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July 2020


Knowledge and b2b portal for
eMag - Lounge
construction and infrastructure

Ground engineering is the application of scientic methods and engineering principles to the acquisition,
interpretation, and use of knowledge of materials of the Earth's crust and earth materials for the solution of
engineering problems and the design of engineering works. It embraces the elds of soil mechanics and
rock mechanics and has applications in the elds of geology, geophysics, hydrology, and other related
sciences. Geotechnics is practiced by both engineering geologists and geotechnical engineers.

In this edition of the eMag-Lounge, we covered topics such as foundation importance, fundamentals of
ground engineering study, pile foundation and ground improvement techniques. With the advent of more
ground improvement techniques and sustainable design methods, professionals will be challenged
moving forward – having to ensure the strength of foundations, slopes, and walls, while reducing their
environmental impact.

July 2020 • Constrofacilitator 2

04 An overview of foundation engineering

Pile foundation - An overview of its use

and different types

Fundamentals of Ground Engineering


Ground Improvement Techniques for

Soil Stabilization

4 8
12 16

3 Constrofacilitator • June 2020


An overview of foundation engineering

n engineering, a foundation is the tain as well as transmit the dead and influenced by future works or factors
element of a structure which con- the imposed loads to the soil. This
nects it to the ground, and transfers transfer has to be carried out without Different Types of foundation
loads from the structure to the resulting in any form of settlement that
ground. Foundations are generally can result in any form of stability issues There are four types of foundation, namely
considered either shallow or deep. for the structure. Shallow foundations, Deep foundations
Foundation engineering is the appli- Ÿ Differential settlements can be Monopile foundations and Individual foot-
cation of soil mechanics and rock avoided by having a rigid base for the ings.
mechanics in the design of foundation ele- foundation. These issues are more pro-
ments of structures. nounced in areas where the superim- Shallow foundations
posed loads are not uniform in nature.
Requirements of a good foundation Ÿ Based on the soil and area it is recom- Shallow foundations are those found near
mended to have a deeper foundation to the finished ground surface; generally
The design and the construction of a well- so that it can guard any form of dam- where the founding depth (Df) is less than
performing foundation must possess some age or distress. These are mainly the width of the footing and less than 3m.
basic requirements that must not be caused due to the problem of shrink- These are not strict rules, but merely guide-
ignored. They are: age and swelling because of tempera- lines: basically, if surface loading or other
ture changes. surface conditions will affect the bearing
Ÿ The design and the construction of the Ÿ The location of the foundation chosen capacity of a foundation it is 'shallow'. Shal-
foundation is done such that it can sus- must be an area that is not affected or low foundations (sometimes called 'spread

July 2020 • Constrofacilitator 04


footings') include pads ('isolated footings'),

strip footings and rafts.

Shallows foundations are used when sur-

face soils are sufficiently strong and stiff to
support the imposed loads; they are gener-
ally unsuitable in weak or highly compress-
ible soils, such as poorly-compacted fill,
peat, recent lacustrine and alluvial deposits,

There are three types of shallow foundation-

Pad foundations, Strip foundations and Raft

Pad foundations

Pad foundations are used to support an indi-

vidual point load such as that due to a struc- Deep foundations
tural column. They may be circular, square
or rectangular. They usually consist of a tural loads are close together and individual level. They include piles, piers and caissons
block or slab of uniform thickness, but they pad foundations would interact. or compensated foundations using deep
may be stepped or haunched if they are basements and also deep pad or strip foun-
required to spread the load from a heavy col- A raft foundation normally consists of a con- dations. Deep foundations can be used to
umn. Pad foundations are usually shallow, crete slab that extends over the entire transfer the loading to a deeper, more com-
but deep pad foundations can also be loaded area. It may be stiffened by ribs or petent strata at depth if unsuitable soils are
used. beams incorporated into the foundation. present near the surface.

Strip foundations Raft foundations have the advantage of Piles

reducing differential settlements as the con-
Strip foundations are used to support a line crete slab resists differential movements They are relatively long, slender members
of loads, either due to a load-bearing wall or between loading positions. They are often that transmit foundation loads through soil
if a line of columns need supporting where needed on soft or loose soils with low bear- strata of low bearing capacity to deeper soil
column positions are so close that individ- ing capacity as they can spread the loads or rock strata having a high bearing capac-
ual pad foundations would be inappropri- over a larger area. ity. They are used when for economic, con-
ate. structional or soil condition considerations
Deep foundations it is desirable to transmit loads to strata
Raft foundations beyond the practical reach of shallow foun-
Deep foundations are those found too dations. In addition to supporting struc-
Raft foundations are used to spread the deeply below the finished ground surface tures, piles are also used to anchor struc-
load from a structure over a large area, nor- for their base bearing capacity to be tures against uplift forces and to assist
mally the entire area of the structure. They affected by surface conditions, this is usu- structures in resisting lateral and overturn-
are used when column loads or other struc- ally at depths >3 m below finished ground ing forces.


These are foundations for carrying a heavy

structural load that is constructed insitu in a
deep excavation.


