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Data for the Calculation of Encashment of EL and HPL

(Date Format should be MM/DD/YYYY)

Name of the Teacher Sri D.V. BHASKARA RAO
Designation Retd Transport Constable
Emp. Code 609690
Date of Joining in the
Retirement/ Death Retirement
Date of retirment/death 30-11-2019
In case of death, Name of
the beneficiary
In case of death,
beneficiary relation
Pay Paticularal
PAY 48600
PP 0
DA (%) 27.248
HRA (%) 14.5
AHRA Not Applicable
CCA Not Applicable
Proceedings RC No & Date ESTD/EEL/2019/1 10-12-2019
Data for Form APTC - 47
District Guntur
PAO Name DTO Guntur
Department Transport Dept
DDO Design. Deputy Transport Commissioner

Name of the School/ Office Guntur

Employee belongs to State Government employees

DDO Code 06012603002

Month December-2019
Bank Code 6307
Bank Name SBI Guntur Treasury Branch
Head of Account 2041000010003010011VN
Leave Particulars
No of leaves balance as on Total No of leaves Permitted to
the date of retirement encash on retirement
Earned Leave 300 300
Hal Pay Leaves 420 0
PROCEEDINGS OF THE Deputy Transport Commissioner, Guntur
Present : Sri E.MEERA PRASAD M.Sc.,
RC.No : ESTD/EEL/2019/1 Date : 10-12-2019

Sub : Establishment - Transport Dept - Guntur - Sri D.V. BHASKARA RAO, Retd Transport
Constable - Permission for Encashment of Earned Leave and Half Pay Leave on
retirement/ death - Orders - issued.

Ref : 1. G.O.Ms. NO. 154 FINANCE (FR.I) DEPARTMENT, dt. 04-05-2010

3. G.O.Ms.No.
G.O.MS.No. 140
(HR.VII) Dated:
DEPARTMENT 31-05-2014
Dated: 22 .09.2014

4. Cir.Memo No.196330-C/86/A2/HRM.V/2016 Finance(HR.V) Dept. dt.17-10-2016

5. G.O.Ms.No. 148 FINANCE (HR.IV) DEPARTMENT Dated: 21-08-2017
6. G.O.Ms.No.90 FINANCE (HR.IV) DEPARTMENT Dated: 08-06-2018
In obedience to G.Os 1st to 5th cited above Sri D.V. BHASKARA RAO, Retd Transport Constable ,
who retired/ expired from service on 30-11-2019, is permitted to encash 300 days of Earned Leave and 0 days of
Half Pay Leave on retirement/ death subject to the condition that the Earned Leave and Half Pay Leave should not
exceed 300 days to encash on retirement/ death.

The Leave Account details of the individual is as follows

Total No of leaves balance Total No of leaves Balance (which is

Leave as on the date of Permitted to encash closed to zero in SR
retirement/ death on retirement/ death due to retired)

Earned Leave 300 300 0

Half Pay Leave 420 0 420

Sanction is hereby accorded for the drawal of Rs.688900/- due to encashmet of EL and HPL on retirement/
death and the amount will be credited to the account of Sri D.V. BHASKARA RAO. The expenditure is debitable to
the Head of Accounts as follows vide the ref.4 cited above.The detailed calculation of bill is encloed to this

Claim Amount Head of Account

Amount allocable between two

552129.00 2071-01-115-00-14-001-000-N-V-N
successor States of AP&TS
Amount allocable to successor state of
136771.00 2071-01-115-00-24-001-000-N-V-N
Andhra Pradesh
Total 688900.00

Necessary entries are recorded in the Service Register of the individual. It is informed that If any excess
amount paid during sanction, the excess amount will be recovered from the Pensionary Benefits of the individual.

Deputy Transport Commissioner


Copy to the individuval.

