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Van K. Tharp, Ph.D.

Putting Peak Performance to Work for You

About Professional Trading
Coach Van Tharp
Understanding Games We Play
As a novice trader fresh out of col-
lege, Van Tharp wanted to know By
why most traders lost, including Van K. Tharp, Ph.D.
himself, while a few made huge
profits. His mind still in high gear
from his Ph.D. in Psychology,
he knew the answer was within
each individual. He believed if he
understood the thought processes

of successful traders he could
duplicate that success. He dug efore I get into the concept parent rights—especially when the
deep: scouring libraries and read- of games, I’d like to de- other side attacks first and does a
ing books. From his exhaustive scribe a recent experience, good job in the attack. When the
research he learned something that which has helped me clarify my process starts, you have to hire an
would change his life: There was thinking about games. That expe- attorney at $250 per hour (or more)
little to no work at that time on the rience was a civil lawsuit. There to represent you. This means that
thought processes of great traders. was nothing “fair” or “just” about even though you didn’t do anything
This lead Van Tharp into what has the lawsuit, even though it was part (and no one except the plaintiffs is
become his lifetime career. of the great American system of accusing you of doing anything),
He discovered NeuroLinguistic justice. Basically, a civil lawsuit suddenly you get to pay $5,000 to
Programming (NLP), the Science starts when people decide they $20,000 per month in attorney’s
of Modeling, learned how to do are victims and don’t want to take fees. In addition, you may also
the modeling himself, and began responsibility for their own mis- have to pay a retainer of $20,000
studying great traders. What he takes. That means they must find or more up front just in case you
learned has become a wealth of someone else to be responsible for don’t pay your bills.
information available to others their mistakes (and our civil court
who want to duplicate success- system is perfect for that)1. Just The next thing that happens in such
ful results. And, his own trading hire an attorney, and if you can a lawsuit is you get subpoenaed
turned around dramatically. find one good enough, make your for documents. They might ask for
Van Tharp is a seeker of knowl- victim pay for your mistakes. It’s a copy of every single document
edge. It is not a journey that he a great game! you have. This is a huge amount of
takes because he has to, it is his paperwork and you might have to
passion. His mind is open to the I don’t know if you’ve ever been hire a temporary employee full time
unknown and he is constantly through a civil lawsuit before, just to compile all the documents.
asking the next question—looking but the game is such that you are Your attorney might object to some
behind the next closed door. As he suddenly thrust into it with no ap-
Continued on page two
creates new levels of understand-
ing in himself, he in turn teaches 1 For example, many people who lost money in the great bear market of 2000-1 are now suing the executives of
what he learns to other seekers one or more of the companies they owned for giving misleading information or they are suing the brokerage com-
pany they traded through for encouraging them to make foolish investments or for not talking sense into them for
traveling down the same path. being foolish. It’s a marvelous game that encourages people to never take responsibility for their own decisions.

Volume 6, Number 12 (98) December 2001/January 2002 (Double Issue) ©2001, IITM, All Rights Reserved
Market Mastery

of the documents, especially those amount of the judgment the plain-

Market Mastery that request generally “all business tiffs are asking3; and
records or every document relating
PUBLISHER/EDITOR to financial activity.” But remem- 5) If you are sued in the right state,
Van K. Tharp, Ph.D.
ber, we’re only talking about the your attorney doesn’t even get to
PRODUCTION DIRECTOR AND first round. object to questions. He just sits
ASSOCIATE EDITOR there the whole time letting the
Cathy W. Hasty The next step is called a deposition. clock run on his bill. Oh, and by
During the next step, the opposing the way, here is a sixth rule:
Editorial Advisory Board
attorneys will manage to find out
what percentage of your docu- 6) The fifth amendment doesn’t
ments they have collected and do apply to civil lawsuits because this
Brian June, CEO, IITM, Inc.
whatever they can to get them all on is not a criminal matter and you
D.R. Barton, CEO, One Minute the round. Who knows what kind wouldn’t want to imply that you’ve
Trader Corporation
of “nasty” thing they could infer done something criminal. Thus,
about you from some meaningless you HAVE TO answer each ques-
document from your office. tion. To survive such an ordeal, I
believe, requires someone with Bill
This publication is intended to be instruc- During the deposition, the attorneys Clinton’s skills who can respond to
tional and should not be construed as a
recommendation to buy or sell any futures on the other side (after they’ve gone each question with a response like,
contracts, options, or stocks. Trading is ex- through all the documents they’ve “Well, it depends upon the meaning
tremely risky and may result in substantial
losses. The information offered is gathered collected from you), get to accuse of the word IS.”
from sources believed to be reliable as well you of everything they can think
as from experiences of the editors. The Anyway, if you survive such an
publishers and editors assume no responsi- of and then ask you questions so
bility for errors or omissions or any losses that you’ll admit it. This is where ordeal, then your attorney gets to
resulting from the use of the information do the same thing to the other side
contained in this publication. your skill at playing games comes
in. The game amounts to how well and then perhaps the suit will be
RESULTS HAVE CERTAIN INHERENT LIMITATIONS. can you endure two to five days of dismissed. You might even get
questioning under the following your attorney’s fees back or you
TRADING. ALSO, SINCE THE TRADES HAVE NOT rules2: might even prolong the process by
counter suing and possibly winning
IMPACT, IF ANY, OF CERTAIN MARKET FORCES 1) You must answer everything a suit against them. However, you
truthfully; never get reimbursed for the time
TO THE FACT THAT THEY ARE DESIGNED WITH and emotional pain brought by the
THE BENEFIT OF HINDSIGHT. NO REPRESENTATION 2) You must answer every ques- lawsuit.
TO THOSE SHOWN. On the other hand, if you don’t
3) If the opposing attorney doesn’t survive (and not surviving simply
Market Mastery like the answer you give, he gets means that your attorney says,
is published by the International Institute of to continue asking you questions “Well, I think we’re going to have
Trading Mastery, Inc., (IITM)
519 Keisler Dr., Suite 204, Cary, NC
on the same topic until he gets the to go to trial and this could take two
27511, Telephone (919) 852-3994; Fax answer he wants or gets tired and years and lots of legal fees.”), then
(919) 852-3942; web site gives up; you just have a few choices—1)
©2001 by IITM, Inc. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part without
4) If you get caught telling a lie, continue the process and spend
express permission is prohibited.
the judge will assume you are the legal fees or 2) settle the case,
Subscriptions: $240 for one year; $398 for
two years. guilty and order to you pay the full which basically means they get to
Back issues are available: Market Mastery legally take as much of your assets
$19.95 ea.; Course Update $34.95 ea. as you are willing to permit (and
2 Rules may vary from state to state.
3 I don’t know if this is accurate, but my attorney told me it was one of the rules.