They are a form of deep foundation which

are constructed above ground level, then
sunk to the required level by excavating or
dredging material from within the caisson.

Compensated foundations

These are deep foundations in which the

Shallow foundations relief of stress due to excavation is approxi-

05 Constrofacilitator • July 2020


mately balanced by the applied stress due

to the foundation. The net stress applied is
therefore very small. A compensated foun-
dation normally comprises a deep base-

Monopile foundation

A monopile foundation utilizes a single, gen-

erally large-diameter, foundation structural
element to support all the loads (weight,
wind, etc.) of a large above-surface struc-
ture. A large number of monopile founda-
tions have been utilized in recent years for
economically constructing fixed-bottom off-
shore wind farms in shallow-water subsea

The typical construction process for a wind

turbine subsea monopile foundation in
sand includes driving a large hollow steel
pile, of some 4 m in diameter with approxi-
mately 50mm thick walls, some 25 m deep
into the seabed, through a 0.5 m layer of Individual footings
larger stone and gravel to minimize erosion Individual Footing The enlarged size of the footing at the bot-
around the pile. A transition piece (com- tom gives an augmented contact surface
plete with pre-installed features such as When the footing supports a separate col- area between soil and footing. This area
boat-landing arrangement, cathodic pro- umn, it is referred to as individual footing. It serves and decreases stress on soil to an
tection, cable ducts for submarine cables, is sometimes denoted as spread footing or allowable amount. It will prevent the exces-
turbine tower flange, etc.) is attached to the isolated footing. For the purpose of analy- sive bearing failure or settlement. Generally
driven pile, and the sand and water are sis, footing may be considered as a simple types of individual footing are simple foot-
removed from the centre of the pile and flat plate or slab. It can be square in plan, ing, sloped footing and stepped footing. It is
replaced with concrete. An additional layer acted upon by the concentrated load and economical, when compared with other
of an even larger stone, up to 0.5 m diame- distributing the load onto soil. Usually the types of footing. It is provided in cases,
ters, is applied to the surface of the seabed footing is in the shape of square, rectangu- where the bearing capacity of the soil is
for longer-term erosion protection. lar and circular. good at shallower depths. It is easy to con-
struct. Generally foundation is designed to
satisfy the basic three criteria as follows, 1)
the foundation must be aligned correctly in
both the vertical and horizontal direction, 2)
should be safe from bearing capacity failure
and 3) safe from extreme settlement. Loads
on the foundation are self-weight loads, live
loads, earthquake loads, earth pressure,
and water pressure.

Factors affecting the depth of a foundation

Ÿ Thickness of top layer

Ÿ Ground freezing
Ÿ Depth of volume change
Ÿ Depth of scour
Ÿ Groundwater Level
Ÿ Underground utilities and defects
Ÿ Property line and adjoining structures
Ÿ Sloping ground
Ÿ Foundations at different level

Design for foundation engineering

Monopile foundations The design of the foundation depends on

July 2020 • Constrofacilitator 06


Foundation engineering design

soil consolidation and bearing capacity. between the two mechanisms, "primary con- A general bearing failure occurs when the
solidation" refers to consolidation due to dis- load on the footing causes large movement
Soil consolidation refers to the mechanical sipation of excess water pressure, while of the soil on a shear failure surface which
process by which soil changes volume grad- "secondary consolidation" refers to the extends away from the footing and up to the
ually in response to a change in pressure. creep process. soil surface. Calculation of the capacity of
This happens because soil is a two-phase the footing in general bearing is based on
material, comprising soil grains and pore Geotechnical engineers use oedometers to the size of the footing and the soil proper-
fluid, usually groundwater. When soil satu- quantify the effects of consolidation. In an ties. The basic method was developed by
rated with water is subjected to an increase oedometer test, a series of known pres- Terzaghi, with modifications and additional
in pressure, the high volumetric stiffness of sures are applied to a thin disc of soil sam- factors by Meyerhof and Vesić. The general
water compared to the soil matrix means ple, and the change of sample thickness shear failure case is the one normally ana-
that the water initially absorbs all the change with time is recorded. This allows the con- lyzed. Prevention against other failure
in pressure without changing volume, creat- solidation characteristics of the soil to be modes is accounted for implicitly in settle-
ing excess pore water pressure. As water dif- quantified in terms of the coefficient of con- ment calculations.
fuses away from regions of high pressure solidation and hydraulic conductivity.
due to seepage, the soil matrix gradually Conclusion
takes up the pressure change and shrinks The bearing capacity is the capacity of soil
in volume. The theoretical framework of con- to support the loads applied to the ground. A building foundation actually performs a
solidation is therefore closely related to the The bearing capacity of soil is the maximum number of functions. The three most impor-
diffusion equation, the concept of effective average contact pressure between the foun- tant are to bear the load of the building,
stress, and hydraulic conductivity. dation and the soil which should not pro- anchor it against natural forces such as
duce shear failure in the soil. Ultimate bear- earthquakes, and to isolate it from ground
In the narrow sense, "consolidation" refers ing capacity is the theoretical maximum moisture. The relative importance of these
strictly to this delayed volumetric response pressure which can be supported without functions changes with the type of land
to pressure change due to gradual move- failure; allowable bearing capacity is the ulti- underneath the building and the building
ment of water. Some publications also use mate bearing capacity divided by a factor of design. For smaller accessory buildings
"consolidation" in the broad sense, to refer safety. Sometimes, on soft soil sites, large such as sheds, a foundation is less impor-
to any process by which soil changes vol- settlements may occur under loaded foun- tant.
ume due to a change in applied pressure. dations without actual shear failure occur-
This broader definition encompasses the ring; in such cases, the allowable bearing Source
overall concept of soil compaction, subsi- capacity is based on the maximum allow-
dence, and heave. Some types of soil, able settlement. There are three modes of, nptel.acin,
mainly those rich in organic matter, show sig- failure that limit bearing capacity: general, issmge, hunker,
nificant creep, whereby the soil changes vol- shear failure, local shear failure, and punch-,,
ume slowly at constant effective stress over ing shear failure. It depends upon the shear,,
a longer time-scale than consolidation due strength of soil as well as shape, size, depth,
to the diffusion of water. To distinguish and type of foundation.

