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Auditory Brain Stem Response for Objective

Measures of Hearing
to psychophysical threshold (Elberling & Don, 1987a;
Sininger & Don, 1989), and screening-level ABRs have
Yvonne S. Sininger, PhD been shown to be reliable, early indicators of hearing
Children's Auditory Research and Evaluation Center, House Ear impairment in newborns (Hyde, Malizia, Riko, & Al-
Institute, Los Angeles, California berti, 1991).
ABR has dramatically improved the accuracy of
hearing assessment of young children and lowered the
age at which a child can be evaluated. However, the
ABSTRACT technique, as applied in most audiology clinics today,
The auditory brain stem response (ABR) is felt to be an is not completely objective. Because it requires no
objective technique for predicting hearing thresholds be- active response from the patient, it is less subjective
cause a voluntary response is not required from the sub- than behavioral measures of hearing; however, ABR
ject. However, determination of ABR threshold can be a threshold, in most cases, requires that the examiner
subjective process. This article discusses a technique, make a subjective decision about the presence or ab-
termed F,, which adds objectivity to ABR threshold de- sence of averaged neural activity in background noise.
tection by creating a ratio of signal plus averaged back-
The difficulty in subjective interpretation of presence
or absence of ABR is due to the inherently poor signal
ground noise over an estimate of the averaged back- to noise ratio of the recording. Threshold-level ABR
ground noise for any given averaged ABR. F, values have wave V amplitude can be as low as 50 nV (Sininger &
an F distribution. Consequently, the confidence of true Masuda, 1990), whereas fluctuations in background
detection for a given ABR can be determined by compar- noise during averaging can easily be 20 pV.
ing its calculated F, value to statistical tables. Using a Time-locked averaging reduces noise contaminants
technique such as F, not only adds objectivity to ABR of the ABR. The neural response to the stimulus can
threshold detection, but also optimizes test time by allow- be considered deterministic; it is stable in amplitude
ing the averaging process to stop as soon as the back- and time for a given stimulus. The exception to this
ground noise has been reduced and the true neural poten- principle is found in adaptation of the neural response
tial can be judged to be present. The estimate of the to the stimulus. However, adaptation is complete after
background noise can be used as a weighting factor to
the first few stimuli are presented (Don, Allen, & Starr,
1977), and adaptation should not significantly impact
reduce the influence of noisy segments during the aver- upon the basic assumption that the response is deter-
aging process as well. Using this technique, we have ministic.
found ABR threshold to be within 5 or 6 dB of psycho- In contrast to the neural signal, background noise is
physical threshold for like (click) stimuli and, in our pedi- random, independent of auditory stimulus, and will be
atric clinic, ABR click thresholds are within 10 dB of pure- reduced by partial cancellation after a sufficient number
tone average for children with losses ranging from mild to of sweeps have been averaged. Time-locked averaging
profound. (Ear Hear 14 1:23-30) enhances the signal (neural response) in relation to the
noise by reducing the background noise.
THE ABR IS AN AVERAGED, scalp recording of Predicting psychophysical threshold with the ABR
neural activity initiated by sound and generated in the involves determining the threshold of ABR, that is, the
auditory nerve and brain stem. This response is reliably lowest stimulus level that will produce a detectable
recorded from adults and infants (Hecox & Galambos, response. The most common method for determining
1974)and is not contaminated by state of consciousness ABR threshold is visual inspection of an averaged wave-
(Starr, 1976) or attention (Picton & Hillyard, 1974). It form. In most instances, two waveforms are generated
must be noted that the ABR does not measure hearing. by repeated averaging of a fixed number of sweeps, for
ABR and hearing are two distinct processes; ABR re-
quires detection of sound-initiated neural activity from
the scalp, whereas hearing is the conscious perception 0196/0202/93/1401-0023$03.00/0 EARAND HEARING
of sound. However, ABR detection threshold is close Copyright 0 1993 by Williams 8, Wilkins Printed in the U.S.A.

