Test 1

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1. As the rulers of the mahajanapadas of the Common Era were building huge forts maintaining big armies, they needed more resources for which they collected taxes. Consider the following about it. 1. Taxes on crop were fixed at a certain share of the total produce. 2. Craft persons were made to pay taxes 3. Hunter gatherers and herders were exempt from taxes as it was not possible to enumerate them as a part of any specific empire. 4, Trade was tax-free but a surcharge was levied on special category of goods. Select the correct answer using the codes below. A. Land 2 only B. 1, 3 and 4 only C.2 and 3 only D.1, 2,3 and 4 14. The Archaeological Ruins of the location comprise the first great urban centre of the Indus civilization with burnt brick structures. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and recently a movie on it was directed by Ashutosh Gowariker. It is? A. Burzahom B, Inamgaon C. Lothal D. None of the above 33. Consider the following statements about the historical inscriptions in India. 1. All the edicts of Asoka engraved in the Kharoshthi and Brahmi scripts are in the Prakrit language. 2. With the rise of the Guptas, Prakrit became the predominant language of Indian epigraphs. Which of the above is/are correct? a) 1 only b) 2 only c) Both 1 and2 d) None 34. Consider the following about the Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka. 1. Bhimbetka derives its name from the Atharva Veda. 2. Mesolithic as well as Medieval period rock paintings can be found in the caves. 3. Itis a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 4. Bhimbetka paintings are highly secular in nature. Select the correct answer using the codes below. a) 2 and 4 only b) 1. and 3 only c) 2 and 3 only d) 1 and 4 only 41. This ruler convened a Buddhist Council at Kashmir which eventually led to the recognition of the Mahayana sect of Buddhism. He is? a) Ashoka b) Yavana c) Kanishka d) Kumaragupta 42. Consider the following statements with reference to some of the officials in the History of India. 1. Nagara-shreshthi was the Chief Craftsman of the royal court. 2. Sarthavaha was the leader of bonded labourers. 3. Sandhi-vigrahika was a minister of war and peace. Select the correct answer using the codes below. a) 1 and 2 only b) 2 and 3 only c) 3 only d) None of the above 59. The Buddha taught that human life is full of suffering and unhappiness, which is caused due to a) Separation of matter with soul b) Law of Karma c) Constant cravings and desires d) Following the middle way in everything which dilutes focus and energy 70. The Jatakas often shown on the railings of stupas and in paintings in places such as Ajanta are actually? a) Stories that tell about the previous lives of the Buddha b) Essential teachings of the Buddha and his disciples c) Cycles of birth and death as deciphered by the monks d) Sangha rules that helped them travel and live together to propagate dhamma 77. Dhamma Mahamattas were appointed by Ashoka to a) Design a new religious code for the public b) Administer all donations to religious organizations and trusts in the empire c) Teach people about Ashoka’s Dhamma d) Represent the empire in religious debates with other empires and eminent scholars 79. In the context of Ancient history of India, Gramabhojakas and Grihapattis respectively were a) Largest landlords and Head Judge of the village b) Slaves and bonded labourers c) Census official and Policeman of the village d) Village headman and independent farmers 83. The Painted Grey Ware culture (PGW) is an a) Pre-Vedic age culture b) Iron Age culture c) Stone Age culture d) Soanian culture 3. Consider the following about Nayanars and Alvars. 1. Their social base was confined to particular high castes of South India. 2. They emphasized the relevance of the moral ideals of Buddhists and Jainas to the contemporary society and promoted them. 3. Their songs were compiled in the Divya Prabandham. 4. They preached severe ascetisim as the only true path of salvation. Select the correct answer using the codes below. A3 onl 52 and4 only 1,2 and3 only D. 1,2, 3and 4 22.Kangra school of painting is associated with Miniature paintings inspired from Vaishnavite traditions 2.Migration of Mughal artists to the hills from the plains following Nadir Shah’s invasion Which of the above is/are correct? AL only B.2 only c. Both 1 and 2 D. None 37.Consider the following about the Mansabdari system instituted in Mughal India. 1.It was a grading system used by the Mughals to fix rank, salary andmilitary responsibilities. 