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Critical study on crop harvesting machines: Research paper

Shubham Singh[1] ,Asst. Prof. Mrs. Palak Jindal[2]

[1] Student( Mechanical Engineering), JECRC FOUNDATION , Jaipur

[2] Assistant Professor ,Department of Mechanical Engineering, JECRC


Abstract-Gathering of yield is one of the significant farming activity which request impressive
measure of work. The accessibility and cost of work during collecting season are the difficult issue.
The deficiency of work during gathering season and notions of the climate cause extraordinary
misfortunes to the ranchers. It is consequently, fundamental to receive the mechanical strategies so
the practicality in collecting activity could be guaranteed. The utilization of mechanical collecting
gadget has been expanded in the ongoing years. The ranchers utilizing collectors or consolidates to
reap their harvests. Be that as it may, these methods particularly consolidate, are expensive making it
un-reasonable to a large portion of the little ranchers. Albeit, some manual worked harvesters were
created. Be that as it may, because of confinements of manual force, none of them become
mainstream as the force accessible for transportation of the machine just as cutting and passing on of
the yield was not adequate. Right now, on various sorts of reaping machines and methods were

Keywords-Harvesting, Thresher, Impact


Traditional harvesting technique: Collection of field crops is commonly done physically with the
assistance of sickle. The shape and size of the sickle differs with the locale. Singh and Singh (1978)
found that a sickle with a serrated surface gave preferable execution over a plain one with shearing
power at the front line. Ojha and Nath (1980) accentuated the requirement for presentation of
proficient reaping gear for the oats crops appears to limit the hour of collecting and the grain
misfortune endured because of moderate pace of work in procedure of manual gathering. Around 5 –
15% misfortune may happen, if legitimate consideration was not taken. Generally a slowed down
individual can reap around 15 kg of paddy for each hour. A breaking misfortune high as 16% was
accounted for on account of tractor cutter while, it was about 7% with sickle. Pitra and Gite (1980)
said that non-serrated sickles was set aside more effort for collecting when contrasted with improved
sickles. Devnani and Pandey (1981) structured the sickles with the size of 255 mm, 1.27 mm thick
carbon steel and the state of the sharp edge was curved with flightiness of the circle of 0.7. The sharp
edge was bolted to the strengthening strip, which thusly was bolted to the handle. The field
execution of the recently structured sickle alongside the Maharashtra, Punjab and Local sickle was
assessed. The outcome demonstrated that the exhibition of the improved sickles was better when
contrasted with different sickles. Kulkarni and Sirohi (1985) said that honed piece of a sickles was
the most significant factor influencing the working limit of the ranchers, and the handle decided the
accommodation in utilizing this instrument may likewise indirectly affect working limit. Gite and
Agarwal (2000) reasoned that improved sickle with serrated edge diminished drudgery of ranch
ladies by about 16.5% when contrasted with neighborhood sickle for gathering wheat crop. Sutjana
(2000) utilized serrated sickle to expanded rancher's profitability. Thirty-three collectors
intentionally joined the examination utilizing serrated and non-serrated sickles. The profitability was
estimated by partitioned the quantity of paddy stalks cut at regular intervals by augmentation of
pulse over the resting esteem. The outcomes demonstrated that, the sharpness of serrated sickles was
more steady than non-serrated, the utilization of serrated sickles diminished the remaining task at
hand and work time misfortune, the profitability of serrated sickles was constantly higher than those
utilizing non-serrated sickles, Singh (2012) thought about the presentation of Naveen and Vaibhav
sickles with the neighborhood sickles for collecting paddy crop with 12 ranch ladies. Mean pulse
during work in activity of these sickles were 103 beats/min, 107 beats/min and 106 beats/min,
individually. The remaining burden was under atisfactory point of confinement for day-long work
with typical rest delay for examined sickles.