Ear and Hearing, Vol. 14, No. 1,1993 ABR for Objective Measures of Hearing 23
example, 2048 (Jerger, Oliver, & Stach, 1985). These sponse. The subjective nature of the ABR lies in the
responses are compared visually or by calculation of a examiner’s responsibility to adequately acquire re-
cross-correlation product. A clear replication indicates sponses and later to judge the distinction between an
a response. This judgment is based on the assumption ABR and a recording of noise.
that peaks that remain after averaging represent neural Elberling and Don (1984) and Don, Elberling, and
response because the averaging process had adequately Waring (1984) have described a technique for deter-
reduced background noise. mining the quality of an ABR based on a background
However, because the amplitude of background noise noise level estimate and the overall level of the response.
can fluctuate widely over time, it is not possible to This technique determines a value known as Fspfor
determine, a priori, how much averaging will ade- each block of 256 average sweeps. This value is closely
quately reduce noise in a given average. A visual or related to the signal to noise ratio of the recording and
correlational comparison of two waveforms can evalu- has statistical properties that allow the examiner to
ate responses with very different signal to noise ratios, determine the level of confidence that an average con-
leading to errors in interpretation. Figure 1 shows ABRs tains a true ABR.
from a patient in response to a 100 dB nHL click (top) The derivation of and rationale for the Fsphas been
and to an 80 dB nHL click (bottom), each with 2000 described in detail elsewhere (Elberling & Don, 1984).
sweeps averaged. In the top example, waveforms repli- Fsp is based on the concept that any averaged evoked
cate adequately and there is little doubt that an ABR is potential recording includes some amount of neural
present. The situation with the 80 dB recordings is not activity and some background noise. For any given
as clear. The waveform morphology in one trace sug- digitized point in an averaged ABR waveform, the
gests a response, but the replication is poor. If a response neural or evoked potential contribution to amplitude is
is present at 80 dB, it has been obscured by noise that constant from sweep to sweep, whereas the noise con-
was not adequately reduced by the averaging. tribution varies. The greater the background noise in a
The examiner’s judgment of the presence or absence response, the greater the sweep to sweep variance of the
of a response depends on the quality (signal to noise amplitude at any point in the array. In the calculation
ratio) of the response, which is determined by the of Fspl variance of a single digitized point within the
combination of signal strength and level of averaged array is used to estimate the noise level in the recording
background noise. Once recordings have been obtained, that can be accurately characterized after 250 sweeps
there is no objective standard for determining how well (Elberling & Don, 1984).
two responses must replicate to be judged a true re- Fspis calculated according to the following formula:

Repeat ABRs from Noisy Patient
2000 SweepslAverage where S is the averaged signal that includes the evoked
potential plus averaged background noise. VAR(S) is
the variance of digitized amplitude values across an
appropriate time window of the averaged response as
in Figure 2 (right). SP is the digitized voltage of a single
point in the array, and VAR(SP) is the variance of that
value calculated over at least 250 sweeps (Fig. 2, left).
VAR(S) should be equal to the RMS2 of the averaged
evoked potential plus the averaged noise, and the
VAR(SP) is equal to the RMS2 of the estimated back-
ground noise.
When VAR(S) is divided by the estimate of the noise
in the response, or VAR(SP), the resulting number is
closely related to the squared signal to noise ratio in
the response. This value estimates the quality of the
ABR or strength of the neural potential. When no
response exists, the expected Fspvalue is close to 1 (zero
signal + noise divided by noise). Fspvalues are calcu-
lated on-line and updated every 250 sweeps during the
averaging process. As averaging reduces the background
noise, the Fspvalue grows. Figure 3 plots the growth of
Fspwith averaging for several signal levels. Fspgrows
Figure 1. ABRs elicited by 100 (top) and 80 dB nHL clicks (bottom).
Each trace represents the average of 2000 stimuli. Waveform mor-
more rapidly with high sensation-level stimuli than low
phology and visual replicationare good in the 100 dB example, and because the overall amplitude of the response is larger
a response is clearly present. The 80 dB responses do not replicate relative to the background noise.
well, and it is not clear if these averages contain neural response or Because Fspis a ratio of variances, these values have
noise. a known (F) distribution with, conservatively, 5 and