07 Constrofacilitator • July 2020


Pile foundation - An overview of its use and

different types

oundations can be categor- through weak, compressible strata or distributed evenly over the entire bulb of
ised as shallow foundations water onto stronger, more compact, less soil that carries them, and not concen-
or deep foundations. Shal- compressible and stiffer soil or rock at trated into a few areas.
low foundations are typi- depth, increasing the effective size of a
cally used where the loads foundation and resisting horizontal loads. Following are the situations when using a
imposed by a structure are They are typically used for large struc- pile foundation system can be
low relative to the bearing capacity of the tures, and in situations where soil is not
surface soils. Deep foundations are neces- suitable to prevent excessive settlement. Ÿ When the groundwater table is high.
sary where the bearing capacity of the sur- Ÿ Heavy and non-uniform loads from
face soils is insufficient to support loads As pile foundations carry a lot of load, superstructure are imposed.
imposed and so they are transferred to they must be designed very carefully. A Ÿ Other types of foundations are cost-
deeper layers with higher bearing capac- good engineer will study the soil the piles lier or not feasible.
ity. are placed in to ensure that the soil is not Ÿ When the soil at shallow depth is
overloaded beyond its bearing capacity. compressible.
Use of pile foundation Ÿ When there is the possibility of
Every pile has a zone of influence on the scouring, due to its location near the
Pile foundations are principally used to soil around it. Care must be taken to space river bed or seashore, etc.
transfer the loads from superstructures, the piles far enough apart so that loads are Ÿ When there is a canal or deep drain-

08 Constrofacilitator • July 2020


age systems near the structure. intersection of a weak and strong layer. ground to act as a steady support for struc-
Ÿ When soil excavation is not possible The load therefore bypasses the weak tures built on top of it.
up to the desired depth due to poor layer and is safely transferred to the strong
soil condition. layer. Classification of pile foundation based
Ÿ When it becomes impossible to keep on the effect of soil:
the foundation trenches dry by pump- Friction Piles
ing or by any other measure due to Driven piles:
heavy inflow of seepage. Friction piles work on a different princi-
ple. The pile transfers the load of the Driven piles, also known as displacement
Classifications of pile foundation building to the soil across the full height piles, are a commonly-used form of build-
of the pile, by friction. In other words, the ing foundation that provide support for
The purpose of a pile foundation is to entire surface of the pile, which is cylin- structures, transferring their load to layers
transfer and distribute load through a mate- drical in shape, works to transfer the of soil or rock that have sufficient bearing
rial or stratum with inadequate bearing, forces to the soil. capacity and suitable settlement charac-
sliding or up- lift capacity to a firmer stra- teristics. Driven piles are commonly used
tum that is capable of supporting the load To visualise how this works, imagine you to support buildings, tanks, towers, walls
without detrimental displacement. A wide are pushing a solid metal rod of say 4mm and bridges, and can be the most cost-
range of pile types is available for applica- diameter into a tub of frozen ice cream. effective deep foundation solution. They
tions with various soil types and structural Once you have pushed it in, it is strong can also be used in applications such as
requirements. Piles may be classified by enough to support some load. The greater embankments, retaining walls, bulk-
their basic design function (end-bearing, the embedment depth in the ice cream, the heads, anchorage structures and
friction or a combination) or by their more load it can support. This is very simi- cofferdams..
method of construction (displacement lar to how a friction pile works. In a fric-
(driven) or replacement (bored)). tion pile, the amount of load a pile can sup-
port is directly proportional to its length.
End Bearing Piles
Pile foundations are deep foundations.
In end bearing piles, the bottom end of the They are formed by long, slender, colum-
pile rests on a layer of especially strong nar elements typically made from steel or
soil or rock. The load of the building is reinforced concrete, or sometimes timber.
transferred through the pile onto the A foundation is described as 'piled' when
strong layer. In a sense, this pile acts like a its depth is more than three times its
column. The key principle is that the bot- breadth. A pile is basically a long cylinder
tom end rests on the surface which is the of a strong material that is pushed into the