2 ©2001, IITM, All Rights Reserved

Market Mastery

they demand) to make the process Every game you play has two their own rules. Some of you
go away. kinds of rules: mandatory rules and probably disagree with me here,
optional rules. Optional rules are but that’s simply because you’ve
Anyway, as I’ve said, “It’s just a rules that you make up. If you don’t chosen to act as if most games you
game.” The attorneys knew they follow one of them, then there is an play are reality instead of games.
were playing a game and they knew optional penalty. Mandatory rules
how to win the game. Me—I barely are optional rules that you don’t Go into your wallet and pull out a
knew I was playing the game be- yet know are made up. People twenty-dollar bill. Do you believe
cause it seemed so real. But that’s will always adhere to mandatory that bill is real? Chances are it’s
what makes it a game. rules because they are too afraid quite different from the twenty-
of the penalties for not doing so. dollar bills that were printed five
The Definition of A Game For example, the six rules of a years ago. But now the new one
deposition that I mentioned were is real and the old one is obsolete.
Those of us who live on this planet Were you asked permission by
all mandatory rules that were told
play numerous games. These the government to print it? Did
to me by my attorney by way of
games give us emotion, drama, you get a vote? No, but isn’t this a
preparation. I thought they were
outrageousness, and everything democracy? Doesn’t that bill say
all mandatory and that the penalty
else we can possibly think of. We that its backed by the debt of the
was that I could be slapped with
love to watch such drama unfold federal reserve? What does that
a huge judgment (many times my
before us on the television, while mean? Isn’t the Federal Reserve a
net worth) if I didn’t follow them.
we complain about it. However, private company that has the right
However, when I think about it
we absolutely hate it when such to control our monetary supply?4
now, I don’t know how I could
drama unfolds with us as one of the
possibly pay much more than my In most games, you are taught that
main characters. And these games
net worth. And what about the rule you must play a certain way. If
are all around us. Investing is a
about “you must be honest.” The you watch the investment game
game. Wealth is a game. Health is
plaintiff’s attorneys seemed to im- unfold in front of you on CNBC,
a game. Justice is a game. Being
ply at the end that I was one of the you might conclude that it’s all
a victim is a game. And there are
most honest defendants they’d dealt about picking the right stock and
so many more.
with. Hmm, did that mean I didn’t holding it forever. However, the
Satirically, one might define a game play the game correctly? My guess joke of the game is that some stocks
as something that makes something is that I really didn’t even know half go up, but most don’t. Thus, you
much more important than it really of my options in playing that game. think the rule is to have some magic
is. It’s a set of rules that define And I certainly was not at the point secret that involves picking the
the boundaries of the game, how where I felt comfortable making up right stocks.
the game is won or lost, and how my own rules. Yet, that’s how most
to play the game—what you can games are won. I was recently at EPCOT cen-
and cannot do during the game. In ter viewing exhibits that typify
The bottom line is that there are America’s future. In the late 1960s
fact, while you are playing such
no mandatory rules to games. when Disney formed the park, the
games, the most important thing
Furthermore, in my experience, companies that were the bedrock
is to obey the rules of the game.
successful, happy people tend to of America’s future all had exhibits
Looking at the rules, mentioning
live life without mandatory rules. there. These were companies like
them, or even considering that you
Does that mean that they break the IBM, GM, ATT, Xerox, Exxon/
might not want to follow the rules
law? No. Does that mean they are Mobile, and Eastman Kodak. It
might even threaten the existence
bad? No. They simply realize the wouldn’t surprise me much at all
of the game.
nature of each game and if they if at least two of those companies
choose to play, they tend to invent ceased to exist within the next
4 If you’d like to know some of the games of the Federal Reserve (and some of the richest families in the world play) read The Creature from Jeckyll Island by G. Edward