24 Sininger Ear and Hearing, Vol. 14, No. 1, 1993

Variance of a Single P o i n t
from S w e e p to Sweep
250 df (Elberling & Don, 1984). Based on the F table,
the examiner can be 99% confident of a true response
(1 % false-positive rate), and the averaging process can
be terminated when an ABR average reaches an F,,
value of 3.1. Lower criterion levels can be used if
2 confidence requirements for obtaining a true response
can be relaxed. For example, in the clinic, a 2.25 F,,
criterion gives a 5% false-positive detection rate, which
3 is acceptable, but has the advantage of missing fewer
Average O f N sweeps
responses by hiving a better true positive detection
than the 3.1 criterion (Elberling & Don, 1987a). When
combined with other measures of reliability, such as
seeing the expected latency and amplitude changes with
stimulus level, the confidence level, using an Fspcrite-
Y o r , o n c c 0 1 succ.,siv.
in Window 0 1 *".Fop.
rion of 2.25, can actually be greater than 95%. The
name Fspcomes from F for the distribution and SP for
the single point used to estimate the background noise.
Figure 2. F,, = VAR(S)/VAR(SP). At right is an illustration showing The duration and placement of the time window
the calculation of the numerator, or VAR(S), in the F,, equation. S
stands for the averaged signal. Variance is calculated for points within
used to calculate VAR(S) are critical. The duration of
a window of the averaged response after each block of 250 sweeps.
the window must be sufficient to allow adequate reso-
This variance will indicate the amplitude of the neural response plus lution of noise contributions. If a high-pass recording
averaged noise. At left, the single point variance, or VAR(SP), calcu- filter of 100 Hz is used, a 10 msec window is adequate.
lation is depicted. This is the denominator in the F, equation and However, a longer window must be used if this filter is
estimates the level of background noise in the average. Any ABR lower to allow for adequate amplitude resolution of
contributionto the amplitude at the single point should not vary from low-frequency components. Also, because Fspwill not
sweep to sweep. Noise will cause sweep to sweep fluctuations, and distinguish between neural and other time-locked con-
the variance of the amplitude at the single point will estimate the level tributors, placement of the window must allow visual-
of background noise. ization of all major components of the ABR, but must
avoid any other time-locked, non-neural components
such as stimulus artifact. If stimulus artifact is sus-
pected, the window used to calculate VAR(S) should
Fsp GROWTH WITH STIMULUS LEVEL start after any such components.
AND NUMBER OF SWEEPS Because the contribution from neural components is
equal for each sweep, the absolute value of the ABR at
any given point in time will not contribute to the sweep
"F ? to sweep single-point variance calculation. Conse-

t quently, whether the noise point is selected on top of


25 i wave V or at any other point is irrelevant as long as it

+ is within the same window used to measure VAR(S)

20 i 0

(Elberling & Don, 1984).
The Fsptechnique has many advantages over simple
visual detection of peaks. Because confidence of true
+ response detection is gained from reaching a significant

F,, rather than from seeing a duplication of waveforms,
F,, can be used as a response criterion as well as a
stopping point for the averaging process. Thus, testing
time is minimized. Averaging will continue only until
an adequate signal to noise ratio is obtained. A robust
response from a quiet subject can be obtained with a
small number of sweeps. More time will be spent av-
eraging a greater number of sweeps when the signal to
noise ratio is poor, such as in a noisy subject or when
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 the stimulus level is close to threshold. Thus, test time
Sweeps in Thousands can be reduced in some situations and can be used
Figure 3. Average F,, growth with the number of sweeps averaged
more efficiently in others. In addition, further time is
using click stimuli ranging from 5 dB below to 20 dB above psycho- saved by eliminating the need to replicate responses.
physical threshold. The horizontal line indicates the 99% confidence The level of background noise in the average, esti-
point for true detection of a response. Data represent the average of mated from the single point variance, can also be used
six subjects (from Don et al, 1984).0 ,20 dB SL; *,
15 dB SL; W, 10 as a stopping point for the averaging process. For ex-
dB SL; A s-5 dB SL. ample, when the averaging process reduces the back-

