Devotion Week of January 16 2011

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Y Continue to pray for Kevin and Nancy for

their health and recovery.
JANUARY 9, 2011 Y Continue to pray for Bill Fink’s dad who is
struggling with his health.

Y For Pete Machacek a college class mate Y Pray for continued courage on Dwight
of Pastor Paul's who is grieving the death of Zvorak’s recovery from alcoholism.
his father.

Y Jacob Mielke a 19 year old man who is

struggling with cancer. He is getting chemo DEVOTION
at the Mayo Clinic. Evangelism is a topic that troubles many
Presbyterians. We want to see our
Y Peter Ralston, Faith Ralston’s son who is
struggling with addiction.
churches grow, but we’re turned off by
some of the approaches to Evangelism
Y Dave Nyberg as he recovers at home that we see. We don’t want Evangelism
from his knee surgery. to be like a sales call. We’re often
Y Gina Irlbeck who will be having gall concerned about offending another
bladder and hernia surgery this week. person, so we choose to keep quiet
instead of sharing the Good News.
Y Christina Glasgow as she goes through
her final month of pregnancy.
Ray Jones has a wonderful approach to
Y Nikki Gilman, Amy & Paul Moore’s Evangelism. He talks about engaging
daughter-in-law- as she prepares to deliver a our culture, engaging the gospel,
son. engaging the community, and engaging
Y Mary Mc Namara—President of United discipleship.
Seminary—who recently had surgery.
The following Bible readings and
Y Change hearts and minds of our public devotional readings fits into this idea of
servants and media. More civility less hate.
Y For Gina Irlbeck’s co-worker, Rachel, who
will be undergoing surgery in a week. An excellent process for using these
daily devotions is to:
Y Donna Mc Cullen, Ken Mc Cullen's wife as
she goes through more intense chemotherapy 1. Share an opening prayer where you
treatment. ask God to help you be open to the
working of the Spirit
Y The Pastor Nominating Committee of 2. Read the passage
Community Presbyterian Church in Plainview
as they discern who God is calling to be their 3. Read the devotion
new pastor. 4. Spend some time writing a response
to the question or reflecting on the
Y Gary Wassam as he looks for a job. question
5. Pray—please keep the prayer
Y Pray for understanding, peace,
acceptance and love for the Tse family. requests written on the prayer sheet in
your prayers.
Y Bill Fink as he looks for a job.
Thanks to everyone who has E-mailed
Y Stephen Muhia as he struggles with
finances. me comments about this devotion.
2 3 4
Keep them coming at and then sharing them with others is Basically Micah was asking God, “how Evangelism. When we share our own can I serve you.” (this is a paraphrase of
story we are engaging the gospel. verse 6).
When are three or four times in your life God told Micah that God wasn’t
Monday, January 17 when God acted in a surprising and impressed with the amount of people’s
Read Mark 10:46-52 wonderful way? Take a moment to service. (Can you imagine sacrificing
Jesus’ question to Bartimaeus’ in verse reflect on these instances. Knowing thousands of rams?) Instead God
51 is a wonderful Evangelism question these stories is a first step in shared a simple request for our service,
for local congregations. It’s a question Evangelism. We can’t share what we “do justice, love kindness, walk humbly
that we ask the world, “What do you don’t know! with God.”
want us as a church to do for you?”
Engaging the community on behalf of As you pray today, give thanks for these When we do this we are doing
Jesus is Evangelism. times in your life when God acted in a Evangelism. Doing justice, loving
surprising and wonderful way. kindness, and walking with humility is
It’s amazing that Jesus would even ask the way of God. When we consistently
Bartimaeus this question. Jesus knew Wednesday, January 19 live in this way, others will notice us.
the blind man’s needs. Jesus Read John 4:7-30, 39-42 Over time they will ask us how we can
approached Barimaeus as a servant This is a long story and a story worth live in such a way. Our way of life will
would approach a master—certainly a reading through more than once. The entertain opportunities for Evangelism.
role reversal. woman came to the well looking to draw
water from the well. Instead she How is it going at doing justice, loving
When local congregations are effective encountered living water in Jesus—a kindness and walking humbly with God?
in serving the needs of the world we are different type of water that fed your
participating in Evangelism in a powerful spirit and soul.
way. Notice what the women did as noted in Friday, January 21
verse 28, “She said to the people, [the Read 1 Corinthians 15:1-11
What needs do you see in the world? Samaritans in her own town] ‘Come and The Apostle Paul shared his story of
How can we at Chain of Lakes meet see a man who told me everything I encountering Jesus in these eleven
these needs with the heart of a servant? have ever done!’” verses. Later in this chapter he shared
his understanding of the resurrection.
This woman was excited about Jesus
Tuesday, January 18 and couldn’t help but share that Paul knew that the gift of grace that
Read Exodus 15:1-18 excitement with others. came through the resurrection was with
This is a high moment in the story of the him. Look at verse 10, “his grace
Israelites. They had just been delivered What excites you about Jesus? Spend toward me has not been in vain.”
from death by Pharaoh when the Red some time reflecting on this important
Sea was opened. The Israelites thought question. When you are excited about How do you understand the
that they were going to die, but instead Jesus, you can’t help but share that resurrection? In what ways do you see
were suddenly delivered by God. This excitement with others. Today as you grace exhibited in your own life?
song of Moses (and some people believe pray, give thanks to God for the
that Moses’ sister, Miriam shared this excitement that you feel. Today as you pray, give thanks for the
song) is a story of what God had done. resurrection and the gift of grace. Also
Thursday, January 20 ask God for an ever deepening
Each of us has a faith story—times when Read Micah 6:6-8 awareness of this grace.
God worked in surprising and wonderful The question that the prophet Micah
ways in our lives. Knowing these stories asked God is an age-old question. Saturday, January 22
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Read Acts 8:26-40
Philip had the opportunity to share the
gospel with the Ethiopian eunuch.
Through his sharing the man was

God wants us to share the gospel with

others. Our sharing is not necessarily a
sales call. Instead sharing the gospel
involves sharing times in our life when
God was active, meeting the needs of
the world in an attitude of service,
sharing our own excitement about Jesus,
living out Micah 6:8, and having a deep
awareness of grace that comes through
the resurrection.

Do you know of someone with whom

you could share the gospel? Could you
look for opportunities to share it? If you
don’t know of someone, could you ask
God for opportunities to share the
gospel? Just as the angel gave Philip an
opportunity, God is willing to give us
opportunities. Pray!!

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