Copy to file
Copy to DTO Guntur
Sup Bill of Sri D.V. BHASKARA RAO, Retd Transport Constable who is retired/ expired on 30-11-2019 for the claim of Encashment of Earned Leavs and
Half Pay Leaves vide the Proceedings RC No: ESTD/EEL/2019/1 Dated 10-12-2019 of Deputy Transport Commissioner, Guntur

S Employee GOVT. A G NET


1 609690
Transport Constable
Pay @48600, PP @0, DA @13243, HRA @7047, AHRA @0, CCA @0 @Total @68890

Earned Leaves
300 days of ELs at Balance (i.e
10months & 0days) in his account
For 10 months 486000 0 132430 70470 0 0 688900 0 688900 688900

For 0 days 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 486000 0 132430 70470 0 0 0 688900 0 688900 0 688900

Half Pay Leaves

0 days of HPLs at Balance (i.e
0months & 0days) in his account
For 0 months 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
For 0 days 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Grand Total 688900

The Total Amount is claimed in two bills .One is Amount allocable between two successor States of AP&TS and Second one is Amount allocable to
successor state as follows based on the instructions issued in Cir.Memo No.196330-C/86/A2/HRM.V/2016 Finance(HR.V) Dept. dt.17-10-2016
S No

Service From To Y-M-D No of Years

Total Claim 23-03-1992 30-11-2019 27Y-8M-8D 27.68889 688900

1 Claim in the Composite State 23-03-1992 01-06-2014 22Y-2M-9D 22.19167 552129

2 Claim in the Successor State 02-06-2014 30-11-2019 5Y-5M-29D 5.49722 136771

Signature of the DDO

Payble at DTO Guntur
Govt. of Andhra Pradesh
( APTC Form - 47 )
Pay Bill of the Month & Year December-2019 ( For Treasury Use Only)
Date : ……………………
Treasury / P.A.O. Code 0 6 0 1 Trans ID :
D.D.O. Code 06012603002 District : Guntur

D.D.O.Designation Deputy Transport Commissioner DDO Office Name : Guntur

Under rupees Five lakh Fifty Two thousand One hundred Thirty only

Bank Code 6307 Bank Name : SBI Guntur Treasury Branch

D.D.O.'s TBR No. Permanent / Temporaray

Head of Account Deductions Amount
Majot Head 2 0 7 1 1 GPF /AIS./PF Rs. 0.00
Sub Major 0 1 2 APGLI Rs. 0.00

Minor Head 1 1 5 3 Group Insurance/AIS Rs. 0.00

Group Sub-Head 0 0 4 Professional Tax Rs. 0.00

Sub Head 1 4 5 House Rent Rs.

Detailed Head 0 0 1 6 Festival Advance & Rs.

APCO Advance
7 Education Advance Rs.
Non-plan = N / Plan = P N Charged = C / Voted = V V 8 H.B.A. (P) Rs.
9 H.B.A. (I) Rs.
Contigency Fund MH 10 Car Advance (P) Rs.
Service Major Head 2 2 0 2 11 Car Advance (I) Rs.
12 Motor Cycle Advance (P) Rs.
011 Pay Rs. 13 Motor Cycle Advance (I) Rs.
012 Allowances Rs. 14 Cycle Advance Rs.
013 Dearness Allowance Rs. 15 Marrage Advance (P) Rs.
015 IR Rs. 16 Marrage Advance (I) Rs.
016 HRA Rs. 17 Incom Tax Rs.
017 Medical Reiumbersement Rs. 18 Class IV GPF - DTO Rs.
Earned Leave Rs. 552129.00 19 E.W.F. Rs.
__________________ Rs. 20 Z.P.P.F Rs. 0.00
Gross Amount Rs. 552129.00 21 CPS Rs.
Less Govt. Deducations Rs. 0.00 22 CSS Rs.
AG Net Amount Rs. 552129.00 Total Govt. Deducations Rs. 0.00
AG Net Amount in Words Total Non-Govt. Deductions Rs.
Five lakh Fifty Two thousand One hundred
Twenty Nine only D.D.O.'s Signature


Pay Rs. ______________ ( Rupees _____________________________________________________________________
____________________________ Only) by Cash / Cheque / Draft / Account Credit as Under and Rs. ________________
( Rupees ____________________________________________________________________ Only ) by adjustment.
1 Rs. ____________________ by transfer credit to this S.B.
Account of the employees (As per Annexure - 1)
2 Rs. ____________________ by transfer credit to this D.D.O.
Account towards non-government deducations.