3 ©2001, IITM, All Rights Reserved

Market Mastery

five to ten years. And what about lights. However, there are also • Thou shalt go to the doctor when
companies like JDS Uniphase, VA rules that almost nobody knows and you feel sick and pay the doctor
LINUX, Lucent, and Global Cross- everyone follows. For example, the money whether you feel better
ing? These were all touted to be the hidden rule that you need to pick when you finish or not.
major companies of the future in the right stock to get rich might fall
1999. Today, all these companies under that definition5. • Thou shalt go to the doctor when
are selling for less than $10 a share. you are sick, no matter how bad
Some might not even be around in Acting like a rule is mandatory, you feel. Under extreme emer-
a few years. Thus, the investment when it is optional, might be de- gencies, an ambulance might
game is not what you might think fined as crazy. But that’s how most bring you to the doctor.
it is. It’s totally different. people play the games of life. In
fact, quite often we join a group • Thou shalt buy health insurance
In fact, part of what we do at IITM, and part of group membership in case you get really sick.
Inc. is teach you how to play certain means that you accept the group’s • Thou shalt buy life insurance in
games—such as the wealth game mandatory rules as a condition of case you die.
and the trading game—in a way membership. And let’s look at
that allows you to be successful. some of the mandatory rules you’ve • Thou shalt believe that the only
This is incredible information that probably played your life by. In cures for cancer are surgery, ra-
few people have access to in our fact, you define yourself by what diation, and chemotherapy.
world. rules you follow and what rules you
• Thou shalt believe that your
break. What if all of these rules
health is beyond your control.
Understanding the Rules of the were optional?
Game • Thou shalt believe that as an
• Thou shalt work.
American, you are free and you
To determine what the rules to the • Thou shalt be busy and do things need to defend that freedom (es-
game are, you must step out of the to prove it. pecially from terrorists).
game and watch it. While you are
playing it, you have no perspective. • Thou shalt distract thyself and not • Innocent people may be killed
You can’t see what’s possible. You really live life. when we defend freedom. It’s
might be told what the rules are, but just the price someone (i.e., the
those rules might not have anything • Thou shalt go to school in order innocents) has to pay for free-
to do with how “successful” people to get a good job. dom.
win the game. Those rules might • Thou shalt speak a particular • Thou shalt limit your attention
be just how “winners” (plus those language in a particular way in because there is not enough of it
who really don’t understand the order to communicate, substitut- to go around.
game) want you to play it. ing symbols for real experience.
• Thou shalt know “right” from
The seriousness of a rule is usually • Thou shalt love thy parents. “wrong.”
determined by the severity of the
penalty that is imposed upon you • No matter what thy parents do, Let’s take a look at the last one
for breaking the rule. Yet most they are always thy parents and because most of you probably
people are not aware of, and don’t you are always the child. And think that one is mandatory. Rules
even understand, the rules they fol- typically thy parents are the con- basically define what is right and
low. There are rules that everyone trollers and, you, the child are the wrong. However, as a culture
knows and most people follow, one who is being controlled. matures and delays, it generally
such as stopping for red traffic increases the number of rules it
• Thou shalt have a point of view
5 I recently heard someone say that “the stock market would kill believe
you if thatright
you were only it 30%
of the time.” This is another example of a hidden rule that someone might
adopt who didn’t know that trading or investing was a game.

4 ©2001, IITM, All Rights Reserved

Market Mastery

has. Today in America, it takes complicated, given enough time, to crippling and dying, that is. It’s
hundreds of lawmakers to add to destroy the participants who elect okay, however, for many of these
our rules. It takes millions of police to play the game. It will do so professionals to retire with injuries
and attorneys and judges to enforce through contradictory rules. It will that stay with them for the rest of
and defend our system of rules (i.e., even have different rules for while their lives. After all, they did get
the law). Teachers spend lifetimes the game is being played versus the paid well.
trying to figure out our rules and time out periods when the game
criminals spend lifetimes on how isn’t being played. However, the fate of former NFL
to get around them. Lawmakers players is much worse than just
think they make our rules. But For example, I love football. I’m facing a lifetime of injury. Within
even that game is fuzzy. Instead, a true green and gold Green Bay the first two years of leaving the
the justice system tends to rely on Packer fan. (Notice, by the way, National Football League, 87%
case law (prior court case results) to how I’ve allowed the game to of ex-players become bankrupt,
interpret the law. And you can find define me.) Yet when you look at divorced or unemployed. Only
case law to support almost every the rules of the game of football, 20% of former players are in the
interpretation of the law that you it amounts to nothing more than financial position where they won’t
could possibly imagine. controlled violence waged for an have to work again. And of all the
audience that loves the drama. It’s ex-players that wind up divorced,
The rules of the American game a lot like the Gladiators of Roman half of those take place in their first
have become very complicated. times or perhaps the Christians and year out of football. These men,
You can defend and support hun- the lions, but the rules are a bit more perceived as pillars of strength
dreds of interpretations of the law. complicated. The average football by the majority of America, re-
In addition, you can spend hundreds player has to get himself in superior ally have no clue what life away
of thousands of dollars to figure out shape so that he can tear his op- from football is all about. And
how to do something the way you ponents apart (within the rules of they have virtually no idea how
want to do it. That interpretation the game). For example, the tear- to cope. However, this is just one
may be useful for a while, and then ing apart must occur after the ball example of how playing the game
perhaps some more rule changes is hiked and before the whistle is (any game!) will tend to destroy the
will occur and the money you spent blown. Even then certain things are participants. It also suggests that
will be worthless. In fact, part of not allowed, but the average player getting a large salary (and the NFL
the game of American business is is taught to do as much damage as veteran minimum salary is about
that you need to set aside a large possible—just don’t get caught by a half million dollars each year)
part of your budget to support the the referee or umpire doing those has nothing to do with winning the
government (i.e., taxes to support things that are defined to be “too money game.
the rule makers and the rule enforc- rough.” The rules are lose enough
ers) and you also need to set aside a to allow a tremendous amount of We Play Games to
huge portion of your budget to de- violence because that’s why people Feel Important
fend yourself against lawsuits such come to games6. They love the
as the one I went through. It’s one sound of bodies crunching together. Games depend upon value, the
of the optional/mandatory rules of Football players get paid well, but process of making something more
the game of American business. many retire with crippling injuries important than something else.
that will nag them for the rest of Let’s look at the game of football
Games Are Destructive to the their lives. Some get paralyzed to understand that. The ultimate
Participants and some even die. But of course goal is to win the Superbowl every
the rules get changed a little when year. However, there are 31 teams
Any game will become sufficiently too much of that happens—the and only one of them gets to win
6 I recently went to a hockey game. The fans cheered loudly when a fist fight erupted about 25 minutes into the game. I noticed that rough behavior is penalized in hockey
by putting the offender in a “penalty box” for a period of time while his team plays short-handed. But somehow, power plays (scoring when the other team is short handed)
is a secret to winning the hockey game. Does that mean that violence on the part of the other team is good?