Ear and Hearing, vol. 14, No. 1,1993 ABR for Objective Measures of Hearing 25
ground noise sufficiently to resolve a low-amplitude DISTRIBUTIONS OF Fsp VALUES
ABR, but F,, detects no signal, it is logical to stop the FROM NEONATE ABRS
averaging and assume no response. Thus, the quiet
subject with no response will require evaluation only 140
until the background noise is reduced. Again, overall
test time is reduced. 120
Another use of the background noise estimate is in
weighting of blocks of sweeps in the average, based on 100
the relative noise in each block. Such weighting uses
Bayesian estimation principles (Elberling & Wahlgreen, 80
1985). Each block of 256 sweeps receives a weighting
factor before being entered into the average. Blocks 60
with a low noise variance will receive a high weight in
the overall average, and noisy segments will be weighted 40
to reduce their contribution. This technique minimizes
the detrimental effects of episodic, large bursts of noise 20
which are characteristic of recordings from infants. In
a patient who has episodic bursts of noise, the total 0 Y

number of sweeps presented to obtain an adequate -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

response (and subsequently, the total time for averag- Fsp Value
ing) can be reduced using this technique. If noise is Figure 4. Distributions of F, values from ABRs of newborns using a
constant, the weighting for each block of sweeps will recording band pass of 30 to 3000 Hz and a F, analysis window of
35 msec. On the left is the distribution with no stimulus used to
also be constant and the process will be the same as simulate the distribution of values in a "no response" condition. The
traditional averaging. number of F, values is shown on the left axis. The distribution of F,,
The main advantage of the Bayesian weighting values obtained from newborn ABRs elicited by 30 dB nHL clicks
scheme is that, once the averaging process has revealed after 2000 sweeps is shown at the right. The number of F, values
an ABR, a large burst of noise will not destroy the for 30 dB responses is shown on the right axis. Inset: Receiver
signal to noise ratio. Instead, the influence of noisy operating characteristic (ROC) based on the two distributions. The
sweeps will be reduced. The Fspwill increase smoothly ability to distinguish ABRs from neonates elicited by 30 dB clicks
as averaging proceeds when Bayesian weighting is used from a no-stimulus ABR is evaluated based on varying F,, criteria
and an ABR is present (Elberling & Wahlgreen, 1985). from 1.O to 4.0 in steps of 0.5.
However, unlike traditional techniques of artifact rejec-
tion, the Bayesian weighting technique discards no rate from these data is 1%, the true positive detection
information. rate is 98.5%, and A' calculated at this point is 0.994.


ABR threshold using Fsp criterion is an accurate
The value of a technique with a known statistical predictor of hearing sensitivity in the laboratory as well
framework, such as Fsp, is that for a desired probability as the clinic. Comparisons have been made of ABR
of detecting a true response, the appropriate F,, value threshold determined with F,, and psychophysical
and the operating characteristics of that criterion can threshold in normal-hearing subjects. These studies re-
be determined (Elberling & Don, 1987a). For example, vealed that ABR click threshold determined with a F,,
to evaluate F,, as a response criterion for an infant criterion is within 5 to 6 dB of psychophysical threshold
screening program, the distribution of F,, values for for like stimuli (Elberling & Don, 1987b; Sininger &
256-sweep blocks of no-stimulus ABR was determined Don, 1989). Recording and stimulus parameters that
for newborn infants. This distribution should indicate affect ABR threshold have been evaluated with F,, as a
the expected F,, .from infants with hearing impairment threshold determiner. Sininger and Don (1989) have
greater than the level of the screening stimulus. Another shown that increasing the click stimuli up to 48/sec
distribution of F,, values was found from normal new- does not affect threshold determination with the ABR,
born ABRs after 2000 sweeps in response to 30 dB but that a vertical recording channel, Cz to the seventh
nHL clicks. Recording band pass was 30 to 3000 Hz cervical vertebra, will give a lower threshold than a
and the F,, analysis window was 35 msec for both horizontal (ear to ear) or anterior-posterior (nasion to
conditions. Figure 4 shows these distributions. inion) recording. Click polarity does not influence ABR
There is almost no overlap in these two distributions. threshold levels (Sininger & Masuda, 1990).
The resulting receiver operating characteristic curve ABR with Fsphas also been used to objectively deter-
(Fig. 4 inset) shows excellent operating characteristics. mine ABR threshold for children in the clinical audiol-
An Fsp criteria of approximately 2.4 appears to be ogy program at the House Ear Institute for the last 5
optimal for distinguishing a 30 dB response from no- years. ABR is used routinely to predict hearing level of
response ABRs. Using this criterion, the false-positive infants less than 1 year old and of any young child who