2.Mansabdars received their salaries as revenue assignments called jagirs. Which of the above is/are correct? A. L only B.2 only ¢. Both | and 2 D. None 41.In Medieval India, the duty of Muqtis was A. maintain law and order in their iqtas B. administering the royal treasury c. social welfare among the downtrodden D. educating the public of royal developments 43."Sulh-i kul” of Akbar was associated with AA universally applicable system of ethics B, An agreement between Mughal rulers to govern the subasmore efficiently Distribution of rank and perks between Subadars D. Civil and criminal justice of the darbar 44.With reference to Medieval India, consider the following about Hundis. LIt was a note recordinga deposit made bya person which could be claimed back inanother place bypresenting therecord of thedeposit. 2.There is evidence to show that Hundis were honoured outside Indian markets also. Which of the above is/are correct? A. 1 only B. 2 only c.Both'l and 2 D. None 46.Amir Khusrau, a renowned poet in Medieval India, made which of the following observations about India? 1.A different language could be found in every region of India. 2.Training centres in Sanskrit language have done an excellent work at promoting Sanskrit to the common folks of India. Which of the above is/are correct? A.Lonly B.2only Both I and 2 D. None 52.Vishnu as Narasimha, the man-lion, a work of the Rashtrakuta period, has been shown in A. Ajanta caves B.Ellora caves c. Karla caves D. Kailasha caves 54.The East India Company forced many states into a “subsidiary alliance”. According to the terms of this alliance 1.No Indian ruler was allowed to keep armed forces in his kingdom. 2.Half of the land territory of the stateswas to be transferred to the Company as a debt security instrument. Which of the above is/are correct? A. Lonly B.2 only ¢.Both | and 2 D. None 57.Bhanudatta’s Rasamanjari is associated with A. Birth of Shilpkala in India B. Its depiction in various schools of painting C. The earliest text on music and ragas in India D. Civil Disobedience Movement 1930 59.Chauth and Sardeshmukhi levied by the Marathas were related to A. Pottery and crafts B. Recovery charges on state led industrial development c. Land revenue D. Fines on defeated kingdoms 66.If you happen to read Ain-i-Akbari, information about which of the following can be obtained from it? A Revenues and geography of Akbar’s empire B. Administration of Akbar c. Traditions and culture of the people living in India D. All of the above 77.During the Medieval period, which of the following technologies made their appearance in India? 1.Persian wheel in irrigation 2.Spinning wheel in weaving 3.Firearms in combat Select the correct answer using the codes below. A. Lonly B. 1,2 and3 c.2and3 only D. 1 and3 only 82.Consider the following about Al-Biruni. 1.He translated several Sanskrit works like Patanjali’s work on grammar into Arabic. 2.He wrote Kitab-al Hind for which he consulted Sanskrit scholars. 3.He rejected the Western mathematical systems. Select the correct answer using the codes below. A. Land 2 onh B. 2 and 3 only c.2 only D. 1 only User 90.Which of the following is the major difference between the Philosophy of Shankara and Ramanuja? A. Shankara emphasized on dualism, whereas Ramanuja on advaita. B. Shankara emphasized on advaita, whereas Ramanuja on Vishishtadvaita - “qualified oneness” c. Shankara emphasized on the fact that there are multiple living realities in the world, whereas Ramanuja_ stressed on the restless nature of human mind D. None of the above 97.Nathpanthis, Siddhacharas and Yogis 1.Criticised the ritual and other aspects of conventional religion and the prevailing social order 2.Advocated renunciation of the world by meditating on the formless reality Which of the above is/are correct? A. Lonly B.2 only c. Both 1 and2 D. None User 98.The inscriptions of the Cholas who ruled in Tamil Nadu refer to many different kinds of taxes. Out of themVetti and Kadamai taxes were levied respectively on A. Forced labour and land B. Thatching the house and succession to family property C Road services and security D. Performance of arts and house building 3. If there was no ‘Right to constitutional remedies’ in the Constitution, which of the following would follow? a) A citizen would not be able to move court at all. b) There would be no rule of law in the country. c) Separation of powers between legislature and executive would be completely diluted. d) A democratic government may turn authoritarian. 10. Consider the following statements. Assertion (A): A Ministry which loses confidence of the Rajya Sabha is obliged to resign. Reason (R): The Council of Ministers is collectively responsible to the Rajya Sabha. In the context of the above, which of these is correct? a) Ais correct, and R is an appropriate explanation of A. b) Ais correct, but R is not an appropriate explanation of A. c) Ais correct, but R is incorrect. d) Both A and R are incorrect. 15.Which of the following statements with reference to the Office of the Vice President of India is correct? a) State legislatures are not part of the electoral college of the VicePresident. b) The Vice President may be removed from his office by a resolution of the Rajya Sabha passed by a majority and agreed to by the Lok Sabha. ©) The Vice President acts as the ex-officio Chairman of the Rajya Sabha and takes over the office of the President when there is a vacancy. 