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Journal of Materials Processing Technology 225 (2015) 151–161

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A photoelasticity approach for characterization of defects in

microwave drilling of soda lime glass
Nitin Kumar Lautre a,∗ , Apurbba Kumar Sharma a , Pradeep Kumar a , Shantanu Das b
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, Uttarakhand 247 667, India
Reactor Control Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Mumbai 400 085, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Need for drilling micro holes has been on rise in many miniature applications including biotechnology.
Received 17 October 2014 Micro machining of such features is difficult to realize, particularly on difficult-to-machine hard and
Received in revised form 20 May 2015 brittle materials like soda lime glass. Defect characterization with precision in micro-nano scale is even
Accepted 26 May 2015
more challenging. Conventional approaches appear inadequate in such cases while fabrication as well
Available online 28 May 2015
as in characterization. In the present work, holes of 900 ␮m diameter were drilled on soda lime glass
using a novel thermal-based approach called ‘microwave drilling’. It uses the phenomenon of thermal
ablation with plasma heat created by the applied microwave energy through a tool. The energy was
Glass drilling
applied in the range of 90–900 W at 2.45 GHz in a multi-mode applicator. The glass specimens were
Concentrator subjected to high localized heat, which also caused some defects like cracking and deformation due to
HAZ melting in the drilling zone. A photoelasticity approach was employed to characterize these defects.
Cracks A setup was developed using a polarizer and a CCD camera to obtain the birefringence patterns. The
Photoelasticity patterns were analyzed to assess the defects. The microwave drilling process was also simulated and
the stress-temperature relationships were studied. Simulation results substantiated the experimental
observations. Details are discussed with evidences.
© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction plasma due to the availability of free electrons around the plasma.
Jacob et al. (1995) emphasized on the need of microwave mate-
Microwave drilling is a relatively new approach to drill micro rial interaction and promotes the microwave specific effect over
holes in different materials. An approach to microwave drilling the normal dielectric material heating. Whereas, Meir and Jerby
was proposed and studied by Jerby et al. (2000, 2002, 2004, 2005, (2012b) showed the applications of localized microwave heating
2009) to get established. In this process, Al-Shamma et al. (2001), (LMH) of dielectric material in conjunction with the importance of
Shayeganrad and Mashhadi (2009), Jerby et al. (2009) used an concentrated plasma at the tool tip to thermally ablate the target
electromagnetic wave at 2.45 GHz to create a hot plasma ball at material, to create a cavity, identified as drilled hole. Conventional
the tip of a tool. Meir and Jerby (2012a) recently highlighted the drilling, on the other hand, by its virtue has some limitations in
role of drill tool to interact with microwave and generate plasma, drilling micro holes. Various difficulties experienced in conven-
also at the same time maintain the intensity of plasma as per the tional drilling include more mechanical movement (rotary and
power input. Microwaves are continuously attracted toward hot linear), challenge in balancing torque and thrust, use of complex
bits, tool workpiece friction, delamination of workpiece, burr for-
mation, development of micro cracks, strength requirement of
the drill bit at that scale, rigid clamping requirement of tool and
Abbreviations: ASTM, American society for testing and materials; B, brewsters; workpiece, complex tool preparation, etc. On the other hand, laser
CCD, charge coupled device; FEM, finite element analysis; GaP, gallium phosphate; drilling especially, the ultra short pulsed laser drilling, apart from
GHz, giga Hertz; HAZ, heat affected zone; HRA, rockwell hardness on scale-A; LED,
light emitting diode; LMH, localized microwave heating; Na2 O, sodium oxide; R,
water jet drilling, is by far the most popular process for drilling
retardation; RGB, red–green–blue; SBR, stress birefringence; SCA, spectral content of micro holes in glass specimen. Recently, an attempt was made
analysis; SiO2 , silicon oxide; VGA, video graphic array. to drill micro holes of diameter 0.4 mm to 1.2 mm through laser
∗ Corresponding author at: IIT Roorkee IIT Roorkee Roorkee 247667, India. drilling by Wang et al. (2014). Laser drilling is sophisticated, in
Tel.: +918909737466. general, induces high energy thermal stresses, causes hole taper,
E-mail addresses: nfl (N.K. Lautre),
(A.K. Sharma), (P. Kumar), (S. Das).
has limited aspect ratio and costly to operate at the micro regime.
0924-0136/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
152 N.K. Lautre et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 225 (2015) 151–161

