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oy A fs on Pe hs lccecteketenntakidateomenl Ss s a= at Artie ultimate solution for Ear ASHLOK HM ovr prorite Jf ASHUOK SAFE EARTHING ELECTRODE LTD. I an 1SO 9001-2000 Certified Company engaged in manufacturing of Industrial Erthing / Grounding, Equipments. The registered office ofthe company isin Chena. nda. We at ASHLOK are firmly committed towards putting in consistentefforts to prevent earth related electrical hazards, Thus after several years of arduous research, we have developed Asia's fist PATENTED earthing / ‘rounding equipment; ASHLOKmake Saf Erthing Electrode S.EE) ‘Our Competence andexcellent customer service have earned us well deserved credibility actossthe nation. ASHLOK SAFE EARTHING ELECTRODE LTD is registered with The National Small Industries Development Corporation the Director of Industriesand ‘aevendors with &T, CVROE, Slomens, ESSAR, Lucas TVS, Gurat Energy Transmission Corporation, Atel, Tata Tele Services et. HH ovr vision J To become a globally renowned manufacturer of innovative, high -end-earthing systems, harnessing cutting edge technology in our R & 0, thus producing safety devices fr ourvalued customers and offerthem services ofhighest caliber. [HM THE NEED FOR SUPERIOR EARTHING Jf “Te dawn of electronic era in india inthe eighties sa the emergence of sensitive electronic equipment and appliances for various industrial and domestic applications, Human safety apart, costy and sensitive electronic equipments are vulnerable evento small fault currents which seriously alfectthelifeand performance ofthe equipments ‘The Gl Pine earthing and copper pate earthing positioned amidst layers of salt and charcoal, though in use since the advent of electric, are not ableto cater to the earthing demands ofthese sophisticated, new generation sensitive machinery, Corrosion of metals and lack of moisture in and around the earth its often lead to electrical shortcut, casing ss oflves and property. Thus, the need fora safeand superior earthing system was felt, and ASHLOK, after several years of &D efor, designed and developed the pipe-n-pipe technology concept of earthing system, whichis corrosiontesstant, stron, reliable, maintenancefreeand proven cost effective earthing solution, SEEriously Immortal Soa) ASHLOK HM TECHNICAL COMPARISON Jf Pipe-in-Fipe technology, two mild stee pipes one inside the other, hot dip galvanized, filed with high conductive and corrosion Fesistonce crystaline mixture and Backfill Compound around electrode. Copper plate earthing inclusive of MS Pipe, 50 mm dia, 2.75 meter long, copperplate 450 x 450 x 3 mim with copper strip 25x 36 nas plus charcoal and salt around electrode. Oxidation takes place. Resistance todisspation increase when corrosion stars ‘wo modelsavallable: ModelT-19, mm dia3 meters usedin place ‘ofthe conventional pipe earthing, Model 29, 76mm di, 3 meter isusedin placethe conventional copperplate earthing {G1Pipe Electrode Earthing: Sto 10mieron galvaniation Size: 65NBor 38mmx2.75 mlong PLUS Charcoal & Sate. Pipe corradesfastover 2 period of3 years causing high resistance to smooth dissipation of ceureent. Backfil compoundis usedas infil materal, BFC retains moisture and ‘enhances conduction aroundelactrode, {Charcoal & salt are used inthe pitas infill material, Common salt hastens corrosion of G/C electrodes and the resistance value goes overaperiodoftime. Watering around the earth pit is required for about 3 days after Installationanc'tora few daysn peak summer when watertablegoes down. ‘Watering of pitequired REGULARLY to enhance conductivity around thecletrode, Ohmicvalve always withinsafeliits, Ohmic value fluctuates resulting infrequent maintenance of costly ‘machinery andappliancesend danger tohumanife Maintenance of pit snot required in normal soll conltione. Maintenance of earth pitrequiredatreguar interval. low enough Impedance to activate faut relays. Due to high conductive sel around the electrode, charge dissipation through electrode fs ory high, current density across electrode i very low, ‘which resultsinvery high aultcurcentenough tote faut relays Sometimes falls to activate safety devices, Distribution of short Circuit isessin