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ANZ Royal Bank (Cambodia) LTD.

Mao Tse Tung Blvd Branch

Construction New Building June 2008



01200-1 GENERAL

1.1 Summary

A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for project meetings,

including, but not limited to, the following:

1. Pre-construction meeting.

2. Pre-installation meeting.

3. Progress meeting

B. Related Sections:

1. Section 01040: Co-ordination

2. Section 01043: Administration

1.2 Pre-construction meeting

A. Pre-construction meeting shall be held within 14 days after the Commencement Date.
Attendees should include authorized representatives of Employer, and their
consultants; Contractor and its superintendent; major subcontractors, manufacturers;
Suppliers; and other concerned parties. Participants shall be familiar with Project and
authorized to conclude matters relating to the works.

B. Agenda for this meeting will include but not be limited to:

1. Contractor’s organization arrangements,

2. Channels and procedures for communication,

3. Co-ordination procedures with other contracts and contractors,

4. Construction schedule, including sequence of critical work,

5. Contract Documents, including distribution of required copies,

6. Processing of shop drawing and other data to be submitted by the contractor

to Employer’s Representative for review,

7. Processing of instructions and variation orders,

8. Procedures governing performance of the work,

9. Procedures for safety and first aid, security, quality control, etc,

File: ANZ-SP-MTB 2007

ANZ Royal Bank (Cambodia) LTD. Mao Tse Tung Blvd Branch
Construction New Building June 2008

10. Procedures for reporting and monitoring progress, cost materials, labour and

11. Procedures for processing Applications for Payment.

12. Use of premises.

13. Office, work, and storage areas.

14. Equipment deliveries and priorities.

15. Working hours.

16. Maintaining project record documents.

1.3 Progress Meetings

A. Within four (4) weeks of the Commencement Date of the Works the Contractor and
the Employer’s Representative will agree a program schedule for weekly progress
meetings covering the six (6) months of the Works The Contractor shall make
himself available for any other meetings called for by the Employer’s Representative
outside the schedule.

B. Job site progress meetings will be held to review Contractor’s construction schedule
and to discuss work progress and site co-ordination issues. Attendees at this meeting
shall include the Employer’s Representative, Contractor, subcontractors and other
concerned parties.

C. The job site progress meeting shall be convened as directed by the Employer’s
Representative. Additional meetings required by Contractor to comply with his
obligations under Section 01040-Co-ordination, shall be requested in writing by him
to the Employer’s Representative with full details of agenda and names of other
Direct Contractors who are required to attend. Such meetings will be chaired by the
Employer’s Representative or his Delegate or Assistant.

D. Pre-Meeting Submittals: Three days before each site meeting, submit the following
information, but not necessary limited to, the Employer’s Representative’s or his
Delegate or Assistant.

1. A list of completed activities.

2. A list current activities, with an estimate of time required for completion.

3. A list of any variation in starting dates and durations of outstanding activities

from planned dates and times.

4. The percentage of completion in every activity.

5. A list of activities that the Contractor plans to start during the following

File: ANZ-SP-MTB 2007

ANZ Royal Bank (Cambodia) LTD. Mao Tse Tung Blvd Branch
Construction New Building June 2008

6. Three back-up copies on 3.5 inch diskettes.

7. Other information required by the Employer’s Representative.

E. Agenda: The Agenda shall include the following, at least:

1. Review and correct or approve minutes of previous progress meeting.

2. Review other items of significance that could affect progress

3. Include topics for discussion as appropriate to status of the project.

4. Contractor’s Construction Schedule:

i. Review progress since last meeting

ii. Determine where each activity is in relation to Contractor’s

Construction Schedule, whether on time, ahead or behind schedule

iii. Determine how construction behind schedule will be expedited;


commitments from parties involved to do so.

iv. Discuss whether schedule revisions are required to insure that current

and subsequent activities will be completed within Contract Period.

v. Review present and future needs of each entity present, including the

. Interface requirements.

. Schedule.

. Sequences.

. Status of submittals.

. Deliveries.

. Off-site fabrication problems.

. Access.

. Site utilization.

. Temporary facilities and services.

. Hours of work.

. Safety and Security.

File: ANZ-SP-MTB 2007

ANZ Royal Bank (Cambodia) LTD. Mao Tse Tung Blvd Branch
Construction New Building June 2008

. Housekeeping.

. Quality and work standards.

. Change Orders.

. Documentation of information for payment requests.

F. Reporting: No later than 3 days after each meeting, distribute minutes of meeting to
each party present and to parties who should have been present. Include brief
summary, in narrative form, of progress since previous meeting and report.

G. Schedule Updating: Revise Contractor’s Construction Schedule after each progress

meeting where revisions to schedule have been made or recognized. Issue revised
schedule concurrently with report of each meeting.

1.4 Pre-installation Meeting

A. Conduct pre-installation conference at Project Site before each construction activity

that requires co-ordination with other construction.

B. Attendees shall include installer and representatives of manufacturers and fabricators

involved in or affected by installation, and its co-ordination or integration with other
systems, equipment, materials and installations that have preceded or will follow.
The Employer’s Representative shall be notified in advance of any such meetings.

C. Agenda: The agenda shall include the review of progress of other construction
activities and preparations for particular activity under consideration at each pre-
installation conference, including requirements for the following:

1. Contract documents.

2. Options.

3. Purchases.

4. Deliveries.

5. Shop Drawings, Product Data, and quality-control samples.

6. Review of mock-ups.

7. Possible conflicts.

8. Compatibility problems.

9. Time schedules, Integration/Testing schedule.

10. Weather limitations.

11. Manufacturer’s recommendations.

File: ANZ-SP-MTB 2007

ANZ Royal Bank (Cambodia) LTD. Mao Tse Tung Blvd Branch
Construction New Building June 2008

12. Warranty requirements.

13. Acceptability of substrates.

14. Temporary facilities.

15. Space and access limitations.

16. Governing regulations.

17. Safety.

18. Inspecting and testing requirements.

19. Required performance results.

20. Recording requirements.

21. Protection.

D. Reporting

1. Record significant discussions and agreements and disagreements of each

conference, and approved schedule. Promptly distribute record of meeting to
everyone concerned, including the Employer’s Representative.

2. Do not proceed with the installation if meeting cannot be successfully

concluded. Initiate whatever actions are necessary to resolve impediments to
progress of work and reconvene conference at earliest feasible date.

1.5 Minutes Meetings

A. The proceedings of all meetings shall be recorded and minutes distributed to all
parties present or concerned by not later than the beginning of the next such meeting.
Such minutes, when accepted, shall be binding upon all parties.


File: ANZ-SP-MTB 2007

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