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and Building

Construction and Building Materials 22 (2008) 573–579


Thermal conductivity of cement composites containing rubber

waste particles: Experimental study and modelling
A. Benazzouk *, O. Douzane, K. Mezreb, B. Laidoudi, M. Quéneudec
Laboratoire des Technologies Innovantes (EA 3899), Université de Picardie Jules Verne, IUT Département Génie Civil, Avenue des Facultés,
80025 Amiens, France

Received 7 April 2006; accepted 19 November 2006

Available online 16 January 2007


In this paper an investigation of the thermal conductivity of a lightweight construction material containing rubber waste particles, is
presented. Measurements were carried out in a dry state using a transient plane source (TPS) technique. To determine the effect of the
rubber particles ratio on the thermal conductivity of a cement composite, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% rubber particle ratios by volume
as replacement to cement, were used. The experimental investigation revealed that the addition of rubber particles reduces the material
unit weight, furthermore, thermal conductivity of the composite has been improved. The thermal insulating effect of rubber particles is
most attractive and indicates a high and promising potential for development. Based on the self consistent method and assuming that the
tri-phase composite consists of air, rubber particles and cement paste, thermal conductivity of the composite has been predicted as a
function of the dry unit weight and formulations, using auto-coherent homogenisation model. The model requires the knowledge of rub-
ber particles conductivity, which was experimentally measured using Horai and Simmons technique. A modelling application reveals
good correspondence with the experimental results.
 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Rubber wastes; Cement composite; Rubber particles; Thermal conductivity; Modelling; Self consistent technique

1. Introduction The amount of used tires produced in France is roughly

30,000,000 per year [7]. Landfill disposal which is the most
The reduction of energy consumption in construction, prevailing method, will be drastically reduced in the near
production of thermal insulation materials and the solution future, due to the recent introduction of European Union
of environment problem by recycling of industrial, agricul- directives that include significant restrictions on this prac-
ture waste, and domestic waste are becoming greater prob- tice in favour of alternatives oriented toward materials
lem. They are many lightweight composites that contain and energy recovery. Furthermore, the disposal of used
recycled fillers, including waste glass [1], fly ash [2], kraft tires in landfills, stockpiles, or illegal dumping grounds,
pulps from sisal and banana waste [3], steel slag [4], light- increases the risk of accidental fires with uncontrolled emis-
weight crushed bricks, lightweight expanded clay aggre- sions of potentially harmful compounds. Innovative solu-
gates [5], foam polystyrene and its waste [6]. Therefore, tion has to be developed to meet the challenge of tire
the development of composite construction materials with disposal problem.
low thermal conductivity using these wastes will be an Highway construction provides a significant market
interesting alternative that would solve simultaneously potential for waste tires recycling. Extensive studies have
energy and environment concerns. been conducted on waste tire modified Portland cement
concrete [8–10]. The literature about the use of tire rubber
particles in cement-based materials focuses on the use of
Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +33 3 22 53 40 16. tire rubber as an aggregate in concrete and evaluates only
E-mail address: (A. Benazzouk). the mechanical properties. Results have indicated that

0950-0618/$ - see front matter  2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
574 A. Benazzouk et al. / Construction and Building Materials 22 (2008) 573–579


E potential (V) c constant depending on the TPS resistance

R resistance (X) k thermal conductivity (W/mK)
T temperature (C) q dry unit weight (kg/m3)
t time (s) h volume fraction of rubber particles (%)
d volume fraction of cement (%)
Greek symbols e volume fraction of liquid (%)
a temperature coefficient of the TPS sensor