5 ©2001, IITM, All Rights Reserved

Market Mastery

the Superbowl each year. On the offense and 11 players on defense, Now didn’t we just assume that the
average, a professional team might plus special teams players, each purpose of football was to pleasure
only win 2-4 Superbowls in a cen- with a different role. There is a per- and please the fans? The Packers,
tury and some might never win. ception that some players are more being a non-profit team owned by
Many professional football players important (i.e., the quarterback) fans, is an exception—no owner
will spend their entire football lives than others. In addition, the goal of can move the team and the fans
without even playing in a Super- the game is to determine the best, tend to be loyal for life. However,
bowl game. which team plays better than oth- the other owners have made certain
ers. Every year 30 teams will lose7, that the Packers will be the only
Thus, there are secondary values while only one team gets to be the non-profit team. They’ve made a
to the game or other ways to make best. Of course, there is a consola- rule that says, “all teams (except
yourself important. First, there is tion prize for the worst team, the the Packers) will have a for-profit
money. Players get paid very high first pick in the NFL draft. Notice owner.” Hmm! And remember that
salaries these days. Second, there is how this entire process is set up to the owners made up that rule. Does
the importance of winning a game. make everything unequal, to divide that mean that it is mandatory?
You get a small reward for each us up and make some parts of the
game that you win. In addition, whole better than others. And, of Remember; never question the as-
many football players play for an course, there is the presupposition sumptions of the game. Just keep
intangible value called RESPECT. that one should never question the busy. Just keep playing. Allow the
They want other players to respect rules of the game which produce illusion to continue forever. Yet,
them and their team. this division. Think about what no game will survive persistent
I’ve said here. Never question the questioning. If you are a football
This idea of value and importance fan, perhaps my questioning of the
must be constantly fed or it will game itself. Just keep busy and
keep playing. game of football has tweaked you
starve. However, the very nature a little.8
of the game helps define and feed How about the following presup-
value. No game is simple; in fact, position in football? Football is Other Keys to Understanding
games tend to increase complexity a spectator sport that is designed Games
in the world. In each game, you to please and pleasure the fans
have the perception of the indi- who pay for it. Isn’t that the basic There are two other key aspects to
vidual players mixed with the rules presupposition? Yet every football games that you need to understand
of the game to define importance. team, except one—The Green Bay if you want to become a game mas-
Some players may just play for Packers—is privately owned. The ter. First, each game has certain
money. Others may play only to bottom line of the game is really participants. Those participants
win, with money being of second- the ego of the owner. The owner will be different for everyone who
ary importance. Still others play gets to have the status of owning plays the game, but the nature of
only to win Superbowls. And when a pro football team and, in most the participants will be the same
you’ve won several, you can play to cases, gets to have huge profits. If for everyone. I’ve done a lot of
win more—to be the all time best. those profits tend to dwindle, they psychological clearing work in an
Notice some of the presuppositions get to move the team to another area called game spheres and this
involved in defining what’s impor- city where they are usually offered description of participants comes
tant in a game. First of all, games huge tax incentives for moving. from that model. Games spheres
help define differences. Each foot- When this happens the fans from tends to explain a lot about human
ball team will have 11 players on the old city are totally neglected. behavior that doesn’t make sense

7 Those thirty teams and all of their fans will feel bad until next season when they believe there is new hope. This means that almost everyone gets to lose in this game.
8 I am a stockholder of the Green Bay Packers, so it was very hard for me to start questioning the rules. I tend to go to at least one Packer game every year. Yet I know deep
down that the whole game is total illusion and that by being a strong fan, I keep myself deep in illusion. Yet ultimately, I have to ask myself the question: Do I want to keep
the illusion or not? I feel bad when the Packers don’t win the Superbowl. Yet somehow I feel that the joy of that potential glory is worth the inevitable heartache that occurs
when my team gets eliminated. And yet I still want to be part of the illusion? Why?

