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Text 4 - The Jungle Beat

The Jungle Beat

Deep in the jungle,

Animals roam free,

Caring for nature,

Live in harmony.

You and I, you and I,

Together, together,

Chant the jungle beat,

Together, together,

Chant the jungle beat.

Deep in the jungle,

Animals live free,

At peace with nature,

No wars and no greed.

You and I, you and I,

Together, together,

Chant the jungle beat,

Together, together,

Chant the jungle beat.

(Chant taken from Year 4 English Textbook KSSR Malaysia)

Text 4 - The Jungle Beat

Listening Activity - Complete the Chant

Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………. Date: ………………………………….

Instruction: Listen to the chant and fill in the missing words.

The Jungle Beat

Deep in the ……………………………… ,

Animals roam free,

Caring for ……………………………… ,

Live in ……………………………… .

You and I, you and I,

Together, ……………………………… ,

Chant the jungle beat,

Together, together,

……………………………… the jungle beat.

Deep in the jungle,

……………………………… live free,

At ……………………………… with nature,

No wars and no ……………………………… .

You and I, you and I,

Together, together,

Chant the jungle beat,

Together, together,

Chant the ……………………………… ……………………………… .

Text 4 - The Jungle Beat

Listening Activity - Complete the Chant

Answer Key

Instruction: Listen to the chant and fill in the missing words.

The Jungle Beat

Deep in the jungle,

Animals roam free,

Caring for nature,

Live in harmony.

You and I, you and I,

Together, together,

Chant the jungle beat,

Together, together,

Chant the jungle beat.

Deep in the jungle,

Animals live free,

At peace with nature,

No wars and no greed.

You and I, you and I,

Together, together,

Chant the jungle beat,

Together, together,

Chant the jungle beat.

Text 4 - The Jungle Beat

Speaking Activity - Let’s Chant with Actions!


1) Students are guided to read and pronounce the words.

2) Students are guided to chant with actions such as clapping hands

or snapping fingers.

3) This activity can be done as a whole class first before asking the

students to chant in smaller groups or even individually.

4) Star stickers or small rewards are given to students who volunteer

to chant with actions.

5) Bonus marks are awarded to students who change or add in the


Example of Chant with Actions:

Deep in the jungle, (clap hands three times)

Animals roam free, (clap hands three times)

Caring for nature, (forefingers make a heart shape)

Live in harmony. (snap fingers three times)

You and I, you and I, (point to a friend and self)

Together, together,

Chant the jungle beat, (stomp foot three times)

Together, together,

Chant the jungle beat. (stomp foot three times)

Text 4 - The Jungle Beat

Reading Activity - Identify the Errors

Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………. Date: ………………………………….

Instruction: Circle the error and rewrite the correct answer. If there

is no mistake, put a (√).

Dip in the jungle,

Animals rome free,

Caring for neitcher,

Leave in harmony.

You and I, you and I,

Together, tugether,

Chant the forest beat,

Together, together,

Chart the jungle beat.

Deep in the jangle,

Birds live free,

At peace with nature,

No walls and no greed.

You and I, you and I,

Together, together,

Chair the forest beat,

Together, together,

Chant the jungle beet.

Text 4 - The Jungle Beat

Reading Activity - Identify the Errors

Answer Key

Instruction: Circle the error and rewrite the correct answer. If there

is no mistake, put a (√).

Dip in the jungle, Deep in the jungle,

Animals rome free, Animals roam free,

Caring for neitcher, Caring for nature,

Leave in harmony. Live in harmony.

You and I, you and I, √

Together, tugether, Together, together,

Chant the forest beat, Chant the jungle beat,

Together, together, √

Chart the jungle beat. Chant the jungle beat.

Deep in the jangle, Deep in the jungle,

Birds live free, Animals live free,

At peace with nature, √

No walls and no greed. No wars and no greed.

You and I, you and I, √

Together, together, √

Chair the forest beat, Chant the jungle beat,

Together, together, √

Chant the jungle beet. Chant the jungle beat.

Text 4 - The Jungle Beat

Writing Activity - Cursive Writing

Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………. Date: ………………………………….

Instruction: Trace and rewrite the cursive writing in the lines given.

Deep in the jungle, Deep in the jungle,

Animals roam free, Animals live free,
Caring for nature, At peace with nature,
Live in harmony. No wars and no greed.
….………………………………………………………………………. ….……………………………………………………………………….

….………………………………………………………………………. ….……………………………………………………………………….

….………………………………………………………………………. ….……………………………………………………………………….

….………………………………………………………………………. ….……………………………………………………………………….

You and I, you and I, You and I, you and I,

Together, together, Together, together,
Chant the jungle beat, Chant the jungle beat,
Together, together, Together, together,
Chant the jungle beat. Chant the jungle beat.
….………………………………………………………………………. ….……………………………………………………………………….

….………………………………………………………………………. ….……………………………………………………………………….

….………………………………………………………………………. ….……………………………………………………………………….

….………………………………………………………………………. ….……………………………………………………………………….

….………………………………………………………………………. ….……………………………………………………………………….

Text 4 - The Jungle Beat

Writing Activity - Cursive Writing

Answer Key

Instruction: Trace and rewrite the cursive writing in the lines given.

Deep in the jungle, Deep in the jungle,

Animals roam free, Animals live free,
Caring for nature, At peace with nature,
Live in harmony. No wars and no greed.
Deep in the jungle, Deep in the jungle,
Animals roam free, Animals live free,
Caring for nature, At peace with nature,
Live in harmony. No wars and no greed.
You and I, you and I, You and I, you and I,
Together, together, Together, together,
Chant the jungle beat, Chant the jungle beat,
Together, together, Together, together,
Chant the jungle beat. Chant the jungle beat.
You and I, you and I, You and I, you and I,
Together, together, Together, together,
Chant the jungle beat, Chant the jungle beat,
Together, together, Together, together,
Chant the jungle beat. Chant the jungle beat.
Text 4 - The Jungle Beat

Grammar Activity - Concrete and Abstract Nouns

Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………. Date: ………………………………….

Instruction: Complete the mind map with seven nouns from the text.


….…………………….…………… ….…………………….……………


….…………………….…………… ….…………………….……………

Instruction: Categorise those nouns into the concrete and abstract nouns.
Then, give five examples of your own for each category.

Concrete Nouns Abstract Nouns

Text 4 - The Jungle Beat

Grammar Activity - Concrete and Abstract Nouns

Answer Key

Instruction: Complete the mind map with seven nouns from the text.


harmony animals


wars greed

Instruction: Categorise those nouns into the concrete and abstract nouns.
Then, give five examples of your own for each category.

Concrete Nouns Abstract Nouns

jungle harmony jealousy

animals peace sadness
nature friendship
table wars charity
pencil greed beauty
mobile phone

Text 4 - The Jungle Beat

Language Arts Activity - A Day in the Jungle

Materials: Drawing papers, colour pencils, markers, decorative items


1) Students get into groups of four.

2) Students imagine the harmonious life of animals living peacefully in

the jungle.

3) Students discuss and draw their version of a day in the jungle.

They also prepare two reasons to explain the drawing.

4) Once the drawings are done, they are placed on the noticeboard.

5) In each group, two students will stand next to their work and

explain it to others while another two students will visit other

group’s work and take notes to share with their group members.

(Two stay, two stray method)

6) Students vote for the best drawing.

7) Bonus points are awarded to:

A) groups who give more than two reasons.

B) groups who demonstrate teamwork and creativity.


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