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Tectonic Elements of the Northern Part of the Gulf of California

Article  in  Geological Society of America Bulletin · January 1973

DOI: 10.1130/0016-7606(1973)84<315:TEOTNP>2.0.CO;2


47 58

2 authors, including:

James L. Bischoff
United States Geological Survey


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THOMAS L. HENYEY 1 Department of Geological Sciences, University of Southern California, Los

JAMES L. BISCHOFF f Angeles, California 90007

Tectonic Elements of the Northern

Part of the Gulf of California
ABSTRACT that portion of the boundary represented by
the San Andreas fault to the north.
Results from a continuous seismic survey Although a systematic oceanographic and
along closely spaced ship tracks in the northern marine geological study of the Gulf was under-
Gulf of California are presented in terms of the taken in the late 1950s (van Andel and Shor,
tectonics of this region. Apparent vertical off- 1964), the work was planned and carried out
sets of the most recent sediments, ranging in prior to the development of plate tectonic
height from several to a few hundred meters, ideas, and thus study areas and ship tracks were
are associated with the central basins (Delfin not chosen with this in mind. Continuous
and Wagner basins), indicating they are the seismic profiling was not part of the program.
loci of active tectonism. Structural relations Therefore, our study was undertaken to de-
inferred from mapping these features are con- lineate the tectonic features and thereby test
sistent with plate tectonic concepts of the Gulf. the applicability of plate tectonic theory in
Delfin basin represents a single, complex, this region.
northeast-southwest-trending, spreading cen-
ter. Two parallel transform faults, which flank
Angel de la Guarda Island and strike north- Structural Framework
ward into Delfin basin from the south, and a Rusnak and others (1964) used precision
complementary transform fault to the north depth recordings to establish the general
represented by the Wagner basins, end at this bathymetry of the Gulf from which they in-
spreading center. W i t h the possible exception ferred major fault trends. They suggested
of the San Jacinto fault, no correlation of active right-lateral offsets of at least 250 k m based
faults was found between the northern Gulf upon the oblique separation of shorelines across
and contiguous land areas. Interpretations of the Gulf. Their interpretation of fault positions
other geophysical and geological data are com- in the northern Gulf province was speculative
plicated by the high sedimentation rate in the because of the thick sedimentary cover de-
northern Gulf, yet are generally consistent posited by the Colorado River. Van Andel
with our conclusions. Spatial and temporal (1964) reports a sedimentation rate of 316
characteristics of plate boundaries in the north- cm/1,000 yrs in the northern Gulf. Correla-
ern Gulf are probably influenced by the prox- tions with known onshore faults were also in-
imity of continental structures. ferred. Later work by Moore and Buffington
(1968) included a few reconnaissance seismic
INTRODUCTION profiles into the northern Gulf province. They
suggested transform faults in the northern
General Statement Gulf were continuous with known faults in
According to plate tectonic theory, the Gulf northern Baja California, such as the Agua
of California-San Andreas fault system is the Blanca fault. Sykes (1968) and Lomnitz and
boundary between the N o r t h American and others (1970) have speculated on the location
Pacific plates. Although dominated by trans- of a series of transform faults and spreading
form faults, the Gulf of California structure centers through the Gulf, north across the
includes an undetermined number of short- Colorado River delta, and into the Imperial
spreading centers generating new crust (Moore Valley, based on recent seismicity, the occur-
and Buffington, 1968; Larson and others, rence of isolated volcanic centers, and existing
1968; Atwater, 1970). This is in contrast to bathymetry.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 84, p. 315-330, 14 figs., January 1973

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fornia along which continuous seismic profiling was

