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Breaking The Business Code

A Comprehensive Guide to Creating A Million

Dollar Business

James Soh

The Next Level

Copyright © 2020 JAMES SOH

All rights reserved

The contents of this book may not be reproduced, duplicated or transmitted without direct written
permission from the author.

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This book is copyright protected. This is only for personal use. You cannot amend, distribute, sell, use,
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Disclaimer Notice:
Please note the information contained within this document is for educational and entertainment
purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable complete
information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author
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book has been derived from various sources. Please consult a licensed professional before attempting
any techniques outlined in this book.

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Title Page
A Comprehensive Guide to Creating A Million Dollar Business
Chapter 1: How Social Media Marketing Can Transform Your Business?
Chapter 2: Content Creation Strategy Which Marketers Do Not Tell You!
Chapter 3: Easy to Follow 5 Steps Social Media Marketing Guide
Chapter 4: Secrets the Pros Use to Create Great Facebook/Instagram Ad
Chapter 5: Business Will Be Out Of Business without Lead Generation
Chapter 6: How to Use Facebook Lead Ads to Grow Your Business?
Chapter 7: How to Create Your Successful Facebook Ad Creatives?
BONUS Tips to Elevate Your Marketing Strategy
Bonus Notes: Facebook/Instagram Ads 3 Steps Guide

Hello there! Congratulations on getting the book – “Breaking the

Business Code – A Comprehensive Guide to Creating a Million Dollar
Business”. You definitely have taken a very significant step towards
learning everything about social media marketing and how to leverage it
to create a super successful business.

In the present day, social media is considered to be the fastest-growing trend

across the globe. With billions of users, it has even outpaced the growth of
the internet itself.

Social media marketing is done through various social media platforms

such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram to connect with your
target audience to drive website traffic, increase sales, and build your brand.
The process includes the following:
· Publishing quality content on your social media pages
· Engaging with and listening to your followers
· Evaluating the outcomes
· Running social media promotions

Social media marketing is an excellent way to reach prospective clients.

Through social media, your clients are already interacting with different
brands. So, if you're not interacting with your target audience through social
platforms, you're truly missing out! Social media marketing can help bring
great success to your business; build loyal brand advocates; also drive sales.

Social media marketing involves developing and sharing content through

social media platforms in order to accomplish your branding and marketing
goals. The activities include posting and sharing content videos, images, and
text that help engage the audience and boost sales.
My name is James Soh and I am the founder of RENOPEDIA – the
number one online home renovation media in Singapore!

I’ve created this book to share with you some of the top proven social
media marketing tips and training to help create – A Million Dollar

Once you go through this whole book, you’ll learn how you can develop
your own social media marketing plan. In this book, we have clarified all the
aspects of social media marketing, so that you can readily grasp everything
smoothly, fairly, and quickly!


A Comprehensive Guide to Creating A Million
Dollar Business

By James Soh
Chapter 1: How Social Media Marketing
Can Transform Your Business?
My company RENOPEDIA has worked with more than 200 home
renovation merchants and our revenue is more than $2 million a year.

When I was 19, I dropped out of the National University of Singapore.

After that, I joined multi-level marketing and became a Senior Divisional
Manager in less than one year. However, unlike my peers, I wasn’t earning
that much. There were some months when I earned nearly zero income.
When I was 22, I owed a credit card debt of about $50,000 and some
loans from banks. A thought crossed my mind that maybe multi-level
marketing wasn’t suitable for me, so I joined the F&B industry.
But in less than 8 months, I lost about $20,000. So, I again decided to try
my luck at multi-level marketing. As I reached 25, I realized I still owed a lot
of debt and had to look for a full-time job.
I gave countless job interviews, but no company wanted to hire me. More
than twenty companies rejected me. Finally, an interior designing firm
decided to hire me to do sales for their magazine’s advertisement.
Since I owed a lot of debts, the only choice I had was to join that firm. I
worked rigorously for 36 months and managed to meet the sales target every
single month. I also became the top salesperson of the company and was
promoted four times even though I worked in that company for only three

1.1) How I turned my brand into a MILLION DOLLARS BRAND

using social media marketing?
In 2013, I decided to leave the traditional media industry since I realized
that traditional media was dying. I had two choices either to become a
salesperson in some other industry or to start a new business. I chose the
second option – To be an entrepreneur.
However, I didn’t have any skill-set except for sales. So, I took a leap of
faith and decided to start my own company RENOPEDIA – an online
renovation media. I extensively studied how social marketing works and how
it can help businesses grow. I did a lot of research and learned the required
skill-set on my own.
Finally, my hard work paid off and RENOPEDIA, in less than one year,
became A MILLION DOLLAR revenue business!

1.2) R.E.C in Social Media To FIND NEW AUDIENCE or

If your business is not on social media, you’ll be soon out of business.
Social media marketing is the strategy to increase customer bases and to find
a new audience.
The best place to market your product is where most people frequently
visit or spend their time, for example, TV ads, since people usually stay at
home to watch television.
However, people generally don’t watch TV or listen to the radio anymore
nowadays. They prefer to hold their smart-phones and browse through
various social media apps such as Facebook or Instagram every single day.
Is it effective to market products on social media? The answer could be
either Yes or No. Yes – because a lot of people are on social media. No –
because if you use the wrong strategy, you might not achieve the desired
How to increase your customer base and find a new audience for your
new business? First, we have to understand the customer types. Customers
primarily belong to three types of markets:
1. Hot Market: The first customer type is called the hot market. These
people are very close to you. They have already bought products from you
and they’ll again buy your products. In business terms, they are known as
recurring customers.
2. Warm Market: The second customer type is called the warm market.
These people can be customer referrals, friends of friends, and people who
are interested in your product but haven’t bought your product yet.
3. Cold Market: The third customer type is called the cold market. This
is the biggest market because it includes everyone, even those who don’t
know anything about your product. This market is infinity. You need to target
this market.

How to reach out to the cold market customers? You can reach out to
them through social media. Social media is primarily used for three things –
· R stands for Reach
· E stands for Engagement
· C stands for Conversion

1. Reach
If you want to market your product well, you need to have a higher reach.
In case of TV viewership, it means how many people are watching TV at a
particular time. In case of newspapers or magazines, it’s called readership. In
case of radio, it’s called listenership. So, all this viewership, readership, and
listenership are known as ‘Reach’.
I specifically use social media to reach out to my target audience. If you
try to reach out to the audience from 21-to-65 years, you’ll get around 6.5
million people. These include both active and inactive accounts not just on
Facebook, but also on Instagram.
Is this the reach you are looking at? It depends on your target audience
because they may or may not be interested in buying your product.
2. Engagement
It stands for the strategy you devise to engage your target customer.
Whether your social media post is engaging or not, it’s typically determined
by how many people like, share, comment or perform any kind of action on
your post.
So, engagement is primarily interactive marketing. In contrast, TV and
radio advertising are not interactive marketing. These are one-way marketing
where you just watch or listen to the ads but can’t interact. When you can’t
interact, you can’t engage your target audience.
Social media allows you to do things based on engagement. You can
engage customers to react to your post. This is how you achieve real
engagement and interaction using social media.
How does engagement help? The more customers engage with your
social media, the more they can carry forward your brand.
3. Conversion
It’s about a specific action that you want certain people to take. For
example, most online conversion includes the number of clicks your website
receives. It means people perform this action to visit your website.
Lead generation is another type of conversion. It involves complete
registration of a customer. It means you get people to fill up a specific form
and they become your potential customer. Other types of conversion include
mobile app installation or e-commerce store.
So, R.E.C. stands for three different kinds of strategies to make use of
social media marketing to reach out to a new audience or to find a new
customer base.
Lastly, I’d like to share with you the story of how I started RENOPEDIA
In the beginning, I didn’t have any marketing knowledge or skill-set. So, I
started to learn social media marketing from scratch. I specifically chose
social media marketing because I knew how digitalization is taking over the
world. Digitalization is based on two different kinds of platforms – Search
Engine and Social Media.
In case of Search Engine, you can’t escape Google. Google and YouTube
belong to the same family. Likewise, Facebook and Instagram belong to the
same family.
Since a lot of people were already into Google Search Engine, I thought
of exploring the social media field. I also knew that most people (barring
older people) were active on social media. Therefore, I focused exclusively
on social media.
My two main concerns were – whether social media can give me the kind
of reach that I want and how I can engage people on RENOPEDIA platform.
So, I came up with several different kinds of content strategies to let people
engage with my online company.
Furthermore, I knew that I always require homeowners to register on my
platform to become potential leads. So, I devised a lot of conversion
strategies to get people to convert on social media itself. This is how I started

1.3) The D.O.G.E UNKEPT Strategy Of FINDING Your TARGET

There are two marketing myths that most people still believe in. The first
myth is that ‘Marketing plan isn’t necessary.’ Keep in mind that if you fail to
plan, you plan to fail!
Even though people call me a rule-breaker, I always have a plan. Even if I
want to break a rule, I’ll have a plan. If you don’t have a marketing plan, you
better not start any marketing. Instead, consult a marketing professional.
The second myth is that ‘My product is for everyone’. Bear in mind that
if you target everyone, you’ll reach no one. For example, people with seafood
allergies will not show interest in your seafood buffet offer. No matter how
good or how appealing your offer is, if it’s targeting everyone, it’s targeting
no one. So, it’s always better to find the right target audience for your offer.
The D.O.G.E strategy can help you identify your right target audience.
First of all, you need to create an avatar or a buyer persona (a fictional
character). Visualize a person that best represents your ideal customer.
While visualizing this person you should also think of a name, age, and
all related information about this person as specific as possible. Once you
visualize this buyer persona, the next step is to use the D.O.G.E strategy on
this person.
D.O.G.E. Strategy
D stands for Demographic Information
O stands for Occupation
G stands for Goals
E stands for Emotions
Consider the name of your buyer persona as Anna. Apply the D.O.G.E
strategy on Anna.