26 Sininger Ear and Hearing, Vol. 14, No. 1, 1993

is inconsistent or difficult to evaluate by standard be- loss. Responses were averaged until a Fspof 2.25 (95%
havioral measures. It is important to note that children confidence) was reached or until 10,240 total sweeps
older than 6 months are sedated with chloral hydrate were presented. An adaptive threshold procedure was
under medical supervision for ABR testing. Using se- used. A response to a 60 dB nHL click in the right ear
dation dramatically reduces noise contaminants in the reached criterion after 5632 sweeps. The next presen-
recordings, consequently reducing ABR threshold levels tation was 40 dB, where no response was found, fol-
somewhat. lowed by 50 and then 45 dB. Whenever possible, thresh-
ABR procedures in our pediatric clinic are specifi- old is determined with 5 dB steps. The right ear thresh-
cally selected to emphasize threshold detection based old was determined to be 45 dB. The threshold search
on wave V of the ABR. Responses are recorded from began at 50 dB in the left ear, followed by 40 and 45
electrodes on the vertex referenced to the nape of the dB, with threshold found again at 45 dB. These results
neck. This montage records wave V in response to are compared to a sound field audiogram (Fig. 5, bot-
clicks presented to either ear (King & Sininger, 1992). tom) obtained a few months after the ABR evaluation.
For older babies and young children, clicks are pre- In general, the number of sweeps needed to obtain a
sented up to 48/sec, and a recording band pass of 100 given signal to noise ratio (Fspcriterion) increases as the
to 3000 Hz and a 15 msec recording epoch are used. sensation level of the click decreases. Figure 6 shows
For newborns, clicks are restricted to 20/sec, and a the relationship between the number of sweeps needed
band pass of 30 to 3000 Hz and a 40 msec recording to reach criteria and click level relative to ABR thresh-
window are used. Click stimuli are used first and, when old. Error bars indicate the maximum number of
time permits, high-pass masking is mixed with clicks to sweeps needed (based on a group of 20 subjects) and
create frequency-specific derived bands. the minimum. For these cases, if no response (Fspof
Figure 5 shows a click-evoked ABR evaluation on a 2.25) was found by 6144 sweeps (24 blocks), then the
16 month old child with a family history of hearing averaging process was discontinued. The relationship
between stimulus level and amount of averaging needed
to reach a given signal to noise ratio is clear. To obtain
dB a quiet response with low-level stimuli, more averaging
LEFT is needed than with higher sensation level clicks. The
sensation level of the stimulus, the level of the back-

50 -

3.1 0/7424

40 - 1 . 1 8/10240
40- - .67/10240 5

._ 5120
5 70 15m.
10 1Sma
ocoumrn o 4096

c o x

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
dB re ABR Threshold
I+Sound Field Thresholds I Figure 6. Twenty recent cases were evaluated to determine the
number of sweeps needed to reach an F,, criterion of 2.25 relative
to the stimulus level above ABR threshold. The maximum number of
sweeps in this series of cases was 6144. The error bars indicate the
Figure 5. ABR threshold evaluation with click stimuli. Averaging con- range of the data. Subjects varied a great deal on background noise
tinued until an F,, of 2.25 (95% confidence) was obtained or until and response amplitude. At threshold, the average number of sweeps
10,240 sweeps were presented. A small response is seen in response required was over 4300, whereas some subjects required the maxi-
to clicks of 45 dB nHL in both ears, with no response seen up to 40 mum number and others reached criterion with as few as 1024. At
dB clicks. Sound field thresholds indicate good agreement with ABR 40 dB above ABR threshold, the average number of sweeps needed
thresholds. ABRs indicate that the hearing is reasonably symmetrical. is less than 1000 and the range is much smaller.

