Tactics Guide: Battle Book Series

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Battle Book Series


ACG's Battle Book mpire Earth is a long and storied provinces to attack, and what to do with
franchise. Starting with the origi- them after they are conquered. Of course
arms gamers nal Empire Earth, which was conquering the world isn’t an easy process.
with the real-time released in November 2001, and You’ll not only need to fight opposing civi-
continuing through Empire Earth lizations but native tribes, too. Although
tactics that win on II, the franchise received critical the tribes that are native to a region are
acclaim and significant sales. If there was usually not quite as formidable as an
Empire Earth III's one complaint, however, it was that the advanced civilization, they do require you
battlefields. franchise was a bit too detailed—presented to zoom into the province and get your
a few too many options. Some gamers hands dirty defeating them on the tactical
were thrilled at the
depth of the design,
Empire Earth III
but some others were
is a beautiful
slightly intimidated. game.
Sierra has listened to
the legion of fans and
have answered their
call for a simpler,
more streamlined
version of their popu-
lar game. Empire
Earth III is that
Gone are the
semi-confusing multi-
tudes of civilizations.
Instead, Empire Earth III allows gamers to map. These intricacies, coupled with
pick from three: the West, Middle East, and numerous epochs and hundreds of units
Far East. Although the reduction in civiliza- make Empire Earth III a game that is not
tions certainly makes the game simpler, easily mastered. And that, my friend, is
Mad Doc software has added some addi- where this battle book may come in handy.
BASED ON A GAME tional strategic flavor in the form of the Although not the definitive guide to all
RATED BY THE turn-based, strategic game over the tacti- things Empire Earth III, it will help you hit
www.empireearth.com/splash/ cal, real-time strategy engine. Here gamers the ground running. So, follow along as we
can determine exactly how they want to go take a look at the game and provide tips
BLOOD AND GORE about dominating the world. They can that will help you on your way to Empire
choose which provinces to defend, which
Earth III mastery.


C O P Y R I G H T 2 0 0 8 , A R M C H A IBLOOD
L® MAGAZINE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED w w w. a r m c h a i r g e n e r a l .c o m 1
Battle Book Series
Tickle Those Keys empire that is ready to kick
serious Empire Earth III tail.
p.2 Are these guys
working as hard
A Game of Economics as they should?
Pressing this combination does
p.5 what it has done since the folks
at Westwood came up with it
Stategic Thinking way back in the days of
p.6 Command and Conquer. It
places the currently selected
Commerce and units into a group. This is useful
Technology for about a quarter million
things, but I’ll only mention a
p.7 couple.
Thing One: This allows you
The Final Strategy TICKLE THOSE KEYS
to form a group of units that provide mutual
There’s nothing to real-time strategy,
p.7 right? You lasso some units here, click over
protection, for example, infantry, tanks, and
mobile artillery pieces. The artillery pieces
there, build a building there, collect some
bombard opposing infantry and take out
resources, and you win. There’s nothing to
buildings. The tanks protect the mobile
real-time strategy right? Wrong.
artillery, and the infantry protect the tanks
There’s quite a bit to it, and part of that bit
from other infantry. Another good example
begins with the interface. If you want to be
is placing pikemen with archers. Pikemen
good at Empire Earth III, you have to go
beyond lassoing and clicking. You
have to learn the shortcuts.
Shortcuts both on the keyboard
and with the mouse. Here are
some of my favorites, and the
actions that they perform.

This selects all idle builders. Why
Nothing like an
is that good? It helps you ensure
organized army.
that all your people are gainfully These guys are
employed. A gainfully employed the dreaded
empire is a prosperous empire, Army 1.
and a prosperous empire is an

COPYRIGHT 2008, ARMCHAIR GENERAL® MAGAZINE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED w w w. a r m c h a i r g e n e r a l .c o m 2

Battle Book Series
Tickle Those Keys will protect the archers from cavalry, while move to keep the enemy units in range.
the archers attrite any units attacking the This is a great stance to use when assign-
p.2 pikemen. ing units to watch over an important loca-
Thing Two: Keeping organized. Placing tion, such as a market.
A Game of Economics
your units in groups allows you to better The final stance, Guard, is like Hold on
p.5 organize your attacks. For example, you steroids, or off steroids, depending on how
can place your onagers in one group and you look at it. Units in the Guard stance will
Stategic Thinking your pikemen and archers in another. only attack when attacked.
p.6 The second group can clear the enemy There are three other useful combat-
infantry units around the enemy buildings type commands, Charge, Skirmish, and the
Commerce and and protect the onagers while they
Technology rapidly (much more rapidly than the
archers can) demolish the enemy
p.7 buildings.
The Final Strategy
p.7 I like to call these combat keys
because they affect how your unit
fights. Learning them might spell the
difference between victory and
defeat, which is about seven letters Each culture has
by my calculations. a specific
combat action.
Unit stances are basic yet impor-
tant combat keys. Your units can
enter one of three stances: Standard, area-specific command that is specialized
Hold, or Guard. for each group. Charge (short cut key “C”)
Standard is just that, the standard is best used for melee specialty units, espe-
stance, the mode in which your units will cially for big groups of them. Invoking this
most often reside. In Standard mode they command gives the attacking units a bonus
will attack any approaching enemy units, when they first enter combat. As you can
and even chase them for a small distance— imagine, it’s best used to shatter enemy
but they won’t go nuts chasing the units forces in one fell swoop. The ideal recipients
back to their base (or wherever). This is of a charge attack are units that are strong
important, as you’ll see when we get to the at range combat and weak at the hand-to-
combat tips. hand stuff. Archers are a good example.
In the Hold stance, units will engage Think of Skirmish as the opposite of
units that come within range, but won’t Charge. Units given the Skirmish order will