Step 1: Look for D (demographic information). For that purpose, you need to
look for P.A.D.I.S:

P stands for Personality

A stands for Age
D stands for Degree of Education
I stands for Interest
S stands for Status

In case of Anna, let’s assume the following:

Personality – Extrovert
Age – 26 years old
Degree of Education – Bachelor Degree
Interest – Shopping, coffee, movies, online shopping, home and
gardening (renovation)
Status – Married with no children
Step 2: Look for O (Occupation). For that purpose, you need to look for
J stands for Job Title
I stands for Income
O stands for Other Information
In case of Anna, let’s assume the following:
Job Title – Banker
Income - $4000 per month
Other Info – Works from 8 to 5 every single day in CBD area

Step 3: Look for G (Goals). Let’s assume that the following are Anna’s
current goals:
Find the best deal for her home and garden renovation.
Find the right interior designer for her dream home.
Create a dream home that she can live in with her husband and future

Step 4: Look for E (Emotions). For that purpose, you need to look for
F stands for Fear
A stands for Authority
L stands for Loathe
L stands for Love
These are four basic emotions that a lot of consumers react to. In case of
Anna, let’s assume the following:
Fears – Anna fears to hire the wrong interior designer who doesn’t
understand her needs. She fears overspending as well as renovation
Authority – She wants a home that can cater to her husband and her
future children. She wants a kitchen where she can serve her guests.
Loathe – She hates it when the interior designer doesn’t understand
her needs or when the renovation goes overprice or when the
renovation isn’t transparent and she ends up paying the additional
Love – She loves it when she finally gets her dream home after
working for so many years, or when her guests are very impressed
by her new house; or when her friends talk about her renovated
house; or when she shares the pictures of her dream home on
Facebook or Instagram.
Once you succeed in creating the buyer persona and identifying your
target audience, you’re ready to start your social media marketing.

1.4) If you KISS SMART, you will SUCCEED in SOCIAL MEDIA!

KISS stands for ‘Keep It Stupid and Simple’. This applies to a variety of
marketing content. It may sound pretty simple, but it isn’t that easy.
Simple doesn’t mean easy. Simple means it has to be easy for your target
audience to understand what you’re trying to portray.
Stupid means to make sure that whatever marketing message you want to
deliver or whatever marketing content you want to create, your target
audience should be able to understand it easily.
For example, in a newspaper advertisement of an interior design business,
a mosquito was shown sitting on a painted wall. The idea was to promote the
paint that is anti-mosquito. But it was really hard for the audience to
understand this concept from the look and feel of the advertisement. The
mosquito garnered all their attention, not the paint.
Being unique and different isn’t wrong, but the message has to be simple
and stupid enough so that your target audience easily understands what
you’re trying to portray. For example, if you want to sell something to your
target audience, tell them what benefits they’ll get.
The simpler the message is, the more the people will react particularly on
social media. Because on social media, the lifespan of people’s focus is really
short. They don’t have time to think too much.
So, don’t try to do very intellectual advertisements that people find
difficult to understand. If the stupidest people can understand your
advertisement, then you’re on the right track.

What is SMART?
This stands for your marketing goal. As long as you have a goal, you
have the content driven towards your goal. Here:
· S stands for Specific
· M stands for Measurable
· A stands for Attainable
· R stands for Relevant
· T stands for Time Measurable
1. Specific: Are you very specific in the way you write your content?
Because whatever you want, you have to be very specific. K.I.S.S. strategy is
to make sure that your content is specific. You must know your objective. For
example, the purpose of any social media post needs to be engagement,
conversion, reach, or video view. So, set the goals!
2. Measurable: What do you want to measure out of your campaign 0r
social media posts or ads? It could be engagement, sales, leads, purchases, or
conversions. Make sure you’re able to measure it.
According to social media terminology, if you’re talking about measuring
engagement, you’re talking about C.P.E (Cost per Engagement). How much
do you want your cost per engagement to be? If you’re talking about
measuring leads, how much do you want your leads to cost?
3. Attainable: It means whether the set goals are attainable or not. You
definitely would like to set very big goals. Sometimes you may desire very
unrealistic goals. But, you need to be realistic in whatever you want. So,
make sure to set attainable goals.
4. Relevant: Is your content or campaign relevant to your attainable
goals? If today, your goal is customer engagement, is your content relevant to
that goal?
5. Time Measurable: Give yourself some time and think about how long
you want to measure your result. For example, you posted something relevant
on your social media and you expect to see the effect of your post in one
week. If you want the result to be seen in a month, give yourself a month’s

So, these are the goals that you should set for your social media
Chapter 2: Content Creation Strategy
Which Marketers Do Not Tell You!
Content Marketing Plan isn’t just about content. Content Marketing is a
strategic marketing approach to create and develop consistent and relevant
content so that you can attract and acquire a clearly defined audience.

2.1) What You Should And Should Not Do For Your

When it comes to content marketing planning, avoid posting the
following content on your business pages be it Facebook or Instagram:
Celebration content: Some people tend to post things like seven
months celebration, Chinese New Year Gambling Event etc. Such
posts are unnecessary for your Facebook or Instagram page. It’ll
make your business look very unprofessional.
Irrelevant content: Some people tend to post things like viral videos,
memes, GIFs that aren’t related to their business. They think that by
doing this they’ll get a lot of engagement. But it’s all unnecessary
engagement and it won’t help your business. Always keep in mind
the three I’s of any business – Image, Integrity, and Identity.
What should be the frequency of posting on your Facebook or Instagram
page? It has to be at least three times a week and a maximum of four times a
day. Why four times a day? Statistically, there are four different timings
when users react and engage the most to any Facebook and/or Instagram
1st Timing (Morning): Between 7 to 8 am when people usually wake
up and get ready to go to work.
2 Timing: Between 11 am to 12 pm when most people get ready for
3 Timing: Between 6 pm and 7 pm which is called the after-work
4 Timing: Between 9 pm to 10 pm before going to sleep.

But as a beginner, you can start with three posts a week. If you are a
beginner, you can start with P.T.T.:
P stands for Product and Services: What kind of products or
services you are offering? For example, if you’re in F&B business,
you can always show posts about the different kinds of dishes you
serve. If you’re in the beauty business, you can show posts about the
different kinds of services you offer.
T stands for Testimonial: It means showing the testimonial of your
satisfied customers or people who regularly opt for your services. For
example, you can take pictures with your satisfied customers.
T stands for Tips: You can share tips about your industry. If you’re
into the automotive industry, you can share tips on how to take care
of or maintain your car or how much does a car cost.

Different Layouts for Your Social Media

We’ll primarily discuss two social media platforms only – Facebook and
1. Facebook
In case of Facebook, we generally talk about the following 5 different
kinds of layout:
Engagement Post: You can upload photos and create a post. The
number of photos you can upload is between 1 and 40. You can
upload up to 40 photos for engagement posts on Facebook.
Single Image Link Click Post: It means you have an image and a
link, and with a single click you can go to another website.
Carousel Link Click Post: It means you have a collage or slideshow
of images and all these images come with a link, which will take the
users to another website.
Video Post: It means your post consists of text and videos. You can
play only videos.
Single Video Link Click Post: It means you have a video and a link,
and with a single click you can play the video and when you click the
link, it will take you to another website.
A good Facebook content includes a Description and Call to Action text.
A Call to Action is a piece of information that encourages viewers or readers
to take a specific action on your post.
A Call to Action text typically involves a URL that acts as a link to lead
users to your website or an inquiry form. Other information inside Call to
Action text may include things like your contact details, your company
address, etc.
So, always make sure to include a Call to Action text along with the
description in your Facebook content. A post without Call to Action text is
similar to a salesman who tries to sell you a lot of things but never asks you
to buy.

2. Instagram
Instagram has limited features as compared to Facebook. You cannot
even put a single link on any posts. Following are the different kinds of
Instagram layouts:
Engagement Post: You can upload photos and create a post. The
number of photos you can upload is between 1 and 10. You can
upload up to 10 photos for engagement posts on Instagram.
Video Post: It means your post consists of text and videos. However,
videos can only be one minute long.
In case of Instagram, you can remove the Call to Action text and put the
hash-tags (#) instead.

Content Marketing Plan is not just about content only. You need to post
your content as consistently as possible. For instance, if you plan to post your
content on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday at 11 am, you need to adhere
to that timing.
You need to plan things either a week before or a month before, rather
than at the last minute. This will help make your Facebook or Instagram page
look more professional.
As I mentioned earlier, image together with integrity is equal to the
identity. Your efforts portray the image as well as the integrity of your
business, which will bring out the identity of your business.

2.2) The Power of C.A.W in Social Media Storytelling!

“The most powerful man in this world is a STORYTELLER.”
This powerful phrase applies to our everyday life especially when it
comes to social media marketing. Content without storytelling can be really
dull and very boring. When you include the right story into your content, it
will become engaging, which can help generate leads and convert sales.
I would like to share with you an interesting story. A tiger chases two
persons – A and B. While running, A tells B to give up running since they
could not outrun the tiger who was approaching them at a great speed.
B looks at A and tells him, “I never thought about outrunning the tiger. I
only thought about outrunning you.”
So, the moral of the story is that regardless of whether you want to be the
market leader or not, you still need to change because if you don’t change,
you’ll end up like the person A. Not only you’ll be beaten by your
competitors, but you’ll also be eliminated by the society.
How does storytelling help you in your social media marketing? We’ve
already discussed certain types of posts. For example, different types of
stories you can convey to your customers using video posts.
Don’t lie or make false claims about your services or products to your
customers. However, you can exaggerate certain things in your story. You
can exaggerate the content to bring out the emotions of your customer.

What is C.A.W?
C stands for Contrast
A stands for Agony
W stands for Warning

1. Contrast
You can use contrast in terms of storytelling. Contrast is typically used to
describe two different persons facing the same scenario. But there is one
For example, two friends, Roland and James planned to renovate their
homes and the task was to be completed in the next three months. Both went
to two different renovation service providers – Company A and Company B.
Roland went to Company A and paid $30,000 for the renovation services.
James went to Company B and also paid $30,000 for the renovation services.
But the result was different in both cases.
Roland didn’t get the interior design that he wanted, but James got the
interior design that he desired. How James managed to get what he wanted?
Using this story, if you make a video ad, you may say, “Click This Video
to Find out More”. If you’re doing a link click to go to another website, you
may say, “Click This Link to Find out How James Got his Ideal Interior
This was an example of contrast ads or contrast storytelling, which you
can use either in your advertisement or in your normal content.

2. Agony
You can use agony storytelling or agony ads in terms of how you’re
going to craft your storytelling. Agony means pain, so the story needs to
focus on touching a person’s pain point.
If you have to write content to sell an insurance package, how will you go
about it? You’ll need to create a touching story.
For example, a patient is lying in the ICU. He’s suffering a lot and his
family members stare at him from outside. So, may say, “If you don’t take
care of your health, it’s not only affecting you, it’s affecting your family
too. To know more about taking care of your health, please click here!”
This was an example of how to use agony to create a touching story for
your Facebook post.

