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Environ Sci Pollut Res

DOI 10.1007/s11356-016-6157-8


Optimized treatment conditions for textile wastewater reuse

using photocatalytic processes under UV and visible light sources
Maria Clara V. M. Starling 1 & Luiz Augusto S. Castro 1 &
Rafaela B. P. Marcelino 1 & Mônica M. D. Leão 1 & Camila C. Amorim 1

Received: 27 November 2015 / Accepted: 20 January 2016

# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016

Abstract In this study, photo-Fenton systems using visible Keywords Textile wastewater . Water reuse . Advanced
light sources with iron and ferrioxalate were tested for the oxidation processes . Photo-Fenton . Visible light irradiation
DOC degradation and decolorization of textile wastewater.
Textile wastewaters originated after the dyeing stage of
dark-colored tissue in the textile industry, and the optimi- Introduction
zation of treatment processes was studied to produce water
suitable for reuse. Dissolved organic carbon, absorbance, The textile industry is generally regarded as pollution in-
turbidity, anionic concentrations, carboxylic acids, and tensive, not only because of the quantity of water expended
preliminary cost analysis were performed for the proposed by the processes but also the variety of aesthetic and envi-
treatments. Conventional photo-Fenton process achieved ronmental problems it could cause (Alaton et al. 2002).
near 99 % DOC degradation rates and complete absor- Wastewater is one of the major environmental aspects as-
bance removal, and no carboxylic acids were found as sociated with the textile industry that can be generated
products of degradation. Ferrioxalate photo-Fenton system during stages of bleaching, dyeing, rinsing, washing, and
achieved 82 % of DOC degradation and showed complete finishing (dos Santos et al. 2007; Lu et al. 2010; Manenti
absorbance removal, and oxalic acid has been detected et al. 2014). Therefore, the wastewater generated differs
through HPLC analysis in the treated sample. In contrast, significantly in respect of chemical, color, and organic con-
photo-peroxidation with UV light was proved effective only tent (Verma et al. 2012).
for absorbance removal, with DOC degradation efficiency Among the different types of wastewater generated in the
near 50 %. Treated wastewater was compared with reclaimed textile industry, dyeing wastewater is of major concern
water and had a similar quality, indicating that these processes (Módenes et al. 2012; Vajnhandl and Majcen Le Marechal
can be effectively applied for textile wastewater reuse. The 2005). The capacity of dye adsorption onto fibers varies sig-
results of the preliminary cost analysis indicated costs of nificantly according to the type of fiber, machinery, and dye
0.91 to 1.07 US$ m−3 for the conventional and ferrioxalate properties; and the percentage of dyes lost in wastewater
photo-Fenton systems, respectively. ranges from 10 to 50 % (Carneiro et al. 2007; Forgacs et al.
2004; Khandegar and Saroha 2013). Dyeing wastewater con-
sists of a complex mix of dyes, salts, and other chemicals such
as surfactants, and it is estimated that approximately 80 % of
Responsible editor: Bingcai Pan the salts and 90 % of the color are released from the process
(Lu et al. 2010).
* Camila C. Amorim It is known that most dyes used in the textile industry are water-soluble and non-biodegradable because of their recalci-
trant compounds, which are often toxic to the environment
Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering,
and could be carcinogenic (dos Santos et al. 2007; Verma
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Av. Antônio Carlos, 6627, et al. 2012; Vilar et al. 2011). Consequently, the conventional
Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais 31270-901, Brazil biological treatment of most textile wastewaters is usually
Environ Sci Pollut Res

