh-@) * for ep 2>d 4-6,=- ‘By - hog + ote) @) by me of variablee ne Ehonp + Eaye*sin tag) A veunblee av 20 dont rot) 5 = Ts, "+ Caf* J sntady Bee E Da f"sincap) be. otk the Bcf, da Oe Ae abspoce of Free cama oe +2 a. By fp. =h- 2 | a Las | a te ae a4 FB |= AB I Oxi lpg = Ax HLL ae en 7 28 | Bat Up = Ri dea pA ay eB, tea “HRB og | ‘ta a |, = ab | keg & AEs lrg 2B | AB. E4S |, 147 » d we =e : ELM 5.) tAakana "Jom erty $ [anal peanac Jsincog Mar 5 [mgab” -meqnb J smog) = & (-A.D, nen] slop) E (o.nt™+ cab") sking) = z Dy nb"? snfnt) orthogonality oF sing) and My A ier dave at ZC ad Sa t Ann Jssog) = £ [B.nat"+ canal] sm(np) ot wt aa A ~ils : a} geet . ras On Oy . : i a ; att -ae! og G = a | . Co bg ot -b" 7 \ p, ° Hie of sgnstion com be pobved by MATREMATICA westy Mramece rule. For NE] all coefticiente vanished, while for n=) Da - Sd) ee "a Fa alae : Idsih : = 4b By a i wih Fe apa rae eT Ce) for Mr=r00, b=125mn The Hd va atlinaaled by F teb-asamm Fa 456% hr Ur>>) ba7t 2b 2 #74 5.16 ‘A circular loop of wire of radius a and negligible thickness carries a current I. The loop is centered in a spherical cavity of radius b > a in a large block of soft iron, ‘Assume that the relative permeability of the iron is effectively infinite and that of the medium in the cavity, unity. @ ) 148 In the a] imation of b > a, show that the magnetic field at the center of the loop is augmented by a factor (1 + a°/2b?) by the presence of the iron, ‘What is the radius of the “image” current loop (carrying the same current) that simulates the effect of the iron for r < b? {a) There are two distinct current distributions in this problem: the free current density J, flowing in the loop, and the bound current density J7 flowing in the iron. ‘These give rise to two fields By and By, which must be summed at each point in space to get the observed field. By is just the field of a planar current loop, which Jackson has already ‘worked out for us in his section 5.5: Tr ZY?" Pants (coo®), * I (=1)"(21 mig! n+ a. I (=1)9(2n - 1) fal SUP Gn DE (E)™ Ph (eos), <0 Bw = at (2) _ bola? SS (-1)"(2n +1)! ay" ao ly HT (g) Pins (ooed), >a. On the other hand, since J vanishes for r < b, the field Bz to which it gives rise has no divergence or curl in that region, which > has : 7 means that throughout the rogion it may be derived from a scalar potential satafying the Laplace equation: Ba=-VOn=-V = Ar Poms) = nAnr”" P, (cos8) (3) Bas = Ant PS (con) or (a) Since the iron filling the space r > 6 is assumed to have infinite permeability, the H field (and hence the B field, since B = H for r < 6) must be strictly radial at the boundary r = b. The Ap coefficients are thus determined by the requirement that (4) and (2) sum to zero at r = b: dea a __ pola? (-1)"(2n + 1)! (ay? pa dae Ph (0088) = “p53 x Rint) (5) ” Phasa(e0s6). ‘The orthogonality of the associated Legendre polynomials requires that each term in the sum cancel individually, whence Am = 0 pola? (-1)"(2n-+ 1)! 2 2(n +1) ‘Then the field of the bound current in the iron is determined everywhere in the region r pol /2a, 80 the total field at r = 0 is Ho! woo? _ vol Ty 2 48 = 20 pss (b) The B field may be attributed to an image current ring outside r = b if, for suitable redefinitions of J and a, the expressions (5) and (6) can be made to look like the r 0 the maj medium of permeability components, wot - [i -1 Fhuona (Espa (ESE iene (®) Show that for z < 0 the magnetic induction appears to be d how tha a lue to a cure distribution [2u,/(#, + 1)WJ in a medium of unit relative permeability 7 gnetic inductidn can be calculated by replaci a, by an image current distribution, J*, with 150 GIT pwd Heat TR) ware Ti) nage oe 2< 0 4) 3 oo Baa | 4 { iat ——— 2 lo “# | (543, x d= i 2 de O Ie ee oe in Bo SG) inags @ dae Be op | Eee ao ee @ GH dba ie nosudos caned =48 B Soma vn 2>O banda cordihency PB diteo Alea" 1 = By ce By ® Br(x,g220) = BCH g270) b's fe { Tan 4) - Iy-x? a’ ') = (Ty t Ty OF-®. AG ee Qqy te) (Set TG 49D eee EURY)'t a [Garda Sl t (ip Sea 4 gt I Ta te Se SIE py 1, - sf rd Ceex'Pt Cegye 2? Tay - Tye = Ty - Tu - Sy 7? @ 1 .& lx uy a aaa, ® = i mre oe Mig + Ae Ta - he =e BeTp — My Ty 7 Tax => Mr3q~ Me Siy~ Tuy 2° : Te = ao 5, Ty = Gar 78 2Mr da - vy in Ta > gar Ta - Z-tomporent camea fren a ae +3da+ oe , . Be (ate F.F=0 en + Fp )ee al Ste) aoe ase tae % (ate) “4 = atts Sh Jp Se are ket (a+d) Te Juae) SAC g, it d- Fe] BU82)2 2a aR, i i i it d carrying a current / is k 5.18 A circular loop of wire having a radius a an ying a located in vacuum with its center a distance d away from a semi-infinite slab of Permeability u. Find the force acting on the loop when (a) the plane of the loop is parallel to the face of the slab, {b) the plane of the loop is perpendicular to the face of the slab. (©) Determine the limiting form of your answer to parts a and b when d >> g, iting values in some simple and direct way? Can you obtain these limi Problem 5.18 erep lem pe result of Prob. 5.17, the magnetic field at the current loop can be calculated by replacing the meding swith an image current of magnitude Pebi®y B+ho In a opherical coordinate systent with its 2 ~ y plane defined by the imagine current loop, its origin at the center of the loop and its 2~axis pointing to the current loop J, the magnetic field due to the imagine current is given by Eq (6.48) and (5.49). At the location of the current loop, J rosa, toar= vad, cont = pag le Ly ee (yt (2n+ 1)! emt! ‘Therefore, By = 5p!’ rt Tea aya rara Pins (000) ol 2 (-1)"(2n+ 1) 2H? Bom ppl aS ene I (ate ATOR In (e—88) "The force on the current loop: Fa fix Bat = f 14 «(8,5 + Bebjat = $18,8— 1BeFhat Note that both B, and By are constants of the integration and that feat sind f t= —2rasind:, frie = coude f dt = dracon os The force acting on the loop: Fa 1B, § bat 1B f tat = ~Pral(B, sind + Bycos8)i = — moat ¥ CV"Cns yt att fg x 2 @adepra {Penton Serle} 152 153 {c) For d>> a, the force is dominated by the n= 0 term: B= —mpga*tt! THT Ta HAF 008) — AP (cos8)}2 = ~ Hoe Taga lecond + dsind)}2 = moa? IT’ feoreratt 2d a way Va +t aha} = ~3npolT' = Ho at etiam —Jemseetts The force is attractive. Alternatively, for d >> a, both current loops can be approximated as point dipoles with dipole moments Mm=1(na*)z, mm! = I'(na?)z ‘The magnetic field at 1 due to ri!: bo 32(2 an where z= Va?-+4d? is the separation between the two dipoles. Consequently, the potential energy: = _ Ho 3(2-1)(Z-mm')— Them! _—_ po mm! Ue i B= Oe a : AP2n+1)! att Therefore, ol’ yor CO eran ines) 7 1)r(2n+1)t att? ee inti! @asepee ‘The force on the current loop: Ba fix Bat = f 18 «(Bet + Baba = fsa —Teaha Pin +1(c08 6) Note that both B, and By are constants of the integration and that f bat = —sin0s f at = —2rasine2, frst = cmos f at = aracenbs The fre eting on the loop: f= 1, fat — ef tt = ~al( Bsn + Boon) att aie 4 ; 5 Pansil0088)- Gey ye mmr SE yn = 5.19 A magnetically “hard” material is in the shape of @ right circular cylinder of le; ‘Land radius a. The cylinder has a