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Ian Jay R.

Tomas DBA-1

Chapter IV

Processes are important when you are trying to achieve a goal or even
realizing objectives. It describes how things are done and then provides the focus for
making them better and how they are done determines how successful the outcome
could be. This is also tantamount to researches. Adapting to the proposed model by
Cooper and Schindler (2012), there are six stages in the research process namely:
(1) Clarifying the research question, (2) Proposing Research, (3) Designing the
research project, (4) Data collection and preparation, (5) Data analysis and
interpretation, and (6) Reporting the results.
In commencing the research process, one should identify the basic dilemma
that prompts the researcher to investigate and develop other questions and
progressively breaking them down specifically. The outcome of this process is called
management – research questions. It is important to identify and choose ethical
dilemmas wisely. Failure to do so or incorrectly choosing a dilemma redirects the
management’s valuable resources such as time, money, manpower, and equipment
to a situation where it cannot give critical decision-making information. It takes
exploratory research to move from a management dilemma to the management
questions and subsequent research questions. Such research may include
examining primary and secondary resources, interview with the experts, or seeking
information gatekeepers.
On the other hand, after accomplishing the first stage, proposing research
follows. Three things need to be considered when proposing research. It includes
resource allocation and budget, valuing research information, and the research
proposal. Resource allocation and budget must take into consideration. Data
gathering or collecting data for a research study could be costly that’s why it is
important to not only justify the costs of the project but also to identify the sources
and methods of funding. As identified, researchers may opt to adopt the type of
budgets in an organization when research and cost containment is crucial namely:
Rule of a Thumb Budgeting, Departmental or Functional Area Budgeting and Task
Budgeting. More so, valuing research information must be deemed. The value of the
research must outweigh its costs. The main goal of the research is to provide useful
information in making decisions. Thus, the benefit of conducting the research must
not be undermined. Evaluation methods such as Ex Post Facto, Prior or Interim
Valuation, Options Analysis, and Decision Theory may be used. In proposing
research, a written proposal is often required. This ensures that the parties concur
on the project’s purpose, proposed methods, the budget and other responsibilities,
and obligations.
Designing a research project enables you to come with a blueprint for fulfilling
objectives and answering the question previously identified called the research
design. It is essential to consider the advantages of several designs before settling
on the final one. Choosing an appropriate research design shall be based on the
foregoing objectives that the researcher wants to realize.
When it comes to data collection and preparation, it may range from a simple
observation at one location to a grandiose survey from multinational companies at
sites in different parts of the globe. The complexity of collecting data requires
adequate time and resources. Data are furthered characterized by abstractness,
verifiability, elusiveness, and closeness to the phenomenon.
After data has been collected and prepared, data analysis and interpretation
come into play. It involves reduction, summarization, pattern examination, and the
statistical evaluation of the hypothesis presented. Data must be interpreted in the
light of the client’s question or it must determine the consistency of the hypothesis
and theories.
Finally, a written report of the findings and recommendations are reported to
the user of the information or the decision-maker that will shed light on the problems
Furthermore, several research problems can diminish the value of the
research. Some opt to use techniques that are inappropriate just because they are
familiar with the process. Some decide to use data mining for research and tend to
focus on unsearchable questions. The failure to identify the research dilemma is also
one of the constraints as well as conducting politically motivated research rather than a
management dilemma motivated research.

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