Ear and Hearing, Vol. 14, No. 1,1993 ABR for Objective Measures of Hearing 27
ground noise, and the level of the neural signal are all for a group of children 6 months to 4 years of age.
unknown during an ABR evaluation. Using F,, to Figure 8 compares 19 instances of audiometrics (ear
characterize the signal to noise ratio of the response specific or sound field) to best-ear click-evoked ABR
allows the appropriate amount of averaging to be used thresholds. Audiometric values used for this compari-
in each condition. son were those obtained when they were felt to be
Based on the information in Figure 6, we use the accurate and reliable. Pure-tone averages represent the
number of sweeps needed to reach criterion to indicate results of the most recent audiometric results for an
the approximate sensation level of the stimulus. This average of 500, 1000, and 2000 Hz, or two frequencies
can help to reduce the evaluation time by indicating when one threshold differs significantly from the others.
the next level to present in the threshold search. For Several factors can contaminate this kind of compar-
example, when criterion is reached in a small number ison. ABR results can influence the audiologist's inter-
of sweeps, for example, less than 1000, the next pres- pretation of the behavioral evaluation, which will make
entation level will be 20 to 30 dB lower. If a response the correlation appear better than it actually is. Also,
is seen only after 5000 or 6000 sweeps, the next pres- accurate behavioral results may not be obtained until
entation level will be reduced by no more than 10 dB. many months after the ABR test; in some cases, the
Figure 7 shows the audiogram and click-evoked ABR behavioral results judged to be most accurate were
thresholds for a 14 month old child with a severe loss obtained more than 1 year after ABR. A long time
in the right ear and a profound loss in the left. Click between evaluations tends to make predictions look less
thresholds agree with pure-tone responses. This case, accurate.
typical of many in our clinic, demonstrates the ability Regardless of possible contaminations, the accuracy
of ABR to distinguish between losses with differences of the prediction of behavioral pure-tone average from
in pure-tone averages as small as 10 dB. This case also click-evoked ABR is within 10 dB, as shown on the
shows that hearing predictions for severe and profound histogram in Figure 8. The two measures appear to
losses are as accurate as for mild or moderate losses correspond equally well for mild losses as for profound.
with use of Fspcriteria and click-evoked ABRs. Thresholds found using the F,, criterion do not de-
ABR threshold predictions with the F,, criterion have pend upon visual detection of a typical waveform mor-
been compared to subsequent behavioral audiometrics phology. As Figure 6 illustrates, ABR at threshold often
only displays a low-amplitude baseline shift, indicative
RIGHT LEFT of wave V. It has been our finding that, in cases of
sloping hearing loss through the speech frequencies, the
Fsp/Sweeps ABR threshold corresponds to the level of the best
threshold above 500 Hz. When only low-frequency

IJ----- .40/10240

110 0 *'

1.62,' 10240 0 ye*


5 10 15ma
100 r=.979 ..,'o

I l l

100 c -
250 500 i o O 0 2 a x ) ~ 8 w o
Frequency (Hz)
30 40 50 60 70 80
90 100.110

Figure 8. Comparison of ABR click thresholds to pure-tone average

hearing thresholds in children. Pure-tone averages are based on
thresholds at 500, 1000, and 2000 Hz, or the best two frequencies
when one threshold was significantly different than the other two.
The dashed line is the regression for the function revealing a corre-
Figure 7. ABR threshold search evaluation indicating click thresholds lation of 0.979. The distribution of the differences between the two
of 95 dB in the right and no response at 103 dB nHL in the left ear. measures is shown at the lower right.

