Lorentz Contraction Notes

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The Lorentz contraction of length

Another consequence of the constancy of the velocity of light is that moving objects appear to be shorter when
they are moving than when they are stationary in a frame of reference. Only the measurements in the direction
of travel are shortened. This effect is called Lorentz contraction.

Proof of the Lorentz contraction formula (NOT required by IB)

To prove that length is reduced when an object is moving through a frame of reference we can consider the
same clock used to prove the time dilation equation but now we will turn it on its side so that the length of the
clock, l, is in the direction of motion.

Proper frame of reference

light beam In the proper frame of reference the clock has length, l, and is stationary. The
beam takes a time, t, to travel from the left mirror to the right mirror and back
again. This time is given by the equation

equation [1]

Moving frame of reference In this frame of reference the clock moves to the right at velocity v.

time 0

light beam

l' vt1'
time t1'

time t' (t1' + t2' )

The time, t1', taken for the light beam to hit the right hand mirror is given by


The time, t2', taken by the light beam to return to the left mirror is given by


1 Turn over
The total time for the round trip, t', is given by adding equations [2] and [3].


We know from the equations for time dilation and from equation [1] that


Therefore we can equate equations [4] and [5] which are both expressions for t'.

This leaves us with the Lorentz equation for length contraction: or

Experimental Support for the Special Theory

The amazing consequences of relativity do have experimental foundations.

One of these involves the creation of particles called muons by cosmic rays (from the sun) about 10,000 m high
in the atmosphere. In the lab the half life of a stationary muon is found to be 2.20 x 10-6 seconds, this means
that about 1/8 of them survive for 6.60 x 10-6 s (3 half lives). Muons created in the atmosphere travel at 0.99c so
they could only travel about 1,960 meters during 6.60 x 10-6 s. Because of that, almost none should reach the
surface of the Earth. However, it has been observed that large numbers of them do reach the Earth. From our
point of view, time in the muon's frame of reference is running slowly, since the muons are travelling so fast
with respect to us. The 6.60 x 10-6 s of muon time are slowed down, appearing to us as 4.68 x 10-5 s, and the
muon has enough time to travel 13,895 m in our frame of reference which easily gets it to the surface.

We must also be able to explain the result from the muon's frame of reference. In its point of view, it does have
only 6.60 x 10-6 seconds to travel. However, the muon would say that it is the Earth which is speeding toward
the muon. Therefore, the distance from the top of the atmosphere to the Earth's surface is length contracted (the
10,000 m we measure is contracted to about 1,411 m from the muon's point of view). Thus, from the muon's
point of view, it lives a very small amount of time, but it doesn't have that far to go. This is an interesting point
of relativity; the physical results (e.g. the muon reaches the Earth's surface) must be true for all observers;
however, the explanation as to how it came about can be different from different frames of reference.

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