3. Warning
You can craft a story based on warning templates. You can start your
story with a warning like ‘Please Do Not Do This! Unless You ______’.
For example, if you’re providing a photography service, you can use the
warning template this way: ‘Warning! Please Do Not Buy Your
Photography Package Until You Read This!’
If it’s a video, you can use the warning template this way: ‘Please Do Not
Buy Your Photography Package until You See This Video!’
When using warning templates, you just don’t display warnings only.
You can also add in benefits. For example, ‘Do Not Buy Your Photography
Package Until You See This!’ or ‘Learn How To Save More On Your
Photography Package By Clicking Here’.

Also, make sure not to reveal too much in your Facebook posts. So, when
people click the link you provide them, they’ll go to your website to find out
more information about your products or services. Only then they’ll buy from

2.3) Social Media Calendar Which Most People Failed To Do!

Social media calendar means a calendar for your social media posts.
Content is primarily of two types:
Consistent content: It is the content that you consistently must have,
for example, P.T.T. (Product & Services, Testimonials, and Tips).
Ad Hoc content: It is the content that doesn’t occur consistently, but
you need to post them at certain times. There are two kinds of Ad
Hoc content – Fixed Ad Hoc and Unfixed Ad Hoc content.

➢ Fixed Ad Hoc Content: It’s the content that you already know
beforehand, for example, certain festivals and occasions that are
related to your market. If there is a festival such as Mother’s Day
you can come up with content related to that particular day.
➢ Unfixed Ad Hoc Content: You need to create this content fast
because the occasion appeared suddenly. For example, you may
want to write about any recent incidents like the COVID-19
If you know your content, you can plan beforehand. Use your social
media calendar for 365 days to plan your consistent content, fixed Ad Hoc
content, and the Unfixed Ad Hoc content.

2.4) Objective Driven Measurements That Are Necessary For Your

Social Media Measurement
There are three types of business owners who use social media today. The
first types don’t know what’s happening. The second types wait for things to
happen. The third types MAKE THINGS HAPPEN. What type of business
owner are you?
Nowadays, many business owners have started to realize the importance
of social media. So, they just start creating and posting content. Most of them
wait for things to happen. They don’t know what will happen or what to
expect or what to measure.
This is where objective-driven measurements come into play. So, even
though you can’t control the result, you can measure the result. By measuring
the result, you can fine-tune your campaign, change your campaign, and
study consumer behavior.
But most business owners want to create the content that consists of all
R.E.C. elements simultaneously. They want their content to have Reach,
Engagement, and Conversion, which, in reality, it’s not always possible. To
create great content, you must know the clear objective of that content.
For example, I created a post and ran a campaign for a lucky draw
contest. The post was able to reach more than 30,000 people and engaged
over 1000 people, but there was no conversion because it was a lucky draw
contest. The main objective was to get likes, shares, and comments on the
post, which means engagement. So, the content was driven towards the lucky
Conversion is something that most business owners want for their
business because when you get inquiries you can convert them into sales. For
that purpose, you need to create content that focuses on convincing people to
sign-up for your business. You can also offer them a free consultation, free
eBook or magazine to get them to sign-up for your business.
If your post is driven towards conversion only, it won’t get much
engagement. Most users typically don’t take action on each and every post.
Sometimes they’ll click ‘Like’. Sometimes they’ll click ‘Share’ or even
‘Comment.’ All of these actions are part of Engagement.
The chances of seeing a post and signing-up immediately are pretty low
since there’s a lack of Engagement. Even if they sign-up, their chances of
visiting the post again to click like, share, and comment are again pretty low
because of their short attention span.
That is why, a lot of times, you cannot have all the objectives in your
content. So, whatever content you create, it must be objective-driven.
Also, when it comes to conversion, a lot of times it’s more about how you
do copywriting. If your copywriting is very persuasive-driven, what kind of
content you need to create?
I recently did persuasive writing for my RENOPEDIA ads on Facebook
to persuade the users to sign-up for free quotes: ‘Create a Dream Home That
Can Impress Your Guest! Sign-up For Free Quote Today!’
But, this type of content doesn’t attract much engagement. The
engagement posts are important because businesses want their posts to be
shared around so that more and more people can know about their brand. It’s
a long-term strategy.
When you want to reach out to people, you don’t care about engagement
or conversion. You just want to reach as many people as possible. The same
goes for engagement posts. This is called objective-driven measurements.
Chapter 3: Easy to Follow 5 Steps Social
Media Marketing Guide
Step 1: How to Build a Facebook Account and Facebook Page for

Following are the steps to set-up your Facebook page:

Step 1.1: Go to and create an account by entering your
personal information such as name, age, date of birth, sex, and

Step 1.2: On the left column click the ‘Pages’ option.

Step 1.3: Click the ‘Create Page’ option on the top right corner. You’ll
find two options — “Business or Brand” and “Community or Public
Figure”. Since we are creating a Facebook Page for your business,
click “Get Started” under the “Business or Brand” box. Fill out your
basic business info.

Step 1.4: Fill out your basic business info. There will be a few fields
to fill out (some will appear only after you have chosen a category):
➢ Page Name
➢ Categories
➢ Address
➢ Phone number
*Keep in mind that you can change the category (but not the name) later
on if needed.

Step 1.5: Upload a profile and cover photo.

Important Notes:
1. The profile photo of your FB page should have the below-mentioned
2. The cover photo of your FB page should have the below-mentioned

3. According to Facebook, your cover photo is displayed at different sizes

on desktops and on Smartphones.
Following is the difference between your desktop and mobile photos.

Step 1.6: Fill out the page information completely. Enter phone
number, email, website etc. You can also edit business details, start
date, and business types. Write your story in the ‘Our Story’ section
to tell people about your business.
Pro Tip 1: Create a username for your page to allow people to easily find
your page. It’ll make it easier for people to find your page and give you a
custom URL that you can share with others.
Pro Tip 2: Add a prominent call to action button to get your page visitors
to take actions. Every FACEBOOK page has a prominent CALL-TO-
ACTION (CTA) button below its COVER PHOTO. It’s a great opportunity
to get your page visitors to take an action, such as sending you a message or
learning more about your business.
Step 2: How to Optimize Facebook Messenger for Business
Following are the benefits your business can avail from FB messenger:
It can help shape your relationship with your customers now and in
the future. Among people surveyed globally, over 70% expect to
message businesses more with customer service questions and over
59% expect to message businesses more to make purchases.

It can enable people to connect directly at every stage in the customer

journey. A Facebook survey shows that:
➢ Over 81% message businesses to ask about products or services.
➢ Over 74% message businesses to make a purchase.
➢ Over 75% message businesses to get support for product or
It’s convenient for the people. Messaging is the easiest and most
convenient way to contact a business. You can start communicating
with your client’s right away from your desktop or on your phone
(using the Facebook Pages Manager app)!

How to set up Messenger on your FB page?

Step 2.1: Your page’s settings. First, visit your Page's General
Settings and find Messages. You should see “People can contact my
Page privately” next to Messages. If not, select Edit and make sure
the checkbox is selected that allows people to contact your Page
privately by showing the Message button.

You can even set-up how people message your page in ‘Message
Step 2.2: Add a send message button to your FB page from your
desktop. This is a great way to drive people who visit your Page to take
an action and get in touch with your business.

Step 2.3: Select ‘Contact you’ option from the dropdown menu as the
action you want your customers to take.
Step 2.4: Select ‘Send Message’ as the button you want your
customers to see.

Step 2.5: Click ‘Next’.

Step 2.6: Your Call to Action button is set and configured. Select

Note: You can change the button at any time.

You can see the ‘Send Message’ button on your FB page.
Objectives of Messenger:
Following are the key objectives of Messenger:
· Awareness
· Consideration
· Transaction
· Relationships

1. Awareness
Within your Messenger experience, you can increase awareness by
bringing your idea to life in conversation. For example, National Geographic
used Messenger to do just that when they launched Picasso, the second
season of their Genius TV series.
2. Consideration
Messenger can help bridge the gap between interest and action in your
brand, product or service. For example, Lego built a Messenger experience to
help adults pick the ideal Lego gift for the kids in their lives.
3. Transaction
Through a Messenger conversation, you can encourage an action or direct
response. That could include trial, redemption, purchase or lead generation.
4. Relationships
You can use Messenger to help enhance the customer experience. For
example, Hill City, a new men's clothing brand from Gap, created a fully-
functional shopping experience in Messenger. They also used the platform to
build and engage a community of product testers.

Step 3: Facebook Ads Manager Guide (How-To Set Up Your Facebook Ad

Facebook ADS Manager is an all-in-one tool that allows you to create ads
from scratch and manage them while they run.
To get to your Facebook Ads Manager, you can click on the drop-down
arrow in the upper-right corner of any Facebook page and choose “Manage
Ads” from the drop-down (or you can use the Facebook Ads Manager mobile
app, which we will mention below).
Alternatively, you can head to

Below is FB Ads Manager Dashboard:

Choosing the Right Advertising Objective:
Before you create an ad, first consider what your business goals are.
Awareness: Objectives that generate interest in your product or service.
Increasing brand awareness is about telling people what makes your
business valuable.
For example, Jasper's Market is going to launch a small regional
chain of grocery stores. Using the Brand Awareness objective they can
create a campaign that highlights their fresh, organic produce to people
in the local area.
Consideration: Objectives that get people to think about your
business and seek more information.

For example, Jasper's Market has a website that tells their story and
lists some of their store's unique offerings. Using the Traffic objective
they can create a campaign that encourages people to visit their site to
learn more.
Conversions: Objectives that encourage people interested in your
business to buy or use your product or service.

For example, Jasper's Market has opened a few new locations. Using
the Store Traffic objective they can create a campaign to encourage
potential customers to stop by their nearest store.
Success Stories: We’ll discuss the success stories of three companies –
Singapore Airlines, Ben and Jerry’s Singapore, and Pizaa Hut Singapore.
Singapore Airlines: Singapore Airlines’ campaign used 360 photos
ads on Facebook that showed famous landmarks in Singapore and
Seattle. People could move their phone from side to side to
experience the seamless transition between landmarks of Singapore
and Seattle, representing the smooth journey of the flight.
All ads directed people to the Singapore Airlines website, where
they could learn more about the new route.

