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5/8/2020 NEETprep Admin

Total Ques ons : 30

1 - Ques on: (48756) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 73.58 %

What does health mean?

A. Absence of disease
B. Physical fitness
C. State of complete physiological, mental and social well being
D. State of complete physical, mental and social well being

Correct Op on: 4

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NCERT page number 146, Para-1st

Introduction of chapter

2 - Ques on: (48764) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 85.53 %

Following are some symptoms, find the disease associated with it.
Sustained high fever, weakness, stomach pain, constipation,
headache, loss of appetite
A. Pneumonia
B. Malaria
C. Typhoid
D. Filariasis

Correct Op on: 3

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NCERT page number 146,

8.1 Common Diseases in humans, para-2nd

3 - Ques on: (48772) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 65.33 %

Typhoid, Pneumonia, Dysentery,Plague, Diphtheria; How many are

viral disease?
A. 2
B. 1 1/12
5/8/2020 NEETprep Admin

C. 3
D. Zero

Correct Op on: 4

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NCERT page number 147, para-2nd

8.1 Common Diseases in humans

4 - Ques on: (48784) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 52.99 %

If an infected person is biten by a female Anopheles mosquito,

what will it takes up with its blood meal to become another infected
mosquito for the spread of disease?
A. Gametocytes of plasmodium
B. Sporophyte of plasmodium
C. Sporozoites
D. Haemozoin

Correct Op on: 1

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NCERT page number 148, Figure 8.1-ground stages in the life

cycle of Plasmodium
8.1 Common Diseases in humans

5 - Ques on: (48790) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 76.05 %

The following symptoms: internal bleeding, muscular pain, fever,

anemia are associated with
A. Ascariasis
B. Filariasis
C. Malaria
D. Typhoid

Correct Op on: 1

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NCERT page number 149, para-2 2/12
5/8/2020 NEETprep Admin

8.1 Common Diseases in humans

6 - Ques on: (48794) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 89.2 %

In Filariasis;
A. The lymphatic vessels of upper limbs are affected
B. The blood vessels of upper limbs are affected
C. The lymphatic vessels of lower limbs are affected
D. The blood vessels of lower limbs are affected.

Correct Op on: 3

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NCERT page number 149, para-3

8.1 Common Diseases in humans

7 - Ques on: (48797) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 76.23 %

Ringworms are characterized by

A. Dry leisons on skin,nails,and scalp
B. Dry and scaly leisons on skin and nails
C. Scaly leisons on skin and nails
D. Dry and scaly leisons on skin, nails and scalp

Correct Op on: 4

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NCERT page number 149, para-4

8.1 Common Diseases in humans

8 - Ques on: (48804) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 87.92 %

Which of the following is not a physiological barrier?

A. Acid of stomach
B. Saliva in mouth
C. Tears in eyes
D. Mucus coating of epithelium of respiratory tract 3/12
5/8/2020 NEETprep Admin

Correct Op on: 4

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NCERT page number 150

8.2.1 Innate Immunity, point (ii)

9 - Ques on: (48809) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 69.01 %

The response generated by antibodies is called

A. Cell mediated Immune response
B. Humoral immune response
C. Primary immune response
D. Anamnestic immune response

Correct Op on: 2

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NCERT page number 151

8.2.2 Acquired Immunity, para-3

10 - Ques on: (48815) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 38.64 %

Colostrum and immunity gained through placenta comes under

which class of immunity?
A. Natural
B. Passive
C. Active
D. More than one option

Correct Op on: 4

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NCERT page number 152

8.2.3 Active and Passive Immunity, para-1

11 - Ques on: (48817) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 48.68 % 4/12
5/8/2020 NEETprep Admin

RDT has not allowed to produce antigenic polypeptide of pathogen

A. Bacteria
B. Yeast
C. Virus
D. Both A and B

Correct Op on: 3

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NCERT page number 152

8.2.4 Vaccination and Immunisation, para-2

12 - Ques on: (48818) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 86.19 %

Allergies could be because of

A. Protected environment provided in early life
B. Modern day life style
C. More sensitivity to the environment
D. All of these

Correct Op on: 4

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NCERT page number 153

8.2.5 Allergies, para-2

13 - Ques on: (48819) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 78.16 %

The cause of autoimmunity can be

A. Physical appearance
B. Genetic reasons
C. Reasons, which are still under research
D. Both B and C

Correct Op on: 4

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NCERT page number 153

8.2.6 Auto Immunity, para-1 5/12
5/8/2020 NEETprep Admin

14 - Ques on: (48820) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 80.82 %

The primary lymphoid organs are

A. Bone marrow and thymus
B. Bone marrow and spleen
C. Spleen and thymus
D. All three

Correct Op on: 1

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NCERT page number 153

8.2.7 Immune System in the body ,para-2

15 - Ques on: (48831) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 40.53 %

MALT is not/ doesn't/ haven't

A. Lining of respiratory, digestive and urogenital tracts are the
major location
B. Mucosa Associated Lymphoid Tissue
C. Constitutes more than 50% of Lymphoid Tissue in the body
D. Lymphoid Tissue

Correct Op on: 3

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NCERT page number 154, Para-3

8.2.7 Immune system in the body

16 - Ques on: (48832) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 48.92 %

AIDS, a deadly disease, what does the word Acquired indicate

A. It is because of Acquired immunity
B. It is because of deficiency of immune system
C. It is because of immuno deficiency
D. It is not a congenital disease 6/12
5/8/2020 NEETprep Admin

Correct Op on: 4

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NCERT page number 154,

8.3 AIDS, Para-1

17 - Ques on: (48837) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 45.38 %

If new viruses are formed in an infected cell, can the cell survive at
the release of viruses?
A. In most of the cases, it cannot
B. It always survives
C. It has no capability to survive
D. It can survive

Correct Op on: 4

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NCERT page number 155,

8.3 AIDS, Figure 8.6 Replication of retrovirus

18 - Ques on: (48840) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 78.12 %

Which of the following statements is wrong with respect to AIDS?