rubberized concrete mixtures posses lower density, using TPS methos, according to the Horai and Simmons
increased toughness and ductility, higher impact resistance, technique [16].
lower compressive and splitting tensile strengths, and more
efficient sound insulation. However, some authors sug- 2. Materials and experimental testing
gested that the loss in strength might be minimized by prior
surface treatment of the tire rubber particles [11]. Previous 2.1. Materials
study focused on the use of two types of rubber aggregates,
as addition to cement paste, in order to develop a highly Rubber particles used in this study has been obtained
deformable material [12]. The types of the rubber aggre- from mechanical shredding of rubber automotive industry
gates were: compact rubber aggregates (CRA) and waste. This waste comprises rubber particles of less than
expanded rubber aggregates (ERA). Results have revealed 1 mm in size and contains approximately 20% synthetic
the influence of rubber aggregate type on the material fibers by volume as well. The absolute density of this rub-
mechanical properties. A study of this composite has also ber waste particles is 430 kg/m3.
demonstrated the importance of rubber particle type with The cement used was CPJ CEM II 32.5 in accordance
respect to the hydraulic transport properties of the com- with Standard NF P 15-301 [17]. Both the rubber particles
posite when coming into contact with water [13]. A recent and cement were initially dry-mixed in a laboratory mixer.
study investigated the effect of powdered tire rubber as The volume ratio of rubber ranged from 0% to 50% by vol-
addition to cement paste on both the physico-mechanical ume as replacement to cement in mixtures. Total mixing
and water absorption properties of the cement composite water had been adjusted so as to achieve constant work-
[14]. Results have indicated that, although the strength ability for all composites (i.e. a slump on the order of
was reduced, the composite satisfies the basic requirement 90–100 mm).
of construction materials, and could be used for load-bear- For each mixture, two cubic samples of 100 · 100 ·
ing wall. In addition, the incorporation of rubber particles 100 mm were prepared and moist-cured for 28 days at
in cementitious matrix tends to restrict water absorption of 20 ± 2 C and 98% relative humidity both before and after
the composite; sorptivity values decreases with increasing demolding. For thermal conductivity measurement in dry
rubber particles ratio. Although several work has been state, all the specimens were dried in a drying oven at
done on the mechanical properties of composite containing 50 ± 2 C and weighed at 24-h intervals until the loss in
rubber aggregates, no work has been previously reported weight did not exceed 1% in a 24-h. Then the surfaces of
on the thermal conductivity. all the samples were polished to achieve smooth surfaces
In this work, the idea is to use rubber waste particles, as in order to maintain the proper contact between the TPS
a raw material, to develop a lightweight construction mate- sensor and the specimen. It should be noted that the size
rials with lower thermal conductivity so as to reduce heat of the sample must satisfy the condition of an infinite med-
transfer into building in order to decrease the energy con- ium, that is the ‘‘probing depth’’, which indicates how far
sumption. An experimental test program was conducted the heating pulse has propagated into the sample during
mainly to investigate the effect of rubber particles addition the transient time, is less than the distance from the heater
on the thermal conductivity of composite, in dry state, to the nearest boundary of the sample [18].
using transient plane source (TPS) technique. The compos- The physico-mechanical properties of this composite for
ite material was manufactured by reinforcing varying vol- various rubber particle volume ratios are listed in Table 1
ume fraction of rubber particles in cementitious matrix. [14].
Assuming that the composite consists of three phases
(air, rubber particles, cement paste), thermal conductivity 2.2. Test procedure
has been predicted using auto-coherent homogenisation
model [15]. This model requires the knowledge of rubber Thermal conductivity measurement of the samples, at
particles conductivity, which was experimentally measured dry state, have been made at room temperature and normal
A. Benazzouk et al. / Construction and Building Materials 22 (2008) 573–579 575

Table 1
Properties of cement composite containing different rubber volume ratios
Volume ratio of rubber Air-content Dry unit weight Elasticity dynamic modulus Compressive strength Flexural strength
particles (%) (%) (kg/m3) (GPa) (MPa) (MPa)
0 2.0 1910 25.0 82.0 3.4
10 5.0 1740 20.0 49.5 3.8
20 8.7 1620 14.0 40.0 4.2
30 11.8 1473 13.0 23.3 4.0
40 14.0 1300 11.5 16.0 3.8
50 17.0 1150 9.5 10.5 3.2