Their Success Taking Flight:

➢ 4.8-point lift in ad recall (for US campaign)

➢ 3.8-point lift in brand awareness (for US campaign)
➢ 1.5-point lift in consideration (for US campaign)
➢ 3.2-point lift in ad recall (for Singapore campaign)
➢ 3.4-point lift in brand awareness (for Singapore campaign)

Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream: Ben & Jerry’s ran a campaign to
generate awareness for its newly launched flavors, using ads in
Stories and photo ads. The campaign also featured a Messenger

People could automatically chat with the brand and claim their
voucher of free sample at an offline event. In exchange for the voucher,
people answered questions about the newly launched flavors and gave
their contact details, which the brand could use to re-engage with them
after the campaign ended.

Passersby at the offline event could scan a QR code that directed

them to the Messenger experience, so they also had the opportunity to
receive a free sample.

Their Success All About Results:

Ben & Jerry’s Messenger-focused campaign successfully captured
the attention of people online and created interest for the offline launch
2.2 times more people redeemed a free sample compared to previous
campaign that did not use Messenger & 20% lift in sales, compared to
previous campaign that did not use Messenger.
Pizza Hut Singapore: To promote its stuffed-crust pizza, Pizza Hut
ran a campaign using a series of video ads that were optimized for
different mobile placements across Facebook, Messenger, Instagram
Stories and in-stream video.

The adapted assets introduced the brand within the first three
seconds, and the promotion for the new pizza was highlighted in the first
five seconds.
Their Success going creative on mobile
Pizza Hut’s campaign proved that video ads optimized for each
placement performed better than long-form TV commercials:
· 15% higher return on ad spend (compared to TV commercial ads)
· 8.5% lower cost per purchase (compared to TV commercial ads)
· 8.5% more online purchases (compared to TV commercial ads)
· 68% more reach (compared to TV commercial ads)

Step 4: Instagram – Everything you need to know!

People come to Instagram to be inspired and discover things they

care about, which includes content from brands and businesses.

➢ 60% of people say they discover new products on Instagram.

➢ 200 million+ Instagrammers visit at least one business profile daily.
➢ 80% increase in time spent watching video on Instagram.
➢ 1/3rd of most viewed stories are from businesses.

Instagram help:
➢ Connect passions: Tap into people's passions to create deeper
relationships with your business online and off.
➢ Immerse visually: Tell your story using unique creative tools and
immersive formats that inspire action.
➢ Spark exploration: Connect to new customers and strengthen
relationships with existing ones.

Advertising on Instagram
If you choose an objective that supports Instagram when you create
your ad on Facebook, your placements will automatically include
Instagram. It's a good idea to run ads on both Facebook and Instagram
for the following reasons:
· Optimized Delivery: The ads delivery system works best with
more people to choose from. If you select Facebook and Instagram,
you can get your ads to the best people at the lowest cost.
· Engaged Audiences: Many people visit Instagram for inspiration.
New ad formats such as Instagram Stories present a significant
opportunity for advertisers. In fact, a third of the most viewed stories
come from businesses.
· Easy Set-up: You don't need to set up an Instagram account for
your business if you don't have time. Your Facebook Page can serve
as the voice of your ad on Instagram.

If you have an Instagram account:

· Go to your Facebook Page
· Click Settings in the top-right of your Page
· Click Instagram in the left main menu
· To add an existing Instagram account to your Page, click the ‘Log
in’ button.
· A popup will appear where you will need to enter your Instagram
account’s Username and Password, and click Confirm.
If you don't have an Instagram account:
· You'll need to use your business' Facebook Page as the voice of
your Instagram ads.
· You must have a Facebook Page to run ads on Instagram.

How to Create an Instagram ad

Following are the steps to create an Instagram Ad:
Step 4.1 (campaigns): Go to Ads Manager and click ‘Create’.
Follow the steps for either guided creation or quick creation. The
steps below are for guided creation.
Step 4.2 (Campaigns): Choose an objective from the list. Bear in
mind that only the following objectives will allow you to create ads
that will be eligible to appear on Instagram.

Steps 4.3 (Campaigns): Next to Campaign name, add a name for

your campaign or use the default name that appears.

Step 4.4 (AD SET): In the AD SET section, you can create an
audience for your ad. You can choose audience characteristics, such
as age, gender, interests and more.

Step 4.5 (AD SET): In the Budget & schedule section, you can
choose a budget and set your ad's schedule.
Step 4.6 (AD): In the AD section, choose the type of creative you'd
like your ad to include.
Instagram AD Placement:

Your ad's appearance will depend on the format that you select
(single image, video or carousel), and whether the ad is seen in
Instagram Stories or feed:
Photo ads: Tell your story through a clean, simple and beautiful
creative canvas. Photos can be square, landscape or portrait.
Videos: Get the same visually immersive quality as photo ads, with
the added power of sight, sound and motion. And now, you can share
videos up to 60 seconds long.
Carousel ads: Add another layer of depth to campaigns, where
people can swipe to view additional photos or videos in a single ad.
Stories ads: Ads on Instagram Stories provide a creative, engaging
and immersive fullscreen ad format built to drive action and powered
by Facebook's advanced people-based measurement solutions that
you know and trust.
Step 4.7 (AD): Fill in the details of your ad, such as the Headline,
Text and Call-to-action button. Click Show advanced options for
additional creative options. Bear in mind that creative options may
differ based on the ad objective that you choose. And PUBLISH!

Step 5: What You Need to Know to Create a Social Media Budget

Some people think that social media marketing is all about sharing posts
only, so there is no need to spend money on it. They think that after getting
likes, shares, and comments on their FB posts, sales will follow
If your FB post is about your wedding, birthday celebration, or even your
bikini selfie, you might get a lot of likes, shares, and comments. All this
happens on your Facebook timeline.
When it comes to FB business pages, it’s more about getting organic likes
without paying any money. You set-up a FB business page and get your
friends to like and share your page. You do get some likes and shares, but
that won’t necessarily convert to sales.
However, if you’re a celebrity, a popular figure, an influencer, a big
brand, or a super hot person, people will automatically start to like, share, and
comment on your page, and may even buy from you. But, if you’re not any
one of these, the chances of you getting results without spending on social
media are very low.
How does Facebook earn money? It earns money through advertising.
Several big brands and merchants advertise on social media. These big
brands want to have a guaranteed place on the user’s news feed. It further
guarantees reach, engagement, and even conversion. So, if this is the kind of
result you desire, you should definitely consider social media advertising.
A recent survey revealed that a normal user spends around 135 minutes
per day on social media. Furthermore, a lot of businesses on average spend
from $200 up to $350 per day on social media marketing.
So, how much budget should you set for your social media advertising? A
company typically spends around 10% to 13% of their business revenue on
social media. So, in the beginning, you can spend around $1000 to $1500 a
month on social media. If you can’t afford this amount, spend $500 per
month on social media and see the results.
But, there are strategies for doing social media marketing the right way. If
you don’t know how to do it, you might end up overspending.
Setting social media budget is really important for your business. Several
big brands and businesses are currently spending on social media every single
day. So, if you haven’t started spending on social media yet, you better start it
Chapter 4: Secrets the Pros Use to
Create Great Facebook/Instagram Ad
4.1) Rules to Designing that transform a beginner to a pro!
You need to know the design rules before you break them. Following are
some of the design rules you should keep in mind:
Typeface (fonts): The two fonts that are most popular among all
designers are Serif and Sans Serif.

Serif fonts have more depth in their letters and are good for
headlines but not body texts as these are harder to read because of their

Sans Serif fonts are easier to read online. These are fonts without
design and are straight lines to form letters.

Here are some font rules to take note of (Digital Design):

➢ Fonts must be readable in 16px.

➢ Stick to a maximum of 3 fonts in one subject.
➢ Spacing between words needs to be noticed and checked.

Colors: Know your color schemes and what they mean. You don’t
really need to know the names of the family. Just know that the color
wheel is designed to make it easy to choose what matches and why
color schemes are used.

Following are the color schemes you need to keep in mind:

➢ Monochromatic: This color scheme uses variations of shades of a
singles color, for example, red, dark red, and pink. It looks clean,
elegant, and balanced.

➢ Analogous: This color scheme uses colors and their shades that are
next to each other, for example, red and violet. It’s richer and offer
more variety than monotone scheme.

➢ Complementary: This color scheme uses colors that are opposite to

each other, for example, blue and orange. This color scheme is used
to emphasize things. It also contrast cool against warm colors.

➢ Triadic: This color scheme uses three colors that are equally spaced
around the wheel such as red, blue, and yellow.

Note: A good rule of thumb is to only use 3 different colors per


“F” POV: People in general read English in an F motion starting

from top left.

This is just a general rule of thumb. You can break the rules by the
size of your font and colors.
Placements and grids: Know that readers read things according to
grids. It becomes easier to read if you put things in place and in the
right grid, instead of putting it everywhere.

A good rule of thumb is to keep everything in one place and grid,

either left or mid-centered.
4.2) How To Create Visual Content Like a Pro for Free!
Canva is the most popular free graphic design tool that features a simple
drag and drop user interface. It enables users to create professional images
efficiently and quickly.
Even if you don’t have any graphic design experience, you can easily
create stunning designs with Canva. Visit
Following are the basic steps to create visual content like a pro for free
using Canva:
Step 1: Log-in to your Canva account to start your new project. You need
to either pick a design or choose custom dimensions:
Pick a design:

Choose custom dimensions:

Note: You can only edit the dimensions if you’ve opted for the paid
version of the Canva program. So, make sure to pick a design with the right

Step 2: Discover endless customization selections. You can choose from

so many templates and customize them to fit your designing requirements.
You can even add background images or patterns and change the color and
size of the fonts.

Following are the free multiple design elements that you can use in your
Grids: With grids, you can produce creative compositions. Grids can be
used to place multiple images in a single design or stretch images across the
whole design.
Shapes: You can choose from circles, triangles, squares, and more! You
can also use them to create borders around your text and page.
Frames: You can use frames to decorate your photos with borders and
Lines: You can use lines to emphasize your text. These come in a variety
of designs such as solid, dashed, chevron, etc.
Charts: You can use charts to display pie charts, bar graphs, comparison
charts, and other designs.
Icons: These are graphic images that you can use to spice up your design.
You can choose from common signage to trendy symbols.

