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Reporting and Documenting

A patient record form
- Surname : Tumbol
- First Name : Brylian
- Gender : Male
- Date of Birth (DOB) : 6/12/1996
- Place of Birth : Manado
- Occupation : College Student
- Marital status : College Student
- Reason for admission : suspected fractured arm
- Familiy history : heart disease (father’s side)
- Allergies : None

Task 1:
Create a dialog between a nurse and a patient based on the sample form above!
Answer :
Nurse : Hi, good morning. Sit down please Mr. Brylian, Can I help you?
Client : Good morning. I want to inspect my fracture
Nurse : Ok. I will help you. First, I need information about you. So, what’s
your name?
Client : My name is Brylian Tumbol
Nurse : May I know place and date of your birth?
Client : Sure. I’m born in Manado, 06 December 1996
Nurse : What is your occupation?
Client : I am a College Student
Nurse : Do you have married?
Client : Not yet
Nurse : Are you smoking?
Client : No, I am not a smoker
Nurse : Are you have family history disease?
Client : Yes, I have. My father have heart disease
Nurse : Do you have any allergies ?
Client : I don’t Have Any Alergies
Nurse : Whats your problem sir ?
Client : My arm Area is hurts Nurse
Nurse : Okay Mr Brylian, Dr. Ronal will be available today in around half
an hour. You can wait on the waiting room and we will inform you
when its your turn
Client : Okay Thank You
Nurse : Your welcome.

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