ineffective (Rodrigues et al. 2013). Therefore, the treatment of FeðOOHÞ2þ ↔ HO•2 þ Fe2þ ð5Þ
this wastewater should be combined with, or even replaced by,
other types of treatment, if the intention is water reuse or even Fe3þ ðL− Þ þ hv↔ Fe2þ þ L− ð6Þ
discharge (Ahmad and Hameed 2010).
The advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) are alterna- Photo-Fenton systems are considered the most effective
tives for the treatment of textile wastewater and aim at the treatment for the decolorization of wastewater and, addition-
production of hydroxyl radicals (HO•), which are extreme- ally, are particularly energy efficient (Gogate and Pandit
ly strong non-selective oxidant species (Eh = 2.8 V) that 2004). Employing solar radiation could be a low-cost alterna-
are able to mineralize recalcitrant compounds, such as tive and represents an advantage of the photo-Fenton systems.
dyes, in ideal conditions, to CO2, water, and inorganic ions As the ferric iron-water complexes can use a fraction of the
(Blanco et al. 2012). Moreover, AOPs are considered ver- solar radiation spectrum (Dias et al. 2014), the solar photo-
satile, since HO• can be formed in different systems, such Fenton process is particularly efficient for the discoloration
as H2O2/UV, O3/H2O2, Fe/H2O2, Fe/H2O2/UV, and others, and DOC degradation of wastewaters (Manenti et al. 2015;
including process under visible light (Gernjak et al. 2003). Vilar et al. 2011).
Using AOPs to treat dyeing textile wastewater could be a In addition, various iron species (Fe2+, Fe3+, Fe(OH)2+,
good choice because of the reduced flow that improve seg- Fe-radical, etc.) may act as catalysts in photo-Fenton sys-
regation and reuse, compared with other wastewater lines tems, increasing the versatility of the process. The forma-
in the textile industry. A number of European industries have tion of each of these iron species varies according to sys-
already explored the use of AOPs to improve the water reuse tem pH and molar ratio (Souza 2014). When Fe2+ is used
system. The application of AOPs would be an alternative to as a catalyst, pre-adjusting the pH to ≈ 3 is required, as,
treatment system, where the non-concentrated stream of water once high, the pH will affect the course of the reactions
is separated and treated for reuse (Arslan-Alaton et al. 2009; and could cause catalyst precipitation (Wang et al. 2008).
Vajnhandl and Valh 2014). One of the alternatives is using ferrioxalate ([Fe(C2O4)3]3−)
Various AOPs have been tested for the treatment of tex- (Dias et al. 2014). According to iron speciation diagrams
tile wastewater, such as ozonation (O3) (Constapel et al. (Souza et al. 2014), in the absence of oxalate, Fe(OH)2+,
2009), photo-peroxidation (H 2 O 2 /UV-C) (Rosa et al. the most photo-reactive ferric ion complex, is present in
2015), photocatalysis (TiO2/UV-A) (Alaton et al. 2002), solution in high concentrations from pH 3 to 5. Whereas
and Fenton systems (Rodrigues et al. 2013; Blanco et al. in the presence of ferrioxalate complexes, Fe(OH)2+ is
2014). Good results for the removal of color and organic present at higher concentrations of pH 7. However, higher
matter were obtained by these systems. However, most of concentrations of oxalate are necessary to guarantee effi-
the studies have had to use synthetic textile wastewater cient DOC removal rates at near-neutral pH (Soares et al.
because of the heterogeneity of the real wastewater 2015). In addition, ferrioxalate complex has higher light
(Rodrigues et al. 2013; Doumic et al. 2015; Grčić et al. spectrum absorbance and reduces the absorption of light
2011; Hernández-Rodríguez et al. 2014). by the other chemical compounds. In this way, the efficien-
In the Fenton systems, the HO· radical is produced cy of the UV-Vis photo-Fenton and solar photo-Fenton
when hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is exposed to iron salts, treatments is increased (Manenti et al. 2015).
as shown by Eqs. 1 and 2 (Tarr 2003). When exposed to For both the photo-Fenton and the photochemical systems,
UV or UV-Vis light, the Fenton system is known as photo- the concentrations of the reagents (H2O2; Fe2+) should be
Fenton. Additionally, there is a secondary route for radical carefully planned, as the optimal conditions could vary
formation in the photo-Fenton systems which is faster than depending on the properties of the wastewater. In addition,
that which occurs in the Fenton systems and increases the extremely high concentrations of H2O2 could lead to the con-
number of oxidative species formed, as illustrated by sumption of the hydroxyl radical (known as the scavenger
Eqs. 3 to 6 (Tarr 2003). Consequently, irradiated Fenton effect), which lowers the degradation rate (Tarr 2003).
systems are usually more effective than non-irradiated Therefore, to achieve the best results, the optimum conditions
systems. should be established.
The cost effectiveness of the technology is one of the
Fe2þ þ H2 O2 → Fe3þ þ HO• þ OH− ð1Þ main concerns of decision-makers in the selection of pro-
posed treatment systems (Kalbar et al. 2013). Therefore,
Fe3þ þ H2 O2 → Fe2þ þ Hþ þ HO•2 ð2Þ the initial investment expenses, the cost of the reagents,
and the operational costs have to be considered when a
FeðIIIÞOH3þ þ hv → Fe2þ þ HO• ð3Þ specific treatment is proposed.
The present study is aimed at the optimization of the treat-
Fe3þ þ H2 O2 → FeðOOHÞ2þ ð4Þ ment conditions for the different photo-Fenton systems, under
Environ Sci Pollut Res

