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S.Y 2018-2019

2nd Semester
Final Examination


Name:_______________________________________________________ Date: ____________

Grade:_______________________________________________________ Score:___________

I. On the line before the number, write TRUE if the statement is correct, and FALSE if the statement is incorrect.
________1. According to the wheel of emotion, the emotions which are farther to the core are more intense ones.
________2. Fear is the synonym of aversion, revulsion, and antiphaty.
________3. Negative emotions are usually hidden or replaced with other emotions.
________4. An elementary family consists of a couple and at least one or more child.
________5. Some reasons why a grandparent family exists are deceased parents, abandonment, and separation.
________6. Parenting styles do not have an impact on the development of adolescents.
________7. A genogram is a pictorial display of a person’s family relationships and medical history.
________8. A hormone or a chemical messenger released in response to fear, anger, panic, and other emotion is
called adrenaline.
________9. Psychologist Robert Hotchik created the wheel of emotions which could help us to better understand
the various aspects of emotions.
________10. We cannot necessarily conclude that one kind of family structure is better than the other for each has
its pros and cons.

II. Choose the correct answer in the box and write your answer on the space provided.

Nuclear family Extended family emotional

personality Single-parent family Step- Family

value system Group leadership Grand-parent family

creative visualization Life goals compliance Brainstorming

________1.It is a family group consisting of a pair of adults, and their offspring, regardless of the number.
________2.This kind of family structure consists of one parent, either a father or a mother, exclusively taking up the
responsibility to raise his or her children.
________3. A type of basic family structure that extends beyond the immediate family.
________4. Also called a reconstituted family.It is formed by the joining of two adults through marriage,
cohabitation, or civil partnership.
________5. A type of basic family structure that composed of the grandparents and grand children living together
as a family.
________6. It is the process of providing focus and direction to a specific group of people.
________7. This often referred to as an active form of social influence in which the person does what the other
asks him/her to do.
________8. A person’s set of personal ethic values which serves as his moral code.
________9. It involves trimming down the identified general goals into smaller and achievable goals that one can
focus on.
________10. It refers to the practice of seeking to affect the outer world by changing one’s thoughts and
III. Enumeration

Give six Filipino values which are important to maintain Give the 8 basic kinds of emotions
harmony in Filipino relationships.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
6. 6.

IV. Complete the passage below and explain. (10 points)

"The more we search for ourselves, the less likely we are to find ourselves; and the more we
search for God, and to serve our fellow-men, the more profoundly will we become acquainted with
ourselves, and the more inwardly assured. This is one of the great spiritual laws of life."

V. Essay (5 points each)

What are the advantages of understanding your emotions?


Why should adolescents learn how to manage their emotions?


Is hiding emotion healthy or not? Justify your answer.



Prepared by:
Leslie A. Gomez
“Man's life has its ___________ and is endowed with ___________ glory. The period of youth is characterized by
___________and vigor and stands out as the choicest time in human life. Therefore you should strive day and night
so that endowed with heavenly strength, inspired with__________________ and aided by His ______________
and heavenly grace and ____________, you may become the _____________of the world of humanity, and
preeminent among those who are initiated into ____________ and the___________. You must be distinguished
amidst men by your sanctity and detachment, loftiness of purpose, magnanimity, determination, noble mindedness,
tenacity, the elevation of your aims and your___________________.”

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