4d) Allof the above 20. The bureaucracy in India is expected to be politically neutral. Political neutrality implies that the bureaucracy will not? 1. Take a purely political position on policy matters. 2. Contest for political offices. 3. Implement policies and schemes that have a political objective Select the correct answer using the codes below. a) 1and 2 only b) 2only c) 2 and 3 only d)1,2and3 24. The Prime Minister and all the ministers have to be members of the Parliament. If someone becomes a minister or Prime Minister without being an MP, which of these follows? a) He must obtain a special approval from the Parliament to continue in the office. b) He should get prior Presidential consent if he continues in the office for a period of more than six months. c) Such a person has to get elected to the Parliament within six months, failing which he stands removed from the office. d) None of the above 26. Consider the following about Zero Hour in Parliament. 1. MPs are free to raise any matter which they believe to be important in the Zero Hour. 2. Ministers are bound to reply on the house floor on matters raised in Zero Hour. Which of the above is/are correct? a) 1only b) 2 only c) Both1 and 2 d) None 27. “Nothing in this article shall prevent the State from making any provision for the reservation of appointments or posts in favour of any backward class of citizens which, in the opinion of the State, is not adequately represented in the services under the State.” This is a provision found in a) Directive Principles of State Policy b) Fundamental Rights c) Special Constitutional Rights under Part VII d) National Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC) Act, 1993 29. Consider the following statements. 1. The institutions run by the state will not give any religious education to ensure the neutrality of State in matters of religion. 2, The government will not discriminate between educational institutions, when granting aid, on the basis of their management being under particular minority communities. Which of the above is/are correct? a) 1only b) 2 only c) Both 1 and 2 d) None 38. The Directive Principles lists in Part IV of the Constitution essentially imply which of the following? 1. The goals and objectives that we as a society should adopt 2. Certain rights that individuals should enjoy apart from the Fundamental Rights 3. Some policies that the government should adopt to further citizen welfare Select the correct answer using the codes below. a) 1and 2 only b) 2 and g only c) 3 only d)1,2and3 41.The Single Transferable Vote system (STV) in India is followed for the elections of 1. President 2. Rajya Sabha MPs 3. Members of Legislative Council (MLCs) Select the correct answer using the codes below. a) 1and 2 only b) 3 only c) 1only d) 1, 2and3 45. Consider the following statements. 1. Parliamentary privileges are enshrined in the Constitution and enjoyed by individual MPs as well as each house of Parliament. 2. The presiding officer of the legislature has the final powers in deciding matters of breach of privilege. Which of the above is/are correct? a) 1only b) 2 only c) Both 1 and 2 d) None 48. Which of the following differentiates between a private bill and a public bill? a) A private bill is not disclosed in public as it contains sensitive matters, whereas a public bill is published in the Gazette of India. b) A private bill is related to non-public goods and commercial aspects of government administration, whereas public bill relates to substantial public goods. ¢) A private bill can be proposed only to the Council of Ministers, whereas a public bill is a draft of the proposed law in Parliament. d) A private bill i bill is introduced by a Minister. introduced by a non-Minister, whereas a public 50. That “a Money Bill shall not be introduced in the Council of States” is a a) Parliamentary Convention b) Parliamentary Legislation c) Constitutional provision d) Executive fiat 52. Consider the following statements about various writs mentioned in the Constitution of India. 1, Mandamus is issued when the court finds that a particular office holder is not doing legal duty and thereby is infringing on the right of an individual. 2. Certiorari is issued when the executive has prorogued a House Session before the due date on unreasonable grounds. Which of the above is/are correct? a) 1only b) 2 only c) Both 1and2 d) None 53. Consider the following about the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC). 1. It can be headed only by the serving Chief Justice of India. 2. It can start an inquiry at its own initiative on a human rights violation issue. 3. It undertakes and promoting research in the field of human rights. 