visible light radiation, employed to treat textile wastewater, Analytical procedures

with the aim of producing suitable reuse water.
The textile wastewater and the reclaimed water were charac-
terized for chemical oxygen demand (COD, mg O2 L−1) by
the colorimetric method (APHA et al. 2005), for pH (potenti-
Materials and methods ometric method), for the total dissolved carbon (TDC; mg
L−1), and the dissolved organic carbon (DOC; mg L−1) and
Textile wastewater the inorganic carbon (IC; mg L−1) by a total organic carbon
analyzer (Shimadzu, TOC-V CPN), after filtration with nitro-
The wastewater used for this study was collected from a cellulose membrane 0.45 μm (Sartorius). Filtration was per-
textile mill that, on average, produces 260 tons of finished formed to all of the samples (non-treated and treated) using
fabric per month and uses approximately 26,000 m3 of this same membrane in order to eliminate possible interfer-
water. In this mill, fresh water is used for the stages of ences in the DOC and absorbance analysis. The turbidity
dyeing, rinsing, and finishing. After dyeing and rinsing (NTU) (HACH 2100AN) and maximum absorbance
the dark-colored tissue, the high chemical and color con- − λ = 425 nm (PerkinElmer Lambda XLS, 200–900 nm) were
tent precludes reusing the water in the production process. also evaluated. The ionic concentrations of chloride (Cl−),
Thus, rinsing wastewater, mixed with the dyeing waste- nitrate (NO3−), nitrite (NO2−), phosphate (PO43−), and sulfate
water, flows directly to an industrial wastewater treatment (SO 4 − ) were determined by ion chromatography (850
plant (WWTP), where the activated-sludge biologic treat- Professional IC Metrohm) (APHA et al. 2005). After the pro-
ment method is applied (Fig. 1). However, the presence of posed treatments, the textile wastewater was again character-
color in the discharged wastewater is currently a major ized using the same parameters.
problem regarding the WWTP. Reclaimed water is the Generation of carboxylic acids—such as oxalic acid,
wastewater which is treated after the dyeing stage of malic acid, formic acid, acetic acid, propionic acid, citric
light-colored tissue and is returned to the process to dye acid, and butyric acid—was analyzed and quantified by
dark-colored tissue. ion-exclusion high-performance liquid chromatography
This present work focuses on the production of reuse water (HPLC) (Perkin Elmer Series 200, fitted with a Bio-Rad
and, therefore, explores the treatment of the textile wastewater Aminex HPX-87H, 300 mm × 7.8 mm, column at 35 °C)
before it flows to the WWTP, with a flow rate equivalent to and setting the pulsed amperometric detector (PAD) at
10 m3 h−1. Two aliquots of 20 L each were collected during λ = 210 nm. Samples (20 μL) were injected into the
10 h of production (2 L of samples per hour) over two con- HPLC, with a mobile phase of 4 mM at 0.6 mL min−1,
secutive production days. as described by Moreira et al. (2013).