Methods located is questionable since the original survey

Ship tracks were run perpendicular to the was carried out almost 100 years ago (Rusnak
presumed orientation of both transform faults and others, 1964), and this contributes to
and spreading centers (Fig. 1). Subbottom pro- navigation errors. Navigation was performed
filing was carried out with a Bolt air gun using radar within 50 km of shore, and celestial
(Model 600B; 10-cu in. chamber, operating at navigation and dead reckoning farther offshore.
pressures between 1,500 and 2,000 psi) coupled Fixes were taken every 30 minutes, and the
to a GifFt recorder. Bathymetry was obtained tracks were linearly adjusted between fixes.
from the seismic records in conjunction with a Navigation errors are considered to be approxi-
sonar precision depth recorder. A nominal mately + 10 percent of the distance of a posi-
water velocity of 1,460 m/sec was assumed. tion from the nearest land. Magnetic profiling
Soundings were not corrected for local T-S was carried out during this cruise by K. Klit-
conditions and are considered accurate to ± 5 gord of Scripps Institution of Oceanography.
m in water deeper than 40 m and + 1 m in Stations were occupied for heat-flow studies
shallower water. U. S. Hydrographic Office and bottom samples for geochemical studies.
chart H . 0 . 6 2 0 served as base map. T h e accu- T h e details of these studies will be presented
racy with which some of the landmarks are elsewhere.
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Figure 2. Bathymétrie map of the northern Gulf of California based on continuous seismic profiling.