Driven piles

Bored piles:

Bored piles, also known as replacement

piles, are a commonly-used form of build-
ing foundation that provide support for
structures, transferring their load to layers
of soil or rock that have sufficient bearing
capacity and suitable settlement charac-
teristics. Bored piles are piles where the
removal of spoil forms a hole for a rein-
forced concrete pile which is poured in
situ. The spoil is replaced by the pile,
hence 'replacement' piles as opposed to
displacement piles where soil is forced
away by driving or screwing the pile.
Bored piles are used primarily in cohesive
subsoils for the formation of friction piles
and when forming pile foundations close
to existing buildings. They are popular in
urban areas as there is minimal vibration,
End Bearing Piles & Friction Piles where headroom is limited, where there is

July 2020 • Constrofacilitator 09


both for temporary and permanent struc- shore structures such as bridges, oil-rigs,
tures. This can be justified by a number of and floating airports. The use of offshore
historical buildings founded on timber structures is still a fairly new technique
piles that have been in operation for thou- and there is still much research to be done
sands of years. Timber piles applied for in this field. The loading of an offshore
the purposes of permanent structures are structure consists of two components: ver-
pressure-impregnated tical structural loads and lateral wave
loads. The interaction of these two load-
Steel piles: ing components has a significant impact
on how the pile reacts and the way the
Driven steel piles are installed using stresses are distributed through the pile. In
impact or vibration hammers to a design addition, the pile will react differently
depth or resistance. Keller installs the when subjected to a small structural load
complete suite of driven piles from small than to a large structural load.
diameter tube piles to large diameter steel
caissons to support your project. Driven Pile installation method
piles gain geotechnical capacity effi-
ciently by displacing the soil around the Piles are installed using a number of dif-
shaft and compacting the soils at the toe ferent methods, each of which is selected
Bored piles during installation. Steel tubes can be according to need. The various factors
driven either closed or open ended. The which influence what type of pile you'll
no risk of heave, and if there is a need to energy to drive the piles is provided by need and the ways in which your piling
vary the length of the piles. either a high frequency oscillating ham- can be installed might include:
mer or a percussion hammer.
Screw pile Ÿ The depth of your excavation
Concrete piles: Ÿ The material your piles are made of
Screw pile foundations are a type of pile Ÿ The angle at which your piles are
foundation with a helix near the pile toe so Concrete piles are common structural being driven
that the piles can be screwed into the foundation elements used to support off- Ÿ Environmental issues which may
ground. The process and concept is simi-
lar to screwing into wood. A screw pile
may have more than one helix (also called
a screw), depending on the usage and the
ground conditions. Generally, more heli-
ces are specified if a higher load is
required or softer ground is encountered.

Timber piles Steel piles

Screw pileBored piles

Classification based on Material of
Piles Construction:

Timber piles:

Timber piles are the oldest of all the con-

temporarily used piles. They are usually
precast displacement piles installed with
the driving method, or less commonly, the
vibratory method. The natural conver-
gence of pile shafts allows us to obtain a
relatively high pile load capacity. Prop-
erly applied, they are a highly economi- Concrete piles
cal, efficient and safe foundation solution,

10 Constrofacilitator • July 2020


impact local residents, flora or fauna geologists should ensure that the result of tainty in the analysis and design parame-
the pile foundation analysis is properly ters should be minimized rather than
Once your needs have been assessed, you integrated into the overall foundation requiring a high factor of safety. For less
will feel better able to decide which of the design. This coordination extends significant structures, it is permissible to
two most common pile installation meth- through plans and specifications, precon- use larger factors of safety if it is not eco-
ods you will use for your project: dis- struction meetings, and construction. nomical to reduce the uncertainty in the
placement or replacement. Displacement analysis and design by performing addi-
piling installation refers to the method of Failure Considerations - Structure or tional studies, testing, etc.
driving piles into the ground without first foundation failures can be categorized as
removing any of the soil or other material. an actual collapse or a functional failure. Soil-Structure Considerations - The func-
Replacement piling installation refers to Functional failure can be due to excessive tional significance and economic consid-
the method of first digging out a hole, into deflection, unacceptable differential erations of the structure will determine the
which the pile is then maneuvered. movements, excessive vibration, and pre- type and degree of the foundation explo-
mature deterioration due to environmen- ration and testing program, the pile test
Decisions on the type of instrumentation tal factors. For critical structures, failure program, the settlement and seepage anal-
for pile load tests must be an integral part to meet functional requirements may be as yses, and the analytical models for the pile
of the design. The designer should select serious as the actual collapse of a lesser and structure. For critical structures the
instrumentation that has sufficient accu- structure. Therefore, designers should be foundation testing pro- gram should
racy to measure the required data. Perma- cognizant not only of the degree of safety clearly define the necessary parameters
nent instrumentation is used to gather data against collapse but also of effects of set- for the design of the pile foundation, such
relating to the state of stress and behavior tlement and vibration on the functional as soil types and profiles, soil strengths,
of the pile under service load conditions. performance. etc.
Useful knowledge can be gained from per-
manent instrumentation, not only about Safety Considerations - Factors of safety Source
the behavior of a particular pile founda- represent reserve capacity which a foun-
tion, but also about analysis and design dation or structure has against collapse for, engineering discov-
assumptions in general. a given set of loads and design conditions. eries,,,
Uncertain design parameters and loads, science direct,,
Criteria and methods for selecting the require a higher factor of safety than,,
best type of pile foundation required when the design parameters are,,
well known. For most hydraulic struc-,
Structural and Geotechnical Coordina- tures, designers should have a high level k e l l e r a s e a n . c o m ,
tion. A fully coordinated effort from of confidence in the soil and pile parame-,
geotechnical and structural engineers and ters and the analysis. Therefore, uncer-,