4. The commission does not have the power of prosecution. Select the correct answer using the codes below. a) 1and 4 only b) 2 and 3 only c) 2,3 and 4 only d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 only 55. The famous Minerva Mills case was related to 1, Evolution of the basic structure doctrine of the Constitution of India 2. Status of Directive Principles of State Policy over the Fundamental Rights Which of the above is/are correct? a) 1only b) 2 only c) Both1 and 2 d) None 56. Which of the following is\are the features of a proportional representation (PR) system of elections? 1. The entire country can be considered as a single constituency. 2. A Voter can vote for the party rather than the candidate. 3. A party generally gets more seats in proportion to the votes it receives. Select the correct answer using the codes below. a) 1 and 2 only b) 3 only c)1and g only d)1, 2and3 61.Consider the following statements. Assertion (A): The Prime Minister is obliged to furnish all the information that the President may call for. Reason (R): Constitutionally, the President has a right to be informed of all important matters and deliberations of the Council of Ministers. In the context of the above, which of these is correct? a) Ais correct, and R is an appropriate explanation of A. b) Ais correct, but R is not an appropriate explanation of A. c) Ais correct, but R is incorrect. d) Both A and R are incorrect. 63. The President appoints various Ministers and decides their portfolio on the advice of the a) Prime Minister b) Vice-President c) Speaker, Lok Sabha d) He makes the decision independently. 65. Before the 91st Amendment Act (2003), the size of the Council of Ministers was determined by the a) Parliament b) Exigencies of time and situation ¢) Total population size of the country d) Number of constituencies in the country 68. States that have a bicameral legislature in India are? 1, Jharkhand 2. Karnataka 3. Gujarat 4. Uttar Pradesh Select the correct answer using the codes below. a) Land 4 only b) 2and 3 only c) 2and 4 only d)1,2,3and4 69. Consider the following statements. 1. If the Government of India proposes to introduce any new tax, it must get the approval of the Lok Sabha. 2. The government must give an account about its receipts and expenditures to the Legislature. Which of the above is/are correct? a) 1only b) 2 only c) Both 1 and 2 d) None 71.1f the Union Parliament wishes to move a matter from Concurrent List to the Union List, which of these follows? a) It must obtain the consent of all State Legislatures for the same. b) The Rajya Sabha must pass a resolution to this effect approving the action of the Lok Sabha. c) The President must consult the Governors of a majority of States and act according to their advice. d) The Cabinet must pass an executive fiat to this effect. 75. Which of these fundamental rights can be found in the South African Constitution but not in the Indian Constitution? 1, Right to basic and higher education 2. Right to unemployment allowances 3. Rights of religious and cultural minorities Select the correct answer using the codes below. a) 1and 2 only b) 1 only c) 2 and 3 only d) 3 only 81. Consider the following statements. Assertion (A): The Election Commission of India (ECI) can cancel local body elections in case of rigging and both capturing. Reason (R): The ECI is responsible for the conduct of local body elections. In the context of the above, which of these is correct? a) Ais correct, and R is an appropriate explanation of A. b) Ais correct, but R is not an appropriate explanation of A. c) Ais correct, but R is incorrect. d) Both A and R are incorrect. 89. Which of the following functions are performed by the Election Commission of India (ECI)? 1, It supervises the preparation of up-to-date voters’ list. 2. It determines the timing of elections and prepares the election schedule. 3. It can order a re-poll in a specific constituency on certain grounds. 4. It accords recognition to political parties and allots symbols to each of them. Select the correct answer using the codes below. a) 1and 3 only b) 1 and 2 only c) 2,3 and 4 only d)1,2,3 and 4 97. Consider a comparison of the powers of the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. 1. Both houses can pass a constitutional amendment bill, but the bill must be first introduced in the Lok Sabha. 2. Both houses approve the proclamation of emergency, but an emergency cannot be revoked by any of the houses. Which of the above is/are correct? a)1only b) 2 only c) Both 1 and 2 d) None 100. Consider the following about the Delimitation Commission. 1, It is appointed by the President of India. 2. It works in collaboration with the Election Commission of India.. 3. Its orders cannot be challenged in a court of law. 4. Only the Parliament can modify the orders of the Commission. Select the correct answer using the codes below. a) 1and 2 only b) 1,3 and 4 only c) 2 only d) 1, 2 and g only

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