Fig. 1 Scheme of water and wastewater flow in the textile plant where wastewater was collected
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Experimental procedures and lab-scale photo-reactor gleaned from the literature review. Table 1 shows all of
the conditions tested for both conventional and ferrioxalate
Photo-Fenton and photochemical experiments were conduct- photo-Fenton systems. The response variable was set to
ed in a laboratory-scale photo-reactor (Fig. 2). The interior DOC removal (%). Suitability of the factorial design was
glass container of the reactor has a total volume of 0.9 L performed at a 95 % confidence interval.
(10-cm diameter and 15-cm height), and the temperature dur- All of the reactions were conducted for 120 min. The
ing the experiment was kept constant at 25 °C by the attached experiments were evaluated by DOC removal analysis and
cooling system. Photochemical experiments were conducted absorbance removal at 425 nm, the highest absorbance peak
by using UV light, for which a mercury vapor lamp (12 W), in the visible spectrum for this textile wastewater sample.
with a quartz-covered light bulb, was used. For the photo- Reactions were stopped by the addition of a catalase enzyme
Fenton experiments applying visible light, a similar lamp solution (Synth) (460 mg L−1 in phosphate buffer 0.04 M) in a
(Hg; 12 W) covered by a borosilicate glass was used. Iron ratio (catalase solution/sample) of 0.05:1 after adjusting the
was added as FeSO4·7H2O for all the photo-Fenton experi- pH to 7 in order to remove the residual hydrogen peroxide.
ments. For the systems using Fe2+, the pH was pre-adjusted to The DOC values of this reagent were appropriately eliminated
3 by adding sulfuric acid (0.1 M) (Robinson et al. 2001). In from the samples DOC final values (Poole 2004).
addition to iron sulfate, oxalic acid at a concentration of 80 mg For the photochemical reaction, the H2O2 concentration
L−1 was added for the ferrioxalate photo-Fenton systems applied to the system achieved the best results in the photo-
(pH = 5) with different iron concentrations (4; 12 and 20 mg Fenton experiments. In addition, six control systems were
L−1 of Fe2+ for 80 mg L−1 of H2C2O4). Ferrioxalate complexes used, namely, photolysis (UV light only), coagulation (iron
were formed in situ under agitation for 15 min, in the dark, chloride Fe3+, 20 mg L−1), UV-Vis/H2O2 (500 mg L−1),
before the beginning of reaction. Fenton (20 mg L −1 of Fe2+; 500 mg L −1of H2O 2) and
UV-Vis only.

Optimizing treatment conditions: factorial design

Preliminary operational cost analysis
In order to determine the optimal reaction conditions, a
factorial design was performed using MiniTab 17. In this A preliminary cost analysis was performed considering only
two-factor experimental design, Fe2+ and H2O2 were tested operational costs related to reagents consumption and energy,
in three different concentrations (4, 12, 20 mg L−1 and 100, necessary to treat, proportionally, 1 m3 of textile wastewater,
300, and 500 mg L−1, respectively) which were classified and the optimized treatments in laboratory scale. The reagent
in three different levels (−1; 0; 1). The choice of the initial prices listed on Table 2 was based on ICIS Chemical Pricing
concentrations for each reagent was based on the organic (ICIS 2015), and the energy cost was based on Mahamuni and
matter content of the wastewater and the information Adewuyi 2010 (0.08 US$ kWh−1). The reaction time consid-
ered for each one of the processes was that required to obtain a
quality similar to that of the reclaimed water (40 min for both
photo-Fenton systems and 2 h for the H2O2/UV), which is
currently reused in this industry (ICIS 2015, Mahamuni and
Adewuyi 2010).
Chemical reagent concentrations applied for pH adjust-
ment to 3 or 5 were calculated considering wastewater initial

Table 1 Experimental conditions tested according to factorial design:

reagents used and different levels (−1 lowest concentrations, 0 central
points, and +1 highest concentrations) and conditions tested

Condition Chemical (mg L−1) Level

H2O2 Fe2+ H2O2/Fe2+

1 100 4 −1:−1
2 100 20 −1:+1
3 300 12 0:0
4 500 4 1:−1
Fig. 2 Representative scheme of the photo-reactor used in the tests. 5 500 20 +1:+1
Adapted from Amorim et al. (2013)
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 2 Reagent prices

according to the Chemicals Price (kg)
international chemical US$
supplier and energy costs H2SO4 0.085
NaOH 0.76
H2O2 1.10
FeSO4·7H2O 0.21
H2C2O4 3.00
Resources US$
Energy (kWh)a 0.08
(Mahamuni and Adewuyi 2010)

pH (8.2) according to pH equation (pH = log[H+]). Energy

costs were calculated for 40 min of reaction for both photo-
Fenton systems and for 2 h of reaction for the UV/H2O2 sys-
tems, accordingly to DOC removal efficiency required for
treated wastewater reuse, and considered a 12-W lamp in a
photo-reactor of 0.9 L (13.3 kW in 1 m3).