induced in it. Khanna et al. (2004) used an open mode stress field
Nomenclature equations to model the isochromatic fringe patterns according to
orthotropic stress-optic law. A different method of separating prin-
cipal and normal stresses is modeled through single boundary pixel.
D Distance between two fringes
Ashokan and Ramesh (2009) showed the relationship of isochro-
F Material fringe value
matic line in terms of the principal stress difference while the
G Distance between grid array
isoclinic line in terms of principal stress direction. A 3D photoe-
K Stress optic constant
lastic method was tried by Aben et al. (2000) for two different
n Order of the fringe
cases of weak birefringence and constant principle axes, to find
N Fringe order
the complete stresses. The authors have identified the problems
S Distance between work specimen and image grab-
of implementation and application of the photelasticity method
in determining the whole field stress. A phase shifting method
t Thickness
was used by Ramji and Ramesh (2008), to find the isoclinic lines
tan ı Loss tangent
through plane polariscope (phase shift between electromagnetic
L × B × H Length × breadth × height
component in 2D is zero) and isochromatic lines through circular
r Dielectric constant
polariscope (phase shift between electromagnetic component in 2D
 Refractive index
is ␲/2). In this work, the possibility of use of monochromatic and
white light was highlighted along with the three methods in white
light photoelasticity. The method explained were the spectral con-
tent analysis (SCA), the RGB (red–green–blue) photoelasticity and
the phase shifting methods.
In both the processes, formation of heat affected zone (HAZ) is The use of white light photoelasticity is supported for mini-
however predominant. In conventional drilling, the HAZ was due mum interface between the isoclinic and isochromatic lines. The
to friction between the tool and the workpiece; whereas, in laser white light is generated for a continuous and discrete spectrum
drilling it was due to the generated heat. A better control of HAZ in by incandescent and fluorescent lamps, respectively. The discrete
laser leads to better quality of micro holes; whereas in conventional fringe order (12 fringes) as discovered by Ajovalasit et al. (2007),
drilling, it leads to cracking in the work material like glass. Unlike as more than the continuous spectrum (6–7 fringes) during all trial
conventional drilling, laser is also a contactless dry drilling, which experiments. Later, an attempt was made by Ajovalasit et al. (2012)
induces less mechanical stress as compared to thermal stresses. on a tempered glass specimen to estimate residual stresses using
Micro holes in glass are required in many applications. These RGB photoelasticity approach. A crack tip stress field of thin glass
include light biotechnology, weight optics, about 0.8 mm holes in was measured with charge coupled device (CCD) of pixelated array,
solar panels, wafer chucks, bus bars, etc. Glasses are found better through instantaneous photoelasticity. The stresses were further
than the metallic materials in terms of their low thermal expansion, determined from the phase map of retardation by Sakaue et al.
less chemical reactivity, high transparency and high rigidity. How- (2008). The study has revealed that it was difficult to predict the
ever, fabrication of precise and high quality micro holes in glasses direction of the quenching cracks with the approach.
is a big processing challenge. The microwave drilling is a thermal- In general, residual stresses are claimed for stationary and equi-
based drilling approach being investigated in the recent times by librium to surrounding specimens. Residual stresses are difficult
few researchers like Jerby and Dikhtiar (2000), Jerby et al. (2004), to predict; during service, they merge with other stresses to cause
George et al. (2012), and Lautre et al. (2014a,b, 2015). The abla- detrimental failures. Withers and Bhadeshia (2001) discovered that
tion of work material in microwave drilling does take place mainly the generation of compressive residual stresses is usually due to
because of two stage interactions. These interactions are of the tool rapid cooling. The authors attempted quantitative measurements
material with the microwave radiation, which produces plasma of residual stresses on the GaP (Gallium phosphate) crystal using
and consequently the interaction of the plasma with the workpiece photoelasticity. The isochromatic lines of zeroth order retardation
material. The ability to control these interactions primarily decides were determined for two different wavelengths (0.55 and 1 ␮m).
quality of the drilled hole. At the same time, Alhekail (2001) empha- The results identified residual and principal stress lines along the
sized on ensuring that the interactions are performed in an enclosed pulling direction and were confirmed with piezo-optical approach.
atmosphere (applicator). While considering microwave material Kotake et al. (1980) also observed the zeroth order of retardation as
interaction, there are basically three different types of materials very independent of wavelength and its appearance is always at the
– transparent, absorptive and reflective. Upon irradiation, differ- same spot. Beghini and Bertini (1998) used a hole drilling method
ent types of interaction take place with characteristically different in lieu of photoelasticity to find residual stresses. In this method,
type of work material. Fini and Breccia (1999) showed the impor- strain gauges are fixed near the hole to be drilled to measure the
tance of microwave–material interaction and a few consequences. stresses as per ASTM (American society for testing and materi-
In microwave drilling, the interactions inside the applicator play als) standard E 837-95. However, photoelasticity based method is
a crucial role in performance of the process and quality of the considered more effective to measure residual stresses in the trans-
drilled holes. In most of the cases, the work piece experiences a parent brittle work material like glass, as this method eliminates
high thermal stress during the interaction with the plasma and gets the need for additional hole drilling.
fractured. The stress analysis due to microwave plasma heat thus In this study, the residual stresses induced in glass during
becomes an important aspect to prevent the occurrence of cracks microwave drilling were analyzed qualitatively using the photoe-
and hence material failure. lastic approach. An interaction between a reflective nichrome tool
The method of photoelasticity is being effectively used for study and transparent glass workpiece was established via hot plasma
of fracture. The method is used to analyze the surface measurement generated by microwaves at different input power. The cracking
after the occurrence of the fracture. A photoelastic effect is observed of glass, while drilling a hole was identified using the fringe pat-
when the stressed glass specimen is kept under light emitting diode tern obtained through a photoelastic setup. It was attempted to
(LED) light source (considered  = 0.565 ␮m for calculation) and correlate the results with the distortion on the glass, which are
screen through a linear polarized lens. The stressed region shows a responsible for the development of cracks and eventual failure of
distorted rainbow like effect depending upon the residual stresses the work material in drilling process.
N.K. Lautre et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 225 (2015) 151–161 153

