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Republic of the Philippines




1. Give your own definition understanding of what is administration and supervision in the context of
school management. What are the boundaries that separate administration and supervision of
schools? Justify your answer
The word administration and supervision is used interchangeably, but they don’t mean the
same thing. Administration in my view point is the process or an act of facilitating, commanding,
managing, ordering of affairs in an organization. But in the context of school management, this refers to
how a particular administrator run and manages the entire aspect of the school, from the students,
teachers, instruction, stakeholders and others concerning the institution therein in its mission of
accomplishing a certain set of goals.
On the other hand, Supervision is the process of directing what does or how something is
done, an act of supervising someone or something, to the extent of giving intervention from a senior to
his/her junior members in an organization. But in the context of school management, supervision may
mean the improvement of the total teaching and learning situation and the conditions that affect the
entire process. Furthermore, supervision is a specialized function which involves leadership in studying,
improving, and evaluating teaching and learning process in its aspiration of improving instruction by
working with people (teachers and other stakeholders) who are also working with learners.
In consonance, supervision and administration has salient feature that separate the two
confusing terms. First, they differ in terms of what it represents, administration represents the whole of
educational system, while supervision takes a portion of the system. Second, what it does in an
organization? Administration provides favorable conditions for effective teaching and learning, but
supervision carries out better operation and improving it. Third, what is it function? Administration
decide, directs and orders the execution of the educational program, while supervision assist, advises,
and leads the operation and improvement of the educational system. And finally, what is its focus?
Administration focuses on the school system as a whole, while under supervision, it focuses on the
students and the teaching-learning process.

2. The K-to-12 education reform is in its 6 th year of implementation already. Give atleast five (5) major
problems that beset the realization of the program objectives
“The only constant thing in this world is change” as the old cliché goes, and K to 12
education is the latest modification in the Philippines education setting. Due to its novelty, lapses and
problems would be inevitable, few of which are discussed below:
1. Following the module. Teachers followed the module specified to the grade that they are
teaching, and in doing so, they encountered too much problem due to time constraints, instead
finishing six modules, they end up finishing only 3 or 4. It is very unlikely, that teacher could
religiously follow the modules perfectly and timely, due to some suspension, sudden teachers and
students’ activities etc.
2. Difficulties and challenges in the implementation of the curriculum. Main reason here are the
modules and the knowledge that the students get from the previous lessons. Students have a hard
time to relate the topics they learned from their previous year level to the present topics. They
have a less retention rate to the previous topic that needs for a teacher to reintroduce and
discuss the concept. Other reasons as well, were lack of materials, especially in science
experiments as well as teachers encounter difficulty in teaching some concept not related to
her/his major.
3. Physical plant and Facilities. With this implementation, physical plant and facilities being built
do not meet the standard and requirements for physical plant and facilities as set by Deped.
Learning will not be effective if learners are to be placed in an unconducive learning
4. Limited Resources/budget. The k to 12 implementation encounter problems due to its limited
resources of the public school and the minimal budget provided by the government to the
education department.
5. Lack of available partners of the public schools. Grade 12 student before graduating have to
underdo immersions, on the job training (OJT), seminars and workshops. Some public schools
do not have partnership in some industries especially those at rural areas. And when they do,
minimal number of students are only entertained for the opportunity

3. The alternative Learning System ALS is one of the avenue to mainstream OSYs to the formal school
system. What are the issues and problems confronting this educational innovation?
“Education for All”, that’s one of the aims of the Department of Education in providing an
Alternative Learning System ALS. This program was made to give access to education for those
whose aged, dropout and especially for out of school youth and others who are interested. But, like
any other program ALS also continues to be confronted by various problems.
First, not all in the community are aware about alternative learning system, they lack
information dissemination. Second is, uncontrolled multiple entry and exit clientele due to loose
monitoring. Third, Fund is not enough for the reproduction of the needed materials, the Deped does
have a fund but lesser allocation goes to ALS. Fourth, ALS clientele often does not attend learning
sessions because of their needs since most its enrollees are working to provide and sustain living.
Fifth, ALS received little support from local official. Sixth, lack of technology. Seventh, mobile
teachers sacrifice their money since traveling allowance is not enough to include also the absence of
classrooms. Finally, ALS, lack training for teachers, learners, lacks supervision from higher
superior, which results to less passer of accreditation and equivalency test.

4. Technical and vocational Education (TVE) professionals and graduates are seemingly considered
second class citizen among educators in the Philippines. By this observation, how would you erase
this kind of branding to encourage more student entrants to this field of specialization
Technical and vocational education graduates are branded to be second class citizen among
educators. Technical education comes under the branch of vocational education which deals practically
in the field of trade, commerce, agriculture, medicine and engineering. It promotes the material
prosperity and economic advancement.
As a secondary school teacher, let us strengthen and train teachers who are handling
technical education subjects like TLE to undergo various trainings and workshops to also awaken
interest from the student. At an early stage in school, students should be immersed with concept related
to technical education. Let us reiterate to students that Technical education will teach skills that are
vital for poverty reduction, economic recovery and sustainable development as well as technical
education prepares students too for jobs involving applied science and modern technology.
In addition to strengthening technical knowledge in high school, Senior High School should
also make coordination’s to work hand in hand for the Technical Education and skills Development
Authority (TESDA) to offer assessment and national certificates before the student finishes Senior High
School. TVE offers more opportunities the same with the DEPED and CHED, we can also include in our
discussions some testaments of known individual who are successful in their field of specialization due
to TVE. This way, we can eventually encourage learners who plans to enroll, and those who do not have
plans and resources for Higher Education.

