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Kaptin Badrukk: ws5 bs2 s4 t4 w2 i3 a4 ld9 sv3+


Goldtoof armour, Da Rippa,3 powder grots, Bosspole, Slugga/choppa, Gitfinda, stikkbombz

Powder grots: 3 ammo runts

Goldtoof armor: 3+ armour, 5+ invul

Gitfinder: you may measure range before selecting targets

Da rippa: 24in 7-2 assault 3 gets hot

Rules: Mob rule, furious charge, waaaaagh

Ghazkull thraka: ws6 bs2 s5 t5 w4 i4 a5 ld9 sv2+

Wargear: adamantium skull, bosspole, cybork body, mega-armor, stikkbombz, big shoota

Adamantium skull: 2+ attacks on the charge instead of one, immune to instant death.

Special Rules: Independent character, mob rule, furious charge, prophet of the waaaaagh

Prophet of the waaaaagh: 2 turns, GT’s saving throw is invulnerable, all ork units automatically count as
rolling six for all movement purposes, non-fleeing units become fearless. Cannot combine with a
weirdboy waaaagh.

Mad Dok Grotsnik: ws5 bs2 s4 t5 w3 i3 a4 ld9 sv4+

Wargear: Power klaw, urty syringe, cybork body, dok’s tools

Special rules: Independent character, furious charge, waaaaaagh

One scalpel short of a medpack: Grotsnik is fearless, confers that to any unit he is in, and always moves
as fast as possible towards the nearest enemy. He may not leave a unit unless he is the last one left.

Wazdakka Gutsmek: ws5 bs2 s4 t(6) w3 i3 a4 ld9 sv4+

Wargear: bike, meks tools, slugga, power klaw, bosspole, kustum mega blasta, stikkbombz

Bike of the aporkalypse: Wazdakka’s bike can turbo-boost and shoot

Dakkakannon: 24in 8-4 assault 4

Special rules: Independent char, mob rule, furious charge, waaagh

Old Zogwort: ws4 bs0 s3 t5 w3 i2 a2 ld8 sv6

Wargear: vipers

nest of vipers: additional d6 attacks in CC, initiative 4. All of zog’s attacks are poisoned and wound on 2+

special rules: IC, MR, FC, waaagh, WArphead


Zog’s curse: zog may use the curse instead of rolling on the weirdboy psychic chart. Choose an
independent character in zog’s LoS. If it is in 18in, the players roll off. If zog’s player rolls higher, the
enemy is transformed into an angry squig under the original owners control. It is an independent
character that counts as infantry.

Squig: ws4 bs0 s3 t2 w1 i3 a1 ld5 enjoy!

Boss Snikrot: ws5 bs2 s5 t4 w2 i3 a4 ld8 sv6

Wargear: stikkbombz,

Mork’s teef: counts as having an extra cc weapon, snikrot rerolls all failed rolls to hit in assault.

Special Rules: (IC),MR, FC, Waaagh, Infiltrate, Move through cover.

Ambush: When held in reserve, snikrot and his unit may arrive on any table edge.

Killa rep: If snikrot wins combat, the enemy unit suffers an extra -1 to ld.

Zagstruk: ws5 bs2 s4 t4 w2 i3 a4 ld9 sv4

Wargear: stormboy rokkit pack, stikkbombz, cybork body, choppa/slugga

Da vulcha’s claws: on any charge he counts as having a power claw that resolves in normal initiative

Special rules: MR, FC, waaagh

Swoop attack: zag and vulcha boyz must enter the battle via deep strike. They may not shoot that turn
but may assault if close enough. If they do assault that turn remove d3 vulcha boys to represent crash
landing casualties.

Violent temper: Any time his unit is subjected to a morale test, Zag executes a member of the squad and
the squad passes the test. If he is on his own, the rule does not apply.
Ork regular units:

Warboss: ws5 bs2 s5 t5 w3 i4 a4 ld9 sv6

Special Rules: IC, MR, FC, waaagh

Nobz: ws4 bs2 s4 t4 w2 i3 a3 ld7 sv6

MR, FC, waaagh

Wargear: Waaaagh banner: +1 ws for the unit.

Mekboy: ws4 bs2 s3 t4 w1 i2 a2 ld7 sv6

Big Mek: ws4 bs2 s4 t4 w2 i3 a3 ld8 sv6

IC(Big Mek only), MR, FC, Waaagh


Mek’s tools: A mek in base contact or inside a vehicle at the beginning of his shooting phase can attempt
to repair a weapon damaged or immobilized result instead of shooting. On a 4+ he repairs the vehicle.
Repaired weapons may fire that turn. On a 1 the vehicle counts as shaken.

Kustom Force field: all units in 6in have a 5+ cover save and vehicles count as obscured. No effect in

Grot Oiler: Re-roll one failed repair roll per game.


1,1 boom: no shot. Remove big mek and all models in d6.

2,2 oops: opponent chooses target.

3,3: Gah: SAG shoots nearest unit.

4,4 Sploosh: small template, 6-6.