Step 3: Every time you create a design keep your brand in mind. Your
brand is how your clients view you. When you create graphic content for
your FB or Instagram, make sure the design and content fit your brand:
In your design, use company colors.
Consistently use a certain image style to bind different photos from
multiple sources.
Select fonts that reflect the identity of your brand such as bold, elegant,
traditional, and playful.
Consistently place your logo (same size and location)
Step 4: Choose eye-catching images that fit your topic and design. Avoid
using blurry or pixilated photos. Look for images that fit your design or topic.
Use a .png file instead of .jpg. If you use any stock images, make sure to
give due credit to the website or photographer. You can also use royalty-free
images from sites like Pixabay, Unsplash, or Pexels.
Step 5: Make use of layouts. You don’t need to start from scratch on your
design. You can choose from many design layouts offered by Canva. It will
not only help you save time, but it’ll ensure you develop an effective and
stunning graphic design.
Step 6: Keep in mind the readability when you develop your design.
Following are some other tips to ensure readability:
· Choose your text color to make it stand out. You can use light text
against dark backgrounds and use dark text on light backgrounds.
· Behind your text, you can use colored shapes.
· Add filters or adjust your background’s transparency.
· Change the line height or the letter spacing of your text.
· Avoid excess use of text or too many icons, elements, or
· When promoting the visual graphic on FB, make sure that the text to
image proportion isn’t more than 20%.

4.3) Facebook 20% Rule: Why Your Ads Might Not Be Running
What is FB 20% Text Rule? It’s a guideline set by Facebook which
restricts the amount of text on all ad artworks to overlay only 20% of the
image itself, which includes video thumbnail as well. Below is an example of
this rule:
Why is text on the image important?
· The first thing that audience see when they come across your ad is
the image, therefore you need to capture their attention instantly with
a clear copy of your message or promotion, which increases chances
of them stopping to look at your ad.
· You also can also add Call To Action text to your image like "Sign
Up Now", "Get Offer Now" or attention grabbing words like “free”,
“limited offer”, "promotion", “special offer”, “now”, “today”.

· As much as text in an image is important to catch audience's

attention, but research from Facebook shows that audience prefer
images with less text.
· If the text in your image is more than 20%, your ad may reach
lesser people or it may not run at all.
You can upload your image to the following link to check its text amount
The link will lead you to the following page. You can upload your image
by clicking the ‘Upload’ button.

· If the image text is ‘Ok’, your ad will run normally.

· If the image text is ‘Low’, your ad’s reach may be slightly lower.
· If the image text is ‘Medium’, your ad’s reach may be much lower.
· If the image text is ‘High’, your ad may not run.

FB 20% Text Rule: Tips & Hacks

· Use powerful images that can really catch someone's eye, so it may
be powerful enough on its own to tell your story and capture
audiences' attention.
· Try to use bright, colourful, impressive and unique images to make
them really stand out
· Don't include all your attractive details into the image, pick out the
most attention grabbing one and make your copy strong and catchy.

· Keep your texts as close to each other as possible, as Facebook uses

a grid calculation to measure texts on the image.
· Narrow the spacing between letters - E.g. "DISCOUNT" instead of

· Narrow the line height between sentences

Note: The more spread out your texts are, the more Facebook system will
recognize as high text amount.
Chapter 5: Business Will Be Out Of
Business without Lead Generation Process
5.1) The Importance Of Marketing Leads and Sales Leads
Leads are very important for your business since these will eventually
become your potential customers. A lead stands for a person or a business
that will potentially become your client. A lead consists of details like name,
email-id, phone number, etc.
Following are the two types of leads:
Marketing Ready Leads: These types of leads you gather and
nurture to become your sales. For example, at the footer of the
homepage of many websites, there is a field that asks the visitors for
their email-ids. Once you send in your email-id, you become their
marketing ready lead. You’ll start receiving newsletters, email
information and slowly they will nurture you into a sales lead.
Sales Ready Leads: It means the customer already wants to buy
your product. For example, when people visit our website
RENOPEDIA, they have to fill up certain details such as name,
email-id, contact number, renovation budget, type of home, and even
upload their floor plan. Once they fill up all these details, they
definitely become a sales ready lead since they are ready to renovate
their homes.
Why businesses still need marketing ready leads? These leads are
typically much cheaper to acquire. Another reason is that you normally won’t
seek excess information from people for marketing ready lead.
In truth, both leads are important. In the past, businesses just used to get
sales ready leads since they wanted people to be ready to buy their products
or services. But nowadays, sales ready leads have become more and more
That’s why businesses opted for marketing ready leads, which were much
cheaper option since people were asked only simple questions like their
names and email-ids. Furthermore, you can nurture these leads at a much
earlier stage.
How do businesses acquire leads? In the past, they used to acquire leads
through cold calls. They used to call people and companies via phone or do
door-to-door cold visits. But in today’s world, a lot of businesses have shifted
to social media to generate leads, which is entirely different from cold
calling. Here, the rejections and challenges that you’ll face are entirely
To generate leads, new businesses generally try to lead the users to their
websites. Facebook offers lead generation ads with features like an image and
headline. When the users click the image or headline, a form pops-up where
they can fill-up all the details to become leads.
REC stands for reach, engagement, and conversion, and lead generation is
a part of the conversion. So, with the proper lead generation process, you’ll
acquire customer details, which you can slowly convert to sales.

5.2) How to Set Up Your Facebook Advertising Account?

Following are the steps to set-up your FB ad account:
Step 1:
· Log in to your normal Facebook page.
· Go to your Business Manager Page by clicking the dropdown menu
on the top right corner.
· Click Add Ad Account => Create Ad Account

· Fill in all details => Choose Purpose => Choose access (Choose
Admin Access in this case)
Step 2: Go back to your business manager => Log in your Ad Manager =>
Choose your ad account. And you are already in your new Ad Account!

Step 3: Set Up Your Ad Account

Click the Setting Icon on top right corner => Assign people involved
& Set up payment method.

5.3) The structure of a Facebook advertising campaign and how to do

it properly?
Below is the Facebook ad structure:
· Campaign
· Ad Set
· Ad

1. Campaign level
· Allows you to choose your own marketing objective E.g. Lead
generation, conversion, engagement, etc.

· You can set your budget at campaign level, so Facebook will split
the budget among the ad sets. Otherwise, you can set budget at ad set
level, so Facebook will split the budget among the ads.
2. Ad Set level
· Allows you to choose targeted audience according to interest, age,
demographic, behavior, etc. E.g. Interested in Home Renovation, age
range from 23 to 65
3. Ad level
· Allows you to insert your creative artwork, create ad text, headline.
· Basically, ad level is where you will place your ad design and
design how it’d be presented when published.

5.4) Steps to Create Your First Ad by Choosing Campaign Objective

· Step 1: Access your Ad Manager and click + Create button
· Step 2: Choose the objective that fit your campaign goal.

Step 3: Set your budget if you wish to have multiple ad sets.

Otherwise turn off your Campaign Budget Optimization. Click
‘CONTINUE’ once you are done!
Step 4: Optimize your target audience by:
➢ Entering your consumer’s demographics like age, gender, location
➢ Entering their interests and behavior.
Step 5: Choose Your Placement preference:

➢ Automatic placement is standard placement by Facebook that is best

for your ad performance
➢ Manual placement is customized placement that you can edit to fit
your preferred place to show your ad.
Step 6: Set your budget at ad set level. Click ‘CONTINUE’ once you
are done!
Step 7: Choose your ad format preference (either carousel or single
image/video) and insert your creative.
Step 8: Add your primary text, headline, and description. Here is the
creative level where you can set up your ad to be published on
Note: You can either save or publish once you are done.
Chapter 6: How to Use Facebook Lead
Ads to Grow Your Business?
6.1) Introduction of Leads Generation Process - Instant
Form/Automated Chat
Lead generation is the process of building interest in a business's products
or services.
On Facebook, you can create campaigns using a lead generation objective
that allows consumers to fill out two types of forms, an "Instant Form" or
“Messenger Automated Chat”, with their contact information E.g: Name,
Contact Number, Email, Key Collection Date, and Budget.
Following are the two types of FB lead generation forms:

The big advantage of these FB lead generation forms is that once users
share their information, it goes straight into your email-id. This is how you
can easily generate leads.

6.2) Steps to create an Instant form

Step 1: Go to Business Manager ==> Ad manager. Then, choose
Step 2: Scroll all the way down to AD LEVEL until "QUESTION
FORMAT" section => Choose ‘INSTANT FORM’.

Step 3: Choose Instant Form => Create New Form => Fill in details
Step 4: Under PRIVACY POLICY, you can just put your website

Step 5: Fill up the details for THANK YOU SCREEN ==> This will
appear after people submitted the form.
Step 6: Go to Setting ==> Choose OPEN under Form Configuration.
Otherwise, users cannot receive your form.
Step 7: Test Leads. Scroll up to AD PREVIEW section, and click the
icon below and Test.

Note: You can either save or publish once you are done.

6.3) Steps to create Automated Chat

Step 1: Go to Business Manager ==> Ad manager. Then, choose
Step 2: Scroll all the way down to AD LEVEL until "QUESTION
FORMAT" section => Choose ‘AUTOMATED CHAT’.

Step 3: Fill in all the necessary details Click Save and Finish when
you are done!

➢ Phone number
➢ Email
➢ Any enquiry related to your industry
Click Save and Finish when you are done!
Note: Name will be auto-recorded, you may not ask name.

6.4) How do I test download the leads from my Facebook lead ad?
Step 1: Go to your Page => Click "More" => Choose "Publishing
Step 2: Choose "Form Library" at the right column => Click
"Download" button of your form.

Step 3: Choose Your Download Reference

Step 4: Choose Your File Type

6.5) How do I delete the leads from my Facebook lead ad?

Step 1: Go to Your Page => More ==> Publising Tools
Step 2: Go to Form Libraries => Choose your Form and Click Preview
under your form Click DEVELOPER TESTING TOOL

Step 3: Choose Page and Form => Delete lead

Step 4: Go back to your preview page => Refresh and Click the form
again => Check whether you can sign up again.

6.6) An excellent online service that lets you create automated actions
connecting disparate business and productivity apps!
You can follow up with your leads by downloading them MANUALLY
from your Page into a CSV file, or receive them AUTOMATICALLY by
integrating your email using a third party app called Zapier.
Zapier is an online automation tool that connects your apps and services.
You can connect your FB lead form to your favorite communication tool like
Gmail to instantly retrieve your leads.
Following are the steps to integrate Facebook lead adverts with Zapier:
Step 1: Log into your Zapier / create a new account for free.

Step 2: Make a zap.

Step 3: Choose Facebook Lead ads as the Trigger APP.

Step 4: Choose the new lead.

Step 5: Choose account.

Step 6: Choose the page and correct lead form.