Results and discussion

Optimizing treatment conditions

Following a factorial design, the photo-Fenton experiments

were carried out for treating the textile wastewater. Results
indicate that the optimum conditions differed for each of the
tested systems, as indicated by the response surface graphs
(software Statistica 10) (Fig. 3), H 2 O 2 /UV-Vis/Fe 2+
(Fig. 3a), and H2O2/UV-Vis/Fe3+ (Fig. 3b).
For the conventional photo-Fenton system (pH 3), all the
tested conditions obtained a DOC removal efficiency rate
higher than 94 % (Fig. 3a). The optimal condition was 20 mg
L−1 of Fe2+ and 500 mg L−1 of H2O2 (+1; +1), which removed
100 % DOC. However, the condition using the lowest
concentrations of both reagents (−1; −1) also showed a high
efficiency rate for DOC removal (94 %). Therefore, the type
of treatment chosen has to be evaluated to reduce the con-
sumption of reagents and, consequently, reduce costs.
Residual hydrogen peroxide was lower than 0.5 mg L−1 for
Fig. 3 Surface response graphs for dissolved organic carbon (DOC)
all the conditions tested, and it is likely that its consumption reduction by conventional photo-Fenton system (a) on pH 3 and
was related to hydroxyl radicals formation rather than second- ferrioxalate photo-Fenton ferrioxalate system (b) on pH 5
ary routes of degradation of H2O2 which do not lead to radical
production (Tarr 2003), once DOC percentage removals were
>90 % for all of the conditions tested. 0.9 mg L−1. When the highest concentration of both reagents
Although photo-Fenton conventional system showed very was applied (+1;+1), a reduction rate of DOC of 76 % was
stable DOC removal results, regardless of reagents concentra- obtained, and the residual hydrogen peroxide was 15 mg L−1,
tions, the DOC removal results obtained for photo-Fenton indicating process inefficiency. This result could be attribut-
ferrioxalate system showed significant differences (Fig. 3b). able to an excess of reagents being present in the system.
In this system, a greater efficiency rate (82 %) of DOC reduc- Therefore, the scavenger effect had probably taken place in
tion was obtained when using 20 mg L−1 of Fe3+ and 100 mg this condition (Eqs. 8 and 9) (Tarr 2003) as previously de-
L−1 of H2O2 (+1; −1), while the residual hydrogen peroxide was scribed in other Fenton and Fenton-like systems (Amorim
Environ Sci Pollut Res

et al. 2013). These results demonstrate the economic and tech- chromophore groups were initially broken down into smaller
nical advantages of testing different conditions for treatment organic molecules, which are easier to degrade, as was also
optimization. reported by other authors (dos Santos et al. 2007; Rodrigues
et al. 2013).
HO• þ H2 O2 →HO•2 þ H2 O ð8Þ
In the UV/H2O2 system, 88 % of the H2O2 initial concen-
HO•2 þ HO• →H2 O þ O2 ð9Þ tration was consumed after 10 min of reaction, remaining
12 mg L−1 of H2O2. The degradation of chromophore groups
The main difference between the processes is that a higher was verified, thus removing color from textile wastewater, but
concentration of iron is necessary in the ferrioxalate system. not necessarily leading to high rates of mineralization proba-
On the other hand, the pH for this process is near neutral. bly due to the formation of intermediates. In this case, the
photolysis may have influenced the degradation of formed
Efficiency analysis of the proposed treatments intermediates which are easier to degrade than the original
compounds and may have been broken by UV light, even in
Figure 4 shows the DOC reduction, absorbance removal low concentrations or absence of H2O2. The experiment
(λ = 425 nm), and the hydrogen peroxide consumption for which used only UV agrees with these results and presents
the optimal conditions of the photo-Fenton systems (4 mg 40 % of DOC degradation.
L−1 of Fe2+ and 500 mg L−1 of H2O2, 20 mg L−1 of Fe3+, For photo-Fenton systems (Fig. 4), reactions show two
and 100 mg L−1 of H2O2) and the controls tests. different stages which are in agreement with H2O2 consump-
Kinetics results (Fig. 4) show that absorbance removal tion pattern. The first stage is defined as the 15 initial minutes
takes place faster than does DOC degradation, since the of high DOC (74 % with Fe2+ and 62 % with Fe3+) and color

