Uve Kallamai Kural 1 Part 1

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அகர தல எ த்ெதல் லாம் ஆ

பகவன் தற் ேற உல
We have begun, with a brief introduction yesterday, the study
of the chapter on the avoidance of stealing. We will now enter
chapter proper, with the study of the first Kural.

எள் ளாைம ேவண் வான் என் பான்

எைனத் ஒன் ம்

கள் ளாைம காக்க தன்ெநஞ்

the one, desirous of ever lasting peace and happiness, and the
one wanting to avoid any form of dishonor or disgrace.
He should never-ever, think of cheating others, and steal their
belongings. That is, the one not wanting the others, to speak ill
of him. Here, it specifically addresses the renunciates.
A person has taken up the life of a renunciate. He should not be
spoken ill of, by the other learned renunciates. Such a
renunciate, should totally rely on the Lord, read the works on
Jnana, understand the Truth, and should spend his time in
Dhyana or meditation.
In simple terms, he should read, contemplate, and meditate. If
the other renunciates approach him, he can teach them the
works on Jnana. If he were to do any other thing, or if he were

to involve in other activities, he will be maligned (ma-lined) or
criticized, by the other learned renunciates.
So, if one is desirous, of avoiding ever being subject to disgrace,
then one should avoid all forms of, cheating and stealing, what
belongs to the others. He should have this virtue of avoidance
of stealing, entrenched (yen-tren-ched) firmly in his mind.
In the Kurals that follow, Thiruvalluvar will be talking more
about this, for us to gain better clarity. This virtue, should be so
deep rooted and protected in one’s mind, to such an extent,
that even in the dreams, one should not get such thoughts, of
stealing the other’s property. This is a virtue, that is to be
possessed by all, and particularly by the renunciates.
Its importance, should not in any way be lessened, thinking
that it applies only to the renunciates. Everyone should, and
will have to become a renunciate, at some stage or the other in
their life. When we finally depart from this body, it should be
with a peace, that is of the highest order.
We should ever prepare ourselves and always be ready for this.
Though it addresses the renunciates; Death being a certainty
(cer-ten-tea) for all; It is compulsory for all, to cultivate the
traits of a renunciate, even while being a householder. This is
the crux of this Kural.

Let us seek the grace of Thiruvalluvar, in continuing with the
study, of the Kurals that follow.

எள் ளாைம ேவண் வான் என் பான்

எைனத் ஒன் ம்

கள் ளாைம காக்க தன்ெநஞ்

My prayerful blessings, and best wishes, to all of you!
Let Valluvam live, forever! Let humanity prosper, with love!

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