pressure using transient plane source (TPS) method, which thermal diffusivity. It can measure solids and liquids with
is the subject of considerable research [19,20]. The experi- thermal conductivities ranging from 0.02 to 200 W/mK.
mental set-up is shown in Fig. 1. The technique is based Assuming that the conducting pattern is in y–z plane of
on three-dimensional heat flow inside the sample, which a coordinate system placed inside an infinite solid, the time-
can be regarded as an infinite medium by limiting the total dependent resistance of TPS-element during the transient
time of transient recording. A disk-shaped TPS-element recording can be written as
was placed between two cubic samples. In order to ensure RðtÞ ¼ R0 ð1 þ aDT ðsÞÞ ð1Þ
a good thermal contact between the TPS sensor and the
sample material, a chucking device was used. For measure- where R(t) is the resistance of the TPS sensor at time t,R0 is
ment, the sample pieces containing TPS sensor were then the resistance of the TPS sensor at time zero, a is the tem-
introduced into the drying oven in order to control the perature coefficient of resistivity (TCR), DT(s) is the mean
experimental temperature. In addition, a thermocouple value of temperature rise in the TPS-element.
was kept just above the sample pieces to monitor the tem- Recording the change in potential difference DE(t)
perature of the sample. After achieving the isothermal con- across the TPS sensor, the thermal conductivity has been
ditions in the sample, a constant current pulse is passed calculated with a developed Matlab program using the fol-
thought the heating element. The temperature of the ele- lowing relation:
ment is recorded simultaneously by recording its voltage k ¼ cDðsi Þ=DEðtÞ ð2Þ
increase. The duration of the experiment is about 360 s.
The thermal conductivity was measured from four faces where c is the constant depending of the different resis-
of each composite and calculated as their average value. tances in the Wheatstone bridge, D(si) is the theoretical
In the TPS technique, the source of heat is a hot disc expression of time-dependent increase.
made out of a bifilar spiral, which also serves as a sensor The thermal conductivity of rubber particles was mea-
of the temperature increase in the samples. In comparison sured according to the Horai and Simmons technique
with stationary or steady state methods, the advantage of [16]. This technique has already been used to estimate the
transient methods is that some of them give a full set of thermal conductivity of solid mix phases within several
thermophysical parameters within a single rapidly mea- types of composites [21]. In this method, the solid particles
surement, namely thermal conductivity, specific heat or are mixed with a liquid, and then the thermal conductivity

Chucking device

TPS sensor



Climatic chamber

Power supply Resistances Power data acquisition

Fig. 1. Experimental TPS set-up.

576 A. Benazzouk et al. / Construction and Building Materials 22 (2008) 573–579

of this saturated mixture is measured using TPS technique. responds to a decrease of about 60%. The reduction of
The thermal conductivity of the solid particles is thus eval- thermal conductivity of composite is due to the insulating
uated using the arithmetic mean: effect of rubber particle, which has a lower thermal con-
kU þ kL ductivity compared to that of cement matrix. It is evident
km ¼ ð3Þ from these results that the aggregates with less thermal
conductivity produced the less conductive composite. Ear-
In accordance with Hashin and Strickman bounds [16], kU lier investigations reveal that the type of aggregate would
and kL can be written for two phases as follows: greatly influence the thermal conductivity of materials
e 1e [21]. The corresponding relationship between thermal con-
kU ¼ kP þ 1
and kL ¼ kl þ ð4Þ ductivity and dry unit weight of the composite is shown in
kl kP
þ 1e
þ 3ke l
kP kl
Fig. 3. The thermal conductivity k (W/mK) decreases with
where kP, km and kl are respectively the thermal conductiv- decreasing unit weight q (kg/m3). The derived correlation
ity of solid particles, to be determined, saturated mixture is of the type: k = 0.1236 exp(0.0011q) (which yields a cor-
and liquid. e is the volume fraction of liquid. relation coefficient of R2 = 0.98). The variation obtained is
For the experimental determination, a plastic cell with a similar to that reported in previous work conducted on
volume of approximately 450 cm3 was used. The rubber lightweight concretes [22,23]. The decrease in thermal con-
particles was mixed with glycerol and the TPS sensor was ductivity is also related to air content in the matrix that
positioned between two layers of saturated mixes. In this results in less unit weight. The more the air voids ratio,
manner, the thermal contact between the mixture and the lighter the specimen and the lower its thermal conduc-
TPS-element is good. However, great care had to be taken tivity. Table 1, which provides a list of air content values,
to ensure that the TPS sensor remained horizontal. In measured using the pressure method (ASTM C457), indi-
order to minimize measurement errors, two glycerol-based cates that the increasing of rubber volume ratio results in
rubber particle mixes containing various glycerol volume higher air contents, thereby decreasing the unit weight of
contents were prepared. the composite. Similar observations were also made by
For calculations, experimental thermal conductivity of several authors [9,10]. This may due to the non-polar nat-
pure glycerol liquid was determined. The thermal conduc- ure of rubber particles and their tendency to entrap air in
tivity of rubber particles has been evaluated by substituting their rough surfaces. Also when rubber is added to a mix-
the conductivities of the mixture and glycerol in expression ture, it may attract air as it has the tendency to repel
(3). For each material, the thermal conductivity was mea- water, and then air may adhere to the rubber particles.
sured three times and the mean values are reported. The increases in air content with increasing rubber parti-
cles reduce the thermal bridges in the matrix and contrib-
3. Experimental results and analysis ute to improving composite insulation. Fig. 4 shows an
optical microscopy image of the matrix containing 50%
The experimental thermal conductivity values of the rubber particles. In terms of bonding, we can observe a
composite measured in dry state are listed in Table 1. good cohesion between rubber particles and cement
The variation with respect to rubber particle volume con- matrix, included a spherical cavity of air voids.
tent, is displayed in Fig. 2. It has been observed that the The thermal conductivity of materials depends upon
addition of rubber particles into the cement matrix many factors, including their structure, material mixture
reduces the thermal conductivity of the composite. Values proportioning, type of aggregate inclusions, density, poros-
decrease from 1.16, for the cement paste, to 0.47 W/mK ity, etc. The thermal insulating performance of the compos-
for a specimen containing 50% rubber particles. This cor- ite containing rubber particles is also related to the porosity