Fig. 4 DOC, absorbance

removal, and hydrogen peroxide
consumption (percentage) for op-
timal photo-Fenton conditions,
photo-peroxidation, and controls
Environ Sci Pollut Res

(95 % for both) removal rates and during which H2O2 was successful. Numerous authors have indicated solar photo-
almost totally consumed (94 %). In the second stage, discol- Fenton system as efficient for treating textile wastewater
oration and DOC removal continue in a slower rate probably (Vedrenne et al. 2012; Vilar et al. 2011). The solar photo-
due to the reduction of Fe(OH)3+ species into hydroxyl Fenton treatment is particularly appealing as the energy costs
radicals in the presence of light (Eq. 3) and is increased by for treatment could be reduced (Carra et al. 2013; Monteagudo
photolytic reactions and reactions mediated by weaker active et al. 2012). The installation costs of the solar photo-Fenton
radicals, formed from inorganic 7ions (i.e., Cl−; PO43−, SO42−, system certainly have to be taken into account to evaluate its
and CO32−), which are generated from the oxidation of organ- economic applicability (Rodrigues et al. 2013).
ic compounds originally present in textile wastewater in the The characterizations of textile wastewater, reclaimed wa-
first stage of reaction (Kalsoom et al. 2012). Additionally, ter, and the treated wastewater are presented in Table 3. A
since these ions are also present in the non-treated textile comparison of the characterization of photo-Fenton treated
wastewaters, the formation of these reactive radicals is prob- wastewaters and the reclaimed water parameter values
ably also taking place in the H2O2/UV system which also indicates similarities between the samples. Therefore, the
contributes to further removal of DOC after H2O2 total con- wastewater treated by the photo-Fenton systems could be con-
sumption in this system. sidered as suitable for reuse in the production process.
On the other hand, according to some authors, in the ab- Furthermore, it was found that the quality of the wastewater
sence of hydroxyl radicals, iron compounds could function as treated with both photo-Fenton systems and photo-
absorbers, leading to coagulation (Soon and Hameed 2011; peroxidation in this research was within the limits prescribed
Wang et al. 2008). This could explain the 40 % of DOC deg- by the European textile sector for reuse water in the finishing
radation and absorbance removal when Fe3+ was used alone. and dyeing processes (Vajnhandl and Valh 2014).
In the Fenton system, DOC degradation occurs to a certain It is clear that DOC degradation is reflected by the COD,
extent only and the removal of DOC is only approximately TDC, and the DOC values after treatment. It is important to
50 %. Furthermore, if the wastewater submitted to coagulation note that the phosphate concentrations increased after apply-
or Fenton were to be reused in the dyeing process, the organic ing both photo-Fenton systems. High PO43− concentrations
matter still present in the wastewater could damage the quality are probably generated from oxidation of auxiliaries applied
of the final product. Consequently, water reuse was limited to to the textile process in different stages of production such as
the wastewater treated with the photo-Fenton systems. bleaching, mercerizing, and dyeing (dos Santos et al. 2007),
Since, both photo-Fenton systems achieve high efficiency including surfactants compounds, such as phosphorous de-
of DOC and color removal in different conditions (H2O2 and tergents which are commonly used to release non-bonded
iron concentrations), a cost analysis would be particularly im- dyes from recently dyed fabric and other chelating agents
portant. Moreover, presented results suggest that this waste- that contain phosphorous in their organic structures
water could be treated with the solar photo-Fenton systems, (Alaton 2002; Duomic 2015). Phosphate ions are formed
since the UV-Vis artificial light spectrum was proved after their oxidation and may remain in solution, complex

Table 3 Physicochemical
characterization of textile Parameter Textile Reclaimed Conventional Ferrioxalate H2O2/
wastewater before and after wastewater water photo-Fenton photo- UV
proposed treatments in optimum Fenton
pH 8.2 7 7a 7a 7a
COD (mg O2 L ) 242 27 30 36 40
Turbidity 25.6 5 2.3 1.3 4.1
TDC (mg L−1) 60.5 34 7.1 22.6 30.6
DOC (mg L−1) 41.2 10 6 10.4 13.3
IC (mg L−1) 19.3 23.17 1.1 12.1 17.3
Cl− (mg L−1) 66.5 165.1 28.4 32.4 29
NO2− (mg L−1) 28.2 21.3 ND 37.5 ND
NO3− (mg L−1) 44.2 44.4 42.3 70.4 37.7
PO43− (mg L−1) 58 77.1 278.5 385 ND
SO4− (mg L−1) 26.7 35.2 118.8 37.5 39.7