Improved harvesting technique: Manually operated harvesting equipment: Srivastava and

Dyck (1978) built up a solitary column push type physically worked safflower machine, required
two men capacity to work the machine. The casing was made of rectangular steel tubing and
bolstered the ground wheels, parts of intensity transmission framework, two round edge and handle.
Each ground wheel transmitted capacity to one round edge through sprockets and chain. It harvested
safflower at a stature of 7-8 cm and its ability was 0.1 ha/h. It procured safflower quicker and more
effectively than the customary Indian sickles. Mollah and Kilgour (1986) took a shot at cutting and
batching machine, comprised of two serrated edged plates, turning in inverse heading for single line
cutting. They tried the machine for two arrangements of examinations. In the main set the circles
covering was kept steady at 10 mm four diverse carriage speeds, 0.8 km/h, 1.6 km/h, 2.4 km/h and
3.2 km/h. In the subsequent set, the carriage speed was kept consistent at 2.4 km/h and four distinct
circles over lapping 0 mm, 5 mm, 10 mm and 15 mm. In the principal set, the normal draw required
to cut 18 stalks was a limit of 106.6 N. The individual most extreme force was 187 N at 1.6 km/h
carriage speed to cut 14 stalks. The draw of the machine changed fundamentally at various forward
paces and distinctive number of stalks. The force prerequisite was higher at higher forward paces
and changed altogether between 63.6 W and 83.11 W at various forward rates and diverse number of
stalks. Singh et al. (2009) manufactured a physically worked vertical transport harvester and contrast
its presentation and Naveen and nearby sickle for reaping paddy crop. Its successful cutting width
was 25 cm and the weight was 45 kg. The Fabrication cost of machine came around Rs. 4740. The
presentation of created gatherer was discovered acceptable; it gave field limit and field effectiveness
were 0.03 ha/h and 62% separately. The normal field limit with regards to Naveen and neighborhood
sickle was 0.0083 ha/h and 0.0066 ha/h individually. The gathering cost for created collector,
Naveen and neighborhood sickle were Rs. 619/ha, Rs. 1500/ha and Rs 1875/ha separately. Chavan et
al. (2015) grew physically worked collector. The Manual worked harvester was high work sparing
gear requiring just 20 man-h/ha. The field productivity was agreeable which over 66%. The expense
of gathering with this manual worked harvester was Rs 1250.4/ha which was considerably less as
thought about Rs 2000/ha for customary strategy.

Bullock drawn haresting: Khanna (1973) chipped away at bullock drawn harvester with an extra
arrangement to windrow the collected yields at one side. Machine was worked by a helper motor and
pulled by a couple of bullock. It was seen that an a few Hp motor was adequate to give the
fundamental capacity to cutting and reaping.Singh (1981) completed work on structure and
advancement of creature drawn gatherer and built up the connection between power necessity and
plant thickness at various speed of activity. He found that, the force necessity for the activity of the
machine expanded with the expansion in plant thickness and speed of activity. Singh and Singh
(1995) planned and manufactured a creature drawn collector with motor worked cutting and passing
on component for reaping wheat and paddy crops. The gatherer was tried on wheat crop and the limit
was 0.27 ha/h with a watched field proficiency of 84.36%. The draft at no heap and burden
conditions were recorded at 62.9 kg and 42.68 kg, separately. The utilization was around 1 L/h.

Tractor operated harvesting equipment: Garg et al. (1985) created and assessed field execution of
a tractor-front-mounted vertical transport harvester windrower. A front-mounted vertical transport
gatherer windrower had 1.9 m cutting width, worked by a tractor of around 25 hp, could adequately
reap wheat and rice and spot the reaped crop on the ground in perfect windrows that could be
effortlessly gathered. Its normal EFC was 0.29 ha/h. All out grain misfortunes were just 0.72-1.51%.
When contrasted and customary manual techniques, the machine could spare 130.85 man-h/ha.
Yadav and Yadav (1985) planned a tractor attracted side mounted harvester to cut the green yields
and structure crop bundles. Field productivity of the machine was 66.66%. Breaking misfortunes
was 2–5%. Non-recoverable free stalk misfortunes were 4.12 and 3.46% for 2 verities at 15 %
dampness content. The expense of gathering soybean crop by this machine was Rs 150/ha when
contrasted with Rs 216/ha for manual collecting. Garg and Sharma (1991) dealt with a tractor front
mounted harvester windrower with vertical transport lines for gathering wheat and rice. The unit was
fit for gathering 0.4 ha/h, and dissimilar to join, gatherer didn't devastate the straw, significant for
steers bolstered. They detailed that work necessity diminished by two-third by the new unit when
contrasted with customary manual reaping with sickles.