6 ©2001, IITM, All Rights Reserved

Market Mastery

without it, including why we be- Game Participants To summarize, people tend to play
have so irrationally and continually games in the role of an archetype
sabotage ourselves. Basically, we Each game you play will have a character such as the Knight in
do so because we play games with central character. This character Shining Armor. The overall game
different roles in each game. is usually in the form of some would tend to have six types of
archetype such as “The HERO.” participants, the archetype charac-
Second, each game has three levels. You decide who this main charac- ter and his/her opposite are two of
At level one you are an involun- ter is and what his/her archetype is them. Each pair of opposites would
tary player. The rules seem totally depending upon how you play the have at minimum an enemy and
mandatory for you because you game. This is why the same game a supporter of some sort. These
don’t even know you are playing can be different for nearly everyone would also be archetypes of lesser
a game. Most football fans, for who plays it. That is, each person importance, depending upon how
example, don’t realize that they are will assign a different archetype to one was playing the game.
playing a game. Instead, they think the main role of the game.
they are watching a game and that This might sound a little strange
their activity is real. You might be This central archetype in your game to you if you tend to play games
the central character in the game, will have two attached characters; unconsciously, as if they are real.
but you really are not aware you the supporter and the enemy. Thus, It’s only when you really look at
are playing a game. But when you if you were playing the game as the games you play that you can
don’t know you are playing a game, the Knight in Shinning Armor, decide the type of role you are
the game seems like reality and you then your supporter might be the playing. And guess what? At some
have no choices in how you play. Squire and the enemy might be the level, you tend to play all six roles
Yet, being a fan is part of the game. Evil Wizard. However, everyone in your life.
You have certain rules to follow to will play games from a different
play the fan game. perspective. A female playing the In our football game, the main
same game might be the Damsel archetype might be the HOME
At the second level of game play- in Distress as the major archetype. TEAM. The opposite archetype
ing, you are aware of the fact that Her supporter would be her Knight might be the VISITORS. The sup-
you are playing a game and you in Shinning Armor and her enemy porter of the home team might be
choose to play actively. When might be the Dragon that wants her the COACHES, while the enemy
you wake up to this level, you can, for himself. Note that the Knight might be the BAD PRESS. The
depending upon your level of per- and Dragon are meaningless with- supporter of the VISITORS might
sonal power, invent your own rules. out each other and the presence of be their COACHES, while the
People who win games, usually the game. enemy of the visitors might be the
play at this level. HOME TEAM FANS.
For each game, you will also have
Finally, at level three, you decide another main character who is the While the model I laid out seems
that the game limits you and you opposite to your main archetype. quite generic, different people who
elect not to play. To some extent For example, if you are playing play the game will have entirely
the game may be all around you, a game as the Knight in Shinning different roles laid out for the game,
but the game has no power over Armor, then your opposite might depending upon how they play.
you because you have elected not be the Black Knight. This op- Here are some possible examples
to play. posite character would also have of who the main archetype, and
his/her attached characters, his/her its opposite, might be for different
We’ll illustrate both of these con- individuals, all playing the football
supporter and his/her enemy. The
cepts with our football metaphor game.
Black Knight’s supporter might be
and then go on to discuss the game
his “Trusty Horse” and his enemy
of money in detail. THE CHAMPIONS vs THE LOS-
might be “The Dragon.”

7 ©2001, IITM, All Rights Reserved

Market Mastery

THE ROOKIE vs THE VET- believe that “it’s important to of the six participants in the way I
ERAN protect the honor of the people of participate in the game of football.
the home city.” You can fill in the And, it’s not important to find all six
THE GOOD GUYS vs THE BAD blank with the name of the city. for the purpose of this discussion.
GUYS The visitors might believe that “it’s My main point is that everyone will
THE GREAT QUARTERBACK vs important to have respect wherever be a little different, depending on
THE EVIL DEFENSE you go.” Notice that now each of the role he or she plays as a central
them has a reason to play the game. character in the game and how he
THE GENERAL vs THE EVIL The supporter and the enemy of or she seems to relate to the rest
ONE each archetype would also have of the game in defining the other
some reason to justify their respec- participants. This is what makes
tive existences. games so interesting and so addic-
tive for each participant.
The coaches, for example, as sup-
porters of the home team, might Think about it. Most people don’t
believe that “the team cannot win even know they are playing a game,
T H E L O YA L FA N v s T H E without our support.” That would so the participants and the rules
DRUNKEN BUM certainly justify the existence of are all unconscious. Nevertheless,
the coaches. And the enemy of the everyone picks a central participant
THE WINNER vs THE LOSER home team, the bad press, might for the way we play a game and has
THE STRATEGIST vs THE SEAT justify their existence by believing some justification to make his/his
OF THE PANTS PLAYER that “overpaid football players need participation right.
to win all the time to justify their
These are just a few ideas of roles existence and their high salaries.” In addition, the nature of the game
people could adopt to play the same The coaches of the visitors might changes for everyone, depending
game—football. Your primary role believe that the visitors “can only upon how they define the other
could be that of a fan (with some win with our support” which would key participants in the game. For
particular role or that of a player certainly justify their existence and example, my wife is also a Green
or coach or broadcaster or almost make them right. The home team Bay Packer stockholder. However,
anything). Most people, of course, fans, who continually harass the she was born in the city of Singa-
will have some type of fan role as visitors, might believe that “we pore, not Green Bay. She usually
the primary character. The key can only feel good about ourselves enjoys a game when she goes to
thing is to remember, that in each when our team beats these bad one, if it’s not too hot or too cold in
case, both your primary role and its guys.” And that would justify them the stadium. However, she doesn’t
opposite will have an enemy and a continually harassing the visitors. like the game to get too exciting.
supporter. She’d prefer that the Packers just
Remember, six participants and win easily. However, when she’s
The next important thing about the their justifications will tend to not at a game, she could care less
participants in the game is that each be a little different for everyone about football. She might watch the
of the six roles gets to be “right” who participates in a game. For Packers on television if they played
in some way. They all have some example, my main role in football in the Superbowl, but even then
belief about themselves that makes focuses on being a Green Bay she’d probably have something
them right. Thus, each game would Packers fan and the archetype that else she’d rather be doing. And
have six metaphorical participants, I’d say best describes me is that of if she does watch the game, she’s
each knowing that their existence “Distant Stockholder Who Loves probably doing something else at
was somehow justified by their his Team.” My justification for that the same time. As a result, don’t
being right in some way. role is that “I was born in Green you think her primary role in the
Bay and I’ll always love my team.” game is a lot different from mine?
For example, the home team might
However, that just gives you one And don’t you think her ideas about