permanent magnetization Mo, uniform thro, ugh. out its volume and parallel to its axis. (a) . Determine the magnetic field H and magnetic induction B at all points on th the axis of the cylinder, both inside and outside. (b) Plot the ratios BipoMo and H/M, on the axis as functions of z for Lia = 5 mragathic dod makrial o> wee $s4qc salar pokntal fe-v? 6 [eee 7 f Sg ax fue 7M, +? alg om Fp ancl bottom siagrate over & ow Be penhen dpy= [dee (_ Midi [e-b? ]* tebe = Mfftetrey ty {lergray* ert] - de> 2 oe H te disemtnune ot + z bd Be=Ht 4, A umbi ez 155 520 (@) Starting from the force equation (5.12) and the fact that a magnetization M inside a volume V bounded by a surface S is equivalent to a volume current density Jy = (V x M) and a surface current density (M x n), show that in the absence of macroscopic conduction currents the total magnetic force on the body can be written F= =[07 Mop, ae + fm mB, da where B, is the applied magnetic induction (not including that of the body in question). The force is now expressed in terms of the effective charge densities pu and om. If the distribution of magnetization is not discontinuous, the sur- face can be at infinity and the force given by just the volume integral. (b) A sphere of radius R with uniform magnetization has its center at the origin of coordinates and its direction of magnetization making spherical angles 6, o, If the external magnetic field is the same as in Problem 5.11, use the expression of part a to evaluate the components of the force acting on the sphere. 5.20 (a) The Foren m a bond volums and Muctan cuarte ve F = [lee x & de +h Axa) da -_——— = - Bex(Axn) 4 = (RRA + BAYA : Py =-Byx(TxM) 4 | 2(4-7)R+ (WA EK GxBe)- TAB) x Bart hee RID Ia 4 Bee = J ADB de $B da |G B ye tf be AIA ; ~ pi. 8) Ada = > JPR) Be ae t bc HyBe da : | S21 A magnetostatic field ts due entirety to a localized distribution of permanent magnetization. (a) Show that [a-nareo provided the integral is taken over all space. : (®) From the potential energy (5.72) of a dipole in an external field, show that for ‘a continuous distribution of permanent magnetization the magnetostatic en- ergy can be written . wet fuendr=-2 [Mend apart from an additive constant, which is independent of the orientation or position of the various constituent magnetized bodies. haa) San Feo Ae- 7h SAB ane [48-a =0 fer « toad fel R300 6) fn(s.72) Us-m-B wed distribebon ce a bunch of Bitlfe dipole we-L{AB d& 3 A LB Aediatyte 2 EMGTA) eB AR ae Bf AA a om 2 EP -a) hate t = od a) ~~ = oi (pads Ala. F ase ee fro) : 157 Show that in general a long, straight bar of uniform cross-sectional area A with uniform lengthwise magnetization M; when placed with its flat end against an infi- nitely permeable flat surface, adheres with a force given approximately by «hw F 7 AM? Relate your discussion to the electrostatic considerations in Section 1.11. Hints given: Consider the result of the previous homework problem 5.19 and the discussion in Sec. 5.14 of Jockson to construct the magnetic field by an image method. ‘When calculating the force, note that Eq. 5.151 cannot be used, because the medium is nonlinear. Use a simpler equation for the energy of an object of fixed magnetization in an external B-field. Magnetic field. Consider two identical rods with identical, constant magnetization M = #Mo, length L and an arbitrary cross section in the xy-plane, one extendinig from z = —L to z = 0, and the other from z = +0 to z = L. By symmetry, the magnetic-field