Pile Foundation in Construction

July 2020 • Constrofacilitator 11


Fundamentals of Ground
Engineering Study

Shamanth Kumar M
Project Engineer and
Manager of Design Services
Salarpuria Sattva Group

Constrofacilitator • July 2020 12


round engineering com-
bines geology and engi-
neering. Normally ground
engineers have first
degrees in geology or in
civil engineering and many have a post-
graduate degree in engineering geol-
ogy or geotechnical engineering.

During their first degrees, geologists

are trained to observe the ground and
the fossils and structures in it and draw
inferences about the history of planet
Earth. They make use of chemistry, bot-
any, zoology and so on. They relate
their observations to engineering per-
formance largely through empirical cor-
relations and transforms. During their
first degrees, civil engineers are trained
to make measurements of strength and tures and excavations. This article THINGS TO DO
stiffness of materials, steel, concrete describes the physical theories for the
and soil, and to predict the perfor- strength and stiffness of the ground Geotechnical engineers should be
mance of structures. They make use of and the analyses that are routinely used familiar with fundamental principles
physics, mechanics and mathematics by engineers to predict the behaviour of and theories. most of them are rela-
and use theories such as elasticity and slopes, foundations, and other struc- tively simple applications of basic
plasticity to represent ground behav- tures in the ground. mechanics to the behaviour of granular
iour. materials. But it is not enough to be
These basic theories apply strictly to the able to do the mathematics;
Each discipline has a complementary behaviour of materials made of geotechnical engineers need to have an
role to play in ground engineering. unbonded grains, which is a very good understanding of geology, knowledge
Geotechnical engineers should know approximation for soil. The ground is of soil behaviour and a feel for what are
enough geology to be able to commu- taken to be elastic or plastic and fric- reasonable numbers.
nicate with geologists; geologists tional or cohesive and analyses satisfy
should know enough physics and math- the basic requirements of equilibrium The photographs have been chosen to
ematics to be able to communicate and compatibility. Although natural illustrate the general features of routine
with geotechnical engineers. soils may behave a little differently, their geotechnical engineering practice and
behaviour still closely follows the theo- they do not necessarily show state-of-
There are several books on engineering ries in this book. The outcomes should the-art field and laboratory investiga-
geology that give largely empirical rela- be designs that are safe, serviceable, tions and geotechnical works. Readers
tionships between the geological his- economic, sustainable and buildable should search for other pictures or,
tory of the ground and its engineering and the fundamental analyses make better still, see the real thing.
behaviour and the behaviour of struc- use of the basic theories in this book.
At the end of most chapters there are
suggestions for things to do to illustrate
the principles in the chapter. Most do
not require special equipment and can
be done at home using kitchen equip-
ment and samples commonly found in
the home and garden. Schools once
taught science students how to make
simple test equipment and do simple
experiments and that was part of a phys-
ics course. It is a good skill for an engi-
neer to have.

13 Constrofacilitator • July 2020




Geotechnical engineering, with struc-

tural engineering and hydraulic engi-
neering, is one of the major design com-
ponents of civil engineering. Structural
engineering requires structural analysis
and knowledge of man-made materi-
als. Geotechnical engineering requires
geotechnical analysis and knowledge
of natural soils, rocks and groundwater.
The fundamental principles for design
of groundworks use many of the basic
theories and methods familiar in other
branches of engineering.


Principal activities of
Engineering geologists Geotechnical engineers Scientists Geotechnical engineering is construc-
tion on and in the ground using natural
Investigate the ground: Test soils in the ground Investigate and clean up soils and rocks. Foundations add load
observe and map surface and in the laboratory. contaminated ground. to the ground and settle; excavations
features; excavate and Design waste repositories. remove load and the ground heaves.
Assess properties and
observe boreholes and test Man-made slopes should remain stable
behaviour from test Assess chemical and
pits. but may need support from retaining
results. Create a biological interactions
Assess properties and geotechnical model. between buried structures walls. Dam slopes must remain stable
behaviour from observation and the ground. and the dam must retain water. Road
Analyse and design pavements are made from soil and
and description.
foundations and walls Use chemicals to modify rock.
Create a geological model. and assess stability of and improve ground
slopes. properties.
construction materials.
All these constructions require geologi-
Engineering geologists Geotechnical engineers Scientists cal investigations to discover what the
ground is made of, testing to determine