8 ©2001, IITM, All Rights Reserved

Market Mastery

what make each participant right is who might do so will have stopped another level. Suddenly, the game
totally different from mine.9 You’d reading it long ago) then you are takes on a new dimension because
better believe it! And it’s the same probably on automatic pilot with you can make up your own rules—
for all of you who in some way little or no choice. All the rules of at least as far as your participation
choose to participate in the game the game are real. All the rules are is concerned. For example, you
of football—even as a fan! mandatory. And you didn’t make can decide that you’ll be happy if
any of the rules…they did, so it’s the team simply improves from last
Levels of Game Participation out of your control. This is the year. Or you can decide that your
level at which most people play the happiness has nothing to do with
Games become even more compli- game of life. the team’s performance. Hmm,
cated because of various levels of that’s a revolutionary idea! Or you
participation that one might select. We all think of football as a being can decide that if you watch a foot-
In my opinion, there are at least a game, but knowing that, we still ball game and your team wins, you
three levels of game participation: think it’s real. If your team doesn’t can be ecstatic, but that you won’t
unconscious participation; aware win the championship, you might have any emotions if your team
participation; and a conscious take it very personally and become loses. It’s all your choice because
decision not to play any game that upset about it and life in general. you start to make up the rules as
limits you (and all games limit you Somehow, you might feel less of soon as you begin to realize that
in some way). a person just because your team your participation in the game is
didn’t win the Superbowl. And voluntary.
Unconscious Participation: Most yet only one team out of 31 will
of us participate in games on an do so each year, so your odds are Wait a minute, you might say,
unconscious level. We never even about 3.3% of having a team win people don’t really make up their
know we’re playing the game. For the Superbowl. In fact, I guess I own rules. The owners decide
example, have you ever thought should be happy that the Packers what the football rules are each
that you were playing a money have won three Superbowls in the year! That’s true, but within that
game or a trading game? Or, did 35 years since that trophy was first framework, everyone can still make
you at some level decide that this awarded. That’s about 10% of the up their own rules. You can decide
was real and that everything was time and about 3 times the rate that as a fan that you’ll only go to one
very serious? If you answered one might consider fair. game each year and that you’ll be
“yes” to either question, then you delighted for whichever team wins
are playing these games at an un- Conscious Participation: The the game. That way, you leave the
conscious level. This means that next level at which you can play is game happy no matter what the
you play by someone else’s rules. consciously and voluntarily. When score will be. At the opposite end
You’re on automatic pilot and your you realize you are playing a game of the extreme, if your role is that
chances of winning the game are and you decide to do so voluntarily, of an owner, you can determine
very slim. then you have a real chance in the how big a role you have in making
game because you are now at a up the rules, including determining
Most people play most of their level of awareness where you can how those rules might influence
games unconsciously. Thus, they make your own rules up. This is a you financially.10 As a coach, you
believe that everything that hap- huge jump for most people. have lots of leeway about making
pens is real and that they have no
When you begin to think of your up rules. Yes, you have to play
choice in the matter. And if you
participation in football as being a within the overall structure of the
find this article strange and hard
game, then you can think about it at game, but you can control how your
to believe (although most people
9 She might play the role of the spouse who wants to support her husband. She’s right because she’s a good wife who supports her husband when forced to do so. The
enemy might be her husband who forces her to go to games occasionally. And her supporter might be the football team that wins. This is just one of many possibilities and
I’m only guessing at what the real roles might be.
10 Al Davis, as the owner of the Raiders, always made up his own rules. He manipulated a lot of people as he moved from Oakland to Los Angeles, then threatened to move
to a different part of Los Angeles, and eventually moved back to Oakland. He manipulated a lot of people and got a lot of personal concessions that made him millions of