COPYRIGHT 2008, ARMCHAIR GENERAL® MAGAZINE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED w w w. a r m c h a i r g e n e r a l .c o m 3

Battle Book Series
Tickle Those Keys attempt to engage enemies at maximum After you have chosen the position, dig
range. It almost goes without saying, but I’ll in with all but a few units. This will increase
p.2 say it anyway, that this order is best given the defensive bonus of those defending
to units that are strong with ranged units. Of course, they won’t be able to
A Game of Economics
weaponry. For example, to continue in the move until you choose to leave the fortifi-
p.5 Ancient epoch, archers. cations, but that’s okay. Now take the
Each of the three cultures also has a handful of your remaining mobile units and
Stategic Thinking specific skill. Westerners can recuperate, Far attack your objective. The goal is not to
p.6 Easterners can dig in, and Mid-Easterners capture the objective, but rather trick the
can spring an ambush. Use each intelligent- defenders into counterattacking. After you
Commerce and ly. The Westerners’ ability to heal themselves engage the enemy, retreat to your fortifica-
Technology is a significant skill, but it requires that the tions. With luck, the enemy will follow and
healing (or repairing) units do nothing else. dash themselves against your dug-in
p.7 So, when in contact with the enemy, you defenders. Repeat as necessary until the
need at least two formations to take advan- enemy has been sufficiently weakened.
The Final Strategy
tage of the skill: While one fights, the other Then release your troops from the fortifica-
p.7 can heal. After the resting formation is tions, attack, and take your objective.
healed, it can once again be thrown against The Mid-Easterner’s ambush is per-
the bad guys, allowing the formerly engaged haps the most interesting of the three
unit to retreat to the rear and recuperate unique combat actions. It works like this.
themselves. Lasso a bunch of units, direct them to a
The Far Easterners can use their dig-in location, and order them to spring an
skill on both offense and defense. On ambush. When enemies approach the posi-
defense the skill can enhance the defenses tion, your ambushers will attack them from
of vital locations; it’s a straightforward the trees, bushes, building, or whatever,
application of the skill. On offense the and assault them, receiving a bonus with
employment is more subtle, but no less their initial attack.
effective. Here’s how you do it. Find a good The best way to employ this combat
defensive position near an enemy building technique is similar to what we did with the
or city center that you wish to take. This dug in Far Easterners. Set the ambush, wait
position must be close to your objective, for the units to go stealthy, attack the
but not so close that it immediately incites enemy with a small number of decoy units,
a counter attack. and then lead them back to the ambush.


COPYRIGHT 2008, ARMCHAIR GENERAL® MAGAZINE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED w w w. a r m c h a i r g e n e r a l .c o m 4

Battle Book Series
A GAME OF ECONOMICS kets close to your city centers either.
Tickle Those Keys Like most other real-time strategy games, NOTE: The Western and Far Eastern civ-
p.2 Empire Earth III is actually a game of eco- ilizations use builders. The Far Eastern’s sol-
nomics. Yes, you need to build armies, and diers also double as builders, which is pret-
A Game of Economics yes, you need to be able to effectively fight ty neat. The point is, if one builder is good,
p.5 with armies, but you need to be able to two builders are better. You can assign a
finance those armies (and so does your second builder to a construction site by
Stategic Thinking opponent) to win. clicking the builder and then right clicking
the construction site. Doing so hastens the
p.6 This leads to some obvious, and some
not-so-obvious decisions, on the tactical building’s completion.
Commerce and map. On the obvious side of things is the As soon as the buildings are completed,
be sure to send out scouts
Technology (always in pairs) to explore the
p.7 surrounding area. Keep in mind
that the only thing better than one
The Final Strategy warehouse is two, and the same
p.7 goes for markets. Remember,
however, you can only place one
Harassing an
opponent's market in each area. Finally, sta-
production. tion a handful of units at remote
or semi-remote warehouses and
markets to protect them from
enemy raids. And that brings us to
the flip side of the coin.
If warehouses and markets
construction of economy-growing build- are good for you, they are good for your
ings. These consist of warehouses and opponent too. Conversely, destroying his
markets (bazaars, or what have you) and warehouses—or at least the workers man-
their derivatives. ning them—is good for you. Scout the map,
These are the first buildings you want to find your opponent’s warehouses (and
place. The city center produces small markets), and attack them. The easiest
amounts of resources and money, but not way to do this, especially early in the game,
enough to sustain a winning war effort. To do is to attack remote warehouses. Attack
that, you have to place warehouses and mar- them with fast units, such as cavalry or
kets. Furthermore, you have to ensure that machine-gun-toting motorcycles. Even if
both are fully staffed; this maximizes their you can’t destroy the warehouse you can
production. It doesn’t hurt to place your mar- eliminate its workers, marginalizing its