5,5 Zoink: Mek is teleported into combat against target unit.

5,6 bzzzap: s10 shot only against anything under the template hole. SAG cannot fire next turn.

6,6 Rarrrgh: All units under template are removed, vehicles take automatic penetrating hit.

Weirdboy: ws4 bs2 s4 t4 w2 i3 a3 ld7 sv6

IC, MR, FC, waaagh, Psyker.

Warphead: An upgraded weirdboy may re-roll the psychic power dice.

Weirdboy power chart:

(First take a psychic test, if failed, do not roll to see what power the weirdboy uses. This roll may be
affected by mob rule.)

A weirdboy using frazzle or zzap counts as having shot a weapon. In combat do not apply results of 1,2,3
– instead count the weirdboy as having a power weapon that turn.

D6 results:

1: eadbanger: resolve frazzle with template on the weirdboy.

2: frazzle: 24in 6-3 blast pinning shot. One target in LoS, automatic hit.

3: Zzap: 24in 10-2 melta shot. Choose enemy in LoS, automatic hit.

4: Warpath: WB’s unit gets +1 attacks until next ork turn.

5: ‘ere we go: WB and unit are teleported, placed on map using deep strike rules. If enemy is in base
contact the enemy stays in place.

6: Waagh: Extra waaagh, usable turn 1, multiple waaaghs have no cumulative effect.

Painboys: ws4 bs2 s4 t4 w2 i3 a3 ld7 sv6

MR, FC, Waaagh


Dok’s tools: FNP for the unit.

Urty syringe: poisoned weapon, wounds on 4+

Grot orderly: re-roll one FNP roll per game.

Meganobz: ws4 bs2 s4 t4 w2 i3 a3 ld7 sv2

MR, FC, waaagh

Mega Armor: 2+ save, TL shoota, Power Klaw, Slow and purposeful.

Boyz: ws4 bs2 s3 t4 w1 i2 a2 ld7 sv6

MR, FC, waaagh

Trukks: BS2, 10 all around, fast, open-topped.

Special rules: Ramshackle: wrecked or destroyed results go to ramshackle table. Multiple results are all
rolled at once and the lowest number from the table is chosen.

Ramshackle table:

1-2: Kaboom: S3 hit for all units in D6in. Surviving passengers disembark and take a pinning test.

3-4: Kareeen: Trukk moves 3d6in in a random direction. Use the scat dice and if a hit is rolled the owner
chooses the direction. Then apply kaboom results. Stop the trukk one inch away if it meets enemy units
or terrain.

5-6: kerrrunch: Passengers take no damage but immediately disembark. The trukk is then wrecked.

Tankbustas: ws4 bs2 s3 t4 w1 i2 a2 ld7 sv6

MR, FC, Waaaagh

Glory Hogs: Tankbustas must always attempt to shoot/and or assault enemy vehicles in LoS regardless of
range. If no target is visible, they may select a target as normal.


TB bombs: Krak grenades with armor penetration roll of 2d6+6.

Tankhammer: 2-handed weapon with S10 in assault.

Bombsquigs: A TB model may release a bomb squig instead of shooting. On 2+ the squig runs up to 18in
at the nearest enemy vehicle and causes a S8 hit on that armor section facing the TB. On a 1, the squig
targets the nearest friendly vehicle instead. If no vehicles are in 18”, nothing happens and the squig is

Lootas: ws4 bs2 s3 t4 w1 i2 a2 ld7 sv6

MR, FC, waaagh


Deffguns: 48in, 7-4 heavy D3. Only roll once per unit for shots, and after the target has been selected.

Kommandos: ws4 bs2 s3 t4 w1 i2 a2 ld7 sv6

MR, FC, Waagh, Infiltrate, Move thru cover.

Burnas: ws4 bs2 s3 t4 w1 i2 a2 ld7 sv6

MR, FC, Waagh,


Burnas: template, 4-5 assault 1, may be used as a power weapon in CC OR as a shooting weapon that
shooting phase.

Warbikers: ws4 bs2 s3 t(5), w1 i2 a2 ld7 sv4

MR, FC (no waaaagh), Exhaust cloud; permanent 4+ cover save

WArbike: +1 to toughness (included) and 4+ cover save.

Dakkaguns: 18in, 5-5 assault 3, TL

Stormboyz: ws4 bs2 s3 t4 w1 i2 a2 ld7 sv6

MR, FC, waaaagh

Rokkit pack: Each time a SB unit use rokkit packs, roll a D6. On a one, one SB is removed as a casualty.
Regardless of the result you may add that number in inches to the SB’s moves that turn.

Deffkoptas: ws4 bs2 s3 t(5) w2 i2 a2 ld7 sv4

MR, FC, waaagh

Jetbikes: DKs are Jetbikes in all respects.

Hit and run, Scout


Buzzsaw: DKs with buzzsaws are treated as having power weapons

Biggbomm: Once per game, place a large template over a unit the DK passed over during movement.
Scatter D6 and resolve with S4AP5. May be used with Turbo-boost.
WArbuggy: bs2 10-10-10, fast, open-topped

Tracks: with upgrade, re-roll dangerous terrain tests

Skorcha: with upgrade, warbuggy has a scorcha.