9 ©2001, IITM, All Rights Reserved

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players operate within the structure While this might make me feel scenario occurs and they win the
and to some extent how willing important when my team is win- Superbowl.
your players will be to break the ning and I’m in, most of the time
rules. In addition, you can make (on the average) they probably will As a result, I can decide to exit
up your whole set of rules that not win and I’m going to feel bad. the game and avoid all of these
guide the conduct of your players. And it’s all because I’ve narrowed letdowns. Suddenly, I’m no lon-
Even players can make up their my definition of what makes me ger limiting myself. Instead, I’m
own rules about their level of ef- feel important. expanding myself. I don’t define
fort, participation, willingness to myself at all by how well the Green
bend the rules, etc. that they bring Thus, games very definitely limit Bay Packers (or any other football
to the game. And the more you the participants. And when you team, for that matter) perform.
understand your freedoms, within begin to realize that, you can step That’s a much more whole and
the rules, the more likely you are to out of the game. Does this mean complete approach. However,
win the game. that I’m going to decide not to be many people enjoy the high of
a Packer fan. I don’t know, but identifying with a big winner so
Conscious Non-Participation: I do know that my team is in the much, that they are willing to con-
The final level, the most advanced playoffs this year. stantly go through the downs that
level, is conscious non participa- also occur.
tion. Any game you decide to play However, in the meantime, the
(consciously or unconsciously) will Packers have only qualified for the
The Money Game
limit you. First, the game defines fourth playoff spot and it’s quite
you and as soon as you define possible that they could be elimi- We’re going to look at the money
yourself, you narrow yourself and nated in the first round. Thus, I game from the three levels of par-
limit who you are. For example, could become very sad, especially ticipation. First, we’ll look at the
when I say “I’m a Packer fan” my if I allow my sense of who I am money game from the participation
internal feeling is that I’m part of an to be determined by how well the level of the average American,
exclusive club that makes me very Packers do at the end of the season. which is unconscious participa-
special. The club becomes even And if I were to do that, then my tion in the game. These people
more exclusive when I say, “I’m chances of being sad at the end of play the game robotically without
also a Packer stockholder.” Yet, in any given season are quite large. understanding the rules. The result
reality, all I’ve done is limit myself Furthermore, let’s assume the is that they are, at best, average
by narrowing my focus. Suddenly, Packer’s win the Superbowl. As performers, but remember most of
I’m only a Packer fan. I don’t get a result, I get a momentary high these people don’t even know that
to be joyful when another club wins (lasting a day or two at most), fol- they are playing a game.
the Superbowl (and that’s going to lowed by the realization of “what’s Next, we’ll look at the money game
happen most years). I don’t get to next?” What’s next is that other from the viewpoint of those who
cheer when Kurt Warner throws teams will attempt to hire away consciously play the game and thus
six TDs and the Rams win their the Packer’s best coaches and become capable of making their
game by 40 points because that’s players. In addition, they’ll face own rules. When you compare the
not what Packer fans do. If any- a very tough schedule next year rules and presuppositions of this
thing, that becomes a threat to me and it will be very hard for them to group with those of the first group,
because some other team might be repeat as champions. (They play you should understand why people
better than my team. Do you see five of this year’s playoff teams who adopt these rules tend to win
how calling myself a Packer Fan on the road next year.) They’ll the money game.
narrows down my definition of who have the last pick in the NFL draft.
I am and limits me? Thus, no matter what happens, I’m Lastly, we’ll look at the money
probably in for a let down. That’s game from someone who might
In addition, games tend to make
not a very happy prospect—and decide that they don’t want to play
things exclusive and narrow down
this will occur if the best possible this game—or any other game
who is “in” and who is “out.”

10 ©2001, IITM, All Rights Reserved

Market Mastery

for that matter. We’ll look at the think you’d be successful living by tions of level 2 are in Table Two.
person who takes a more spiritual them?
Notice that there are even some
view of money and the assumptions
And remember, we’re just scratch- conflicts on this one. However,
behind it.
ing the surface of the money game the rules and presuppositions are
The Game as Most American’s at this level. We haven’t even de- much more useful to winning the
Play It: The average person tends fined the role you might play at this game. And it’s possible to win
to have the rules and presupposi- level and who the other participants this game. In fact, you’re more
tions of the money game imposed might be in the way you decide to likely to win this game, taking on
upon them. They are largely un- play the game. That might be a the willing participant viewpoint,
aware of these rules, so they are good exercise for you to consider than a professional football player
totally controlled by them. And on your own. What archetype do would have of winning a Super-
when you study the presuppositions you play in the money game? bowl ring.
and rules that they’ve adopted,
The Money Game As Played by But in the end, no one can take his
you’ll understand why they don’t
Winners: When we teach infinite or her wealth (i.e., their winnings)
do very well at the money game.
wealth, we teach a totally different with them. Instead, what you ac-
They don’t even know they are
set of rules. Those rules, when I cumulate owns you, at least until
playing a game. See Table One.
first adopted them, totally changed you leave the planet. Of course,
So what do you think of these my way of thinking and allowed me perhaps that statement defines a
rules and presuppositions? Are to achieve infinite wealth within six specific archetype for the money
they what you live by? Do you months. You might consider them game that might not fit another
see some conflict in them? Do you as well. The rules and presupposi- archetype.

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The Money Game From the Out- game. And when people quit the have time, you’ll also get to explore
side: Lastly, we have the viewpoint game, the game ceases to exits. the archetype you play at your level
of those who elect not to play the This, of course, also is very threat- of participation in the money game
game. Every game you play defines ening to those who wish to continue and the other games we cover11. I
you and limits you. Therefore, you the game. think you’ll find this material to be
can elect not to play the game at all. fascinating.
This is a very advanced viewpoint In our Advanced Peak Performance
and most of you may not be ready Workshop, we will be looking
More Perspectives on Games
for it. Nevertheless, let’s examine at a number of key games: The
a few of the presuppositions and money game, the trading game, the If you keep playing the games you
rules of someone who might take health game, and the relationship have always played, especially on
this viewpoint. See Table Three. game. We’ll look at each from the the same level with the same roles,
viewpoint of the people who play you will probably end up very simi-
If you are stuck in the money game without realizing it is a game, from lar to the way you are now.
at any level, the third perspective the viewpoint of someone who real-
will seem horrifying and very izes that it is a game and that you Ignorance of the rules is never an
threatening. In fact, since your can make up your own rules and excuse within the game. If you
rules feel mandatory, you will feel actually win the game. We will are going to play, you had better
very threatened by the perspective also explore these games from the know the rules of the game. Yet,
that you could stop playing the viewpoint of someone who realizes usually there are so many rules,
game. However, this is the perspec- that people don’t have to play a you cannot possibly keep track of
tive of someone who chooses not game at all. And, to the extent we all of them. Thus, there is a clear
to play the game by seeing it as a advantage to those who best know