Degree in geology Degree in civil engineering Degree in one

its strength and stiffness and analyses
Chemistry or more of
Maths of stability, movement and seepage of
Mineralogy Physics Maths water.
Observation and mapping Mechanics Physics
Trained to observe and record Chemistry WHO ARE GEOTECHNICAL
Trained to analyse and design
Engineering geology Geotechnical engineering Environmental

Principles of geology appliedin sciences Geotechnical professionals usually start

Principles of mechanics applied
a civil engineering context to soils, rocks and groundwater Geophysics as geologists, engineers or scientists
and specialise as they progress through
Geological model; identify Geotechnical model; identify
principal strata; locate strata their education and training. Each
ground types and groundwater
boundaries, identify and locate pressures, assign engineering
brings different skills in investigation,
structural features (folds, faults); parameters analysis and design.
identify groundwater regime
Locate and assess materials and groundworks; foundations,
aggregate resources; empirical slopes and walls, tunnels, Geotechnical professionals acquire
design of groundworks pavements, etc. their skills through a combination of

Constrofacilitator • July 2020 14


Structure Example Comment undergraduate and post-graduate

study and on-the-job training,
mentoring and experience. Most have
first degrees in civil engineering or geol-
ogy and occasionally science. Many
geotechnical professionals have a post-
Grain elevator settled
Foundations graduate degree in a relevant subject
and tilted shortly after
settle too much such as engineering geology or
geotechnical engineering.


Geotechnical structures sometimes fail,

often because a geotechnical profes-
Landslide in glacial sional made a mistake. Sound under-
soil caused by coastal standing of basic principles should
Slopes slip erosion and ensure this does not happen.
pressures. THINGS TO DO

On your next journey, which may be by

road or rail or on foot, observe and
make a list of all the structures that
involve natural soil and rock for support
or for a source of materials.
Collapse of strutted
retaining walls Bridges and buildings have founda-
Walls collapse
supporting a deep tions; roads and rail have excavated
excavation in soft clay. slopes and built embankments some of
which may be supported by walls; road
pavements are mostly compacted soil;
railway ballast is crushed rock. You may
also see dams and river banks retaining
Excavation in sands
and gravels flooded Image Source:
Excavations flood by seepage
from groundwater.

Concrete lining leaked

and seepage eroded a
Dams leak
channel through the
earth-fill dam.

Collapse of tunnel
Tunnels collapse
during construction.

15 Constrofacilitator • July 2020


Techniques for
Soil Stabilization

r o u n d Given below are some ground event of earthquakes; densifying
i m p r o v e- improvements techniques adopted. sands to provide a firm founding layer It
ment and is extremely effective for sand compac-
ground Vibro compaction tion and land reclamation projects.
m o d i f i c a- Vibro Compaction provides fast, in-situ
tion refer Vibro Compaction is an established densification of loose sands to depths
t o t h e ground improvement method for stabi- of up to 30 metres and is one of the
i m p r o v e- lising granular soils such as loose most economical and sustainable
ment in or sands, gravels and some hydraulic ground improvement methods avail-
m o d i f i c a- fills. The technique is primarily used for able, with no spoil generated and no fill
tion to the engineering properties of soil seismic mitigation and in-situ material required.
that are carried out at a site where the densification of loose sands up to 30m
soil in its natural state does not pos- deep. The water jetting and horizontal Vacuum consolidation is a soft soil
sess properties that are adequate to vibratory action of the vibroflot acts to improvement method that has been
withstand the load of the structure. The compact the loose soils into a denser successfully used by geotechnical
improvement may be accomplished by condition and significantly improve the engineers and specialists of ground
drainage, compaction, preloading, rein- bearing capacity of the treated ground. improvement companies. It does not
forcement, and grouting, electrical, The vibro compaction technique is well necessarily require surcharge fill and
chemical or thermal methods. Among established for use in tank farm, port vacuum loads of 80kPa or greater can,
the various soil stabilization proce- and marine structure projects. typically, be maintained for as long as
dures, the most suitable one is required. However, if loads of 80kPa or
selected depending upon the type of Vibro Compaction significantly greater are needed in order to achieve
soil available, time, cost involved etc. reduces the threat of liquefaction in the the target soil improvement, additional

16 Constrofacilitator • July 2020


use of vertical drains)

Ÿ preloading using vacuum (includ-
ing combined fill and vacuum)
Ÿ dynamic consolidation with
enhanced drainage (including the
use of vacuum)
Ÿ electro-osmosis or electro-kinetic
Ÿ thermal stabilisation using heating
or freezing
Ÿ hydro-blasting compaction.

