Approaching God Through Prayer

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Text: Mark 14:32-42

Title: "Attitude on Approaching God through Prayer"


Pinaka malaking hamon sa ating buhay ay ang kuhanin ang nalaglag na sabon sa loob ng inidoro.

Prayer is the Christian’s way of communicating with God. We pray to praise God and thank Him and tell
Him how much we love Him. We pray to enjoy His presence and tell Him what is going on in our lives.
We pray to make requests and seek guidance and ask for wisdom. God loves this exchange with His
children, just as we love the exchange we have with our children. Fellowship with God is the heart of
prayer. Too often we lose sight of how simple prayer is really supposed to be.

The Bible teaches us that we can approach God through prayer. In fact, for God to make an action in our
lives we must come to Him through prayer and prayer is one of the way to work out our relationship to
God. From the Old Testament we can read that all the servants of God, all the mighty man of God, and
all the leaders of Israel approach God through prayer. And we witness how God works on their lives. But
we ca see that God answer prayer based in the attitude of those who seek Him.

Propositional Sentence:

Prayer places us in contact with Almighty God, and we should expect almighty results, whether or not
He chooses to grant our petitions or deny our requests.

Interrogative Sentence:

What kind of attitude we should have in approaching God through prayer?

Transitional Sentence:

In approaching the Father, Jesus is teaching us today the attitude that we should have in prayer.

Main Points:

I. We must be transparent in prayer( vv. 32-36)

II. We must be committed in prayer (vv. 32-36

III. We must be responsible in prayer (vv. 32-42)

I. We must be transparent in prayer (vv. 32-36)

When we make petitions to God, we let God know exactly where we stand and what we would like to
see happen. In our prayers, we must admit that God is greater than we are and ultimately knows what is
best in any given situation (Romans 11:33–36). God is good and asks us to trust Him. In prayer, we say,
essentially, “Not my will, but your will be done.” The key to answered prayer is praying according to the
will of God and in accordance with His Word. Prayer is not seeking our own will but seeking to align
ourselves with the will of God more fully (1 John 5:14–15; James 4:3).

II. We must be committed in prayer (vv. 32-36)

The prayers Jesus prayed give us insight into His nature, His heart, and His mission on earth. The prayers
of Jesus also inform and encourage us in our own prayer lives. Far more important than where He
prayed, when He prayed, and in what position He prayed is the fact that He prayed. The theme of His
prayers is instructive for all of us.

Prayer was an integral part of Jesus’ time on earth, and He prayed regularly: “Jesus often withdrew to
lonely places and prayed” (Luke 5:16). If the Son incarnate found it necessary to commune with the
Father frequently, how much more do we need to do so? Jesus faced persecution, trials, heartache, and
physical suffering. Without regular and continual access to the throne of God, He would surely have
found those events unbearable. In the same way, Christians must never neglect to “approach God’s
throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of
need” (Hebrews 4:16).

III. We must be responsible in prayer (vv. 32-42)

: a person who gives a response or answer to a question that is asked.

When someone told us to pray what is our responds? We must be willing to do things regardless of our
situation or regardless of our time. Jesus said to His disciples that they need to watch and pray but their
responds is not good. When someone ask you to pray in the middle of the night what are we gonna do?
Are you going to pray or sleep?

All Christian must be responsible in terms if prayer, there are lot of things and reasons that we should
pray for. We should pray for our family, friends, our church, our community, and our Country. We need
to pray for guidance and protection for those who need it, strength for those who are weak , blessings
for those who are poor, courage for those who are discouraged, faith for those who are faithless, and
love for those who are loveless. But the question is, are we willing to pray for them? Can we be
responsible in terms of prayer for them?

Pray Responsibly!!!

Sa Umaga pong ito hinahamon ko po kayo suntukan tayo. Hahaha

When approaching God through prayer our attitude is also important. We must be transparent, we must
be committed, and we must be responsible to it like the Lord Jesus Christ did. Let us be serious in our
prayer life.

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