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A chuckling wizard appears before you.

He says the world is in turmoil due to his wizard brother giving

individuals magically created lands and boons... most of whom spent their points on soldiers and
plunged the nations into war. The wizard before you, tired of the chaos, wants some peace in the world
and offers you [and others] your very own cozy town, located in a random developed country. He assures
you it will be protected from his brother's magic and the roaming armies.

You have 15 points. Each category's tiers costs 1-1-2 from top to bottom, and you may skip tiers.

Your town has a wide variety of cool shops and stores somehow selling most hobby and entertainment
goods at very low prices.
Your town either has a national sports stadium and a very good sports team or a huge arcade with a wide
variety of games almost free to play. Your choice.
Your town is home to a gigantic theme park with nearly every ride imaginable and a massively huge
movie theater. Waiting lines are nonexistent.

Night Life:
Your town has excellent pubs, serving an incredible variety of local and international drinks, somehow at
The pubs employ the most talented chefs, who prepare amazingly delicious food with only the freshest
ingredients at no extra charge.
Every night the pubs host some of the wildest and most hedonistic parties on Earth that could make even
the greatest introvert have fun. Somehow the party goers never become obnoxious, either.


Without this perk your town has 10,000 people, but now it's 50,000.
Your town has a large population of 250,000.
Your town is a city, with huge population of 1,000,000, complete with all the benefits being a city
provides. Traffic and pollution are never a problem.

The roads and public transportation in your town are all pristine and somehow maintained without any
road construction. In addition, commuting times are dramatically lowered for citizens.
Your town is bordering a major highway, attracting interesting and friendly tourists from all around the
world. Commuting times are lowered even further, and combining this with the above tier almost makes

Your town has a very major airport; the highest members of world society will now regularly travel to
your town, and enjoy mingling with the town's citizens – you will be in regular contact with the world's
mega elite.

The animals in your town are all healthy looking and exceptionally friendly – even songbirds might rest
on your shoulder if you want them to. Many competition winners will be born and trained here.
Your town's local area is home to an incredible diversity of insects and animals. In addition, all pests like
cockroaches are removed without harming the ecosystem.
Your town is famous for an unique, endemic, highly intelligent animal of your design; they are the
greatest animal buddies imaginable. The animal is smart enough to understand the basics of human
language, and can communicate nonverbally.

The town's land is very striking or beautiful. There might be large plateaus, rolling hills, or snow peaked
mountains; the landscape is of your design.

The weather and climate in your town is downright perfect for you. Every day seems to have just the
type of weather you wanted, from sunny days to large thunderstorms.
The plants in your town are endemic and one-of-a-kind, all spectacularly beautiful and often delicious.
Enormous trees or even flowers are well within your choices, and they may even resemble plants from
fiction if you so desire.

Your town has beautiful landscaping; the streets and buildings are always clean, every tree is properly
trimmed, every lawn expertly maintained, etc. Alternatively it can be controlled chaos, like a flourishing
jungle within a city.
Your town is a hotbed of art. Artwork you like is everywhere and anywhere, even in places like public
restrooms - sculptures, fine paintings, and much much more.
The architecture and layout of the town is of your choosing; the entire town may be structured after
ancient Greeks and the Pantheon, for instance. Whatever you choose it will be built with a master's skill
and the finest materials, and will never decay.
Higher Education:
Your town has a successful community college, increasing the percentage of citizens with college
education. Tabletop groups also become much more common, and the quality of players and storytellers
There's a large university in your town, further educating your citizens and drawing hoards of physically
attractive students and professors into the town. Making good friends or finding a date at the now
common intellectual groups can be done with almost no effort.
The university is one of the most prestigious in the world, many of its departments employing multiple
Nobel Laureates. Citizens receive only the best higher education and the town is famous for producing
politicians, businessmen, scientists, and writers, all of whom reside in your town and participate in
intellectual groups.

Public Education:
The public libraries are incredibly well stocked with almost any book or academic journal imaginable,
with expert librarians on-demand 24/7.

The schools in your town are some of the best in the nation, and the drop-out rate is near 0%. People in
your town are more active in the community as well, volunteering and helping others is near universal.
Your citizens are all highly informed and knowledgeable about the world. They are polite and courteous,
all capable of pleasant and stimulating conversations.

Your town is the darling of tech companies, who actively work to improve the community through
technology and start-ups, making life easier and more convenient. The working conditions of all jobs
Your town is saturated with bleeding-edge technologies; every single thing is always top-of-the-line high
Esoteric machines now serve the town, performing menial tasks and automating the worst jobs. In
addition all technology in the town is somehow always 3 years more advanced than anywhere else.

No matter where your town is, no man-made or natural disaster will ever befall your town. Even nuclear
fallout from World War 3 wouldn't harm your citizens.

The consumer goods in your town somehow meet quality requirements far above national standards.
Pharmaceuticals cause less side-effects, cars break down less, and everything just seems to work better.
Your town is almost utopia when it comes to safety – there is practically no crime or victimization of any
kind. You could walk around at night flaunting gold bars and not worry about muggings.

Town Wealth:
Your town has a strong, diversified economy with little unemployment. You're likely to find a pretty good
job with minimal effort.
The citizens of your town enjoy higher yearly incomes than their jobs' national average, and layoffs are
almost unheard of. Job satisfaction increases.
The economy is absolutely booming; homelessness and poverty are near nonexistent, and citizens earn
more than triple their jobs' national average.

Anon Wealth:

You begin with a small fortune in the bank, easily enough to live on for a year; longer if you're thrifty.
You also own a small business; you can work there if you choose, but regardless of your presence it will
give you a comfortable yearly income.

A huge mansion filled with servants is yours to enjoy. Your fortune and business are also no longer small;
you are wealthy and very successful.

Anon Relationships:
You can invite friends and family to painlessly move into your town. Their jobs, education, and life in
general will not be disrupted at all with this perk.

Everyone in town just seems to like you; they're always willing to talk or hang out, and are very friendly.
Your waifu is in this town, and will soon meet and fall madly in love with you. The waifu is a normal
human with a personality and appearance designed perfectly for you.

Anon Power:
You are given the position of mayor of your new town. You'll still need to run for reelections, but you
start off with a very high approval rating.
People in town respect you, even if you aren't mayor. Citizens are more likely to do favors for you,
businesses sometimes give VIP treatment.
Congratulations, you're dictator of the town! You can micromanage the town to your desire, demolishing
or constructing buildings where you please, and you are above most laws. The only limit is that this perk
cannot be used to obtain the other perks.

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