COPYRIGHT 2008, ARMCHAIR GENERAL® MAGAZINE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED w w w. a r m c h a i r g e n e r a l .c o m 5

Battle Book Series
Tickle Those Keys effectiveness. cal maps, and satisfies the megalomaniac in
A final note on production: Get your us all. Let’s take a look at some techniques
p.2 newly produced units to the front quickly. for maximizing your global effectiveness.
You can do so in one of two ways. The first
A Game of Economics WORLD EVENTS
is to use really fast mouse maneuvers: Flick
p.5 back to your base, select a newly minted World events may seem like a distraction,
but they are often anything but. These
Stategic Thinking events offer unique opportunities to fight,
p.6 Them expand, or conquer. Take advantage of
markets are these opportunities. The awards for suc-
Commerce and important." cessfully completing a world event are
often unique to the event and unavailable
in any other way.
The Final Strategy As you probably know by now, armies don’t
p.7 fight per se on the world map. Most battles
are resolved on the battle map (of all
unit, and then flick back to the battle and places!) in a manner similar to a skirmish.
click where you want it to go. The mini-map That doesn’t mean, however, that the
speeds this process, but is nevertheless makeup of the army isn’t critical or that
time-consuming and distracting when you what you do on the world map doesn’t
have a battle to manage. The second affect the battle on the battle map. It does.
method is much better. Click on the factory, It’s important to have a good balance
barracks, or whatever, select the units that of military provinces. Each can hold two
you want built and then right click on the armies, and that is what you need to safely
location to which you want them to march,
clank, roll, float, or fly after construction.
Doing so supplies a continuous stream of The world as
units to the front, ready for your orders. Empire Earth
knows it.
One of the most interesting things about
Empire Earth III is the strategic overlay in
World Domination mode. This turn-based
global strategyscape (sic) gives greater
meaning to the battles fought on the tacti-

COPYRIGHT 2008, ARMCHAIR GENERAL® MAGAZINE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED w w w. a r m c h a i r g e n e r a l .c o m 6

Battle Book Series
Tickle Those Keys attack many provinces, especially those COMMERCE AND TECHNOLOGY
held by more than native tribes. As on the battle map, commerce and tech-
p.2 Although armies can be customized, nology is very important on the strategic
the default load (attack, defense, or naval)
A Game of Economics map. It’s tempting to concentrate on mili-
works just fine for most instances. Armies tary provinces, hoping to build a massive
p.5 only move one territory per turn, some- army capable of dominating the world.
times making it difficult to coordinate Resist that temptation. Capture provinces
Stategic Thinking attacks on distant provinces. For that rea- that have strong research and trade and
p.6 son, I recommend immediately researching then utilize them to the max.
Roads and Infrastructure whenever avail- Trade provides the income to run your
Commerce and able. Keep in mind that any province with empire. Technology provides the means to
Technology Roads and Infrastructure grants a free
move to an army moving through it, in
p.7 essence allowing the army to move two Armies on
provinces. the move.
The Final Strategy
Armies are valuable, and you should
p.7 treat them accordingly. If an army loses a
battle, it’s eliminated. Hence, don’t throw
armies into battles in which you don’t feel
confident. Be very careful using the game’s
auto-resolve feature. Yes, it can be tedious
building a base and fighting each battle, but
it can be even more tedious constantly dominate your opponents. It is much easier
rebuilding armies. Simply put, if you don’t to fight with a small number of high-tech-
have at least two to one (two armies against nology units than it is a horde of low tech-
the opponent’s one army) odds and equal ers (sic).
technology, don’t attack. You can fudge that
a little bit when combating native tribes. THE FINAL STRATEGY
Frequently, you can win these battles with Empire Earth is a rich game, full of options
little more than one to one odds. and opportunities. There is no perfect strat-
Two words on militias … build them. egy, no sure-fire way to win the game. I
They aren’t very powerful, and they are hope, however, that reading this battle book
immobile, but they are better than nothing. not only primes your interest but makes
you a better player, a master of the globe.


COPYRIGHT 2008, ARMCHAIR GENERAL® MAGAZINE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED w w w. a r m c h a i r g e n e r a l .c o m 7

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