Thermal conductivity (W/mK)

Thermal conductivity (W/mK)

λ = 0.1236e
1.2 R2 = 0.98


0.4 0.4

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Volume ratio of rubber particles (%) Dry unit weight (kg/m )

Fig. 2. Variation of thermal conductivity of the cement composite with Fig. 3. Relationship between thermal conductivity and dry unit wight of
volume ratio of rubber particles. cement composite.
A. Benazzouk et al. / Construction and Building Materials 22 (2008) 573–579 577

λ eq , Req

λ 2 , R2

λ 1 , R1

λ 3 , R3

Fig. 4. Optical microscopy photo of the cement matrix containing rubber Fig. 5. Principal of self consistent scheme of a tri-composite cell.
particles (magnification: 50·).

ductivity) and qeq (unit weight) by assuming an internal

which plays an important part in heat transfer. The thermal
sphere of air (k1, q1), surrounded by a spherical cell of rub-
conductivity of the composite containing 50% rubber par-
ber particles (k2, q2), and moreover surrounded by a shell of
ticles is lower than that of expanded shale-based load-bear-
cement matrix (k3, q3) (see Fig. 5). Equivalent thermal con-
ing insulated concrete with a thermal conductivity of
ductivity of the composite is given as
0.70 W/mK and a unit weight ranging between 1100 and
1300 kg/m3 [23]. The thermal insulating effect of rubber keq h
¼1þ   ð5Þ
particles is most attractive and indicates a high and prom- k3  1þd3
ising potential for development. 13 þ h   
k1 k1 2k2
1d3 k2
1 k3

4. Modelling by auto-coherent homogenisation

h and d are the volume fractions of rubber particles and ce-
It is based on the self consistent method that leads to the ment, respectively.
characterisation of heterogeneous material from the char- This approach requires knowledge of volume fractions
acteristics and the concentration of each constituents. and thermal conductivities of rubber particles and cement
Developed for the mechanical characterisation (elasticity paste matrix. The volumic fractions are directly calculated
and viscoplasticity) of heterogeneous materials, il has been from the mass of each component (of known unit weight).
used for the characterisation of thermal conductivity of cel- The thermal conductivity of rubber particles has been
lular concrete (in the case of bi-composite) [24] and then experimentally measured according to the method previ-
extended to tri-composite mediums (hemp concretes) [15]. ously described. The corresponding results of different mix-
This method is based on the following energy condition: tures and glycerol are shown in Table 2. It should be noted
the energy in the heterogeneous medium is the same to that that the average value obtained for glycerol is in agreement
in the equivalent homogeneous medium submitted to the with the earlier findings [25,26]. The average thermal con-
same boundary conditions. The homogeneous material is ductivity value of rubber particles, as calculated from
assimilated to an assembly of spherical composite inclu- expression (3), is equal to 0.19 W/mK, within ±5%. Ther-
sions of variable sizes. The heterogeneous material could mal conductivity of rubber particles is over six times lower
be constituted of either two or three components. than that of the cement paste matrix (1.16 W/mK).
The tri-composite model is applied to the equivalent The calculated values of thermal conductivity of com-
homogeneous material with properties of keq (thermal con- posite, as obtained using auto-coherent model, are plotted

Table 2
Experimental results of thermal conductivity of different mixtures and glycerol
Materials Thermal conductivity (W/mK)
Measured-value Theoretical-value
Glycerol 0.27 0.28a–0.29b
Rubber particles–glycerol mixture (40%) 0.231 –
Rubber particles–glycerol mixture (60%) 0.252 –
Thermal conductivity of the glycerol at 20 C [25] and 25 C [26], respectively.
1, 2
Measured thermal conductivity of mixture at 40% and 60% volume ratio of glycerol, respectively.
578 A. Benazzouk et al. / Construction and Building Materials 22 (2008) 573–579

1.4 approach can furnish additional information regarding the

nature of the pores and its distribution. The study of the
Calculated values (W/mK)

thermal properties of this composite at different moisture
1 contents is in progress.
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