5. Classroom management is the main function and control of the teacher. Give some procedural
approaches to enhance the teaching-learning process
Teacher is a backbone of any educational system because knowledge is transferred from the
teachers to the taught. But, as the teaching and learning process transpire, sudden interruption, and
conflict may arise, which calls for the expertise of teacher in his/her classroom management style.
As for me, teacher should first deal with difficult classroom situations like managing conflict
(Disruptions and Diffusing gossip reaction). We should have an unquestioned negotiation power, when
conflict arise let us immediately turn situation into teachable moments by helping students understand
their actions, the action of other, and find solution together. Furthermore, we should have an in depth
understanding of diversity in the classroom center for teaching and learning. Our students come from
diverse socioeconomic backgrounds and may have different values, culture indifference, gender
orientation, learning and physical disabilities and gifted students. These are to be anticipated in the
classroom, as educator we should also acknowledge the multiple intelligences of our learners for us to
devise for a more interactive learning opportunities.

6. Continuing in-service training for teachers is a must requirement for every district of the DEped
organizational set-up. Provide the training needs of your school to answer this call
Learning never stops. We continue to mature, as we continue to feed our minds with
knowledge. Professional development is the strategy of the schools and school district use to ensure that
educators continue to strengthen their practice throughout their career.
In the educational institution where I belong, teachers like me really need to undergo in-
service training to enhance our instructional skills. But what training do we really need? As science
teacher, it is not degrading that I say I don’t have the expertise in teaching such subject because that is
the reality. We lack trainings, on the different strategies in teaching different subjects. We lack training
related to literacy and numeracy enhancement of learners because we still have learners who are non-
readers even in high school, and most especially we also need trainings related to research and other
academic improvement to include also more advanced supervision and administrative trainings so that
resources given by the government will not go to pockets of those few persons with personal interest.
It is difficult to give what you do not have, as backbone of teaching process, we can’t fully
realize and give our students that best kind of education if we are not equip and trained throughout the
period of our career. We should not let our teacher be stagnant and finished their teaching careers
without giving their right to continue improve themselves in their chosen field of expertise.

7. In enhancing stakeholders’ involvement and community participation, give some practices to have an
active PTCA in your school
This say “it takes a village to raise a child”. The whole community as a vital role in the
growth and development of the young ones An educational institution will never stand and prosper
without the help of the different stakeholders in the community. Communities are strategic in a variety of
ways towards the provision and management of education as well as teaching and enforcement process.
As future administrators, it must probably one of the difficult challenges of a leader, taming,
courting the people in the community to buy their attention and time for the school? How are we going
to have an active PTCA? I think we should start at knowing what kinds and who are our stakeholders.
Community can bring a huge resource to the school as long as we are able to extract nicely their efforts.
Second, let us try to mobilize the community. For example, let us involve the community in the different
activities we conduct at school, let us include them in planning, implementing, evaluating and
monitoring a certain program, that way the people will feel that they play a big role in the school.
Involvement of the people in the decision making about what should be done and how, mass contribution
to the development efforts and sharing the benefit of the program is a must. That’s to complex, and the
people would eventually learn in.
A simple act from school may mean huge for the parents. For example, in a school meeting,
we should send letter informing them about the matter, and during the meeting, let us allow our parents
to share the podium so that they can be free to express their ideas, we should acknowledge their
difference like our learners, and most specially we should anticipate for conflict. Thus we may easily
negotiate and avoid further misunderstanding in the part of the parent. This maybe simple, but as to my
experience in this field diplomacy could really a secret weapon to building stronger relationship in the

8. The advent of ICT gadgets has promoted the development of artificial intelligence. Present
precautionary measures and school policies that would support the teaching-learning process rather
than a hindrance to have a negative effect in terms of addiction in the use of the gadgets
We are living in the 21st century, where there is an overwhelming of technological innovations.
And it is great to say that technology have made our life easier and better. Technology now have made
industry progress, medical field develop and become more advance, lifestyle was enhanced and it is
undeniable that it has also made the teaching and learning process exciting. Advanced multimedia made
the learning more interactive and efficient, fast and reliable. But with the advent of the phenomena it
also right to say that there are downsides of it.
Different gadgets like smart phone, laptops and different computers really aid in the teaching
and learning process, but as innovation continues, drawbacks eventually come out. Research and
studies points out that some learners become gadget addict or cyber dependence, and that it has become
uncontrollable. As future administrators, we can’t simply remove technology or gadgets out of the
picture, rather we can control and minimize its effect to our learner. As administrator, we should
strengthen the constitution and bylaws of the school. We don’t deny students with technology, rather we
learn to utilize technology to their advantage. For example, in an English class, instead of confiscating
smartphones from the student, let them use it when needed, like surfing the net, using dictionary apps
but with limited time and consent from the teacher.
We don’t have to negate the benefits of technological advancement, we just have to embrace it,
use it to our, and students advantage.

9. Student and Faculty exchange is a learning mode for gaining and sharing of professional expertise
and experience. Present on how far this mode is being undertaken by your school
10. The declining educational outputs in terms of learning behavior, valuing of learning sources, and the
processes of attaining such educational outcomes are being less regarded/prioritized in the present
set-up of the educational delivery system. As future school administrator, how would you confront
the prevailing domino effect and carry-over of the problems from elementary to high school

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