ND not detected (conventional 4 mg L−1 of Fe2+ and 100 mg L−1 of H2O2, ferrioxalate 20 mg L−1 of Fe3+ and
100 mg L−1 of H2O2, photo-peroxidation 100 mg L−1 of H2O2)
Environ Sci Pollut Res

with Fe2+ or generate phosphate radicals, usually in the Carboxylic acids analysis
presence of UV light (Kalsoom et al. 2012). The phosphate
concentration was found lower after the conventional An analysis of the generated carboxylic acids (Fig. 5) indicat-
photo-Fenton system than it was after the ferrioxalate ed that oxalic acid was the only remaining product of the
photo-Fenton system. This could be explained by the for- degradation of the textile wastewater after 120 min of reaction.
mation of Fe-PO43− complexes (Vilar et al. 2012) in the The first chromatogram shows the pure solution of oxalic acid
conventional system, which precipitate with iron. In the (Fig. 5a–Control). It is important to note that because oxalic
beginning of reaction, PO 4 3− concentration was low acid is a component of the additives applied in the textile
(58 mg L −1 ) and H 2 O 2 was still present, thus photo- processes of bleaching and dyeing, this acid was detected in
Fenton reactions were probably more likely to occur than the non-treated textile wastewater sample (Fig. 5b–Textile
the formation of these complexes and catalytic activity was Wastewater). All the samples show a small peak before the
not reduced. These complexes were not formed in the photo- oxalic acid peak, which represents the sulfate present in the
Fenton ferrioxalate system, in which the Fe-oxalate com- mobile phase.
plexes were present and stable. Therefore, PO43− remained Moreira et al. (2013) have detected the presence of four
in solution in the aqueous media. For the H2O2/UV system, distinct carboxylic acids when various AOPs were tested for
the absence of PO43− ions in the treated sample is probably the degradation of an azo dye. The authors detected the initial
due to the transformation of these ions into PO4•2− which formation of the carboxylic acids, followed by their degrada-
occurs only in the presence of UV irradiation. Then, PO4•2− tion. In the present work, final samples of each proposed sys-
reacts with water with the formation of HPO42− and HO• lead- tem were analyzed after 120 min of treatment; therefore, other
ing to further oxidation (Rosso et al. 1998). acids could have been formed and degraded during the reac-
Furthermore, the post-treatment sulfate concentrations tion. For the conventional photo-Fenton system, no remaining
were higher in the conventional photo-Fenton system. oxalic acid was detected after 120 min of reaction (Fig. 5c–
This is due to the addition of a significant volume of sul- H2O2/UV-Vis/Fe2+), validating the total DOC degradation ob-
furic acid for pre-adjusting the pH to 3, while a smaller tained by this treatment. For the ferrioxalate photo-Fenton
volume of sulfuric acid was added in the ferrioxalate sys- system (Fig. 5d–H2O2/UV-Vis/Fe 3+), which achieved a
tem (pH = 5). DOC reduction rate of 82 %, oxalic acid was detected as

Fig. 5 HPLC of textile wastewater and treated wastewater samples for photo-Fenton conventional (visible light). d Wastewater treated by photo-
the identification of generated carboxylic acids. a Oxalic acid control at Fenton ferrioxalate (visible light). e Wastewater treated by H2O2/UV
0.1 mol L−1. b Non-treated textile wastewater. c Wastewater treated by
Environ Sci Pollut Res

