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Marvel’s Avengers:

All of them are just human beings except some are having exceptional powers and some may
not look like humans too (Rocket, Groot, etc.). I think that they need a lot of sleep and rest
especially Tony Stark and Captain America. On-screen, it seems they do get along well at some point
as a family (the whole Avengers squad) but there did seem to be ups and downs especially in the
Age of Ultron. So far, they fear Thanos and unexpected alien visits from the space. I believe that
daily robberies and the ‘Normal’ bad routines are a little below their pay grade. Even according to
the comics, they had to face a new problem one after another and that did show how restless they
were. Some of the avengers had families and some just could not look for starting one at the point.
Most of the avengers live in big cities such as New York City, San Francisco, or even the famous
Wakanda/Asgard. Most problems that started to begin for the superheroes were the unexpected
arrivals of the alien force. Also, the Skrulls in the comics could shapeshift themselves into human
beings or any other living creature that was hard for them to notice. Any advanced technology that
could help them detect Skrulls and arrivals of Aliens before time could be very helpful for them to
save the world.

- An app to detect alien’s arrival on earth an hour before.

- Knowing whether a person is a Skrull or a real human being.
- Knowing each superhero live location.

APPLICATION DESIGN: “Thermal Tracing Protocol - TTP”

1. The problem I have identified and started to work on is the detection of Skrulls throughout the
Marvel universe. I want to create an idea to help the Avengers trace Skrulls in the comics and the
future franchise films such as: Secret Invasion. For the last, I have an idea for the app to detect the
arrival of aliens few moments before they actually enter the atmosphere.

- Application that can visualize and trace Skrulls (using Camera mode or visual goggles/glasses),

- Application with a setting to identify visual approach of aliens that are heading towards the earth's
atmosphere by the help of satellites,

- Additional Benefit: Application to know the location of every Avenger.

2. First Idea, 'Application that can visualize and trace Skrulls (using Camera mode or visual
goggles/glasses)'. An application that can connect to high tech goggles, glasses or a suit that can
detect Skrulls using Thermal scanner. The application can have additional features such once
detected an enemy Skrull, that location can be forwarded to other avengers and marked on the map.
The application must also function to know the location of other avengers. My best try would be to
get the application program on an Avengers goggle or mask that can help them detect a Skrull

I believe that my application could help the superheroes identify their enemies in a better way
and help them save their important time and money. Devices with cameras or goggles using thermal
image can be very useful for their daily use. My application also helps one know a location of the
other avenger by the help of strong connections of infrared towers. Their suits can use an updated
modification with an advanced tracker and advanced goggles/mask if they are wearing any or else,
they can use a device to see through a thermal image. The Marvels Avengers are already living in a
very advanced lifestyle and culture that should be impacted by my technology. I believe that the cost
to make such device and application should be a lot in the era of the Avengers.

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