Step 7: Choose Gmail as the next action

Step 8: Choose ‘send email’

Step 9: Choose and test a Gmail account.

Step 10: Enter required information fields into the email template.
Step 11: Turn on your ZAP and do a test run.
Chapter 7: How to Create Your
Successful Facebook Ad Creatives?
7.1) Social Media Artwork tips | What to do & what not to do
When it comes to online advertisement, the first thing that audience look
is the image. Therefore, it’s important for your artwork to be eye-catching for
them to stop scrolling.
So, it’s not recommended to use just an image without text.

Good Artwork Tips:

➢ Use minimal amount of text with big and clean fonts.

➢ Use visual hierarchy for the text, for example, bigger and bolder
fonts for most attractive points.
➢ Use striking colors to capture audience’s attention.
➢ Use product images relevant to what you’re promoting.
➢ Keep font styles to maximum two different kinds in order to look
Bad Artwork practices:

➢ Don’t use dark blue background that are too similar to Facebook’s
color scheme, doesn’t allow ad to stand out.
➢ Don’t use dull colors.
➢ Avoid lack of contrast between background and text.
➢ Don’t use too much text and points, without separation to
differentiate most attractive points and sub-points.
➢ Don’t use too many different font styles.
➢ Don’t use overly tiny text.
➢ Don’t use irrelevant cartoon graphics and overly cluttered
➢ Don’t use irrelevant image to your promotion.

7.2) Ad Artwork Dimensions Both Beginner And Pro Should Know

Artwork dimension means a fixed size of width & length to fit different
ad placements. Ad artwork does not just come in one size, it is essential to
create your artwork in different sizes to fit to different placements so it would
not look awkward, therefore it ensures the best performance for your ad.
Following are the Lead Gen ad placements on Facebook and Instagram:
· Facebook Instant Articles
· Facebook Market Place
· Facebook News Feed
· Facebook Story
· Facebook In Stream
· Video Ad Placement
· Instagram Feed
· Instagram Story
· Instagram Explore
Below are the different dimensions for Facebook and Instagram ad
placements on your mobile phones:
Single Image/Video Ad – Dimension [1200x628]
This dimension is suitable for:
➢ Facebook Instant Articles
➢ Facebook Market Place
➢ Facebook News Feed

Single Image/Video Ad – Dimension [1000x1000]

This dimension is suitable for:

➢ Instagram Feed
➢ Instagram Explore
➢ Facebook News Feed
Single Image/Video Ad – Dimension [1080x1920]

This dimension is suitable for:

➢ Instagram Story
➢ Facebook Story
Single Video Ad - Ratio - 16:9 | 1:1 | 9:16

This dimension is suitable for Facebook In-Stream Video Ad

Here, the video file size is 4 GB and the video length is 5-15 seconds
Carousel Ad – Dimension [1000 x 1000]

Carousel Ad stands for sliding multiple Images/videos up to 10

cards. It only allows 1 size for all ad placements.

7.3) Highly Effective Lead Magnet Ideas to Generate a Steady Flow

of Leads
A Facebook lead magnet means an incentive that you can offer which
acts like a ‘magnetic pull' towards your audience and attract them to sign up,
for example, limited time promotion, free Items when they sign up through
your form, or free Gifts when they purchase the product.
What makes a good lead magnet?
Something that your targeted audience would need: You have to
think about what would your targeted crowd desire, something that
can solve their problem.
Instantly Accessible: Most people would feel attracted to sign up
knowing that they can get something instantly and easily. Such as a
free eBook or Magazine.
Promises a win: You have to create something that benefits them.
Something that can help them to easily achieve something.
High Value: Market your lead magnet as an exclusive high value item,
so they would see the worth of it.
Something that demonstrates your expertise: This can be a PDF
document of advice that you can give them relating to the industry of
your product. Giving them what they would want to know while
showing off your professionalism.
Bonus - Limited time only: You can create additional urgency
towards audience by stating that it is for a limited time only.

Below are the examples of a free e-magazine and free checklist:

Below is an example of a free high valued item:

Below are the examples of Limited time Promotion & Free Gifts and
Free Quotation:

Below are the examples of other lead magnets:

7.4) How To Write Awesome Social Media Headlines That Your
Audience Will Love
Your headline for your ad creative:
· Should feature your most attractive promotion
· Be short and catchy
· Should capture audiences desire
· Must be visible on mobile view as well
· Trigger audience’s curiosity

Below are the examples of creating attractive promotion headlines:

Below is an example of how to capture audience’s desire:
Below is an example of how to trigger audience’s curiosity:
7.5) Bonus – 10 X Awesome Social Media Headline Templates
Following are the top 10 awesome social media headline templates:

· Now You Can Quickly And Easily Get _______ Every Day …
Without Wasting Another Dime Ever Again!
· How to Make Your ______ And _______ In Just _______ Days!
· WARNING: Do not look at any other _______ system until you read
· What _______ Don’t Tell You.
· Do You Make These Mistakes In ______?
· Discover The Best Way To _______, Regardless Of _______.
· How to Add One Simple _______ That Can _______! HINT: It
Takes Less Than 2 Minutes To Add.
· Why you should _________ most ________.
· How to reduce ________ to almost ________! _______ that cost you
_______ and save you ________.
· The #1 Key To ________ … An Absolute Must For Any _______
… Especially You!

7.6) Bonus: Stellar examples of high-converting Facebook ads using

C.A.W. stands for Contrast, Agony, and Warning Ads.
Following are the ways to create high-converting FB ads using C.A.W.:
Contrast Ads:
➢ Starts off by pointing out the similarity between two people and
how they achieved very different results because one did something
➢ Link the difference with your offer.
➢ If you have a real story, you can use it for this ad.
Below is an example of a Contrast ad:
Following is an exercise that can help you create awesome Contrast ads:
➢ What’s similar about the people in your target market? (E.g. they
studied the same course in University)
➢ How will your prospect’s life be different if they use your product
or service?
➢ Start off by sharing the similarity before talking about the difference
in the two people’s results because of your product/service.

Agony Ads:
➢ Vocalize the problem and give them a reason why
➢ Offer your target market a reason for the problem
➢ Includes strong call-to- action
➢ Starts off with a question because people often feel the need to
answer the question (Optional)
Below is an example of an Agony Ad:

Following is an exercise that can help you create awesome Agony ads:
➢ Find the Biggest Pain of your target audience.
➢ Find the reason why they are facing this pain.
➢ Find out the ways to achieve the Desired Outcome
Warning Ads:
➢ Starts off with a warning NOT to do something.
➢ Focuses a major pain in your target market
➢ Offers a benefit to your target market
➢ Includes strong call-to-action

Below is an example of a Warning Ad:

Following is an exercise that can help you create awesome Warning ads:
BONUS Tips to Elevate Your Marketing
Tip #1) Telemarketing Tips: How to Become a Pro Overnight
Once you start getting leads from your social media marketing campaign,
the next step is to fix appointments with your prospective clients. But without
the right telemarketing strategy, you won’t be able to do it.

For example, let’s assume your company is facing this scenario. You
have a lead and you pass it to Salesperson A. But Salesperson A is unable to
fix the appointment. So, you pass the same lead to Salesperson B and he is
able to fix the appointment.
Is it just luck? Or is it because the Salesperson B sounded nicer or
sexier? The real reason behind Salesperson B’s success is that he’s equipped
with the right telemarketing strategy.
From fixing appointment until the customer buys your product or
services, there are four types of rejections that you may face:
· Can’t fix an appointment with anyone.
· Fixed the appointment but the person didn’t come.
· The person came but he/she doesn’t listen.
· The person listened but doesn’t buy from you.
Let’s solve the first two rejections through telemarketing. When you call
a person to fix an appointment, make sure that your objective is very clear,
which means you want to fix an appointment.
So, when you call someone for an appointment, stick to a one-minute
pitch only. Within that time frame, introduce yourself, introduce your
company, and try to fix an appointment.
Don’t chat too much about your product and avoid sharing excess
information. It’s just like you ask someone to go out on a movie date and
reveal the entire story and plot on phone. Of course! The result would be a
The second strategy is not to use terms like “Do you want or don’t want
to meet up with me?” or “Are you free?” Do not ask such redundant
questions or else you’ll get rejections only.
Always ask the right questions. You can use the strategy called 2
CHOOSE 1. If you want to fix an appointment with someone after pitching
your product, you can ask the following questions:
· Would you be free on Wednesday or Friday?
· Would you be free at 2 pm or 5 pm?
· Would you be free at lunch or dinner?
Humans, by nature, are lazy. When they are lazy, they love multiple
choices. For, example, when you go out with someone to eat, offer them
choices like western or Japanese. If you don’t offer them choices, it will show
your indecisiveness. When you offer someone multiple choices, they’ll feel
very comfortable.
When it comes to telemarketing strategy, you need to keep in mind the
following 4 C’s:
Control: Always control the conversation. Know your objective, which is
to fix the appointment. Make sure that within that one-minute pitch, you
control the conversation, you give the person 2 CHOOSE 1, and let the
person come out.
Comfortable: Make sure the person feels comfortable while talking to
you. You shouldn’t sound like a boring, irritating, or grieving person.
Courage: When it comes to fixing an appointment, go straight to the
point. Don’t be scared of rejection. Just make your point clear and be
straight forward.
Confident: You must feel and sound confident when talking on the
phone. This is how you’ll control the conversation.
So, make sure to follow all these 4 C’s when you fix an appointment on
the phone.

There are two kinds of tonality, which can make people keen to meet up
with you:
Genuine tonality:
It means you sound very genuine and authentic.
Excited tonality:
It means you sound very excited and amusing.

When it comes to excitement and fun, there are 4 elements involved:

Great Voice: Your voice is loud.
· Bright Smile: You have wide or big laughter.

· Big Movement: Your actions or gestures are very big.

· Large Eyes: You have a spark in your eyes.
How come a person on the phone can see all these elements in you? You
don’t need to show all these elements on the phone. You need to have these 4
elements to create excitement inside you. When you feel excited, you can
explain things more confidently and clearly.
A lot of people never go to telemarketing training but they are able to fix
appointments. That’s because maybe they are sincere, genuine, or excited by
So, if you own a company and you have a telemarketing team, make sure
that they are equipped with the right telemarketing strategy.

Tip #2) Creative Considerations for Mobile Ads!