Self-propelled haresting equipment: Chaudhry (1978) created self-moved multi crop gatherer, had
two front driving haggles back wheel with pneumatic tires and was fueled by a 6 - 8 hp oil motor. A
V-belt drive and angle gear transmit capacity to the shaper bar, which was worked at 700
strokes/min and was mounted 5 cm behind the front wheels, with a 20 cm measurement supporting
wheel at the opposite end. The shaper bar stature was movable up to 33 cm. Its ability was 0.4 ha/h
and gathering cost was US $ 7.5/ha for reaping wheat and paddy Garg et al. (1984) created and
assessed execution of intensity tiller-worked vertical transport gatherer for wheat crop. The normal
field limit was 0.284 ha/h and fuel utilization was 0.5 L/h. The all out grain misfortunes were
extremely low (surmised 1%). Work reserve funds and budgetary investment funds were 129 man-
h/ha and Rs 226/ha with machine collecting contrasted with the customary strategy. Devnani and
Panday (1985) created two models of vertical passing on harvester windrowers, one for power tiller
i.e., 1.6 m cutting width and other for tractor i.e., 2.05 m cutting width for collecting wheat and rice.
The field limit accomplished with 1.6 m wide unit was 0.269 ha/h and for 2.05 m tractor unit 0.337
ha/h. The expense of activity with tractor and force tiller models were low when contrasted with
manual strategy by 20 to 38%. The absolute reaping misfortunes were in the scope of 4 to 6% of
grain yield when grain dampness content was 7 to 11%. The work necessities are decreased to 40-42
man-h/ha, I e, 33% of the manual gathering method.espectively. Guruswamy et al. (1994) altered
and assessed execution a self-pushed vertical transport harvester cum windrower for collecting of
safflower and contrasted and manual reaping.

Figure1:Self propelled harvesting machine

Electric Powered harvesting machine: Chieh (2012) changed over inner burning motor worked
brush shaper into the oscillating brush shaper. To acquired some very pulling in focal points, for
example, low Fguibration and acoustic clamor, liberated from air contamination and low utilizing
cost, a DC engine was utilized as the mechanical force wellspring of new electric sort brush shaper.
Moreover, a Li-particle battery and electronic control board intended for DC engine speed control
and circuit insurance designs were incorporated too. The exhibitions of the proposed rotating brush
shaper were approved through broad tests and a research center scale usage. Bodele et al. (2015)
created contamination free sun based controlled brush shaper. This brush shaper was the substitution
of the oil motor brush shaper. This shaper was absolutely eco-accommodating and was so valuable
to the individuals for multi agro reason too. The expense of the framework was decreased on the
grounds that the utilization of sunlight based vitality in the substitution of the regular fuel vitality.
Contrasted with all pieces of shaper get together sun powered board was costlier.Satwik et al. (2015)
structured and created the switch worked sunlight based garden cutter. The grass cut could be
differed from the 1cm to 6.5cm starting from the earliest stage. The engine runs 45min consistently
until the batteries are drained. Sun oriented board, the batteries required 23 hours to revive totally, so
it required 4 days thought about 6 h/day direct daylight. Rpm of engine was changed in four stages
to be specific 700, 1200, 1600 and 2000. It was seen that theproposed machine gave greater
efficiency when contrasted with the customary garden trimmer. The expense of the machine
including material expense and manufacture cost was Rs 7000.

Figure2: Electric powered harvesting machine

From the literature reviewed, it is clear that reaper is most important for timely harvesting of field
crops. Manually operated harvesting equipment’s are available, ground wheel used as power
source to operate the cutter, but available traction force in the ground wheel is not sufficient to cut
and convey the crop. Also, available reaper (self- propelled and tractor mounted) in the market is
high cost and they are not eco-friendly. Due to high initial and operating cost, small and marginal
farmers cannot adopt it. Hence, an attempt is, therefore, required to low cost and eco-friendly
battery powered reaper, this type of reaper can easily be operated by battery, only single person
required for pushing the machine forward in less economy, easily affordable for farmers for keeping
the better farming.

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