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Ariel is a name of detergent powder which is made by Proctor & Gamble.

It is a laundry detergent and it

is a flagship brand of P & G. Marketing is the process of dealing with the external environment and initial
situation of a company and its formulation, expansion, and choice of market oriented strategy and after
that contributing to the goals of the company.
It is the process through which the environment of the Ariel detergent can be analyzed. Political factors
have huge impact on the development of a business. As P&G is a global company it has to maintain
local, regional and global rules and regulations. Ariel has to deal with high number of competitors in the
market. Thus the microeconomic environment is very competitive and uncertain. Ariel has developed a
good reputation over many years for serving bets detergent of the market for example sustainable
development and usage of renewable resources etc. On the other hand the strong competitive
advantage of Ariel is that it has set up a stimulus in the minds of the target audiences that no detergent
can better remove the toughest stains than Ariel. In STP analysis in these criteria the marketers will
segment the market on the basis of some criteria geographic segmentation, user status, marketing type.
Ariel mainly does segmentation on the basis of user status. In terms of marketing mix to increase the
declining brand image and to promote the new product line the brand of Ariel should adopt some
marketing mixes strategy that will be beneficiary for the company in near future. Proper implementation
of marketing mix and STP analysis will be helpful in making a brand promotion successful.

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