lines of the arrangement intersect the plane z = 0 at a right angle. To see this, consider two identical magnetic dipoles, equivalent to volume elements of the magnetized rods located at (z’,y',2') and (2/,y/,~2’). At any location (z,y,z = 0), the z-components of the B-fields of these dipoles add up, while the z- and y-components cancel. Following the discussion in Sec. 5.14, the boundary condition for the B-field outside a highly permeable medium with surface z = 0 is that B, = 0 at all locations (2, y,z = 0). This is exactly what the described arrangement of two rods also provides. Thus, in the volume of interest z > 0 the B-felds of the following cases are indistinguishable: 1) p= oo in the volume z <0, #1 = po in the volume z > 0, and one magnetized rod extending from z = 0 toz=L. 2) = fo everywhere and two magnetized rods, as described. Force Method 1 Due to the absence of free currents, the H-field of the image problem follows from H = —V@x. The magnetic potential ,y follows from magnetic surface charge densities 04 = Mo on the end faces at z = L and 2 = -0, and oy = Mo on the end faces at z = ~L and z= +0. For long, thin rods, one can neglect the effect of the magnetic charges at +L, leaving only the charges at z = +0. The ee then analogous to the electric potential inside # plate capacitor, with o7/¢o replaced by om ope ly as H-Seldis analogous to the E-field. Assuming an infinitesimally small gap 0 < = <0 etween the image and the real rod, it is : @Mo , 0<2<% and (ev) A H(i 2) = { 0. otherwise : i = po(H + M), There, A stands for the surface aren of the end faces in the zirplane. Since B = Hol ioMy » Vz and (2,y)EA Bir.y.2)=] 9 | otherwise Since an increase of 29 by dzy implies an increase of the magnetic-field volume by the gap volume Adzo, the y W (zo) satisties: 1 Me magnetostatic energy W/(zo) AV) = dso gph = dale Note that the position of the image rod remains fixed and does not vary as a function of zy. Then, 2 we -2abent qed. : ‘The result is also valid for the real problem, because the real rod cannot distinguish between being attracted by another real rod or by its image rod; note the similarity of this argument with image problems in electrostatics. The significance of the —sign in the result is that the force pulls the rod towards the permeable medium (as expected). Force Method 2: We consider a rod with a circular cross section with radius a; everything else as before. Explicit expressions for the magnetic field in the volume of interest can then be imported from Problem 5.19. To obtain the force, consider the potential energy W(zo) of the real rod in an external field presented by the image rod weg =— [Mia Biges= mf Bates ~ ah f | f Batontety}s, ‘where B(x) is the field of the image rod at locations x in the real rod, and V, is the volume of the reel rod. ‘The position of the image rod is held fixed. For a long, thin rod, By(x) ~ B,.(0,0,z), and sot oth W(20) —M ff auc.o{ f dey} de = MA B,,(0,0, 2)dz se lev 20 where A is the rod cross section. Thus, the adhesion force is = MoA[By5(0,0, L) — By i(0,0,0)} s0=0 By Problem 5.19, and by shifting the origin to the z = O-end of the image rod, it is HoMo 2+b Bys(0,0,2) = HOU = : (qths a) 158 159 wire transmission line consists of a pair of nonpermeable parallel wires of two- * fai a and b separated by a distance d > a + b. A current flows down one wire the other. It is uniformly distributed over the cross section of each wire. and back 2 Show that the self-inductance per