A. ELISA is a diagnostic tool
B. Anti- retroviral drugs is only partially effective
C. The death is evitable by the use of drugs against retrovirus
D. The drugs can only prolong the life

Correct Op on: 3

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NCERT page number 156, Para-1

8.3 AIDS

19 - Ques on: (48843) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 90.58 % 7/12
5/8/2020 NEETprep Admin

Which of the following is the most feared property of Malignant

A. Contact inhibition
B. Metastasis
C. Uncontrolled division
D. No differentiation

Correct Op on: 2

Explana on:

NCERT page number 157, Para-2

8.4 Cancer

20 - Ques on: (48849) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 65.2 %

For the detection of cancers of internal organ, which of the

technique is not useful?
A. Radiography
D. Bone marrow test

Correct Op on: 4

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NCERT page number 157, Para-4

8.4 Cancer

21 - Ques on: (48860) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 87.18 %

Opioid are the drugs

A. Bind to specific Opioid receptor present in PNS and GI tract
B. Bind to specific opioid receptor present in CNS and
respiratory tract
C. Bind to specific opioid receptor present in CNS and GI tract
D. Bind to specific opioid receptor present in PNS and
respiratory tract

Correct Op on: 3

Explana on: 8/12
5/8/2020 NEETprep Admin

NCERT page number 158,

8.5 Drugs And Alcohol Abuse, Para-3

22 - Ques on: (48863) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 79.03 %

Morphine is extracted from

A. Poppy plant, Papaver somniferous
B. Latex part
C. Opium poppy
D. All of these

Correct Op on: 4

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NCERT page number 158-159

8.5 Drugs And Alcohol Abuse

23 - Ques on: (48866) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 71.95 %

Marijuana, hashish, charas, ganja, heroin, cocaine,datura. How

many are cannabinoids?
A. 4
B. 3
C. 5
D. 6

Correct Op on: 1

Explana on:

NCERT page number 159, Para-2

8.5 Drugs And Alcohol Abuse

24 - Ques on: (48868) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 43.47 %

The various combination of which of the following from Cannabis

plant will give marijuana, hashish, charas and ganja
A. Inflorescence, flower tops, leaves 9/12
5/8/2020 NEETprep Admin

B. Flower tops, resins, leaves

C. Flower tops and latex
D. Latex and inflorescence

Correct Op on: 2

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NCERT page number 159, Para-2

8.5 Drugs And Alcohol Abuse

25 - Ques on: (48874) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 75.38 %

Which of the following plants does not possess hallucinogenic

A. Atropa belladonna
B. Datura
C. Erythroxylum coca
D. Papever somniferum

Correct Op on: 4

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NCERT page number 159, Para-3

8.5 Drugs And Alcohol Abuse

26 - Ques on: (48876) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 69.81 %

Which of the following drugs do not cope with mental illness like
depression and insomnia?
A. Barbiturates
B. Amphetamines
C. Benzodiazepines
D. Diacetylmorphine

Correct Op on: 4

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NCERT page number 159, Para-4

8.5 Drugs And Alcohol Abuse 10/12
5/8/2020 NEETprep Admin

27 - Ques on: (48885) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 76.61 %

Which of the following cannot be a cause of drug abuse in

A. Stable family structure
B. Peer pressure
C. To escape facing problems
D. To look cool and progressive

Correct Op on: 1

Explana on:

NCERT page number 160,

8.5.1 Adolescence and Drug/Alcohol Abuse, para-2

28 - Ques on: (48887) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 53.53 %

Dependence for drugs can be

A. Tendency of the body to manifest a characteristic and
pleasant withdrawal syndrome if regular dose is discontinued
B. Characterised by anxiety, shakiness, nausea and sweating
C. Something which lead to follow all social norms for all
sufficient funds
D. There will be no social adjustment problems ultimately

Correct Op on: 2

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NCERT page number 161, Para-2,3

8.5.2 Addiction and Dependence

29 - Ques on: (48888) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 90.3 %

Which of the following can be as a result of drug or alcohol abuse?

A. Coma and death due to failure of Heart
B. Reckless behavior, vandalism and violence
C. A combination of drugs and alcohol lead to overdosing and
then to death 11/12
5/8/2020 NEETprep Admin

D. All of these

Correct Op on: 4

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NCERT page number 161

8.5.3 Effects of Drug/Alcohol Abuse,Para-1

30 - Ques on: (48893) : (Edit Ques on) : (Add Audio Explana on) | correct
percentage : 51.89 %

Which of the following side-effects is common in the adolescent

male and females for the over consumption of anabolic steroids?
A. Severe facial and body acne
B. Potential for kidney and liver dysfunction
C. Premature baldness
D. Excessive hair growth on body and face

Correct Op on: 1

Explana on:

NCERT page number 162, Para-3

8.5.3 Effects of Drug/ Alcohol Abuse 12/12

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