Fig. 1. Microwave drilling setup for glass drilling, Inset: zoomed view of the tool-workpiece interaction zone.

2. Microwave drilling setup Table 1

Thermal properties of soda lime glass (source: Pagni, 2002).

In microwave, drilling, micro holes were drilled with a nichrome Property Value
wire (drill bit, 80% nickel and 20% chromium) of 0.7 mm diameter. Coeffcient of thermal expansion 8.7 × 10−6 mm/K
The bit was gripped in a jig, having a dead weight of 15.7 g. Unlike Specific heat capacity at 25 ◦ C 0.921 kJ/kgK
conventional drill bit, the nichrome drill bit has no rotation. In the Thermal conductivity at 25 ◦ C 0.937 W/mK
setup shown in Fig. 1, the only moving part is the tool in the form of Thermal diffusivity at 25 ◦ C 0.436 × 10−6 m2 /s
Coeffcient of thermal stress 0.62 MPa/◦ C
vertical feed as communicated by Lautre et al. (2014a,b). The appli-
Resistence to shock for 6 mm 38 ◦ C(Annealing) and 204 ◦ C
cator (L × B × H: 0.44 × 0.42 × 0.21 m) is of stainless steel to reflect thickness (tempering)
microwave inside the applicator. The magnetron in the applica- Softening, annealing, strain point 715 ◦ C, 548 ◦ C, 511 ◦ C,
tor generates standing microwaves at 2.45 GHz frequency under respectively, (ASTM 338/336)
the variable power of 90–900 W. A pulsed mode power supply was
used in five distinct steps. The duty cycle were adjusted in the order
hardness and density of the glass used are 0.20, 71.6 GPa, 80HRA
of 0.2, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1 to obtain the power variation. Refractory
and 2500 kg/m3 , respectively. The fringe value at 565 nm wave-
brick was used as a dummy load and a supporting platform for the
length of light was found to be 485.5 kN/m by Sakaue et al. (2008).
glass specimen as illustrated in the figure.
The critically stressed region as developed around the microwave
A 1.2 mm thick soda lime glass (72.6% SiO2 , 14% Na2 O and others)
drilled hole is mostly due to failure by weak tensile stresses. The
plate was used as the workpiece material. The glass plate and the
glass transitional temperature is 560 ◦ C, but to thermally ablate it,
nichrome wire tip (drill bit) was placed inside the applicator in such
a temperature of more than 1040 ◦ C is required. The other ther-
a way that the microwave energy in spatial domain is maximum.
mal properties of the soda lime glass as obtained from its supplier
The spatial position was predetermined through simulation using
as well as from various other sources (Pagni, 2002) are listed in
COMSOL Multiphysics tool (Lautre et al. (2014a,b)). As the tool-
Table 1. Its refractive index is ∼1.5 and the dielectric constant is
workpiece configuration is exposed to microwaves in the manner
7.75 at 20 ◦ C. The time for microwave drilling of glass was kept
as explained above, microwave energy gets concentrated at the tip
within the range of 30–60 s as per data from the pilot experiments.
of the tool owing to low skin depth of the material; the tip gets
The glass specimens were cleaned with acetone and placed
heated up and a localized hot spot is formed. Once, the tempera-
inside the applicator over the refractory bricks at the pre decided
ture exceeds a critical value, a plasma ball is formed at the tool tip
location. The location of the glass inside the applicator was opti-
and a LMH phenomenon begins in the vicinity of the tool tip. The
mized by simulation (COMSOL Multiphysics version for
high temperature in the plasma ball zone causes melting and/or
obtaining the best LMH. The jig and its supporting assembly were
ablation of the work material (in this case soda lime glass) under-
placed vertically over the glass specimen. The tip of the nichrome
neath it. As the tool is gravity fed, the tip advances automatically
tool was kept in point contact with the glass surface.
as the workpiece material gets ablated. As the process progresses,
the work material gets drilled. Further details of the technique have
3. The photoelasticity methodology
been discussed elsewhere (Lautre et al. (2014a,b)). The glass being a
relatively bad conductor of heat, do not conduct away the heat from
The photoelasticity methodology helps to estimate the resid-
the nearby material affected by the LMH; this gives rise to thermal
ual (or frozen-in) stresses induced in glasses during microwave
stresses in the HAZ leading to often cracking of the workpiece.
drilling. Residual stresses in glass may be due to microwave induced
The soda lime glass is microwave transparent with a loss tan-
high temperature gradient or the high difference in compressive
gent (tan ı) of 0.02 and a dielectric constant (r ) of about 7.75 at
and tensile stresses within and around the HAZ. Primarily, residual
20 ◦ C. Beghini and Bertini (1998) found that the glass could with-
stresses are due to the volumetric changes occurred during melt-
stand compressive and tensile stresses of 345 MPa and 6.9 MPa,
ing of limited portion of glass during microwave drilling. It was
respectively. In conventional processes, the fracture strength is
observed from preliminary simulation studies as well as experi-
15% and in laser drilling it is 23% of the tensile stress of the glass.
mental results that the hot plasma melts the nearby region of the
However, most of the glass breaks at 41 MPa during annealing and
glass (workpiece); consequently, the material tends to expand. On
165 MPa during tempering. The Poisson’s ratio, Young’s modulus,
the contrary, the other region of glass, being relatively cold, tends to
154 N.K. Lautre et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 225 (2015) 151–161