DATA their nomenclature. Much of the northern

Gulf is covered with thick sediments that pro-
Bathymetry duce a shallow, featureless bottom over about
The bathymetric map (Fig. 2) constructed two-thirds of the area surveyed. Depths in
from the acoustic data compares closely to this region are less than 200 m. The central
that of Rusnak and others (1964), and we use part of the region, however, consists of a series
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Figure 3. Fault map of the northern Gulf of Cali- as upper and lower Warner and Delfin basins in the
fornia. Note that line width indicates approximate ap- text are also shown on this map. Pumice denotes out-
parent vertical displacement. Dashed lines and queries cropping of rhyolitic pumice discussed in text and
indicate where fault relations and extensions are ques- shown in Figure 6.
tionable ; U indicates upthrown side. Regions discussed
of basins forming a north-south channel deep- pal deep in ths nortnern Gulf province (Fig.
ening southward toward Angel de la Guarda 2). Sill heights above the floors of the Wagner
Island (Fig. 2). Closure is probably complete basins may be only a few tens of meters.
on most of the smaller basins to the north In many instances the transition from the
(Wagner) as well as for Delfin basin, the p a n d - shallow region of no relief into a central basin
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is marked by an abrupt escarpment suggesting whose locations are shown in Figure 4. Faults
either recent faulting or block slumping. The were marked along profiles on the track chart
basin floors are flat with moderately thick sedi- and extended between profiles based upon con-
ments. Sediments brought up in piston cores figuration and size. Only those faults which dis-
do not reflect irregularities in deposition in place the most recent sediments have been in-
the most recent sediments and do not contain cluded, although numerous buried, apparently
remnants of well-indurated debris such as might inactive, faults were observed on the seismic
be produced by large-scale submarine slumping records.
or erosion of scarps. Profile D D ' (Fig. 8) is typical of the records
Lower Delfin basin is elongate northeast- from the shallow-water shelf regions of the
southwest with steep slopes on three sides and northern Gulf. Multiple interference precludes
a more gradual shoaling to the northeast. Two the possibility of obtaining much subbottom
narrow, deep troughs strike into lower Delfin information in these regions.
basin from the south, one along the eastern Lower Delfín basin appears to be a notable
side of Angel de la Guarda Island, and the exception to basins having a thick sedimentary
other between this island and Baja California. section. Profile BB' (Fig. 6) shows that good
These troughs have high relief and are almost reflections are only observed to an apparent
devoid of sediments, indicating that these depth of about 50 m. We infer this to mean
features are tectonically active. This conclusion that the floor of Delfin basin consists of a thin
was also reached by Shepard (1950) and Rusnak veneer of sediments overlying a crystalline
and others (1964) with respect to the major basement. Also shown on this profile is a pro-
escarpments in other regions of the Gulf. trusion along the western escarpment of Delfin
There is no evidence that these two troughs basin which was found from a dredge to be
continue as identifiable units north of the composed of rhyolitic pumice. The high relief
Delfin basin deep. and lack of sedimentary cover suggest this to
The abundance of small-scale relief in the be a young feature. Noteworthy is the fact that
central region of the northern Gulf is striking. it is on strike of the two large fault troughs
This relief is predominately associated with the south of lower Delfin basin (Fig. 3). Profile AA'
upper Delfin basin and the central series of (Fig. 5) shows a crossing of the fault trough
small basins trending northeastward toward to the east of Angel de la Guarda Island. Pro-
upper Wagner basin, and is characterized by files F F ' G G ' (Fig. 10) and H H ' (Fig. 11)
scarps ranging in height from several to a few were taken northwest-southeast across the
hundred meters, often repeating in a Basin and structural elements of upper Delfin basin. The
Range configuration. This situation may result domed structure along profile H H ' shows re-
from both normal and strike-slip faulting. It is peated offsets along its top surface and an
difficult to trace these features between tracks absence of good reflectors below 100 m. Profile
because the sense of vertical displacement may CC' (Fig. 7) was taken northeast-southwest
change along strike. across lower Wagner basin; this figure graphi-
cally illustrates the micro-relief which charac-
The bathymetric grain of lower Wagner terizes the deeps between the lower Delfin and
basin is northwesterly. At the northern end of upper Wagner basins. Profile II' (Fig. 12) was
lower Wagner basin, the bathymetry forks taken northwest-southeast across upper Wagner
with the primary deep trending northeastward basin. A single fresh-appearing scarp occurs on
(upper Wagner basin) and a branch trending the south side of the basin. Profile E E ' (Fig. 9)
northwestward toward Consag Rock, a mass of shows a series of small vertical discontinuities
andesite projecting about 200 m above the (block faults) which in many cases do not
ocean surface and lying in the middle of this displace the most recent sedimentary layers.
trough. These features were most obvious on this pro-
Continuous Seismic Profiling file and a parallel one to the east, but only
occasionally appeared on northeast-southwest
Our primary objective was to construct a profiles in this region. This suggests their grain
fault map based on the continuous seismic is northeast-southwest; that is, subparallel to
information (Fig. 3). The mapping of the the structures immediately to the north in
structural and physiographic features is useful Delfin basin. Finally, profile J}' (Fig. 13) shows
in establishing the precise location of plate the track across the high between the north-
boundaries. Figures 5 to 13 show important west-trending trough in which Consag Rock
subbottom features along the profile segments
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Figure 4. Locations of preliminary heat-flow mea- vertical offsets appeared on northwest-southeast seismic
surements and seismic profiles (Figs. 5 to 13) in the profiles. Seismic profile lines refer to locations of Figures
northern Gulf. Shading indicates region where bu:ried 5 through 12.

is located and the upper Wagner basin. This profiles to help distinguish between these two
feature appears to be either a horst between alternatives; it is significant that no magnetic
the two dropped blocks or a diapir within an anomaly was found associated with this feature
originally larger basin. We do not have any as was found near Consag Rock, indicating
additional evidence other than the seismic that if it is a diapir, it is sedimentary rather
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SCALE (Km.) 9 , ? , j
Figure 5. Seismic profile across fault trough which of Angel de la Guarda Island,
strikes northward into Delfin basin along the east side

