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Emcee Script for Commencement Exercises

We will have a five-minute break before we start with the graduation ceremonies.

Part II Graduation Ceremonies


We are about to begin the Commencement Exercises.

During the ceremonies, we would like to remind the audience to refrain from applauding or
clapping unless given the signal to do so. Please be reminded also to turn off your cell phones.
Likewise, we have official photographers for picture-taking. Hence the guests must refrain
from taking pictures in the restricted areas during the ceremonies. Thank you.


Commencement – a word of French origin which means beginning. Indeed, there is a good reason
they call ceremonies, commencement exercises. Graduation is not the end it is the beginning.

Good afternoon and welcome to Exceed Learning Center’s 12 th Commencement Exercises of the
Preschool Department and 8th Commencement Exercises of the Elementary Department with the
theme “ Kabataan Mula sa K to 12, Tagapagdala ng Kaunlaran sa Bansang Pilipinas.”

Ladies and gentlemen, The Processional.

Roll out the red carpet for the Kinder graduating class of batch 2016 escorted by their

(After Miley) Let us pave the way for the Kindergarten Honor Students and Special Awardees.

Let us all welcome the Grade 6 graduating class of batch 2016 escorted by their parents.

(After Travis) Behold, the Grade 6 Honor Students and Special Awardees.

Let us give a glad hand to the pillars of this institution, the administrators and the faculty
of Exceed Learning Center together with the honored guests.

Let us show our deference by standing still for the entry of colours followed by the singing of
the Philippine National Anthem and the Naga Hymn with Ms. Angel Luz P. Laput, Grade 2 Newton
Adviser, conducting.


Please be seated.

To set the tone for this afternoon’s event let us welcome Jens Arthur R. Lazarte, Kinder
Uranus First Honors. A big hand please.

Thank you Jens for the warm welcome.

And now the most significant moment in every graduation ceremony has come. May we call
on Mrs. Glaiza Mae Atuel Revilla, Exceed Learning Center’s School Principal for the presentation
of candidates for graduation. This is to be followed by the acceptance and confirmation of the
candidates for graduation and the message for the graduates by City of Naga Schools Division
Superintendent, Dr. Senen P. Paulin. Let us welcome them with a round of applause.


And now the most significant moment in every graduation ceremony has come. May we call
on Mrs. Glaiza Mae Atuel Revilla, Exceed Learning Center’s School Principal for the presentation
of candidates for graduation. This is to be followed by the acceptance and confirmation of the
candidates for graduation and the message for the graduates. On behalf of the schools division
superintendent, Dr. Senen P. Paulin, let us welcome ____________________________,
________________ to carry out the graduation rites.


Let us give our utmost felicitation to the graduates of Batch 2016 by giving them a resounding
round of applause.

Congratulations graduates and thank you Dr. Senen for your words of encouragement. It is with
great merit hearing them from you.


Congratulations graduates and thank you _______________________ for conveying the

message of our schools division superintendent.

In every occasion, the presence of the guest of honor and speaker makes the occasion more
significant and memorable. By her words of wisdom, we can be able to get ideas that will help us

At this juncture, ladies and gentlemen, to introduce the keynote speaker of this afternoon’s
affair, let us welcome Ms. Mary Grace Gulay, Grade 2 Adviser. A big hand please.


Thank you Dr. Abao for your uplifting message. I believe not only the graduates were moved by
your words but everyone present in this event. Again, thank you.

Now, to hand in the plaque of appreciation to our keynote speaker, let us call on stage Mrs.
Glaiza Mae Atuel Revilla, Exceed Learning Center’s School Principal, Ms. Janice Aleth Villajos,
ELC’s Assistant Administrator for Academic, Mrs. Jasmine Leyson Bayon, ELC’s Assistant
Administrator for Non- Academic and Mrs. Mildred T. Capangpangan, ELC’s School Auditor.
And to read the citations stated in the certificate, let us call on stage Ms. Jessa Lepatan,
Grade 6 Mendel Adviser.


Thank you teacher Dr. Abao, Mrs. Revilla, Ms. Villajos, Mrs. Bayon, Mrs. Capangpangan and Ms.