Fig. 2. Arrangement for observing photoelasticity effect on glass specimen.

resist the expansion of molten glass. In addition, the underlying lay- thickness with retardation and birefringence are shown with color
ers of glass tend to oppose the tensile stresses induced at the top plots in the classical chart.
surface of the glass. The glass experience stresses in three ways: The arrangement for obtaining the photoelastic effect on the
(i) tensile stresses due to melting, (ii) compressive stresses from glass specimen is shown in Fig. 2. It has a light panel assembly of
nearby region and (iii) the compressive stresses in the underlying visible light source as a workpiece supporting base. The light panel
region. The induction of tensile stresses and compressive stresses consists of an array of LED light source over which a polarizer is
tend to induce compressive residual stresses in the glass. placed; this is followed by a color filter and another polarizer. These
Residual stresses are internally stored stresses, which are devel- arrangements are in-built features of the integrated light panel and
oped without the influence of continuously applied external load. hence are not visible in the figure. The white light as shown in
The sudden cracks under thermal loading are basically due to resid- Fig. 2 is, in fact, coming out through this panel. A RGB grid of size
ual stresses. The photoelasticity (Birefringence or birefractive) is 0.3 mm is placed at below the glass specimen for reference of dif-
one of the optical properties well defined for transparent materi- ferent fringe order. The stressed glass specimen over the panel and
als like perspex and glass. Under mechanical stress, the optically a linear polarizer were positioned in between the specimen and an
isotropic glass changes to stress birefringence (SBR). The mechan- image grabber.
ically stressed transparent solution gets converted from optically A frame grabber was used to record the best frame of polar-
isotropic to optically anisotropic. Consequently, the glass shows izing effect in terms of its fringe patterns. The distance between
change in refractive indices due to the change in density around the fringe patterns was calculated from the light screen grid dis-
the stressed specimen. The refractive index () depends on how tance of 0.3 mm. An image grabber camera (VGA-video graphic
fast the light passes through the specimen and its polarization. array, 640 × 480 resolutions, CCD imaging sensor) was effectively
In the present work, a linear polarizer was used to stop used at low light intensity to capture the image of a narrow crack
the components of light vibrating in different plane. The other of the glass. The wavelength range of visible light is 0.4 to 0.7 ␮m
waveforms of the electromagnetic waves like monochromatic, (however, in the present study a source with the wavelength nearly
polychromatic, coherency and collimations (parallel, non diver- 0.565 ␮m was used only for calculation purposes). The visible light
gence) were assumed to be unaltered. The lagging of wave due to wave was converted to one direction by a polarizing lens. In the
different speed under stressed and unstressed condition is referred present study, distortion in HAZ of glass was examined. The glass
as retardation (R). A stress-optic law was used to correlate the specimens were mapped on a grid of 0.3 mm through a linearly
change of refractive index as a function of stress induced in the polarized lens (Canon make, 58 mm, two-field filter). The cracks
specimen. The Brewster stress-optic law is given as: were generated due to residual stresses induced by microwave heat
energy. The extents of crack formation were constrained within the
1 − 2 = K(1 − 2) = R/t (1) boundary of HAZ through a solid precursor of thin perspex (Lautre
et al. (2015)). The collection of pixels (or pels) forms the grid, which
where, 1 = fast velocity refractive index; 2 = slow velocity refrac- was then used to estimate the residual stresses.
tive index; 1 = first principal (major) stress (MPa); 2 = second The polarizing filter creates a rainbow like effect (Iridescence)
principal (minor) stress (MPa); K = stress optic constant (Brewsters: when light passes through a transparent medium. However, the
B in m2 /N × 10−12 ); R = retardation or phase shift (nm) of fast and incandescent bulb used in setup has significant role in reducing the
slow light vector; t = optical path length or thickness of the speci- iridescence. The stressed areas thus are highlighted on the spec-
men (1.2 mm). imen due to this photoelasticity effect. The rainbow effect is not
The stress-optic constant (Brewsters) = 2.6 B for soda lime and always caused by birefringence. The effect is due to the stresses
3.65 B for borosilicate glass as expressed by Bourhis (2008). The caused by heating and then cooling of glass, to randomly aligning
Brewsters constant shows that borosilicate glass will show better the carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms. The alignment of chain
birefringence under stress than soda lime glass. The retardation can atoms changes refractive index along the stressed direction. Very
also be found out from the color pattern with the help of classical often, annealing of the glass (heat up to glass transition temperature
Michel–Levy interference color chart. The relationship of specimen 560 ◦ C) helps to reduce the glass cracking due to residual stresses.
N.K. Lautre et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 225 (2015) 151–161 155

