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Examples of 18 ways of writing an introduction:

1. Presenting global to local

Ex. A perennial problem which has taken the world to a storm is the drug addiction
2. Striking facts
Ex. Approximately, there are a number of rape victim everyday, according to PNP.
3. Generally-held assumption/ principle
Ex. Commission on Human Rights CHR claim that such act is unjust and brutal.
4. Contradictory Statement
Ex. But now that the brave member of the cabinet has walked his talk, those who don’t want him
now started to give a hand and praise him for his iron hand.
5. Legal Basis
Ex. Republic Act 9008, also known as Solid Waste Management Law, says that everyone should
segregate waste and for those who will be caught not doing the act will be fined.
6. Foreshadowed conclusion
Ex. If they don’t surrender, they will get killed.
7. Statistical Fact
Ex. Everybody was taken aback when we won with a large number over his opponent.
8. Relevance of the study
Ex. The researcher is a master’s degree candidate in Education at UEP graduate studies. He deems it
timely and necessary to conduct this study to find out how serious the DEPED in facing the new
normal system with this pandemic situation.
9. Justification to replicate the study
Ex. No similar study has been conducted yet in the District of San Roque. Hence, this study.
10. Statistical data
Ex. 80% of the prisoners in Muntin Lupa are drug convicted.
11. Quotation
“I know you believe you understand what you think I said. However, I’m not sure you realize that
what you heard is not what I meant" (Mosley et al . . 1989: 140)
12. Provocative statement
Ex. The Department of Health disclosed that there over 1000 patients COVID-19 related death in just
a week
13. Pronouncement of authorities
Ex. President Rodrigo Roa Duterte declares suspension of classes in the country until next 2021 due
COVID-19 pandemic
14. Stating theory
Ex. Theory of multiple intelligence by Howard Gardner suggests that traditional psychometric views
of intelligence are too limited, and in order to capture the full range of abilities and talents that
people possess, Gardner theorizes that people do not have just an intellectual capacity, but have
many kinds of intelligence, including musical, interpersonal, spatial-visual, and linguistic
15. Questionable practices
Ex. Those who cannot afford to pay hospital bills, people from furling areas resort to herbal tawa-
tawa in medicating dengue patients.
16. Existing problematic situation
Ex. No less than Mayor Duterte had witnessed an addicted teenager raping his own sister; a father
killing his own son or members of the family in Mindanao
17. Bridging the gap in available knowledge
Ex. it takes one president Duterte to have the political will to impose a harsh and drastic
action/solution to what he describe a pandemic crisis in our society

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