Soil vitrification

Vibro compaction Soil Vitrification technique uses heat to

melt and then solidify harmful chemi-
cals in a solid mass of glasslike mate-
surcharge may be placed on top of the preloading methods. In addition to rial. It can be applied both in-situ (in-
vacuum system. The vacuum preloading, PVDs have also been used situ vitrification or ISV) and above
preloading method is cheaper and for some other relatively new methods ground in a treatment unit (ex-situ).
faster than the fill surcharge method for such as dynamic consolidation for
an equivalent load in suitable areas. clays. In both cases, the main purpose ISV uses space and an electrical cur-
Where the underlying ground consists of using PVDs is to reduce the drainage rent is passed between them, melting
of permeable materials, such as sand path so that the time taken for the con- the soil between them. ISV uses very
or sandy clay, the cost of the technique solidation of soft soil or the dissipation high temperatures (1,600 to 2,000 °C or
will be significantly increased due to of excess pore-water pressure can be a pair of, 900 to 3,650 °F). Melting starts
the requirement of cut-off walls into substantially reduced. close to the bottom surface and moves
non-permeable layers to seal off the down. Because the soil melts, the elec-
vacuum. According to the soil classification sys- trodes sink additional into the bottom
tem adopted by TC211 (Chu et al., inflicting deeper soil to soften. Once
Various vacuum consolidation sys- 2009c), soil improvement through con- the facility is turned off, the unfrozen
tems are developed for a number of solidation or preloading belongs to the soil cools and vitrifies, which implies it
applications. As the primary applica- category of 'ground improvement with- turns into a solid block of glass-like
tion of the vacuum consolidation out admixtures in cohesive soils'. This material. The electrodes become a part
method is consolidation and stabiliza- category is further divided into the fol- of the block. This causes the bottom
tion of soft clayey ground. When the lowing seven subcategories (Chu et exterior within the space to sink slightly.
vacuum consolidation method is al., 2009c). To level it, the sunken space is full of
extended to other applications with dif- clean soil.
ferent working conditions and different Ÿ replacement/displacement (in-
treated materials, the systems require cluding load reduction using light- Ex-situ vitrification is far like ISV, except
specific features and/or special weight materials) that it's done within a compartment.
designed construction machines. Ÿ preloading using fill (including the Heating devices embody plasma
Moreover, vacuum consolidation
applied in on-land and under-water Soil Preloading
conditions are principally different in
equivalent load as the vacuum is
applied on ground surface or under
water table, relatively.

Soil Preloading

Depending on how a preload is

applied, the preloading methods can
be subdivided into preloading using fill,
preloading using vacuum pressure
and combined fill, and vacuum

Constrofacilitator • July 2020 17


torches and electrical transference fur-

naces. With plasma torch technology,
waste is fed into a rotating hearth; the
waste and melted material square mea-
sure control aligned with the aspect by
force. Throughout the rotation, the
waste moves through plasma gener-
ated by a standstill torch. To get rid of
the melted material from the chamber,
the earth's rotation slows and also the
dross flows through an underneath
gap. Effluent gases square measure
usually unbroken in an exceedingly sep-
arate instrumentation wherever high
temperatures combust/oxidize the con-
Vibro Stone Columns
Ground freezing

Ground freezing is a construction tech-

nique used in circumstances where
soil needs to be stabilized so it will not
collapse next to excavations, or to pre- spaced pipes and circulating a coolant freeze pipes are drilled and installed
vent contaminants spilled into soil from through these pipes. The refrigerated around the perimeter of the proposed
being leached away. Ground freezing coolant extracts heat from the ground, shaft to do the required depth. The cir-
has been used for at least one hundred converting the soil pore water to ice culation of the coolant is initiated until a
years. Ground freezing is also used to resulting in an extremely strong, imper- frozen zone ranging from 1 to ten
provide regional groundwater barriers meable material. It is the most positive meters is formed. The inside of the
around mining operations for gold and method of ground improvement used shaft is then excavated and lined and
other minerals, oil sands or oil shales. It in the underground construction and the freezing system turned off. Ground
is often referred to as ground freezing, mining industries. freezing is used extensively in the tun-
soil freezing, or freeze wall. The ground neling industry. Tunnel applications use
freezing process involves drilling and Deep shafts are the most common several different approaches. The most
installing a series of relatively closely application of ground freezing. The common involves horizontally drilling
the freeze pipes around the tunnel per-
Ground freezing imeter very similar to the frozen shaft

Vibro stone columns

Vibro stone columns or aggregate

piers are an array of crushed stone pil-
lars placed with a vibrating tool into the
soil below a proposed structure. This
method of ground improvement is also
called vibro replacement. Such tech-
niques increase the load bearing
capacity and drainage of the soil while
reducing settlement and liquefaction
potential. Stone columns are made
across the area to be improved in a tri-
angular or rectangular grid pattern.