terms of charge disipation and, therefore, generates high potential a the pit resulting in ow Fault curent, insufficient to trp faultprtection relays ‘Always provides safe discharge path to fault curent and lightning ‘Sometimes fallsto provide safedlscharge pathforfaulteurent, Requires ess space and time for instalation. equireslarge space and ime for instalation, Practically no needte change during ifetime G1 Pipe earthing nods to be changed every 3 years and copper plate ‘earthing every 12 years dueto corasionattacks, Backfil Compound (BF) isnot soluble in water. Its an excelent sroundenhancer Saltasin fil materials washed away during rainy season, \ory safe stable platform fr electronic machinery, equipment and appliances. Not a stable platform for sensitive electronic equipment and appliances ‘Can easly cope withthe earthing demands ofthe new generation lectrcalfelectronicmachine, Can't cope with the earthing demands of the new generation ‘machine. Cost efecive investment. The cost of maintenance over 215 plus year period will be about three times more than the one time cost of Ashok Safe Earthing Electrode SE.) Np teitteg} Seared ASHLOK UU [HH PIPE-IN-PIPE TECHNOLOGY ‘ThePipe-in-ipe Technology conceptinvolvestwo mild tee! pipes:one small dia pipe isinsertedin large lapipe.Thefitedpipesare subjected to hot dip galvanzation; 80-100 micron onthe outer electrode, The space inside the electrodes are filed witha specially developed high conductive and anti corrosive mixture called Crystaline Conductive Mixture. Foruniform dstrbution of fault current, an earthing electrode must be clinvcalin shape. The surface being circular, the distance from the center taanypointisalwaysequal. This facilitates uniform distribution of fault curent from electrode to earth, Outer Electrode Conductive Compound Main Electrode Uniform Distribution of Fault / Lightning Current Equi-potential Surface For Fault Current From Main Electrode To Conductive Compound Dissipation Of Fault/Lightning Current To Earth ‘The current density is highest near the electrode surface. The density should be 25 low a posibioin the medium adjacent tothe electrode which shouldbe such ast cause the current density to decreaze rapidly with in distance from the electrode. Thus a pipe electrodehas lower resistance thana plateelecrode pfequalsurtacearea. HM CRYSTALLINE CONDUCTIVE MIXTURE (C.C.M) ff It contains natural elements, which are highly conductive as well 2s ant corrosive, The Crystalline Conductive Mixture does not disintegrate oF collapse when theauter electrode coerades, WE BACKFILL COMPOUND (8.F.C) | ASHLOK suggest to use a suitable ground enhancing material to reduce sil resistivity an for beter performance ofthe earthing systems. An ideal ground enhancing material should nothave any adverse effect on the electrode material end envionmentit should retains the moister around the cart pit, reduce the sol resitivty and helps ane faeter dzspation of fault current. When water Is added to the Back Fill Compound, it swells substantially. BFC consistently holds Rs own shape and adheres to any surface. These capailiis resolve the issues of compatiblity of sol-rod contactthatis crucial toan earthing system. There sno need to recharge the pitsin normal sols, BFC contains silfiendly materials. [BFC maintains moisture within the sphere of influence ofthe electrode, resuiting in ower earth resistance, which cannot be obtained from any other earthing system. BECenhances the surrounding sll conductivity thereby makingthe earthing reliableand effective. Sette tntoae Te eat) kK | [Unleashing the power of earthing J ASHLOK MMM apvanaces & BENEFITS f «Safety of lifeand property from earth related electrical hazards + Strong, Reliable, Long Life Less Maintenance + Savings on maintenance | z + Smooth dissipation of faut, lightning and short circuitcurrents * Lowelectricalresistance asper soil + Resistance to Corrosion | * Repeated current carrying capacity and continuity + Provides stable reference ‘Ideal earthing system for all kinds of earthing applications MM ppruications Jf EARTHING FOR ALL * Telecommunication Towers and Microwave Antennas ‘* Transmission & Distribution Systems + Substation and Power Generating