The light while coming out from the specimen forms interference: extended up to seven fringes. A spectral content analysis (SCA) was
constructive or destructive effect. The occurrence of constructive used to find the fringe order from a white light. The relative retarda-
and destructive interference is not too significant for the specimen tion increases with the increase in the stress values in accordance
thickness, (t) > visible . The interference depends upon the phase lag with the characteristics of isochromatic fringes.
of stressed and unstressed wavelengths. The isochrome lines show
a constant color due to equal retardation. Isogyres show the dark 4. Results and discussion
lines (isoclinics fringe) of preferred vibrations whereas melatopes
are points with the isogyres, which defines the optical axis. The con- Drilling of holes on soda lime glass using microwave energy
structive and destructive interference give rise to various fringes, could be achieved in the present work; however, cracking of glass
which are seen clearly if residual stresses are present in the spec- was observed as one of the major defects during the process of irra-
imen. The order of a fringe, the fringes and stresses are related diation and ablation through concentration of the applied energy.
as, The other typical defect observed during microwave drilling
process is drill tip burning, heat scorch marks on surface, circum-
n ×  = N;1 − 2 = F × N/t (2)
ferential pile up of non-ablated glass, debris of tool and glass, heat
where, n = order of the fringe; if n = 0,1,2,3 etc it gives larger inten- affected zone and cracks developed in glass. The cracks developed
sity of light; if n = 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, etc., it gives destructive interference on the thin glass due to the thermal stress induced by plasma heat
with no light intensity;  = light wavelength through soda lime energy are stochastic. It has a different pattern like linear, curved,
glass (0.565 ␮m); F = material fringe value = /(K × t) = 181.1 MPa; rounded, crossed, spider webbed, multiple or combinational and
N = fringe order which shows the cycle required to generate the random cracks (Lautre et al. (2015)). The variation in the morphol-
retardation. As the fringe order increases, the color intensity ogy of the crack may be due to thermal stresses and glass surface
reduces. When n = 0, the zeroth order has black color (isotropic treatment with chemicals like wax and oil.
point); n = 1 is the first order, it varies from yellow–red to
blue–green–yellow–red; n = 2 is the second order, it varies from 4.1. Experimental results
blue–green–yellow–red to green–yellow–red and the n = 3 is the
third order which varies with faint red–green–yellow colors. The Typical failed glass pieces during the drilling trials with molten
LED array source considered was very cheap and uses five different zone and cracks are presented in Fig. 4. Defective pieces were
colors to generate white light. then taken for characterisation through photoelasticity method.
The photoelastic approach was used primarily to extract infor- The isochromatic fringes are found at the crack tip and point of
mation of isochromatic and isoclinic from the fringe patterns. The application of the compressive residual load as shown in Fig. 4(a).
relation among the various parameters used in capturing the image The isotropic point reflects the point of application of compressive
with fringes are stated as, load. The color effect for each fringe (<3 fringes) has the yellow
color as a distinguishable color to decide the number of fringe as
(D × G)
= (3) observed by Murphy (2011). The maximum principal stress direc-
(n × S)
tion was found parallel to the direction of the crack. The fringe
where, D is distance between two fringes (mm); G = 0.3 mm is the order is numbered in Fig. 4(a), the variation in the color and shape
distance between the selected grid array; S = 180 mm is the distance of the fringes show the variation of stresses accordingly. At high
between the work specimen and the image grabber. The variation microwave power (900 W); the glass melts around the hole within
in the distance between two fringes versus the fringe number is few seconds (40 s) as shown in Fig. 4(a). A better variation in the
shown in Fig. 3. The zeroth fringe is the reference point of the mea- stress distribution was observed at 600 W power and glass cracking
surement of the fringe. It is usually of black color with no influence time of 50 s (Fig. 4(b)). The melting is not uniform due to variation
of wavelength. The first fringe order distance is more than the grid in temperature and stresses around the hole. The hole circularity
distance of G = 0.3 mm in case of induced stresses which can be is lost due to the fluctuating nature of heat. The heat flux fluctua-
measured from the grabbed image. The distances may vary as per tion resulted in relatively less stressed region and some with more
the stresses developed in glass; but for estimating small residual stresses.
stresses the distance results are largely insignificant. The analy- The tensile stress shows clear formation of the fringes, usu-
sis yields good results until the third fringe order, but it can be ally up to three fringes. The crack propagation under the thermal

