Cymdist 4.7: 7.1. Attaching Maps

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A tutorial database to use with this

tutorial is provided with the installation
package of CYMDIST. The explanations Tutorial
below are based on the use of that
database. 7.1. Attaching Maps
The user can display raster or vector map images (geographical land-base such as DWG, DXF, SHP,
etc) as layers directly underneath the electrical model.
With this option, you will be able to perform your simulation and visualize your results just as if you were
in a view of your CAD or AM/FM/GIS system.

n Attach a Map

1. You will find in the installation folder of CYMDIST a folder called Tutorial, in which resides the
Tutorial_with_Substation.mdb database. Create a connection to this database in CYMDIST if it is
not already done.
2. Load the feeders of that database.

3. Select the Window > Attach map menu option or click on the Attach map icon .
4. In the Setup Map dialog box, you can select among two file types: AutoCAD (.DWG and *.DXF) or
Map Server.
Select the file type AutoCAD (*.DWG, *.DXF).

Click on the Browse button to open the Map Selection dialog box.
Select the AutoCAD file galstreets.dxf included with this tutorial package and click Open.
Under the field Select Layers, a list of the available layers is displayed. To show or hide specific
layers, click to place or remove check marks next the file names.
5. Click OK to attach the map(s).

© CYME International T&D, January 2008

CYMDIST 4.7 Tutorial – Attaching Maps Page 2

o Automatically Load AutoCAD Map(s) from the Database

This option allows you to query the database to find all the maps that intersect the feeder’s extent, and
to display them.
1. In the Import AutoCAD files from a folder group box, browse for the folder where the map
galstreets.dxf is stored. Click Select to return to the main Setup Map dialog box.
2. Click on the Import button to import the AutoCAD map file into the database.
3. Once the import is successful, check the Automatically load the map(s) from the database option
and click OK in the Setup Map dialog box.

Now if you load any feeder using the Show/Hide network command, the map(s) corresponding to
the feeders selected for display will be automatically loaded as well.

p Automatically Load Map(s) of Other Formats from the Database

CYMDIST includes a Map Server* program that supports numerous formats for Geographical Map
information. This feature allows the import of maps of the following formats into CYMDIST using the
Attach Map command:

• Windows Bitmap (.bmp) • NTF (.ntf)

• Atlas GIS (.bna) • ArcInfo Shape (.shp)
• USGS DLG (.std.opt) • Tagged Image File Format (.tif)
• AutoCAD DXF (.dxf) • Digital Chart of the World (VPF)
• MapInfo (.mif) • Metafiles (.wmf;.emf)
* MAP SERVER is a trademark or software provided by GEOSOFT.

For this exercise, we will load an existing set of maps using the galstreet.gds file which can be found in
the Map folder located inside the Tutorial folder in the CYMDIST installation directory.

© CYME International T&D, January 2008

CYMDIST 4.7 Tutorial – Attaching Maps Page 3

1. In the Setup Map dialog box, select the file

type Map Server Files (.gds) in the File type
combo box.

2. Click on the browse button next to File

Name to open the Map selection dialog box.
3. Check the Attach dataset checkbox to set up
an index to map images.

4. Click on the browse button next to the

dataset field to locate the galstreet.gds file
provided with the tutorial database that is
under the Map folder directory of CYMDIST.
Click on Open to load it.
5. The Attach button becomes enabled. Click on
it to display a list of map sheets that can be
selected and displayed on screen.
6. Press OK to display the entire map.
7. If the maps you wish to load are of another
format than .gds, click on the Import button in
the Map Selection dialog box, and then on
the Add button in the Import dialog box to
select your file type among the formats
available and the map files of that format to be
attached to a dataset.

© CYME International T&D, January 2008

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