than volcanic. These basins appear to be the Thus, we expect that the crustal structure in
result of faulting rather than erosion by ancient the Gulf should be dominated by fault rather
river channels, an alternative suggested by than ridge features.
Rusnak and others (1964). Thatcher and Brune We accept in principle the model of ridge-
(1971) report an earthquake swarm occurred in transform fault patterns suggested by Moore
March of 1969 in this region; the nature of and Buffington (1968); however, we do not
these events and their locations are not known agree with relations previously suggested for
well enough to permit them to be used as the northern Gulf. In particular, locations of
characteristic of either of these possibilities. spreading centers and continuation onshore
into Baja California of either the primary trans-
DISCUSSION form faults (see also Rusnak and others, 1964)
It appears likely that the Gulf is dominated or their extensions do not agree with the evi-
by transform faults separated by short ridge dence we have from seismic profiling. We were
segments, perhaps representing local tear- particularly concerned with the possibility that
aparts in a primary system of en echelon trans- onshore features in Baja California, such as the
forms. This relation is unlike mid-ocean ridge- Agua Blanca fault, might extend into some of
rise systems or the often compared Red Sea, the structural elements in the Gulf. We thus
where ridge structures or spreading centers continued our tracks close to shore and searched
predominate. This is to be expected for the for offsets in the recent sediments. No offsets
Gulf since the relative Neogene plate motions were found and we conclude that such relations
have been largely right-lateral rather than do not exist between the northern Gulf and
tensional or compressive (Atwater, 1970). the northern Baja California peninsula unless
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Figure 6. Northeast-southwest seismic profile across material overlying poorly layered (opaque) medium,
northern Delfin basin. Note thin section of well-laytred Protrusion on the left is rhyolitic pumice.

they have been long inactive. This evidence relief, much of which may be due to recent
from the Gulf is now supported by the work of submarine volcanism. The trough to the east
Hamilton (1971) and Gastil and others (1969) shows steep sides with step structures (Fig. 5)
who have demonstrated that major faults in and apparently forms a parallel lineament to
Baja California are not traceable into the Gulf. that on t'ae west of the island. It is probable
The Agua Blanca ends in a complex structural ;hat north of Angel de la Guarda Island these
environment west of Valle San Felipe, well in- two features merge along the western escarp-
land from the coast. Lomnitz and others (1970) ment of Delfin basin.
propose two or perhaps three spreading centers North of lower Delfin basin deep the struc-
for the northern gulf based on seismic evi- ture appears to change abruptly from a north-
dence, and they continue faulting north into west-southeast trend to a northeast-southwest
the Imperial Valley. Our data preclude the trend (Fig. 3). We did not find obvious dis-
possibility of three spreading centers and, placements of the most recent sediments associ-
within the area studied, we have evidence for ated with the main deep of lower Delfin basin,
only one. The high sedimentation rate and our although the relief on t h ; basin walls is con-
lack of profiles north of Consag Rock do not siderable. We believe that erosion on these
permit us to discuss the continuation of ridge- slopes should not destroy all of the evidence of
transform structure into the Imperial Valley. recent faulting, and thus suggest that lower
The two troughs on either side of Angel de Delfin basin may presently be less active than
la Guarda Island (Fig. 3) clearly represent upper Delfin basin. North of Delfin basin the
tectonically active zones. The trough on the structural trend again changes to a northwest-
west side exhibits little sediment fill and steep southeast trend. Scarps in this region (Fig. 3)
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Figure 7. Seismic profile across faulted structure of lower Wagner basin.