Fig. 3. Distance of fringes formed in stressed glass specimen.

156 N.K. Lautre et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 225 (2015) 151–161

Fig. 4. Defect formation in glass at (a) 900 W, 40 s (melting) and (b) 600 W, 50 s (variation in tensile stresses).

Fig. 5. Defect formation in glass at (a) 360 W, 50 s (crack propagation under tensile load) and (b) 90 W, 45 s (crack propagation around critically stressed region).

stress shows these fringe patterns along the propagation direction nificant with uniform glass melting around the hole as shown in
as shown in Fig. 5(a). It further reconfirms that the residual stresses Fig. 7(a). The hole generation time with crack is reduced from 45 s
also assist in propagation of crack in glass. Even at medium power to 30 s. An examination of the profile of a sectioned glass specimen
of 360 W, the glass cracks within 50 s and shows the fringes along a shows relatively less variation in stresses along the depth of the
linear crack propagation direction. The linearity of crack found ter- glass (Fig. 7(b)). The traces of the spherical plasma ball as a cav-
minated within HAZ at the lowest possible power setting of 90 W ity was also observed confirming the role of hot plasma ball (LMH
within 45 s. Further investigation showed the occurrence of circular zone) during microwave drilling of glass. At low power (90 W); the
crack as an inhibitor to linear crack as shown in Fig. 5(b). A critically crack formation was also delayed to 35 s. The small variation, as
stressed region around which circular crack occur is easily identi- observed even away from the blind hole, is due to cutting of glass
fied as an extreme boundary of HAZ, beyond, which compressive for profile projection.
stresses exists. The generation of crack from the hole boundary is The surface treatment with low viscous material like olive oil
due to variation in stresses near to the hole boundary which gen- at low power ranging from 90 W to 360 W results in frequent oil
erates crack within HAZ while the circular cracks are around the burn patches. At 360 W, the oil burnout is visible on the glass sur-
hole. Within the HAZ, it is mostly tensile stresses and small portion face (Fig. 8 (a)) and at 90 W, it was observed inside the cavity
of compressive stresses. Circular cracks are found mostly around (Fig. 8(b)). The behavior of crack is very random with no distinc-
the critically stressed region. tion between linear and circular cracks at relatively high power.
The investigation at marginally higher power than the lowest However, melting of glass was controlled due to the heat energy
power level (180 W) reveals similar behavior as observed at 90 W. balanced by the oil. This highlights the need for further investiga-
However, the occurrence of round crack or linear crack or both were tion on suitable surface treatment material to minimize the crack
intensified with much change in the microwave irradiation time. and melting of glass around the hole. The oil gets burnt inside the
In addition to crack, the melting of glass around the circumference hole, which reduces the plasma intensity. The low viscosity surface
(Fig. 6(a)) and non-uniform melting within HAZ (Fig. 6(b)) were treatment allows the oil to enter into the cavity resulting either
also noticed at 180 W power. It was understood that although the the ceasing of hot plasma and release of black smoke leaving black
increasing power level helps in melting the glass, it also generates patch residue inside the cavity. Moreover, an early investigation
cracks within HAZ. (Fig. 7(b)) suggests less involvement of treatment along the depth
The need of surface treatment of glass surface with wax and oil of the glass specimen. The initial defects like occurrence of crack
precursors were found effective in changing characteristics of the from hole and around the critically stressed region were totally
cracks. A series of liquid and solid materials were used to under- transformed to linear crack with offset from the hole as shown in
stand and arrest the crack through glass surface treatment (Lautre Fig. 8(b).
et al. (2015)). The small reduction in the intensity of occurrence A good color intensity of fringes help in better stress pre-
of crack and melting was observed with wax at 180 W. At power diction, the high color intensity fringe pattern separated by
level of 360 W, the role of wax in crack reduction was found sig- yellow color resembles less stress. The faded color fringe rep-
N.K. Lautre et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 225 (2015) 151–161 157

Fig. 6. Defect formation in glass at (a) 180 W, 45 s (crack propagation and melting) and (b) 180 W, 40 s (HAZ melting).

