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EDU 240 Social Contexts II

Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Candidate: Katharine Cusick Date: April 29, 2012

Unit Title: Interviewing and Writing Biographies Subject: Writing Grade Level:2

Essential Question(s): Why is it important to interview somebody on whom you are writing a

Lesson Title/Number Lesson 3/ Interviewing and Writing Biographies on classmates

State Standards and STANDARD 3- Comprehension and Collaboration

Indicators Students will ask and answer questions about what a speaker says in
order to clarify comprehension, gather additional information, or
deepen understanding of a topic or issue.

Lesson Objectives 1. The student will interview another classmate.

(Bloom’s Taxonomy) 2. The student will record the information which he/she found.

---------------------- 3. The student will summarize that information and write a biography
on the classmate.
Acceptable Evidence
4. The student will read aloud to the class their biography.
*Could be collected
for Evidence that students have achieved objective
g purposes. (1,2) The student will have completed a sheet of questions to ask the

(3) The student will summarize the interview.

(4) The student will present to the class his/her biography.

Bell Ringer and ________________________________________________________

Prior Knowledge
Tap Prior Knowledge Tap: The teacher will ask the students to think back
to the prior lesson on interviewing and writing biographies. The
This can be together teacher will ask the students what some questions one might ask in an
or separate. Also may
be called: set interview.
induction, anticipatory
set, Bell Ringer: Provide stop light signs.
Green Go I understand
Yellow Slow down, can you repeat that?
Red I don’t understand, can you explain again, or explain in a
Teacher input, different way.
method(s), modeling,
guided practice, 1. The teacher will inform the students about biographies.
independent practice, (auditory)
and/or activities  CFU:
 The teacher will ask the students to write a
*Accommodations question that would be seen on an interview,
for learning and write it on their whiteboards.
modalities are
required. 2. The teacher will demonstrate a biography by showing the
students an example of one illustrating her life. (visual)
auditory, and
kinesthetic 3. The teacher will pair up students, so they get to interview
someone they may not know a lot about.

4. The teacher will hand out a set of questions that the interviewer
must ask the student, so the questions are not too personal, but
not too general.

5. The students will take turns interviewing each other.


6. The student will record the answers to the questions.

7. The student will present his/her biography to the rest of the

UDL Checkpoint 9:3- Develop Self-Assessment and Reflection
Accommodations The teacher will put estimated times on the board where the students
should be, so they can be time sufficient and regulate themselves so
Include at least 1 they finish in time.
strategy from each of
the three UDL

After the students have finished their biography, I will pass around a Technology Integration
digital camera so they can take a silly picture of their classmate and glue it
to the bottom of the biography. This way the students will have a visual of Include type and purpose
the classmate as well as the biography summarizing that classmate.

Assessment/ Formative: Individual Whiteboards

Evaluation The teacher will ask the students to write a question they think would
be a question asked in an interview when writing a biography.
Type and purpose
The student will record a question, and hold up his/her whiteboard to
(sometimes called allow the teacher to see if they have understood.
Summative: The biography
1. The teacher will provide each student will a set of questions to
ask a classmate.
2. The student will interview the student, and record the answers.
3. The student will write up a biography based on the answers
he/she has received from the interview.

The student will be evaluated on how well they write a biography based
on the questions they have asked and recorded. This activity will be
evaluated out of 30 points. I have attached a scoring guide that will
demonstrate how I am going to grade the students.

Closure The students will share their biographies to the rest of the class.

Accommodations The teacher will walk around, and intervene when needed.

and/or Interactions
with Support Staff

Materials 1.Set of interview questions

2.A pencil
3.A digital camera
3 class sessions
Planning &

Scoring Guide

1 = Weak 2 = Moderately Weak 3 = Average 4 = Moderately Strong 5 = Strong

1. The biography answers all of the questions listed on the handout.
2. The organization of the biography is clear and easy to follow.
3. The spelling, punctuation, and grammar in the biography are accurate.
4. The biography is neatly handwritten.
5. Overall, the work represents the student’s full potential.
The biography has a picture of the student attached to it.
+5 or -5
Additional Comments:

Total Points/Grade: ____________

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