can clearly be traced between profiles. Some of area, Fig. 4), represent older and in some cases
the most impressive scarps in the northern continuing activity of this same center. These
Gulf province are found in the region of inter- features may represent activity originally asso-
section of this trend with the transverse Delfin ciated with northern Delfin basin that has
basin trend to the south. N o r t h of lower nearly ceased, perhaps by being spread away
Wagner basin, the structural trend changes to from the center of active tectonism. T h e
a northerly direction in upper Wagner basin. channel formed by the Wagner basins reason-
Scarps are less frequent in this area, in part due ably represents the complementary transform
to the more rapid sedimentation. fault to the north of the Delfin basin spreading
From our evidence we conclude that the center. Whether or not this transform is con-
large troughs flanking Angel de la Guarda tinuous with the San Jacinto fault depends on
Island represent parallel transform faults, either whether or not one or more spreading centers
of which may take up strains between spreading occur north of the Wagner basins. Two large
centers to the north and south. N o r t h of the bends, one already suggested by the change in
island, structures are more complex, and a structural grain between the lower and upper
simple picture of several small spreading centers Wagner basins and one near the Colorado delta
connected by transform faults trending toward would be necessary if continuity existed. T h e
the Colorado River delta and the Imperial continuation of the Gulf physiography into the
Valley does not appear to be justified. We sug- Imperial Valley, however, seems to require the
gest that the structures trending northeast- existence of at least one additional spreading
southwest in northern Delfin basin represent a center north of Delfin basin. It does not re-
single complex spreading center. Structures quire, however, that this spreading center be
parallel to this proposed spreading center, such currently active if the San Jacinto fault has
as lower Delfin basin and the series of small provided a relatively recent bypass.
vertical discontinuities (profile E E ' ; shaded We infer that the present center of active
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Figure 8. Seismic profile typical of shallow-water regions.

i i—i—i—i

Figure 9. Seismic profile showing apparent buried vertical onsets cast of Delfin basin.
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0 2 4
1 i i i i

Figure 10. Northwest-southeast seismic profile across northern Delfin basin structure.


Figure 11. Northwest-southeast seismic profile upfaulted structure and appearance of opaque layer
across northern Delfin basin structure; west of profile to the right (see Fig. 6).
shown in Figure 10. Note transparent medium beneath
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Figure 12. Seismic profile across upper Wagner basin.

spreading is located on the western side of the having stress drops typical of mid-ocean ridge
Gulf physiographic trough. The distance from earthquakes occur in this region. However, the
the center of this zone northwestward to the statistics are not sufficiently complete to use
continental part of Baja California is only 50 suck events far delineating an entire spreading
km or less, which should not be the case if center or establishing its precise location. The
there has been at least 240 km of northwest tendency has been to place spreading centers
translation of Baja California from the Mexican where swarms have: been observed; however,
mainland (Larson and others, 1968; Rusnak it is likely that these swarms are only outlining
and others, 1964; Crowell, 1962). Thus, either places of current activity in the neighborhood
we have (1) a one-sided spreading center, or of the center; there is no indication that swarms
(2) a relatively new spreading center, with have been occurring only at the observed loca-
spreading having occurred elsewhere in the tions for any significant period in the past.
northern Gulf at an earlier stage in its develop- Gravity data gathered by Harrison and
ment. The second case is preferred. The 50 km Mathur (1964) show Delfin basin, in marked
is more similar to offsets found for the San contrast to the rest of the northern province,
Jacinto fault (Sharp, 1967) than for the San to be a region of high gravity with a local
Andreas proper in southern California, sug- maximum of -f-10 mgal. As they point out, this
gesting the activation of this center may coin- suggests the basin contains high-density ma-
cide with the initiation of the San Jacinto as terial. This is consistent with our inference that
the active member of the San Andreas fault Delfin basin is nascent oceanic basement. The
system. Earlier spreading may have taken place gradients to the northwest and east from
solely along the transform fault east of Angel Delfin basin would t hen represent the combina-
de la Guarda Island, which is likely in light of tion of thickening sediments away from the
the pre-4 m.y. granitic and metamorphic rocks spreading center and the proximity of the
exposed on this island and the San Lorenzo thicker lower density continental crusts of
Islands to the south (Anderson, 1950). Baja California and Sonora. Thus, it is not
Other geophysical data from this general necessary to propose an unusual configuration
region bear on the conclusion that Delfin basin of near-surface sediments (density) to explain
represents a spreading zone. Earthquake swarms the observed gravity.
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Figure 13. Seismic profile north of Wagner basins in which Consag Rock is situated.
showing high between upper Wagner basin and trough

