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Closed Syllables 1

jac ket tic ket

jacket ticket
mar ket buc ket
market bucket
car rot wal let
carrot wallet
muf fin but ton
muffin button

jacket ticket market bucket

carrot wallet muffin button

Closed Syllables 2

sis ter fin ger

sister finger
doc tor ham mer
doctor hammer
zip per let ter
zipper letter
Sep tem ber ham bur ger
September hamburger

sister finger doctor hammer

zipper letter September hamburger

Closed Syllables 3

win dow bor row

window borrow
lap top sub way
laptop subway
Sun day Mon day
Sunday Monday
Wed nes day yes ter day
Wednesday yesterday

window borrow laptop subway

Sunday Monday Wednesday yesterday

Open Syllables

ba na na to ma to
banana tomato
po ta to ma ca ro ni
potato macaroni
a vo ca do so fa
avocado sofa
A me ri ca Ca na da
America Canada

banana tomato potato macaroni

avocado sofa America Canada

Mixed Syllables 1

sa lad ho tel
salad hotel
se ven wo man
seven woman
de po sit ca pi tal
deposit capital
to day ho li day
today holiday

salad hotel seven woman

deposit capital today holiday

Mixed Syllables 2

hos pi tal com pu ter

hospital computer
to mor row Oc to ber
tomorrow October
No vem ber Sa tur day
November Saturday
su per vi sor su per mar ket
supervisor supermarket

hospital computer tomorrow October

November Saturday supervisor supermarket

Syllables with Extra Sounds

x qu ch sh th

mo ther fa ther
mother father
Me xi co Wa shing ton
Mexico Washington
sho wer kit chen
shower kitchen
chic ken quar ter
chicken quarter

mother father Mexico Washington

shower kitchen chicken quarter

Syllables with Blends

gl pl br dr pr sp st

bro ther pla stic

brother plastic
pre si dent um brel la
president umbrella
En glish Spa nish
English Spanish
chil dren stu dent
children student

brother plastic president umbrella

English Spanish children student

Syllables with -y 1

ba by can dy
baby candy
win dy sun ny
windy sunny
hap py an gry
happy angry
sor ry hun gry
sorry hungry

baby candy windy sunny

happy angry sorry hungry

Syllables with -y 2

for ty fif ty
forty fifty
se ven ty fa mi ly
seventy family
li bra ry di sa bi li ty
library disability
u ni ver si ty e le men ta ry
university elementary

forty fifty seventy family

library disability university elementary

Syllables with Double Vowels

ai ay ee ea oa oo ue

week end Tues day

weekend Tuesday
cof fee tea cher
coffee teacher
bed room rest room
bedroom restroom
up stairs down stairs
upstairs downstairs

weekend Tuesday coffee teacher

bedroom restroom upstairs downstairs

Syllables with Silent e

a e i o u

in side out side

inside outside
note book mi cro wave
notebook microwave
sig na ture le mo nade
signature lemonade
o ver time base ment
overtime basement

inside outside notebook microwave

signature lemonade overtime basement

Syllables with Soft c

c next to i, e, or y sounds like s

ci ty pen cil
city pencil
De cem ber me di cine
December medicine
of fice spi cy
office spicy
e lec tri ci ty li cense
electricity license

city pencil December medicine

office spicy electricity license

Syllables with Soft g & ph
g next to i, e, or y sounds like j

col lege ma na ger

college manager
gin ger e mer gen cy
ginger emergency

ph sounds like f

pho to te le phone
photo telephone
phar ma cy ne phew
pharmacy nephew

college manager ginger emergency

photo telephone pharmacy nephew

Syllables with -le

sin gle lit tle

single little
mid dle ta ble
middle table
ap ple pine ap ple
apple pineapple
ter ri ble ve ge ta ble
terrible vegetable

single little middle table

apple pineapple terrible vegetable

Words with i + vowel

li on qui et
lion quiet
In di a So ma li a
India Somalia
cus to di an me di um
custodian medium
ca fe te ri a ve ge ta ri an
cafeteria vegetarian

lion quiet India Somalia

custodian medium cafeteria vegetarian

Words with -tion 1

lo tion ques tion

lotion question
va ca tion pre scrip tion
vacation prescription
con struc tion e lec tion
construction election
in fec tion gra du a tion
infection graduation

lotion question vacation prescription

construction election infection graduation

Words with -tion 2

ap pli ca tion e du ca tion

application education
con ver sa tion oc cu pa tion
conversation occupation
o per a tion trans por ta tion
operation transportation
me di ca tion im mu ni za tion
medication immunization

application education conversation occupation

operation transportation medication immunization

Teachers, use this book together with:

Teacher’s Activity Guide abc English Picture Dictionary

for abc English: Book Two

Free slideshows Free downloads

available at

abc English: Book Two

Second Edition
copyright 2015
Jennifer Christenson

Revision: 11/1/2015

All images in this book are used with proper licensing from,, Wikimedia Commons, or Public Domain.


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