Fig. 7. Defect in glass at (a) 360 W, 30 s (circular crack, surface treatment with wax) and (b) 90 W, 35 s (stress variation along depth).

Fig. 8. Defect formations in glass at (a) 360 W, 30 s (random crack and burn, surface treatment with oil) and (b) 90 W, 30 s (straight crack with oil burning).

resents the increased value of the stress. For the circular (Eq. (1)) and order basis assumption (Eq. (2)) may give impractical
fringes, the center point highlights the point of application of results. Hence, the stress relation obtained from retracted assump-
the compressive load. The zeroth fringe (n = 0) is independent tion (Eq. (1)) with fringe order from Eq. (2) was considered for
of the wavelength and always exists at the same spot, as it further analysis. However, the retraction value (R) in Eq. (1) was
is the point of applicable of active forces. When n = 1, then obtained for specific fringe order (Eq. (2)) from the Michel–Levy
N = 0.565 ␮m (from Eq. (2)) to get the difference in two stresses interference color chart. As a starting case, let us assume the ther-
as 1 − 2 = (181.1 × 565)/1.2 = 0.0852 N/mm2 . On the other hand, mal stress for glass with a relationship (Table 1) of coefficient of
working with the other case, when n = 1, then N = 0.565 ␮m (from thermal stress as  = 0.62 MPa/◦ C and the least shock resistance
Eq. (1)) and R = 0.575 ␮m for red–blue transition (from Standard annealing temperature as 38 ◦ C, the initial minimum stress value
Michel–Levy interference color chart) to get the difference in two as 2-init = 23.56 MPa. The variation of maximum principle stress
stress as 1 − 2 = 575/(1.2 × 2.6) = 184.29 N/mm2 . The difference (1-init) can hence be predicted accordingly.
in refractive indices for an order, from Eq. (1), is 1 − 2 = K
(1 − 2) = 2.6 × 184.29 = 479.14 × 10−6 is small and within the
4.2. Simulation results
limit of the glass refractive index. However, the refractive indices
from Eq. (2) is = 0.221 × 10−6 (= 2.6 × 0.0852) is very small as if the
In case of the assumption of one of the stresses to 23.56 MPa,
refractive index is not changed even after microwave heating. This
a verification of the results could be obtained through simulation
clears that the difference in stresses on purely birefringence value
analysis. The simulations were performed on COMSOL Multiphysics
158 N.K. Lautre et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 225 (2015) 151–161

Fig. 9. Meshing (a) Coarse and (b) Finer for the glass specimen with nichrome tool.

simulation tool (version based on Finite element analysis The simulation results of von Mises stress variation by Gauss
(FEA) and thermal stress model. The parameters like fringe order, point evaluation is shown in Fig. 10. The results show the presence
retardation and others were subjected to variations. However, the of both the tensile and compressive stresses on the surface and
analysis is based on the assumptions matching with experimental within the HAZ region. The positive value shows the tensile stress
observations. The software tool was used to see the closeness of FEA and compressive stresses are shown as negative value. The con-
results with the experimentally observed photoelasticity results. tour lines obtained by Sakaue et al. (2008) are similar to the image
The details of the approach, formulation and the procedure have obtained by micro-retarder array incorporated in CCD camera. The
been presented elsewhere (Lautre et al. (2014a,b)). The meshing macroscopic view shows the contours of compressive load around
was attempted for different element morphology. A coarser mesh- the HAZ and the contours tensile load near to the tool. The varia-
ing is shown in Fig. 9(a) and the finer meshing as used in the present tion of these loads (stresses) may lead to circular cracks around the
simulation, is shown in Fig. 9(b). It was ensured that the meshing tool and with or within HAZ as confirmed by Fig. 4(a and b). The
is beyond the coarse limit, as in coarse meshing the edges, face closer view near the tool in the inset (Fig. 10) shows the presence of
or narrow region are too short than the smallest element size of compressive stresses in the four quadrants of the tool as A–B–C–D.
2.13 mm. Finer meshing was considered with smallest element size The emergence of compressive stresses in quadrant (A–B–C–D)
of 0.304 mm, number of vertex elements were 20, number of edge initiate crack at junction E as the HAZ has tensile stresses near to
elements were 408, number of boundary elements were 4296 and the tool. The generated thermal imbalance, even after the tool had
total number of elements were 7131. penetrated inside the glass, initiates cracks in glass surface. These

Fig. 10. Variation of stress on the surface during microwave drilling.