After years of hard work and dedication, graduates, it is about time to reward your
commitment towards education. Harvest the fruits of your labor. Let us welcome City of Naga
Schools Division Superintendent, Dr. Senen P. Paulin, to be assisted by our Keynote Speaker, Dr.
Ethel De leon Abao, Mrs. Glaiza Mae Atuel Revilla, Exceed Learning Center’s School Principal,
Ms. Janice Aleth Villajos, ELC’s Assistant Administrator for Academic, Mrs. Jasmine Leyson
Bayon, ELC’s Assistant Administrator for Non- Academic and Mrs. Mildred T. Capangpangan,
ELC’s School Auditor for the distribution of diplomas and certificates and the awarding of
medals to the graduates with distinction and special awards.

After years of hard work and dedication, graduates, it is about time to reward your
commitment towards education. Harvest the fruits of your labor. Let us welcome
_______________________, to be assisted by our Keynote Speaker, Dr. Ethel De leon Abao,
Mrs. Glaiza Mae Atuel Revilla, Exceed Learning Center’s School Principal, Ms. Janice Aleth
Villajos, ELC’s Assistant Administrator for Academic, Mrs. Jasmine Leyson Bayon, ELC’s
Assistant Administrator for Non- Academic and Mrs. Mildred T. Capangpangan, ELC’s School
Auditor for the distribution of diplomas and certificates and the awarding of medals to the
graduates with distinction and special awards.


Congratulations graduates! Continue reaching your goals before goal kicks you. Live life before
life leaves you.

At this point, let us be all ears to no less than the batch valedictorian as she encapsulates
everything school life has to offer. A big hand for Bethany A. Rosales, Grade 6 Class
Valedictorian for her valedictory address.


Thank you Bethany. May you continue inspiring others as you continue with your endeavors.

At this moment, we believe that not only the graduates should be given recognition but also the
parents who have worked so hard. They have given their best to their children. No matter how
hard life is, they keep working to give their children the best of endless possibilities.
Therefore, together let’s pave the way for our Kinder graduates as they give tributes to their
parents. Let us welcome them with a resounding round of applause.

To sing It’s a Beautiful Day, one more time let’s pave the way for our kinder graduates for their
graduation song.


Thank you Kindergarten graduates!

This time let us give the moment to our grade 6 graduates as they give tribute to the people
who have given them the best things life could offer, their parents. A big hand please.


In every memorable moment of one’s life, there are always songs that will embody inferred
emotions. With a round of applause, one more time, let us welcome the graduates for their
graduation song.


Thank you graduates!

Now, may we call on Rose Bianca A. Tomada, Grade 6 Class Salutatorian, to lead the graduates in
their Pledge of Loyalty.


Please be seated.

Thank you graduates!

Despite the paths one takes, the instances one faces, and the goals one achieves, there are
influences that leave marks on one’s being, songs that would forever be remembered because of
the significance they suggest.

Ladies and Gentlemen, let us be all ears to the graduates as they sing the Alma Mater Song.


Thank you graduates!

In behalf of Exceed Learning Center family, I would like to extend my warmest appreciation to
the parents for the partnership that we have in molding the minds and personalities of these

Thank you for being present in this joyous celebration.

Now, for the capturing of moments on this momentous event, I would like to request the
_____________ to come up on stage.


1. Kinder URANUS students with Adviser/ Parents

2. Kinder URANUS students with Adviser, Faculty, Administrators and Honored Guests

3. Kinder SATURN students with Adviser/ Parents

4. Kinder SATURN students with Adviser, Faculty, Administrators and Honored Guests
5. Kinder NEPTUNE students with Adviser/ Parents

6. Kinder NEPTUNE students with Adviser, Faculty, Administrators and Honored Guests

7. Grade 6 Mendel graduates with Adviser/ Parents

8. Grade 6 Mendel graduates with Adviser, Faculty, Administrators and Honored Guests


This commencement exercises has truly been noteworthy for everyone here. Graduation is
indeed a time of completion, of finishing, of an ending, however, it is also a time of celebration
of achievement and most importantly a beginning for the new graduate.

Congratulations Graduates!

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Recessional.

Prepared by:

Catherine G.

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