Treasury Officer / Pay & Accounts Officer


1 Yearly Estimated Budget Rs

2 Amount Including this Bill Rs

3 Balance Rs

Passed for Rs. 552129/- Rupees Five lakh Fifty Two thousand One hundred Twenty Nine only

________________Paid By Cash/Adjustment/Check/Draft.

Drawing Officer

1.Certified that the amount claimed in this bill was not drawn and paid

DDO Signature
Govt. of Andhra Pradesh APTC FORM - 101 ###
PAPER TOKEN (See subsidiary Rule 2 (W) Under Treasury Rule 15: ###
Govt. Memo No. : 38907 / Accounts / 65-5, Dtg: 21-02-1963)
(For Treasury Use Only)
STO Code : 0 6 0 1

STO NAME : DTO Guntur Date : DDO Code : 06012603002 Treasury / PAO Code : 0601

Deputy Transport Commissioner, Treasury / PAO DTO Guntur

DDO CODE 06012603002 Trans ID : DDO design : Guntur Name :

Deputy Transport
DDO Designation Commissioner DDO Office Name Guntur To,

Bank Branch Code 6307 Name : SBI Guntur Treasury Branch The Treasury Officer / Manager,

Head of Account : 2 0 7 1 0 1 1 1 5 0 0 State Bank of

(Major Head) (Sub-MH) (Minor Head) (Grp-SH)

1 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 Please Pay Bill No dated for Rs. 552129.00

(Sub Head) (Det. Head) (Sub Det. Head) (Net Rupees Five lakh Fifty Two thousand One hundred Twenty Nine only)
Non-Plan=N Charged = C Contingency Fund MH/
N V 2 2 0 2
Plan = P : Voted = V : Service Major Head to Sri/Smt. for the office of the
Guntur whose specimen signature is attested herewith.

Gross Rs. 552129.00 Deductions Rs. 0.00 Net Rs. 552129.00 Signature of the Govt. Servant Received the payment

(Net Rupees Five lakh Fifty Two thousand One hundred Twenty Nine only)
Dated: Dated:

Messenger Name: Designation :

(As ub APTC Form - 101)
Specimen Signature of 1)

Messenger 2)
Signature of the DDO Signature of the Govt. Servant
receiving the payment
DDO Signature Attested STO Signature

DDO DDO Signature Treasury

Seal Seal
Payble at DTO Guntur
Govt. of Andhra Pradesh
( APTC Form - 47 )
Pay Bill of the Month & Year December-2019 ( For Treasury Use Only)
Date : ……………………
Under rupees One lakh Thirty Six thousand Seven hundred Seventy Two only Treasury / P.A.O. Code 0 6 0 1 Trans ID :
D.D.O. Code 06012603002 District : Guntur

D.D.O.Designation Deputy Transport Commissioner DDO Office Name : Guntur

Bank Code 6307 Bank Name : SBI Guntur Treasury Branch

D.D.O.'s TBR No. Permanent / Temporaray

Head of Account Deductions Amount
Majot Head 2 0 7 1 1 GPF /AIS./PF Rs. 0.00
Sub Major 0 1 2 APGLI Rs. 0.00

Minor Head 1 1 5 3 Group Insurance/AIS Rs. 0.00

Group Sub-Head 0 0 4 Professional Tax Rs. 0.00

Sub Head 2 4 5 House Rent Rs.

Detailed Head 0 0 1 6 Festival Advance & Rs.