Column depth depends on local soil

strata, and usually penetrates weak

18 Constrofacilitator • July2020

the system. Facing elements are rela-

tively thin components, usually made
out of precast concrete, welded wire
mesh panels or shotcrete. Their struc-
tural objective is to hold the soil
between the reinforcement layers. A
facing system enables the construc-
tion of a steep or even a vertical MSE
wall. Soil material is also placed without
a reinforcement between the stabilized
zone and the natural surface of the
ground. This zone is known as retained
backfill. A complete MSE wall is a grav-
ity-based structure. It relies on its mass
to bear the applied forces including lat-
eral earth pressures, water pressures,
Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE)
seismic loads or loads related to
human activity.
soil. During construction, a vibrating forced soil mass, along with the facing,
tool suspended from a crane pene- forms the wall. In many types of MSE's, Soil nailing
trates to the design depth by means of each vertical fascia row is inset,
its own weight and vibrations. thereby providing individual cells that Soil nailing is a ground stabilisation
Predrilling may be required in dense can be infilled with topsoil and planted technique that can be used on either
soil or may be used to reduce the with vegetation to create a green wall. natural or excavated slopes. It involves
amount of ground displacement during The main advantages of MSE walls drilling holes for steel bars to be
installation. Crushed stone is intro- compared to conventional reinforced inserted into a slope face which are
duced into the hole by one of two meth- concrete walls are their ease of installa- then grouted in place. Mesh is
ods. In the dry bottom method, a pipe tion and quick construction. They do attached to the bar ends to hold the
attached to the vibrator supplies stone not require formwork or curing and slope face in position. They are com-
directly to it. In the wet top method, each layer is structurally sound as it is monly used as a remedial measure to
water jets located in the vibrator's tip laid, reducing the need for support, stabilise embankment
create an annular space around the scaffolding or cranes. They also do not
vibrator through which stone is intro- require additional work on the facing. Soil nailing uses grouted, tension-
duced from the top. resisting steel elements (nails) to rein-
In a typical MSE wall, compacted gran- force in situ soils and creates a gravity
Mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) ular soil is reinforced by horizontal lay- retaining wall for permanent or tempo-
ers of steel strips or geosynthetic mate- rary excavation support. Soil nail walls
Mechanically stabilized earth (MSE or rials. The use of reinforced elements are generally constructed from the top
reinforced soil) is soil constructed with significantly increases the strength of down. Typically, soil is excavated in
artificial reinforcing. It can be used for
retaining walls, bridge abutments, sea- Soil nailing
walls, and dikes.[ Although the basic
principles of MSE have been used
throughout history.

MSE walls stabilize unstable slopes

and retain the soil on steep slopes and
under crest loads. The wall face is often
of precast, segmental blocks, panels
or geocells that can tolerate some dif-
ferential movement. The walls are
infilled with granular soil, with or without
reinforcement, while retaining the back-
fill soil. Reinforced walls utilize horizon-
tal layers typically of geogrids. The rein-

Constrofacilitator • July 2020 19


three to six feet deep stages. After each usually with cement grout. The bearing existing fluids with the grout and
excavation stage, near-horizontal stratum is logged during installation thereby improving the engineering
holes are drilled into the exposed face drilling to assure that bearing capacity properties of the medium, especially
at typically three to six foot centres. Ten- is adequate. Micropiles do not rely on reducing the permeability. The selec-
sion-resisting steel bars are inserted end-bearing capacity, so there is no tion of proper grouting materials
into the holes and grouted in place. A need to establish the competency of depends upon the type of granular
drainage system is installed on the rock beyond bond-depth. They can be medium and the purpose of grouting.
exposed face, followed by the applica- installed quickly in virtually every type Cement, Bentonite, clay and lime are
tion of reinforced shotcrete wall facing. of ground using highly adaptable the grouting materials normally used
Precast face panels can also be used. mobile drilling equipment.Micropiles for grouting a granular medium. In the
Bearing plates are then fixed to the can be used in a variety of foundation present paper, sand was used as the
heads of the soil nails. This installation projects. They are particularly useful grouting medium and cement was
process is repeated until the design when projects are in areas with limited used as the grouting materials.
wall depth is reached. The finished soil access or weak soil. They have
nails then produce a zone of reinforced become a preferred method of deep- Grouting is effective in both sand and
ground. foundation stabilization thanks to their silt deposits. Grouts are liquid suspen-
reliability, versatility, and efficiency. sions or solutions that are injected into
Micropiles the soil mass to improve its behavior.
Grouting Such liquids can permeate into the void
Micropiles are high-performance, space of the soil and bind the soil parti-
high-capacity drilled deep foundation Grouting is quite a well-known tech- cles together. The primary purpose of
elements typically between 5–12 nique in the field of civil engineering, grouting is to fill the voids of the forma-
inches in diameter that can extend to especially in foundation engineering. tion material by replacing the existing
depths of 200 feet and achieve working Grouting is effective in both sand and fluids with the grout and thereby
loads of over 200 tons. Micropiles are silt deposits. Grouts are liquid suspen- improving the engineering properties
composed of high-strength steel cas- sions or solutions that are injected into of the medium, especially reducing the
ing, rebar and grout. the soil mass to improve its behaviour. permeability.
Such liquids can permeate into the
Micropiles are small diameter drilled void space of the soil and bind the soil Conclusion
and grouted friction piles. Each pile particles together. The primary pur-
includes steel elements that are pose of grouting is to fill the voids of the These are various methods available
bonded into the bearing soil or rock – formation material by replacing the for soil improvement techniques which
will be used for the needs of accelerat-
Micropiles ing bearing capability, enhancing
shear strength and decreasing consol-
idation settlement of saturated
medium clay such as soil replacement,
preloading with vertical drains, stone
columns, stabilization with additives
and thermal ways.

Image Source:

20 Constrofacilitator • July2020
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