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Ascending colon: weight loss, exophytic mass, iron deficiency anemia

Descending colon: infiltrating mass, constipation, partial obstruction, hematochezia, abdominal pain
Carotid sinus (baroreceptors): parasympathetic fibers increased, sympathetic fibers decreased.
S3 heart sound: ventricular filling  pathologies will be MR or HF
Transudate: decreased protein content. HF, cirrhosis, nephortic
Exudate: ↑ 0.6 LDH, ↑ 0.5 Protein. Infection, malignancy, Rheumatologic disease
Clostridium perfringens: spore-forming bacteria
Compound nevi: involve both the dermis and epidermis
Junctional nevus: involve ONLY the epidermis
Intradermal nevus: involve ONLY dermis
SIADH: normal volume status (euvolemic hyponatremia)
For hypoglycemia, GLUCAGON rapidly corrects by increasing hepatic glycogenolysis
Inhaled corticosteriods (fluticasone, budesonide): long-term asthma control
Polyprotein gp160 is glycosylated in the ER and golgi body: broken down to gp120 and gp41
Gp120 forms outside and attach to the host cell by binding w/ CD4 receptor and (CXCR4, CCR5)
Gp 120 goes conformational change and allows gp41 for fusion allowing viral entry to cytoplasm
Melanoma is highly aggressive malignancy that metastasizes it contains brown pigment
Costosternal syndrome (costochondritis): pain that is reproducible w/ palpation
IgE-independent mast cell degranulation: medications
IgE-dependent: environmental exposures such as foods
Phase 2 trial: txt of efficacy and adverse effects and small group
Phase 3: comparing the current standard of care and larger group
Phase 4: surveillance
Hemochromatosis: hypogonadism due to iron deposits in pituitary, arthropathy due to iron in joints
Uterine sarcoma: tamoxifen use/radiation
Testosterone: unaffected by temperature
Serotoli cells: convert testosterone and androstenedione to estrogens via aromatase
Estrogen: endometrial proliferation
Theca cell: LH. Cholesterol  androstenedione OUTER
Granulosa cell: FSH. Androstenedione  estrone INNER
Progesterone: prevention of endometrial hyperplasia
Meiosis 1: arrested at prophase 1 until ovulation
Meiosis 2: arrested at metaphase 2 until fertilization
hCG: increased in down syndrome
Human placental lactogen: stimulates insulin production; overall increased insulin resistance
APGAR: Appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, respiration
Breastfed babies need vitamin D supplements
Menopause: ↓estrogen, ↑FSH, ↑LH, ↑GnRH, ↑androgens
Tanner stage: earliest detection? Breast bud and testicular enlargement
Uterosacral ligament structure: structure attaches to the cervical region and extends posteriorly
Stage 5 greater than 15 yrs old: areola flattens
Klinefelter syn: 47, XXY: barr body, ↓testosterone, ↓inhibin B, ↑FSH, ↑LH, ↑estrogen
Turner syn: no barr body, SHOX gene, ↑FSH, ↑LH, ↓ estrogen
Maternal: ↑CO, ↑preload, ↓ afterload
Intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis- penicillin is 1st line
Norepinephrine: a1>b1>b2
Phenylephrine: a1
Epinephrine: (low-dose) b1>b2>a1. (high-dose) a1>b1>b2
Dobutamine: b1>b2
Dopamine: (low-dose) D1>B1>A1. (high-dose) a1>b1>d1
HR ↓and BP ↑ if A1 is in front of B1 for a drug and vice versa
A1: peripheral vasoconstriction, ↑SVR
B1: ↑ heart rate + contractility, ↑ CO
B2: Peripheral vasodilation, ↓ SVR
D1: renal arteriolar vasodilation
Grade: well-differentiated or not
Stage: spread  lymph nodes or metastatic
Granulomas w/ polyangitis: cavitary lung lesion on x-ray
Uremic toxins impair platelet aggregation and adhesion  prolonged bleeding time the rest is NORMAL
ALL 4 CML 45 AML 60 CLL 70
Kidney stones: will reveal RBCs casts
Umbilical arteries: medial umbilical ligament
Nitroglycerin: ↓ preload
Hydralazine: ↓ afterload
ACE inhibitors and ARBs ↓ both preload and afterload
Wide splitting: pulmonic stenosis, RBBB
Fixed splitting: ASD
Paradoxical splitting: aortic stenosis/LBBB
Hand grip (↑afterload): ↓ hypertrophic cardiomyopathy + AS
Rapid squatting (↑ venous return, ↑preload, ↑afterload): ↓ hypertrophic cardiomyopathy murmur
Atrial fibrillation: ↓ LV preload
Mobitz 1: lengthening of PR there is a drop
Mobitz 2: lengthening is the SAME there is a drop
Atrial natriuretic peptide: atrial myocytes in response to ↑ BV and atrial pressure
ANP: cGMP, vasodilation and ↓Na+ reabsorption CT. Dilates afferent and constricts efferent arterioles.
BNP: SAME AS ABOVE. Good for diagnosing HF.
Glossopharyngeal n: Carotid sinus
Vagus n: Aortic arch
Central chemoreceptors: stimulated by pH and PCO2 of the brain. autoregulation vasoDILATION
Peripheral chemoreceptors: carotid and aortic bodies are stimulated by ↓ Po2
Normal cardia pressures: <5  25/5  <12  130/10  130/90
↑ Capillary pressure: HF
↑ Capillary permeability: toxins, burns, infections
↑ Interstitial fluid colloid osmotic pressure: lymphatic blockage
↓Plasma proteins: nephrotic syndrome, liver failure, protein malnutrition
Tetralogy of Fallot: anterosuperior displacement of the infundibular septum has ↑ SVR. DiGeorge syn

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