The seismic refraction data of Phillips itself; that is, injection of magma into sedi-
(1964) are largely inconclusive to our infer- ments. In this way the Moho is seemingly low-
ences. His primary profile (stations 1,4,5, and ered and lower velocities occur at greater depth
7) in the northern Gulf, parallel to the axis of as one proceeds northwestward toward the
the Gulf, lies well to the east of the Delfin Imperial Valley (see also Phillips, 1964). It
basin-Wagner basin deeps in a region which ap- may be more realistic to interpret the refrac-
pears to have significant sedimentary cover. His tion data in terms of a continuous velocity-
second profile (stations 2 and 3) is transverse with-depth function rather than in terms of
to the Gulf physiography at the northern limit discrete layers in the Gulf, particularly on the
of our inferred spreading center. Thus, it can- spreading centers themselves.
not be expected that these data would give the Preliminary heat-flow data (Henyey and
information needed to outline velocities within Sclater, in prep.) in the northern Gulf show
the spreading center. Phillips favors a gradual that Delfin basin is a region significantly above
change from oceanic to continental crust from normal heat flow, suggesting the presence of
south to north throughout the Gulf; in am- near-surface heat sources (Fig. 4). Heat-flow
biguous instances he prefers to choose a progres- data in Wagner basin are comparable to re-
sively deeper layer 4 (mantle; 7.5 to 8.3 k m / gional values found in the Imperial Valley (J.
sec) to the north. However, if the refraction Coombs, 1971, oral commun.) and thus, taken
lines in the northern Gulf had been farther to by themselves, do not imply the existence of a
the west his interpretation might have been spreading center here. Magnetic profiles along
different. The suggestion from his profiles 2 the northwest-southeast tracks (Fig. 1) do not
and 3 is that near-surface crustal velocities are reveal a symmetrical magnetic anomaly pattern
appreciably higher in the central portion. He across the Delfin basin structure. The thick
concludes that the one of two alternative sedimentary section and complex patterns of
interpretations which leads to a shallow layer 4 magma injection into these sediments are
(Moho) under the central portion of the north- probably responsible for attenuating and ob-
ern Gulf is less likely. We suggest that rather scuring this expected pattern (Klitgord and
than the northern Gulf becoming more con- others, in prep.). The proximity of this region
tinentalized, a high sedimentation rate exists to continental structure may also be a factor
which causes rapid burial of the oceanic (basal- in this regard.
tic) crust. It is probable that in this region
even the spreading centers are becoming par- CONCLUSIONS
tially buried, and thus a basaltic-sediment
The mapping of active faults accomplished
mixture might result at the spreading center
by this study provides important constraints
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regarding plate boundaries in the northern Tectonic bypassing, parallel transform faults
Gulf province. Structural patterns revealed by (such as the San Andreas or San Jacinto on-
the mapping are characterized by a northeast- shore, and the two parallel faults on either side
southwest grain in Delfin basin terminated by of Angel de la Guarda Island), and the activa-
northwest-southeast structural trends to the tion of new and reactivation of old spreading
south and north. Moreover, these patterns limit centers, all of which may occur in the northern
to one the number of possible spreading centers Gulf province, possibly reflect the transition
in the region studied. Extending profiles near of the plate boundaries from oceanic to con-
coastlines on both sides of the Gulf demon- tinental regions, as well as the resistance to
strated that, with the possible exception of the plate motions produced by various continental
San Jacinto (Merriam, 1965) or its related crustal blocks (Lomnitz and others, 1970).
branches, active faults within the northern
Gulf proper were not continuous with mapped ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
or inferred faults in adjacent land areas. This work was done in the northern Gulf of
The precise relation between the San Jacinto- California in the fall of 1970 aboard the Univer-