28 Sininger Ear and Hearing, Vol. 14, No. 1,1993

regions of the cochlea are available to respond, the Right Ear Left Ear
latency of wave V is prolonged, but the click-evoked
ABR is still present. Figure 9 gives an example of such
a case. This illustrates that click-evoked ABR can be
generated by frequency regions below 2000 Hz. This is
expected because the click has energy in a wide band
of frequencies. ABRs generated by low-frequency re-
gions may have lower amplitudes and longer latencies,
and are apparent only at increased sensation levels
compared to ABRs generated by higher frequency re-
gions, but these are still detected with adequate aver- ,251.5 1 2 4 8k Hz .25 .5 1 2 4 8
When time permits, we utilize the high-pass masked,
derived band technique to obtain frequency-specific Family hx of hearing loss.
ABR thresholds as described by Don, Eggermont, and ABR at 1 year, audiogram at
Brackmann ( 1979). This technique mixes high-pass 4 years of age.
filtered noise of varying cutoff frequencies with a click
Figure 10. Pure-tone audiogram and click and high-pass masked,
stimulus. The masking eliminates ABR from those derived band ABR thresholds (Don et al, 1979) from a child with a
sections of the cochlea responding to the noise. By a congenitalhearing impairment.
series of subtractions, the ABR generated by octave-
wide cochlear regions (derived band ABRs) can be
distinguished and a threshold for each band can be using tone bursts in notched noise, as described by
determined. Stapells, Picton, Perez-Abalo, Read, and Smith (1989,
Figure 10 shows an example of such an evaluation and feel that these should also give an excellent descrip-
on an 18 month old child compared to her audiogram tion of the pure-tone audiogram.
obtained at age 4.A correction factor of 15 dB is applied
to 500 Hz derived responses to adjust for the slightly CONCLUSIONS
higher sensation level of low-frequency ABR threshold.
Agreement between derived ABRs and standard pure- The key to accurate prediction of hearing levels using
tone thresholds is quite good. Unfortunately, we do not ABR is obtaining recordings with adequate signal to
have a large sample of derived responses from children noise ratio. Techniques such as Fspfacilitate this process
with varying levels of hearing impairment. It is not by characterizing the signal to noise ratio, thus allowing
known how well low-frequency sensitivity can be pre- the examiner to determine the appropriate procedures
dicted by this method when hearing levels fall in the for obtaining quiet recordings, such as increased aver-
severe to profound range. aging. Calculation of Fspis certainly not the only ade-
Although we have traditionally used derived re- quate method for estimating the signal to noise ratio of
sponses, we are also evaluating frequency-specific ABRs the averaged ABR. However, careful study with this
technique has shown that auditory psychophysical
thresholds can be predicted within 10 dB for normal-
Right Ear Left Ear hearing persons and for those with a degree of hearing
loss ranging from mild to profound. It is also clear that
ABR can predict tonal auditory threshold for frequen-
cies as low as 500 Hz.
Clearly, ABR is not a measure of hearing, and hearing
assessment is never complete until a behavioral audi-
ogram is obtained. However, the relationship between
ABR threshold and pure-tone average allows the au-
diologist to obtain accurate predictions of sensitivity
many months before reliable behavioral measures are
feasible. When carefully performed, ABR evaluation is
a reliable indicator of presence or absence of hearing
impairment (screening)as well as actual hearing thresh-
Hx of poor speech development olds.
Audiogram at 3 yr 9 mo.
ABR at 18 mo.
Figure 9. Relationship of ABR click thresholds to pure-tone thresh-
olds from a child with a Severely sloping, high-frequency hearing loss.
Based on response detection alone, low-frequency contributors to Don M, Allen AR, and Starr A. Effect of click rate on the latency of
click-evoked ABRs will be seen when the high-frequency response is the auditory brainstem response in humans. Ann Otol Rhino1
eliminated by hearing impairment. Laryngol 1977;86:186-195.

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30 Sininger Ear and Hearing, Vol. 14, No. 1, 1993

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