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Standard 2.

Skylar A Tomblin
West Virginia State University
Educ 650-Internship
Upon completing my Superintendent rotation portion of my internship, I would like to

think that I approached the assignment with honesty, integrity, trustworthiness, respect, and

accountability. When given the freedom to complete assignments virtually, it could sometimes

be easy to exaggerate on hours to get the assignment done quicker. However, when I watch Mr.

O’Brien’s presentations and took him my internship log, he was very impressed and told me that

he knew I listened to every one of them very intensively as I went very in depth with each

presentation. Did I want to play the presentation and go do something instead so it showed that I

watched it? Absolutely. If I had done that, I would not have been able to approach this internship

with ethical principles that will follow me throughout my leadership career. It was very pleasant

to me and made me realize that it is important to stick with your ethical beliefs when Mr.

O’Brien acknowledged my hard work within the notes of each presentation.

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