Following are the strategies you need to develop before you create your
mobile ads:
Identify your business objectives: Your business goals could be to
build awareness, drive foot traffic, or drive online conversions. Your
mobile ad should help you deliver against that goal.
Value you target audience: Speak directly to their inspirations or
address the hurdles that prevents them from becoming your client.
Effectively communicate the role of your product or services in their
lives. Have different creative considerations for different audiences to
ensure you are speaking to what inspires them.

Following are the motivations for Young Professionals:

➢ They love deals/specials since they are savvy with their money and
want to feel classy.
➢ They work and play hard and deserve something special to finish
their day.
Following are the motivations for Baby Boomers:
➢ They enjoy dining before the crowds arrive since they have
flexibility in their schedules.
➢ They love to try new versions of the same foods.

Define your theme: Figure out what you want to communicate to

your audience through your ad. Consider a concept or theme that will
tie your ads together. This way you can express the unique point of
view or your brand – what makes your brand stand out. The theme
can be an idea/ concept or even a visual theme to develop consistency
among all of your ads.
Some Creative Executional Tips:
Stop people as they scroll: People scroll quickly through their News
Feed. Following are some tips to help get their attention between
looking at the video of their nephew’s first steps and their friend’s
birthday party photos.

➢ Single Focal Point

➢ Visual Consistency among ads
➢ Build for Mobile
➢ Choose a high quality eye catching image

Connect with them instantly: Once you get their attention, reward
them for stopping. It’s your chance to communicate your key
message in an inspiring way that will make them glad that they

➢ Integrate your Brand

➢ Tell a Story, Not a Fact
➢ Use Short Copy

Inspire them to act: Once you get their attention, it’s your chance to
close the deal. Tell them what’s in it for them, what the benefit is, so
they’ll take the desired action.

➢ Leverage the ad unit’s full creative canvas to get them to engage.

➢ Use your copy or a Call-To-Action button to motivate them to act.
Some Top Facebook Video Tips:
Capture Attention Instantly: As videos on Facebook auto-play, the
first few seconds are very important if you want people to stop and
engage. The number one job of your video is to quickly capture
attention, and keep it.
How to achieve it?
➢ Start with your most captivating elements
➢ Incorporate brand identity early
➢ Consider starting your video with recognizable spokespeople, action
scenes, or vivid imagery to spark interest.
➢ Utilize and bring forward visual hooks that will resonate most with
your target audience.
➢ Consider video titles and thumbnail images that will draw people
into your communication.

Design For No Sound: Facebook videos auto-play without sound.

Although you know that the longer someone watches the more likely
they’ll click in and activate sound, we cannot rely on it. Hence, you
need to ensure that your videos express your communication visually.
How to achieve it?
➢ Tell your story visually.
➢ Use text and graphics to help deliver your message.
➢ Explore different fonts, backgrounds, typefaces, entry points,
transitions, and positioning.
➢ Add captions and logos to bring color to stories.

Frame Your Visual Story: Creating videos for a mobile screen

requires consideration of dimension and scale. You need to consider
the following when building videos for News Feed:

➢ Exploring different frames and aspect ratios

➢ Highlighting visually key elements
➢ Playing with zoom, crops and overall visual composition to capture

Drive Direct Sales with Your FB Videos: Videos are a great way to
showcase your products and drive sales. To maximize the video
effect, consider the following:

➢ Draw attention to the product in a visual manner

➢ Keep it simple - you don’t need to distract users from what you
want to sell
➢ Display what makes your product unique such as quality,
functionalities, key features etc.
➢ Leverage brand look and feel to differentiate your brand
➢ Think about framing the product in terms of your target audience’s
➢ Provide a clear call-to-action

Edit Long Form Content Into Bitesized Assets: Often we have high
quality video content that we can repurpose for News Feed. In our
example from Marks and Spencer below, we see how they took their
TVC and edited it into ‘bite-sized' chunks for their UK Instagram

Leverage Slideshow to Create Video from Existing Imagery:

Available in Power Editor, Slideshow allows you to combine images
sequentially to create high quality video assets.
There are several ways that you can play with this slideshow to tell
great stories. For instance:
➢ You can use it to tell a story sequentially.
➢ You can use it to show different product ranges.
➢ You can use it to show different steps in using our product or
➢ You can each product image rotating.
➢ You can show each image zoomed in or out.

Tip #3) Best Follow Up 5-step Email Template!

The following series is designed for subscribers who opt-in to receive
your Lead Magnet but DO NOT purchase your initial offer.
The emails follow the “Gain, Logic, Fear” path, and they are designed to
be generic, so they can be easily edited and placed on the back of any offer.
Email #1 - Send Immediately



Thanks again for requesting our “[LEAD MAGNET OR RESOURCE

NAME].” I know you’re going to enjoy it, so let’s dive in, shall we?



I’m guessing you requested this resource because you’re:



Whatever your reason, you’ve come to the right place.





So again, if your goal is to [INSERT DESIRED END RESULT],

you’ve come to the right place.


TIE TO SOMETHING BIGGER]. You’re clearly one of the good ones…


P.S. More good news…

Since you indicated in the registration form that [SOME DETAIL

THEY SUBSCRIBED], you actually qualify for some complimentary 1-on-
1 help from me and my team.

The details are on the access page just below the [DOWNLOAD,
VIDEO, ETC.], so make sure you check it out when you get there:


Also, someone from my team ([INSERT REPS FIRST NAMES

HERE]) will be following up shortly just to check in and answer any
questions you may have, so keep an eye out for that intro email as well.


Subject: Here’s your Modern Marketing Growth Plan

Hello ~Contact.FirstName~,

Thanks again for requesting our “Modern Marketing Growth Plan.” I

know you’re going to enjoy it, so let’s dive in, shall we?



I’m guessing you requested this resource because you’re:

1. Looking to GROW an existing team
2. Wanting to MAXIMIZE your team’s performance and communication,
3. Building a marketing team from SCRATCH

Whatever your reason, you’ve come to the right place.

As the Director of 1 Heart Agency Pte Ltd, I’m privileged to work with
some of the best and brightest marketers on planet Earth.

Really…they’re amazing! And they make my job super-easy because

they show up every day aligned to the same goal: Growing our leads, sales,
and ultimately revenue.

What more could a leader ask for?

So rather than speaking hypothetically about how you “should” structure

your marketing team, I’m just going to show you exactly how I’ve structured
my team at 1 Heart Agency Pte Ltd. (I’ll let everyone else spout theory…at 1
Heart Agency Pte Ltd, we prefer to talk about what actually works.) :)

So again, if your goal is to grow your team and your sales, you’ve come
to the right place.

Thanks again for investing in your team. You’re clearly one of the good

Talk soon,
James Soh
Founder & Director, Renopedia, 1 Heart Agency Pte Ltd

P.S. More good news…

Since you indicated in the registration form that you’re already managing
a fairly sizable marketing team, you actually qualify for some complimentary
1-on-1 help from me and my team.

The details are on the access page just below the training video, so make
sure you check it out when you get there:

Also, someone from my team (either Kyle, Rob, or Marcus) will be

following up shortly just to check in and answer any questions you may have,
so keep an eye out for that intro email as well.


Email #2 – Send 15 minutes after requesting resource

SUBJECT: [Nice to meet you, [FIRST NAME]


My name is [REP NAME], and I’m a [REP TITLE] here at


I’m just following up on the message [CEO or BRAND

earlier today to see if:

1. You have any questions I can answer, and…

2. You’d like to schedule a complimentary 1-on-1 (You can get the
details here [NOTE:
THIS LINE IS DELETED], and I can also get you more details if you’re

If you don’t have any questions, that’s OK. It’s still early.

Just know that if anything pops up as you’re going through “[LEAD

MAGNET OR RESOURCE NAME]” you can bypass the normal support
channels and reach out to me, directly.
Not only do I love talking about this stuff, it’s quite literally my job to

And if nothing else, just reply to this email and say, “Hi.”

YES, I’m a real person, and your reply to this email will go directly to
me. ☺

Talk soon,


P.S. Just out of curiosity, what prompted you to download the “[LEAD
MAGNET OR RESOURCE NAME]” in the first place?

Email #3 – 2 Days After Initial Opt-In

SUBJECT: How’s it going?


I just wanted to check back in and see how you’re progressing with the "

Have you had a chance to [WATCH THE VIDEO, READ THE


Even better— have you started [SOME ACTION THAT WOULD


If not, and you need a little help, just let me know.

Or, if you’re busy and you just want me to leave you the heck alone, you
can tell me that, too, and I promise I won’t be offended. ☺

Talk soon,


P.S. If you are stuck (or if you just don’t want to spend the time going
through the "[LEAD MAGNET OR RESOURCE NAME]” by yourself),
I’m happy to help you get your complimentary strategy session scheduled.
In less than 30 minutes, we can [DESCRIBE THE RESULT OR
It’s faster and requires way less work on your part, so if you’re interested,
just reply and let me know.

Email #4 – 8 Days After Initial Opt-In

SUBJECT: Quick question…

Are you still looking to [INSERT DESIRED END RESULT]?

Talk soon,


Email #5 – 10 Days After Initial Opt-In
SUBJECT: Just checking in

I’m sorry we didn’t get the chance to connect concerning your "[LEAD

If anything changes and you would like to schedule a time with a

[TOPIC] expert, please feel free to reach out to me directly at:


Looking forward to getting connected in the future

Talk soon,


Tip #4) How to Use Fengshui to Improve Your Social Media

According to Fengshui, there are five elements: Earth, Water, Metal,
Wood, and Fire. These 5 elements are derived from Yin and Yan (Black and
White), which fundamentally covers everything in the universe.