unit length is a ral 2e(S)] The wites are namptrmenbe MMe Anpeus foo Ux B= aS or Bedi = wl Fae wile Jeeats eongamt taeBh ad ate ett | Ron te divechion wile [8 -4l = erant = a Reab Bae Sa ge wat Aaz- SO. dP = \ BE (tn Ei) ontede inkyrohen cmst. fixed mr peal fy Aha corhnasky a ae eR Let 2 be te fongth of the wire ic Weg Tad = 2 S(TAdQt ada) 2 ye 44 pp - ad ecard : Hs = = £44) Hot) eal ee ee ade y AJs,ado, eM (it adn £) aE Fe fthnetta)t Ault] 4h = HL Ml iy e Te AEM oat Ee ® Ae Fo fuda. yet, =LEBalvctest-£) = SGML) rt = Myth d jt = sh Aha ucting shell of radius a and a rrent is assumed SuuBeaa es calculate the self-inductance niformly conductor is a thin hollow tube? ists of a long thin condt b on axis inside. If the cu! section of the wire, inductance if the inner $27 A circuit consi wire of radius throughout the cross length. What is the self- Bp Fron Ampoe’s Law ao) | = #t < Cy) pine Bee | Osha? » 1 a = Me beep ) 0) (b) Show that a “sheet” source, equivalent to a point pulsed source at the origin in one space dimension, produces a one-dimensional wave proportional to V(x, 1) = 2ac@(ct — |x|) £q.(6.47) etc. were used by H.J.Lighthill and J.E.FFowcs Williams (ny postgrad- wate supervisor) to found aeroacoustics a): Under absence of sources other than the specified “flash” solution is on the z-axis at time t/ = 0, the retarded vent) = wtoen= ffm roe 95a le D Depa 2 zg Vityite ep Gove YETTA > t: The argument of the 5function is always zero, This corresponds to the case that no part of signal fash has arrived Case VF < et: jaxe vats VER) _ { = and (x,t < yet. (2! — 29 mere the sum goes over the solutions of ¢~ YEBFEERT _ 5 le 4 SETI G Ts, : =Qie 2 foo vx,t) = > zr 1 » VF t PTE = = Vana oars wt VERE eat Bal eco Vote, ¢ Vata a ¥(x,t) = 2 oat) 2c Vata a Since the sum has two identical terms, + 2<0 » 220° Summary of cases: Using p = JFTP and @(2) ={ a 164 b): wed = LL poy Daya xt) = i £ fH ey Dae 5(t~ VF +U=VP FE 2pF/c , f a+ (yy) + (=z ole = L yaeBagegp? (e- vEF OHI wy where the last line follows from part a) by substituting y with y — y/. Case ct < |x|: Ww : a&-Vzt+y-yP <0 = Wo: O(a-VFtu-¥F) <0 (x,t <|zI/c) = 0 Case ct > |z: eis « Lye ev oat 7 | md eau ora a [-* sin”? (== = = one Surmary of cases: v(t) = 2xcO(e iz) aed 62 ‘The charge and current densities for a single point charge q can be written formally as la’, 0°) = g&lx = HCC HY = av eDALR’ — HED] where r(¢’) is the charge’s position at time and v(t’) is its velocity. In evalua ‘ expressions involving the retarded time, one must put f° = bree = f — R(t’Yic, where R=x-r(') (butR=x- x’ (1) inside the delta functions). (a) Asa preliminary to deriving the Heaviside-Feynman expressions for the elec. tric and magnetic fields of a point charge, show that J Bx! x’ — t(ted) = i where x = 1 — v- Ric. Note that « is evaluated at the retarded time. (b) Starting with the Jefimenko generalizations of the Coulomb and Biot-Savant laws, use the expressions for the charge and current densities for a point charge and the result of part a to obtain the Heaviside-Feynman expressions for the electric and magnetic fields of a point charge, --([4),-3[41.