APCO Advance
7 Education Advance Rs.
Non-plan = N / Plan = P N Charged = C / Voted = V V 8 H.B.A. (P) Rs.
9 H.B.A. (I) Rs.
Contigency Fund MH 10 Car Advance (P) Rs.
Service Major Head 2 2 0 2 11 Car Advance (I) Rs.
12 Motor Cycle Advance (P) Rs.
011 Pay Rs. 13 Motor Cycle Advance (I) Rs.
012 Allowances Rs. 14 Cycle Advance Rs.
013 Dearness Allowance Rs. 15 Marrage Advance (P) Rs.
015 IR Rs. 16 Marrage Advance (I) Rs.
016 HRA Rs. 17 Incom Tax Rs.
017 Medical Reiumbersement Rs. 18 Class IV GPF - DTO Rs.
Earned Leave Rs. 136771.00 19 E.W.F. Rs.
__________________ Rs. 20 Z.P.P.F Rs. 0.00
Gross Amount Rs. 136771.00 21 CPS Rs.
Less Govt. Deducations Rs. 0.00 22 CSS Rs.
AG Net Amount Rs. 136771.00 Total Govt. Deducations Rs. 0.00
AG Net Amount in Words Total Non-Govt. Deductions Rs.
One lakh Thirty Six thousand Seven hundred
Seventy One only D.D.O.'s Signature


Pay Rs. ______________ ( Rupees _____________________________________________________________________
____________________________ Only) by Cash / Cheque / Draft / Account Credit as Under and Rs. ________________
( Rupees ____________________________________________________________________ Only ) by adjustment.
1 Rs. ____________________ by transfer credit to this S.B.
Account of the employees (As per Annexure - 1)
2 Rs. ____________________ by transfer credit to this D.D.O.
Account towards non-government deducations.

Treasury Officer / Pay & Accounts Officer


1 Yearly Estimated Budget Rs

2 Amount Including this Bill Rs

3 Balance Rs

Passed for Rs. 136771/- Rupees One lakh Thirty Six thousand Seven hundred Seventy One only

________________Paid By Cash/Adjustment/Check/Draft.

Drawing Officer

1.Certified that the amount claimed in this bill was not drawn and paid

DDO Signature

Govt. of Andhra Pradesh APTC FORM - 101 ###
PAPER TOKEN (See subsidiary Rule 2 (W) Under Treasury Rule 15: ###
Govt. Memo No. : 38907 / Accounts / 65-5, Dtg: 21-02-1963)
(For Treasury Use Only)
STO Code : 0 6 0 1

STO NAME : DTO Guntur Date : DDO Code : 06012603002 Treasury / PAO Code : 0601

Treasury / PAO DTO Guntur

DDO CODE 06012603002 Trans ID : DDO design : Deputy Transport Commissioner,
Name :

Deputy Transport
DDO Designation Commissioner DDO Office Name To,

Bank Branch Code 6307 Name : SBI Guntur Treasury Branch The Treasury Officer / Manager,

Head of Account : 2 0 7 1 0 1 1 1 5 0 0 State Bank of

(Major Head) (Sub-MH) (Minor Head) (Grp-SH)

1 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 Please Pay Bill No dated for Rs. 136771.00

(Sub Head) (Det. Head) (Sub Det. Head) (Net Rupees One lakh Thirty Six thousand Seven hundred Seventy One only)
Non-Plan=N Charged = C Contingency Fund MH/
N V 2 2 0 2
Plan = P : Voted = V : Service Major Head to Sri/Smt. for the office of the
Guntur whose specimen signature is attested herewith.

Gross Rs. 136771.00 Deductions Rs. 0.00 Net Rs. 136771.00 Signature of the Govt. Servant Received the payment

(Net Rupees One lakh Thirty Six thousand Seven hundred Seventy One only)
Dated: Dated:

Messenger Name: Designation :

(As ub APTC Form - 101)
Specimen Signature of 1)

Messenger 2)
Signature of the DDO Signature of the Govt. Servant
receiving the payment
DDO Signature Attested STO Signature

DDO DDO Signature Treasury

Seal Seal

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