Stations «Transformer Neutral Earthing ‘+ Equipment Body earthing ‘Sensitive Electronic Machines + Lightning Arrestor Earthing ‘Data Processing Centres ‘Refineries ‘* Wherever Electrical Safety is Needed. EASY INSTALLATION Correct installation I the key to excellent performance of Ashlok Safe Earthing Electrode. Prior to installation look for -Aslok Hologranon the electradenear terminal, In normalsollconditonsinstallationcan be dane as under Make an inch oF 10 inch dia bore ta suitable depth nthe soil to match the electrade length. From the dug out sol remove the lumps and stones. f necessary seve the soll to remove forelgn materials. Mix the BFC with soft soll and | throw ahandfulof the mixintothe pt Afterremovingthe plastic sleve, place the electrodein the pit. Thereafter throw ‘wor three kgs, ofthe BCs into the pit around theelectrode and add abucket of wate Poke the pitwith along pole around the electrode for afew minutes to enable the trapped air ta escape. In this manner continue the earth filing | process tithe enrive electrode stands firmly in the pit. Ensure thatthe consistency of the BFC is pasty and not watery. —" After finishing the chamber work pour afew buckets of water around the pit. Check the pitafter 24hours Itisimportanttonote that earth esistance value depends on ailconditionsandits resistivity vale, SIO stor vm etastoaeve Satie) Cee) ASHLOK SVULINUESSSSSSSSESERSESERRESSSSERTSEESEE IM PROCESS ADVANTAGES Jf | It isobserved that rate of corrosion difers from place toplace, from sll. sol due tots chemical properties Though n most ofthe sol conditions, ‘the hot dip galvanized earth electrodes sable to resist the corrosion but due tonon uniform coating ofthe zing, it's susceptibe to corcesion at ‘weaker point. The copper has an excellent corrosion resistant property in most ofthe soll conltion, but snot widely used due tots high cot Hence, need was lt toprovidethick& uriform coating of thecorrsion resistant materialson the external surface ofthe earthelectrode tomake ‘more suitable evenin igh corrosive sol. Thus, ASHLOK took the intitive and ushered in anewera afearthing by developing 2SPM that can give ‘thicker & uniform coating of variousmetals onthe external surface ofthe earth electrode. * Low temperature process, no bulk particle melting + Retains composition/shases of iii particles « Very ttle oxidation * High hardness a to cold worked micro structure» Eliminates solidification stresses, enables thicker coatings» Low defect coatings + Lower heat input to work piece reduces cooling requirement + No ful gases or extreme electrical heating requited HM PRODUCTS SPECIFICATIONS f + The process of filing & coating is QUALITY governed + High specific gravity CCM is injected inside the earth electrode through specially fesigned SPM under controlled pressure, giving a greater bonding strength between CCM particles * Uniform & smooth coating ofthe Cr & 'Nibased alloy « May finish and aesthetic look « Coating thickness 80 100 microns, but can be increased on demand « Better anti corrosion protection + Excellentsolnterfacedue to electrade's matt finish « Coating is dane under stringent quality control through a specially designed SPM « Coating onthe electrode is measured.on each and every electrode» The process of coatings quality governed High current dssipation | ‘capacity due toincreased surface area« More suitable or highcorrosive& chemicalinfested environment. 1) ZINC COATED SAFE EARTHING ELECTRODE | 2) COPPER COATED SAFE EARTHING ELECTRODE 3) ALLOY COATED SAFE EARTHING ELECTRODE ‘Model Length Inner Pipe Outer Pipe Coating | T192n/Cu/A ‘2 Meter / 3 Meter 26.9 mm x 2.6mm 48.4 mm x 3.2 mm 80-100 microns | T39zn/cu/A | 2Meter/3Meter | 424mmx26mm | 763mmx3.2mm | 80-200microns | 4) HOT DIP GALVANIZED Product ASHLOK make Safe Earting Electrode SEE) Design Pipe in Pipe Technology Model 119,739, 730andT 45 Materials Ms. Pipes, Corrosion Protection (Internal) : Crystalline Conductive Mixture (CCM) hhaving anti corrosive and conductive property, filled inside the earth electrode Corrosion Protection (External) : Hot Dip Galvanized Tee] Tash [Oaer08 [e735] HBT arses Params | pm] Sa Fonpoar| |

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