-a6l) ona ae] at)} (©) In our notation Feynman’s expression for the electric field is e-lc(i], teg[] «am while Heaviside’s expression for the magnetic field is 0 (ae). aad *)} Show the equivalence of the two sets of expressions for the fields. References: O. Heaviside, Electromagnetic Theory, Vol. 3 (1912), p. 464, Eq. (214). and R. P. Feynman, The F i i (3) ‘eynman Lectures in Physics, Vol. 1 (1963), Chapter 28, Eq. a): We consider 4 ; [8 (e-10- 22h) oe for a particle with trajectory r(t). We define y'(e) =x! —r(t- x-xl) as 167 with zeros x9 defined by y’(xp) = 0. The observation coordinates x and t are fixed parameters of the calculation. It is xp=r(e~! )= (hee Thea, [8 (ene Bax =x, aa’ = f [, 8x ~ x) iz oy y ky ( rustri ay; a =~ ‘The elements of the Jacobi matrix are | -z (« =ry(t- 2 = hy L. leh T= ofS CER)L — (4s(ee [(escey] = 5-2 foto Rew, 0) ee where we use the usual notation for retarded quantities and, in the last line, define some abbreviations for the following. The Jacobi determinant then is & " 1 1 ok, vk) ugk; R Pe = | mee! tment Moa |=a—ve = [r-se-Bes) Ms ~viks aks 1 Usk where [v(QIe = [ero], and [ROO] = ae : Thus, tse - Rol = Le re ~ B= ez (a ‘Note that the result is a function of the observation coordinates x and ¢ and of the (known) particle trajectory. »): Blectre field: We insert p(x’, ) = g6%(x’ - r(t’)) and j(x',t’) = meee — r(t')) into Eq. 6.55: Orn, i Ext) = {3 4 [5% = FCO ue + a 95%(x! =e] “aa lame Jey ire -Z/ {Be [a8 — HC Na + EES [a6 OMe = RHE MOH HEM jee reo where we have used Eq, 6.57 of the textbook. Since before integration R. = R(x,2’), before integration it is AR =0. Thus, functions of R can be dragged through 2-operators. Further, due to ba ‘time independence OF, it is also allowed to take functions of F from outside [lye to the inside. Exampl 98 (x! — «| rt bldee-on_-t| Thus, for the E-feld we oan write bits R 8 f[Resce rey] @x! - af SRP Ce — 210 4 Basen! — fe’ av +h { [Bre r(’)) a) [aR ») ee} &{/ [Rew woo] +5 | Nae i e By the result of pact a) the feds! can be executed by multiplying with [1/rJuq and replacing the x jg =x! withthe location [r()],g ofthe particle atthe retarded time. Also, v(t) is the particle veloity R a [Rk ory (i, 8(8]_ ata} Note that after the J-dz', the independent variables of FE have changed from (x,x") to (x,t). In the fina result, all quantities inside the {+,., can be written as functions of (x,t). Any explicit calculation wall require knowledge of the particle trajectory r(t). Magnetic ficld: From Eqs. 6.56 and 6.57 in the textbook, the time-independence of R. before integration, and by virtue of Part. a) it follows that R at the retarded time: E(x,t) = fm Boy = Ue { [se nen vee x 3 + [sew ~ re) vt!) x 4] bee - {f % a +5 [ew =H) v(t) x 4] Jee wt ano {[vxR a [vxR a || a? | tae [aR saed. Comments on the electric-feld result also apply to the magnetic field. 168 169 diffusion equation (5.160) f i stati 63 The homogeneous a) i )) for the vector potential for quasi-static fields in unbounded conducting media has a solution to the initial value problem of the form, A(x, 1) = Jee G(x — x’, NA(x’, 0) where A(x’, 0) describes the initial field configuration and G is an appropriate kernel. (a) Solve the initial value problem by use of a three-dimensional Fourier trans- form in space for A(x, r). With the usual assumptions on interchange of orders of integration, show that the Green function has the Fourier representation, G@-x',) = ed J Pk e-Pemaghea-x) and it is assumed that ¢ > 0. (&) By introducing a Fourier decomposition in both space and time, and perform- ing the frequency integral in the complex w plane to recover the result of part a, show that G(x—x’, t) is the diffusion Green function that satisfies the in- homogeneous equation, G6 _1 vg. gq-y 7 wa" = Gx — x')8(0) and vanishes for t < 0. (© Show that if o is uniform throughout