San Andreas fault system and the tectonic sity of Southern California's research vessel,
structure of the northern Gulf represented by Velero IV. Data gathering at sea was greatly
Delfin and Wagner basins is still questionable. facilitated by help from the crew, J. Amundson,
Seismicity and volcanism have led other inves- K. Klitgord, D. Pasho, C. Phillipi, and J.
tigators to speculate on the existence of spread- Rogers. Carlos Acosta Del Campo of the
ing centers at several locations in the northern Consejo de Recursos Naturales No Renovables
Gulf province (see, for example, Lomnitz and de Mexico assisted aboard ship and his diplo-
others, 1970). These previous studies extend matic actions made permission for the trip
the San Jacinto fault on strike into the northern
Gulf and end it against the northeastern side of
a spreading center which is generally centered
on the upper Wagner basin. Our seismic profil-
ing, together with the heat-flow data, do not
support a spreading center centered on upper
Wagner basin, but we cannot rule out the
possibility of one to the north. Thus, two
choices are acceptable to us: (1) the change in
structural trend in the Wagner basins is simply
a bend in the transform fault similar to those
found along the San Andreas in southern Cali-
fornia, and continuity can be established with
the San Jacinto fault in the Colorado delta
region (Fig. 14); or (2) the San Jacinto fault
continues offshore of Punta Penasco and ends
against a spreading center located north of the
upper Wagner basin. The first choice would
almost certainly require a tectonic bypassing of
older spreading centers in the northern Gulf
because the Gulf physiography, which con-
tinues northward to the Imperial Valley, ap-
pears to require at least one additional spread-
ing center north of Delfin basin. This situation
would be similar to what definitely appears to
be at least a partial bypass by the San Jacinto
Figure 14. Faults and structural relations in the
fault of the Imperial Valley. Magnetic linea- northern Gulf of California region. The hachured
tions on strike of the San Jacinto fault offshore region denotes a single spreading center located in
of Punta Penasco (Klitgord and others, in Delfin basin. The query indicates that the relation
prep.; Sumner, 1971) and an earthquake between the San Jacinto fault and the northern Gulf
swarm east of Consag Rock with character- tectonic elements is still in doubt. Either the San
istically low stress drop events (Thatcher and Jacinto fault and transform fault south of the query
Brune, 1971) support the latter choice. are continuous or the two faults adjoin a second spread-
ing center in the vicinity of the query.
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possible. In the interpretation of our data, we Moore, D. G., and Buffington, E., 1968, Transform
benefited from discussions with Gregory Davis, faulting and growth of the Gulf of California
Mason Hill, and Richard Merriam. Figures since late Pliocene: Science, v. 161, p. 1238-
were drafted by William Freyerabend. T h e 1241.
manuscript was critically reviewed and im- Phillips, R. P., 1964, Seismic refraction studies in
proved by Warren Hamilton and Roger Larson. Gulf of California, in van Andel, Tj. H., and
Shor, G. G., Jr., eds., Marine geology of the
Financial support was provided by National
Gulf of California: Am. Assoc. Petroleum
Science Foundation Grants GA13008 and Geologists Mem. 3, p. 90-121.
GA23495, and by a grant-in-aid from Global Rusnak, G. A., Fisher, R. L., and Shepard, F. P.,
Marine Corporation, Los Angeles. 1964, Bathymetry and faults of Gulf of Cali-
fornia, in van Andel, Tj. H., and Shor, G. G.,
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Spec. Paper 71, 61 p. Sumner, J. R., 1971, Tectonic significance of geo-
Gastil, R. G., Allison, E. C., and Phillips, R. P., physical investigations in southwestern Ari-
1969, Geologic evidence relating to the origin zona and northwestern Sonora, Mexico, at
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Geological Society of America Bulletin

Tectonic Elements of the Northern Part of the Gulf of


Geological Society of America Bulletin 1973;84, no. 1;315-330

doi: 10.1130/0016-7606(1973)84<315:TEOTNP>2.0.CO;2

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