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Syllogism is a deductive argument having two premises and a conclusion. The

question contains two premises and answer is to find the correct conclusion.


There can be any three objects or entities. The question contains two premises. Each
premise and conclusion statement conains two objects. One object is common (Middle Term)
in both premises. Conclusion contains two objects which are not common.

Types of Syllogism

1. All (Universal Affirmatives)

2. No (Universal Negatives)

3. Some (Particular Affirmatives)

4. Some Not (Particular Negatives)


1. The middle term must not appear in the conclusion. The middle term must be

distributed atleast once.

2. When both premises are negative or when both premises are particular, no

conclusion can be derived.

3. Term which is not distributed in the premise must not be distributed in the


4. When both premises are affirmative, conclusion will be affirmative.

5. If one of premises is particular, then conclusion is particular.

6. If one of premises is negative, then conclusion is negative.

All animals are mortal.
All men are animals.
All men are mortal.

No reptiles have fur.

All snakes are reptiles.
No snakes have fur.

All kittens are playful.

Some pets are kittens.
Some pets are playful.

No homework is fun.
Some reading is homework.
Some reading is not fun.

No healthy food is fattening.

All cakes are fattening.
No cakes are healthy food.

All horses have hooves.

No humans have hooves.
No humans are horses.

No lazy students are students who pass exams.

Some students are students who pass exams.
Some students are not lazy students.

All informative things are useful things.

Some websites are not useful things.
Some websites are not informative.

All fruit is nutritious.

All fruit is tasty.
Some tasty things are nutritious.

Some mugs are beautiful.

All mugs are useful things.
Some useful things are beautiful.

All the industrious boys in this school have red hair.

Some of the industrious boys in this school are boarders.
Some boarders in this school have red hair.

No jug in this cupboard is new.

All jugs in this cupboard are cracked.
Some of the cracked items in this cupboard are not new.

Some cats have no tails.

All cats are mammals.
Some mammals have no tails.

No tree is edible.
Some trees are green things.
Some green things are not edible.
All apples in my garden are wholesome fruit.
All wholesome fruit is ripe fruit.
Some ripe fruit are apples in my garden.

All coloured flowers are scented flowers.

No scented flowers are grown indoors.
No flowers grown indoors are coloured flowers.

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