12 ©2001, IITM, All Rights Reserved

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the rules of the game. In fact, the When you try to juggle playing universal objective of all games
best advantage goes to those who multiple games, you must com- is to have you become important.
know the rules and how to change promise on one or more of them. This is how you use the superficial
the rules and make up their own You cannot possibly know all the elements of life to define who you
rules. Why do you think there are rules in all games. It’s impossible. are. In fact, the universal objec-
so many lawyers in our society? To As a result, you play some games tive of all games is to have you
a certain extent, lawyers understand unconsciously, just following rules be important, to make you appear
the rules and, the good ones, are without even knowing it. However, good, or to win. Yet in the world
able to make up their own rules. in other games you tend to play of illusion there is always someone
much more consciously. You tend better than you. Thus, your defense
The purpose of all optional games to do well in the games in which is to define yourself so narrowly
is to keep score. This allows you you play consciously, being aware that within some tiny little fame,
to figure out where you stand— of the rules. However, you tend to defined by rules that you invent,
to make yourself important and play miserably in those that you you can be the best.
right. play robotically. Playing roboti-
cally, denying that one is playing a Games are designed to maximize
The more simple a game is, the less control and minimize freedom.
attention you have to use to follow game, does not make you exempt
from the rules of the game. What Control is always illusionary. It
the rules. The more complicated a puts you between whomever you
game, the more it attracts you and happens is that most of the rules
become invisible. You don’t even want to control and their natural
the more important you perceive behavior. It makes you superior.
yourself to be for being able to know you are playing a game.12
For example, a standard rule of the
play it. This is not a world that only you employment game is that your boss
designed. Instead, it is full of controls you. And you’ve learned
Multiple Games games that millions of other people a rule through the education game
have designed. You cannot turn to support that idea—the rule that
One of the ironies of life is that around without bumping into other declares that “the teacher is always
most people play many games people’s presuppositions, rules, right.”
simultaneously. We have a money and games. In fact, there is little
game. We have a career game. We raw material with which to create People thrive in a situation in which
have a parenting game. We have afresh. people are more important than
family game. We have a friendship rules. Under these conditions love
game. We have a health game. We In the world of games, there are is more important than games. In
have a trading or investing game. constant tests that you must pass. fact, under these conditions, you’ll
And I’ve only touched upon a few You must be constantly vigilant never find a shortage of anything,
games here. to play each game. And quitting particularly attention.
the game seems like death. The
11 Our preliminary plan is to cover, at minimum, the money game and the trading game and the relationship game on the second day of the Advanced Peak Performance
Trading Course.
12 I notice on Saturday December 22, when watching the San Francisco versus Philadelphia football game, that the announcers commented that it was just a game. John
Madden, in particularly, was referring to our military forces overseas. His exact words were “This is just a game, but what they are doing is real. There is a big difference.”
Unfortunately, too many games are thought of as real, and thus we don’t even begin to perceive the rules and presuppositions of the game.

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People hate rules, but they love the the security of the rules. Gosh, because most of you will turn
illusionary security that their rules I might have to give up being a the beam off and keep them
seem to provide. Generally, you Green Bay Packer Fan? I have a unconscious.
do so by following the rules while lot of stories about why that would
pretending that they do not exist. never happen. 4. If you can, look at these games
When you follow rules, while si- in the light of daylight. What are
multaneously pretending that they When you systematically take the rules and presuppositions un-
do not exist, the rules do not go apart your stories, you’ll find that der which you are playing these
away. Instead, what happens is you have a path that will lead you games? Who made up those
that the rules have complete con- back to the rules that guide your rules? Are you an unconscious
trol. What we do instead, is make life. And, each rule will lead you player or a voluntary player who
up stories to protect and mask the back to a set of presuppositions or is capable of making up his/her
rules. I can question the rules of assumptions that guide your life. own rules?
football and begin to understand And when you look deeply into
each presupposition, you’ll find 5. Do you want to play each game?
the illusion of the game. How- What would happen if you de-
ever, you can easily contradict all that they were created by you and
have no reality at all—absolutely cided to quit each of the games
of that by making up some stories you listed?
about football to justify the rules. none. And if you do this process
For example, you can start talking thoroughly, you find that all that is 
about tradition and all of the great left is the real you.
players and how their effort justifies Think about it. What if you didn’t
everything and makes it all mean- have to make any initial presup- P.S. I’m still playing the “Packer
ingful. Football players will tell positions? If that were the case, Fan/Stockholder” game. In case
you that football is all about life! It there would be no rules and there you wondered, the Packers have at
teaches you the game of life! Such could be no games. In addition, least one home game in the play-
stories are just a distraction to hide there would be no stories to hide the offs. I’m going to the game and I
the rules. And if you need help in rules. All that’s left is just you. managed to get a luxury box (i.e.,
making up stories, just gather some out of the cold). That’s histori-
statistics. Statistics will give you But the moment you select a game cal because the luxury boxes will
needed information about why the or a team or a side, you are stuck. be torn down after this game in
game is important and to justify You suddenly have an objective. preparation for the Lambeau field
the importance of certain people. That objective gives you a perspec- renovation. (Notice my story that I
You can make lots of stories out of tive and a relationship to the game have to justify my behavior.)
statistics and they give you more that will restrict what you say and
justification for continuing the what you do. Suddenly, you are
game. Will anyone every rush for right in the middle of a game—yet
P.P.S. The examination of the
3000 yards in a season or pass for you may not even know it.
games we all play will be a sig-
5000 yards? Doesn’t that justify
nificant topic at the Advanced Peak
continuing the game? Some Things to Think About
Performance Course, I invite you
When you begin to examine a rule 1. What activities occupy most of to come and experience this life
thoroughly, as I was doing with your time? altering work!
the rules of football, you start to
threaten its existence. And this is 2. How do you define yourself and
a marvelous technique for escap- what makes you important?
ing from the illusion for those of 3. The answers to questions one
who you are willing to take that and two will shine a flashlight
step. However, the step is quite on some of your games you
scary because it means giving up play in life. But look quickly

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