all space, the Green function is “ite G(x, t:x/, 0) = ow (#2) ew( (d) Suppose that at time r’ = 0, the initial vector potential A(x’, 0) is nonvanishing only in a localized region of linear extent d around the origin. The time de- pendence of the fields is observed at a point P far from the origin, i.e., |x| = r >> d. Show that there are three regimes of time, 0 < tS T;, T; 31S Tr, and t >> T. Give plausible definitions of 7, and Tz, and describe qualitatively the time dependence at P. Show that in the last regime, the vector potential is proportional to the volume integral of A(x’, 0) times 1”, assuming that integral exists, Relate your discussion to those of Section 5.18.B and Problems 5.35 and 5.36, 63) hen =a! Rae ave EF yy | TR =o 2h a8 ag] ik, ne ae Fe apf Aenve™ aR “65 ee aE) - ade oh + TS oh" pane ta = “4c 2h) 9 tig . REAR pe REL Bah A)= ac LEAL Gh) = ae ake? GPa alice ™ e oe an Wea git hee. ee plea B Be tae ad G dip oR oy For t =0 : alk, = yr) ae ce ee = CSR) = CHRD aa Kem ne 8 G(t-F10 RE, 0) 2. G@( 2-2 oe ay, i ey) ye her) SG R128 (F-8) > C=| (#70) () It we on assumphion ) qig-¥jt)= 08 fae E623) s i J we kfm (a) cb) = 4 ah; —_ Page the HS On? igen Cer fic) ue G1 wae te ae he a = OU ke -Ie = Bey e@ Uae 170 171 d) ok #20 RG o)xO fe Med [xerced 3, RULA= OEE fae’ e Rio) Jy - EBs-¥xB = BxCOeT) = BAS —@-a)? 2 Be we a THM (vend D- wT) s SHH (2008 -wletagie 2 2) SH woe + gE) or Accordus he Colembs Law a“ Pre. V-E =~ Zep (su Fam ur (sinperg b+ snot) . HCI) a Sega. = - 2 VOlune Ter shege Or Je diy smu act 172 () v mo mek charge. monopake mont = 0 a; = Jr, 1; 5, i Pe tf osx, ~ Rig ) (0) da : yey mb ade oly On, B,,, “oy oaeaar| Os = P \(e PD + GRRE IIL R > ant | rier {' (ee O-1) dor + arf! (3049-1) 6(0)d(en8) =4 i 4mwR? me aoe Roaby I- ER. ceab)| dane = - aout Hu tensor v2 traceDee ! _ _2mwR? Bu > On =- FO = 3ct 6 _ put cin (ee bee Ge t a4 be wef) CAA with fy, (46) . for £22 m0 § gnnedng Gn (Out 2@n- Axle by (Ou-* 82) =e anwR to? HEE On = - LF 3c? out 3g Yonl/%) 2 [ET am? ‘ Es er he TD a oe FR ae (OV) BomwR> 26-1 7 ar v (9) = [eptcree) - Ey treed] ee 28h 2° aw’ | #¢.[ ao v0 a = wm 4-2 P(mad)] te = ot Le £Rlo)} zx a | 2 ‘ ev 40-6 d a atest) (sinQaeb 6 +308 ee jeud =~ SB), 2 a whem = ROR sages 40 = “ae fo A localized electric charge distributi Into this field is placed a sm: ion produces an electrostatic field, E = ~yq, all localized time-independent current density J, which generates a magnetic field H. @ @) © Show that the momentum of these electromagnetic fields, (6.117), can be trans. formed to Paw = 3 forex provided the product OH falls off rapidly enough at large distances. How rapiilly is “rapidly enough”? Assuming that the current distribution is localized to a region small compared to the scale of variation of the electric field, expand the electrostatic potential in a Taylor series and show that Pheta = 5E0) xm where E(0) is the electric field at the current distribution and m is the magnetic moment, (5.54), caused by the current. Suppose the current distribution is placed instead in a uniform electric field E, (filling all space). Show that, no matter how complicated is the localized J, the result in part a is augmented by a surface integral contribution from infinity equal to minus one-third of the result of part b, yielding Pres = ot x ‘sels = 35 E Xm Compare this result with that obtained by working directly with (6.117) and the considerations at the end of Section 5.6.

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