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Reset Form University of Hawai`i at Mānoa Please bring this form back to the Music

Music Department Department Office upon completion.

Original - student
Academic Minor Request Copy - Music Department
(for currently enrolled classified students only) This is required for all active minors

UH Student ID Number Name (Last, First, MI)

Local Address Telephone Number

E-mail Address

College Degree Major

I am requesting a minor in Music

I understand that:
1. This form and all documents requested by the department offering the minor must be submitted to the
department office by June 1 for Fall admission and November 1 for Spring admission.

2. Courses used to satisfy my core requirements cannot be used for my minor.

The Minor in Music (15 credits) may be completed in the following manner:

The student must take a minimum of three credit hours from three of these four areas
Music Theory (280 or above)
Music History/Literature (265 or above)
Ethnomusicology (311 or above)
Performance Studies (230 or above)

The balance (6 credits) of the Minor in Music requirements may be taken in any area of music (200 or above) which the
student desires and for which the student is qualified. Introductory courses (MUS 106, 107, 108, etc.) may be used to fill core
requirements, but MAY NOT BE APPLIED TO THE MINOR.

Note: It is the student's responsibility to ensure that the above requirements are met. One semester before the expected date
of graduation, the student must pick up a copy of the Music Minor Completion form from the Music Department Office and
make an appointment to meet with the Music major advisor for final verification.

Signature Date

(to be completed by the Music Department)

Request for admission is: approved not approved

Advisor (printed/typed) Signature Date


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