How to determine what kind of element you are? There are two schools
of thought. One is based on your BaZi. The other one is based on what you
do (your job). For example, if you’re the first son, you’re a wood element.
All first sons are wood elements. All second sons are water elements. All
third sons are earth elements.
So, based on your status, if you’re the first son, you’re a wood element at
home. But at work, if you’re the boss, you’re a metal element.
The Ba Zi school of thought has only been around for 900 years. But, the
other school of thought based on what you do (your job) has been around for
over 8000 years.
When it comes to Facebook, your profile photo holds significance. But
some creative profile photos violate certain Feng Shui rules. For example,
some people put their portrait or profile photos with their back facing front. It
creates a negative effect.
According to Feng Shui, if someone is standing with his back facing you,
it means that person is leaving you. So, avoid posting these kinds of profile
photos. Always post profile pictures that clearly show your face.
Some people put their profile pictures with terrible backgrounds, for
example, construction sites, ship-wrecks, etc. All these create negative
effects. Although these photos may appear cool to you, avoid posting them
on Facebook or Instagram. Just store them in your phone.
When it comes to your FB business page, a lot of people put their
company names or logos in small letters. According to Feng Shui, it’s a grave
mistake. Always write your company’s name in capital letters, for example,
A lot of people use animal photos in their company logos as they believe
it will bring animal elements. But not all animals have elements. According
to Feng Shui, only 12 animals that appear in the zodiac have elements.
Each person possesses certain elements. So, try to use the animal photos
in your company logo according to your element and make sure not to clash
the elements. If you don’t understand the 12 animal zodiac elements, avoid
using any animal photos in your logo.
Before posting your product photos on Facebook, there are certain rules
you need to follow when you do the photo-shoots of your products. If you
don’t know or understand your elements, simply use white backgrounds.
For example, if your company creates beauty products, these products are
fire elements. You can safely use a white background. If your product is an
air conditioner, the product is a wood element. So, a forest background would
be suitable for this product.
If your product is a camera, it’s a fire element. So, don’t use mountains as
the background since it’s an earth element. According to Feng Shui, fire
produces earth. If you use mountains as background, you’re actually giving
away your profits.
So, if you feel curious to know about your industry or what product suits
you or what are your elements, please consult any Feng Shui expert. For your
social media marketing, try to blend in certain Feng Shui elements to help
boost your business.
Bonus Notes: Facebook/Instagram Ads 3
Steps Guide
FB Lesson 1: Social Media Management and Terminologies
1. Steps to gain access to a Facebook page:
Step 1: Make sure your client's account is already a page admin & add
them as friend.
Step 2: Using your client's account (or ask them to) go page & click
Step 3: Select 'Page Roles' & enter your name in the blank box &
select ' admin' in the dropdown box.
Note: The admin should have full access of the page; the other roles have
restricted access. The only other acceptable role is 'Editor' - can do everything
but cannot add people to new roles. So, at least one person needs to be admin.
2. Steps to gain access to Ad Account
Ad Account is where you create advertisements different from Facebook
page. Do note that every Facebook personal account has its own ad account
attached to it. So, in cases where the clients businesses don't have ad account,
they can use their personal one and add you inside.
Step 1: Using your client's account, click this dropdown arrow as
shown & go to 'Manage Ads'.

Step 2: Once enter, click the 3 lines icon on the top left & click

Step 3: Click 'Add People' & type your name, select 'admin' for full
access as well. Other acceptable role is 'Advertiser' - but cannot add
Different types of FB campaigns:
1. POST ENGAGEMENT: Objective is to gain like, share, comment,
and let as many people see as possible AKA brand awareness - to basically
engage with the audience. It is like a normal post but boosted with $$$.
It can be either used to showcase brand products or promotional like for
an event, or even a giveaway contest. Sign Ups & Leads aren’t guaranteed.
2. Lead Generation: The objective is to gain sign ups & leads. It is an ad
with an inbuilt Facebook form that pops up instantly after clicking the 'Call
To Action' button, so it's easy & convenient to attract sign ups. Ad creative
type can be Single Image, Carousel or Video.
Do note that usually when you do "Single Image" for leads ads, you
usually need to do in 3 different sizes to best optimize to different ad
Also note that there are different types of 'Call To Action' buttons that
you can use to fit to the ad as well.

3. CONVERSION: Objective is to link audience to a sign up page or

landing page and CONVERT THEM FROM THERE.
When to use this instead of lead gen?
· If your client wants to show more information like events
promotion details or simply about it’s branding.
· If leads gen cannot attract genuine leads, maybe this one can
because it’s more troublesome to sign up, so it may attract more
sincere people.

4. PAGE LIKES: To garner as many page likes as possible in the fastest

way possible.
Important Facebook Terminologies:
· Ad Campaign – Refers to ad objective E.g Leads gen, conversion,
post engagement
· Ad Set – Audience targeting, set budget etc
· Ads – Ad creative artworks, text caption
· Lead Magnet – Refers to promotional items or free gifts shown in
ads, things that act as a force of magnet to attract people to sign up
· Call To Action – It means anything that prompts people to do
something, such as 'Click this link....Visit this link for... Sign Up
· Cost per result – How much does it cost per action taken by the
audience based on ad campaign objective. For example, if Leads
Generation is by cost per sign up, if post engagement is cost
calculated by per click, like, share and comment on the post.
· Impressions – Number of times your ad is displayed.
· Engagements – Number of people who engage with the ad, such as
clicking the post, commenting, liking, sharing, watched the video
etc., not just 'see' the ad only.
· Organic Reach – The number of unique individuals who saw a
specific post from your Page on their News Feeds because someone
shared, or directly on your page, not through any paid ad.
· Paid reach – The number of unique individuals who saw a specific
post from your Page through a paid source like a Facebook Ad.

FB Lesson 2: Ways to Create Facebook Ad and Landing Page

The Facebook pixel allows you to see how people interact with your
website after viewing your Facebook ad:

➢ Conversion tracking
➢ Facebook retargeting
➢ Create lookalike audiences

· Purchase: Someone completes a purchase on your website.

· Lead: Someone signs up for a trial or otherwise identifies themselves
as a lead on your site.
· Complete registration: Someone completes a registration form on
your site, such as a subscription form.
· Add payment info: Someone enters their payment information in
the purchase process on your website.
· Add to cart: Someone adds a product to their shopping cart on your
· Add to wishlist: Someone adds a product to a wishlist on your site.
· Initiate checkout: Someone starts the checkout process to buy
something from your site.
· Search: Someone uses the search function to look for something on
your site.
· View content: Someone lands on a specific page on your website.
· Contact: Someone contacts your business.
· Customize product: Someone selects a specific version of product,
such as choosing a certain color.
· Donate: Someone makes a donation to your cause.
· Find location: Someone searches for your business’s physical
· Schedule: Someone books an appointment at your business.
· Start trial: Someone signs up for a free trial of your product.
· Submit application: Someone applies for your product, service, or
program, such as a credit card.
Subscribe: Someone subscribes to a paid product or service.

Following are the examples of View Content and Complete


View Content: Someone lands on a specific page on your website.

Complete Registration: Someone completes a registration form on
your site, such as a subscription form.

How to Create a Facebook Pixel & Add It Your Website

Step 1: Create your pixel.
Step 2: Add the pixel code to your website.
· Click Set Up
· Install Pixel
· Install code manually
· Copy-and-paste the base pixel code into a notepad.

Step 2 (cont’d): Add the pixel code to your website.

· Click out of the pop up box
· Click Set Up New Events

Step 2 (cont’d): Add the pixel code to your website.

· Manually add event code

Step 2 (cont’d): Add the pixel code to your website.

· Choose your event (in this case we will focus with View Content
and Complete Registration)
Step 2 (cont’d): Add the pixel code to your website.
· View Content – Copy and paste the View Content code into your
Step 2 (cont’d): Add the pixel code to your website.
View Content:
· Copy and paste the code "fbq('track', 'ViewContent');
· Paste it under fbq('track', 'PageView');
Step 2 (cont’d): Add the pixel code to your website.
· View Content – Copy the full code and paste into the HTML
section on your website (in this case, on our Instapage landing page)

Step 2 (cont’d): Add the pixel code to your website.

· Complete Registration – Copy and paste the Complete Registration
code into your notepad with the base code (Refer to slide 9 to get
base code)
Step 2 (cont’d): Add the pixel code to your website.
View Content:
· Copy and paste the code "fbq('track', 'CompleteRegistration');
· Paste it under fbq('track', 'PageView');

Step 2 (cont’d): Add the pixel code to your website.

· View Content - Copy the full code and paste into the HTML section
on your THANK YOU page (in this case, on our Instapage landing
Step 3: Track the right events for your business
· Choose Custom Conversions from the top left menu. Then, click
Create Custom Conversion

Track View Content:

· Take note to choose the correct Pixel Account
· Website event- choose View Content
· Enter the website URL
· Name your custom conversion
Track Complete Registration:
· Take note to choose the correct Pixel Account
· Website event- choose Complete Registration
· Enter the website URL
· Name your custom conversion
Step 4: Confirm your Facebook pixel is working
· Add the Facebook Pixel Helper extension to your Google Chrome
browser. (It’s only available for Chrome, so if you use a different
browser, you’ll need to install Chrome to use the Pixel Helper.)
· Visit the page where you have installed the Facebook pixel. If the
extension finds the pixel, the </> extension icon will turn blue, and a
pop-up will indicate how many pixels it finds on the page. The
popup will also tell you if your pixel is working properly. If not, it
will provide error information so you can make corrections.

Following are some examples of conversion ads:

The overall benefits of social media marketing initiatives can take your
business to the next level. Social media helps get more exposure. If truth be
told, social media accounts for nearly 31.24% of the whole referral traffic
making it the top referral traffic source.
Potential clients typically interact with a company first on social media. If
your social media content is enticing enough to make them curious, it’ll
ultimately lead them to your company’s website.
Increasing online exposure of your company helps create brand
awareness and build trust with your clients. Social media allows your
business to start a dialogue with your current and future customers. How you
share, respond, and interact on social media, platforms clearly defines the
kind of business you are.
When you post relevant or valuable content, your target audience might
share it with their like-minded audience, who may further share it with theirs.
This is how your online exposure increases exponentially.
The increased online traffic to your website via social media will surely
help create new leads. When you utilize social media platforms to establish
industry trust and enhance online exposure, it will guide your potential clients
to your website.
You can effectively use social media to improve your company’s
positioning in the organic search results of Google. Whether or not social
media affects Goggle’s search ranking algorithms is still a debate, no one can
deny that social media can indirectly impact your company’s Google
Social media is a great platform to exhibit your business expertise and
achieve the trust of your clients and peers. You can leverage various social
media platforms to share high-quality industry-relevant articles, news, and
more, with your target audience. You’ll be considered a thought-leader in
your industry. When potential clients will seek a competent partner, your
thought-leadership will benefit your business tremendously.
Social media serves as a great platform to re-connect and strengthen
relationships with your existing clients. Make the most of the human element
that these platforms provide by interacting with your clients whenever
This eBook has genuinely touched as well as explained vital topics
related to each and every aspect of social media including how it can
transform your business, content creation strategy, creating great
Facebook/Instagram ad design, lead generation process, Facebook lead ads to
grow your business, and much more.
And this brings this book to an end! I sincerely believe that this book will
immensely assist you in understanding the concept of social media marketing
and help your business reach the next level with GREAT SUCCESS!
Thanks again for finishing this book!

Thank You and Good Luck!

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