Gretchin Herd: ws2 bs3 s2 t2 w1 i2 a2 ld5 sv0

Runtherd: ws4 bs2 s3 t4 w1 i2 a2 ld7 sv6

Special rules for runtherds:

MR, FC, Waaagh

Wargear (RHs): Grabba stik: in assault can cause any model in base contact to lose one attack to a
minimum of one.

Grot-prod: poisoned weapon, 4+

Squig hound: each time the unit fails it may remove d3 gretchin to re-roll that test.

Special Rules, Gretchin:

Grot’s life: If a grot mob moves into a minefield, remove the minefield marker and 3d6 grots.

Wargear: Grot blasta; 12in, S3 ap-, assault 1

Big Gunz: (gretchin crew) Bs3 10-10-10, artillery.

Kannon: 36in 4-5 heavy 1, blast or 36in 8-3 heavy 1

Lobba: G48in 5-5 heavy1 blast

Zzzap gun: 36in S2D6 AP2 heavy 1

On rolls of 11 and 12, on gretchin crew is killed and the shot is fired at S10. On glancing and penetrating
his zzap guns automatically cause crew shaken results in addition to any other effects.

Deff Dreads: ws4 bs2 s5 12-12-10 i2 a3 walker

Killa Kans: ws2 bs3 s5 11-11-10 i2 a2 walker

GRotzooka: 18in range, 6-5 heavy 2, blast

Looted Wagon: bs2 11-11-10, tank open-topped

Transport; a looted wagon without a boomgun may transport 12 models or 6 meganobz

Special rules:

Don’t press dat: roll a D6 at the start of each movement phase. On a roll of 1, the vehicle moves directly
forward as far as possible. This may casue tank shock, passenger may not disembark.

Wargear: Boomgun: 36in 8-3 ordnance 1 large blast.

Fire points: with the ‘ard case upgrade there is on firing point on each side of the hull and one on the

Access points: with ard case, the access point is at the rear.

Battlewagon: bs2 14-12-10 tank, open-topped

Transport: 20 model cap. Only twelve with killkannon. Mega armor counts as 2.

With ard case; 2 FPs on the sides, one rear, once access point on each side except front.

Deffrolla: with deffrolla re-roll dangerous terrain tests, tank shock causes D6 s10 hits on the victims. If
Death or glory is tried, add another D6 S10 hits in addition.

Killkannon: 24in 7-3 ord 1 large blast.

Flash Gitz: ws4 bs2 s4 t4 w2 i3 a3 ld7 sv4

MR, FC, Waaaagh


Gitfindas: FGs may check distance before selecting targets.

Snazzguns: Roll once each shooting phase to determine unit’s AP, but only after selecting the target.

24in S5 AP D6 assault 1

More Dakka: with upgrade, assault 2

Shootier: w/ upgrade, S6
Blasta: W/ upgrade, subtract 1 from the roll to minimum of one. Gains the gets hot rule.


Big Choppa: add 2 to strength

Big Shoota: 36in 5-5 assault 3




Choppa: CC weapon







Kombi-weapon: combi-weapon

Kustom force-field:

Kustom Mega blasta: 24in 8-2 assault 1 gets hot


Power Klaw: Power fist

Rokkit Launcha: 24in 8-3 assault1

Shokk Attack Gun:

Skorcha: Template 5-4 assault 1

Shoota: 18in 4-6 assault2


Slugga: 4-6 pistol

Stikkbomb: frag grenades

Tankbusta bombs:


‘Urty syringe:

Zzap gun


Cybork body: 5+ invul save

Eavy armor: 4+ save

MEGA ARMOR: 2+ save, TL shoota and PKlaw


Ammo runt: re-roll to-hit rolls, once per game.

Attack squig: +1 attack, permanent

Bosspole: You may re-roll morale tests if you inflict one wound on your mob.

Dok’s tools:

Mek’s Tools:

Stormboyz rokkit pack:

Waaaaagh banner:


“Ard Case: vehicle is no longer open-topped. Affects access and fire points.

Armor plates: treat stunned as shaken

Boarding plank: One embarked ork may attack an enemy vehicle within 2” as if disembarked and
charging, provided neither vehicle moved 12”.

Deff Rolla

GRabbin Klaw: At the beginning of the enemy movement phase choose an enemy vehicle within 2”, on a
roll of 4+ that vehicle may not move this turn.

Grot Riggers: An immobilized vehicle with riggers may roll during the ork shooting phase. On 4+ the
vehicle’s immobilized result is negated and it can move next turn.

Red Paint: add one to movement without addt’l penalties.

Reinforced ram: Front armor is 2+ higher during death or glory, re-roll dangerous terrain tests.

Stikkbomb chukka: any unit disembarking from this vehicle counts as having stikkbombs that turn.

Wreckin ball: S9 hit if within 2in and on a 4+. Not usable if the attacking vehicle has moved more than
12” that turn.

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