N.K. Lautre et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 225 (2015) 151–161 159

Fig. 11. Simulated temperature fields in the tool-surface interaction zone during microwave drilling.

Fig. 12. Temperature field on the surface of glass and the nichrome tool.

stresses are induced due to the development of critically stressed the surface near the drilled hole (Fig. 10). The change of stress value
region around the hole. The crack generated from the tool–glass is small near the hole for compressive stresses (negative stress). The
interface (E) propagates radially out to meet another stress vari- mismatch in the coefficient of thermal expansion inside and near
ation region of the boundary of HAZ as depicted in Figs. 5(b), 6(a the critically stressed region leads to cracking, which are reflected
and b), 7(b). The edge of the penetrated tool is marked as F and was in the experimental results (Figs. 4–8).
identified as the source of causing the tensile stresses in the glass. It is thus, clear from the above discussion that, the crack is due
It also validates that the tool tip is maintaining the hot plasma ball to the variation on glass temperature and corresponding stresses.
even after the penetration inside the glass specimen. The diame- However, the tool temperature also plays a crucial role in the for-
ter of spherical ball was assumed to be of nichrome bit diameter mation of the cracks on the glass specimen. The change in surface
(0.7 mm) for simulation. The microwaves have not affected the bulk temperature as shown in Fig. 11 is between the tool and the glass
glass volume, due to its characteristic of being microwave transpar- specimen. The temperature variation along the y-axis was noted as
ent material. The energy of hot plasma ball was also maintained by A to C and along the x-axis as B to D. The value of the z-axis was
the continuous attraction of the microwave even after the pene- kept at 0.0012 m as the topmost layer of the glass surface. Any of
tration, to generate the required heat energy. The crack generating the coordinated distance from the center of the tool and within the
from the tip of the tool was not observed experimentally as shown tool shows relatively lower temperature than that of the glass in
in Figs. 7(b), 8(b). The chances of initiation of the cracks are more HAZ. The region of the coordinates of the tool shows temperature
from the top layer of the glass. in the range of 300 K, which is as good as ambient temperature.
It was observed that there is a reasonable agreement between The glass behavior in the HAZ region is totally aggravated by
the simulated and experimental results of the variation of stress the simultaneous existence of complex compression and tension
and temperature in terms of initiation of cracks. However, some phenomenon of glass. The possible reason of initiation of the crack
of the observations are exceptionally out of control. The induced may be either due to the tool being relatively cooler than the sur-
tensile stress showed value greater than zero at more than half of face of the melted glass or due to formation of critically stressed
160 N.K. Lautre et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 225 (2015) 151–161

Fig. 13. Spatial stress profiles from birefringence and retardation consideration.

region. The simulation results of the temperature variation in HAZ due to the thermal load that lead to the induced stresses to a value,
are shown in Fig. 12. The elevated temperature of glass within which is sufficient to cause tensile cracking in the glass plate. The
the circular boundary formed by region A–B–C–D is around 491 K. photoelasticity approach hence helps to understand the variation
The nature of the boundary is similar to the experimental results in stresses at some stage in microwave drilling, which are mainly
observed in Figs. 7 and 8. The stress rise in the glass as per its responsible for the occurrence of the cracks.
property is at the rate of 0.62 MPa/ ◦ C. It further gives rise to a ther-
mal stress of about 218 MPa (Table 1). At this, the 2 = 218 MPa is Acknowledgements
considered uniformly distributed temperature rise. The major prin-
cipal stress (1) will experience a linear rise, which is more than as Authors wish to acknowledge the Board of Research in Nuclear
predicted during experimental results as shown in Fig. 13. Science (BRNS), Government of India, for the financial assistance
The variations are predicted from the birefringence and retarda- provided for the work through the DAE project no. 2010/36/60-
tion consideration expressed in Eq. (1) and plotted in spatial form. BRNS/2048 titled Material joining and drilling with microwave.
The stresses lead to the induced stresses from the lowest fringe
order 0.5 (Fig. 4) to give a higher induced stress of about 314.45 MPa, Appendix A. Supplementary data
which is sufficient to cause tensile cracking in the glass plate. The
rise of principal stress is not very sharp but it rises vigorously as the Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
other principle stress (2) is rarely uniform at different fringe order. the online version, at
The sudden rise of temperature and the stresses or vice versa was 05.026
found reasonably sufficient to induce the aggravation of frequent
cracks of different nature during microwave drilling of glass. References

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