expected. Note that for the H2O2/UV system (Fig. 5e–H2O2/ and that other costs may be considered such as system
UV) during which 60 % of DOC was reduced, oxalic acid was installation, lamp and reactors maintenance, operation,
detected at a higher intensity, even higher than in the untreated and safe storage of chemicals. In addition, the results
wastewater (Fig. 5b). The increase in the oxalic acid peak achieved for the photo-Fenton systems using visible light
could be explained by the fact that this acid is one of the also indicate that the conversion of the organic content of
ultimate products of degradation, as was also observed by textile wastewater to biodegradable carboxylic acids, CO2,
other authors (Moreira et al. 2013; Salazar et al. 2011). and inorganic ions could be possible when applying the
solar photo-Fenton system. Since the solar photo-Fenton
system utilizes sunlight, the treatment costs in respect of en-
Preliminary cost analysis ergy are reduced, which renders an economically feasible
treatment method to the industry. The potential for the appli-
Table 4 shows the costs calculated for each of the proposed cation of this treatment is increased in tropical countries, like
treatments. Energy costs correspond to 70 % of the total treat- Brazil, where solar radiation is available throughout the whole
ment costs for the photo-Fenton systems and 95 % for the year (Marcelino et al. 2015). However, in order to certify that
H2O2/UV. Among the three alternatives, H2O2/UV is the most solar photo-Fenton system will be effective, a solar reactor
expensive treatment (2.24 US$ m−3), due to the time of artifi- must be properly designed according incident solar radiation
cial light operation (2 h) in order to achieve 63 % DOC pattern, wastewater flow hydraulic conditions, and operational
removal, while photo-Fenton systems lead to > 90 % DOC conditions of the processes (batch or continuous) (Malato
degradation in 40 min. For the photo-Fenton systems, costs et al. 2009).
were calculated to be higher for the ferrioxalate system (1.07 Assuming that 80 % (8 m3 h−1) of the treated wastewater
US$ m−3) due to the price of the oxalic acid, which increased could be reused after, applying the proposed optimized treat-
the total cost of this treatment. Consequently, considering op- ment technologies of photo-Fenton would also reduce the cost
erational costs only, it would be less costly to use Fe2+ (0.91 in respect of the water supply. If the local water supply price
US$ m−3), even if all of the costs related to the pH adjustment was taken into account as 2.55 US$ m−3, it is estimated that up
are considered. Once reactor material corrosion must be to 20.4 US$ h−1 could be saved by the textile mill due to
prevented when working on pH 3, resources used to build this treated wastewater reuse.
reactor will probably be more costly. However, on the long-
term basis, costs related to conventional photo-Fenton appli-
cation will probably pay off faster than if ferrioxalate solar Conclusions
photo-Fenton was to be applied.
The calculated treatment prices were either lower than the The results presented here show that the photo-Fenton systems
prices indicated by other authors (Chong et al. 2012; using visible light spectrum were able to achieve considerable
Mahamuni and Adewuyi 2010) or were consistent with the DOC degradation rates and complete absorbance removal of
operating costs observed in the European water reuse projects real textile wastewater. The conventional photo-Fenton system
(Vajnhandl and Valh 2014). The lower treatment costs we (pH 3) was shown to be more effective (99 % DOC degrada-
obtained were only possible because of our resolve to use tion) than ferrioxalate system (pH 5) (82 % DOC degradation),
lower concentrations of chemicals in order to improve the whereas H2O2/UV achieved 63 % DOC degradation. In all of
cost-effectiveness of the treatments. these systems, absorbance has been removed faster than DOC
It is important to elucidate that these costs have been due to degradation of chromophores. In addition, oxalic acid
raised based only on laboratory bench-scale experiments has been shown to be one of the ultimate products of degrada-
tion before total conversion to water, CO2, and inorganic ions.
Table 4 Operational treatment costs for each of the proposed photo- Physicochemical quality of photo-Fenton systems and UV/
Fenton systems in laboratory scale, calculated at international reagent and H2O2 treated wastewaters was compared to reclaimed water,
energy prices
indicating similarities among these waters and their potential to
Proposed treatment Removal efficiency (%) Price be reused in the industry. Preliminary operational cost analysis
of the proposed treatments indicates costs amounting to less
Absorbance removal DOC US$/m3 than 1 US$ m−3 of wastewater for both photo-Fenton conven-
tional systems. Also, energy has been proved to be the factor
H2O2/UV-Vis/Fe2+ (100 mg L−1 100 98 0.91
H2O2/4 mg L−1 Fe2+) with biggest influence on total cost. Moreover, the high effi-
H2O2/UV-Vis/Fe3+ (100 mg L−1 100 82 1.07 ciency of the bench-scale UV-Vis irradiated photo-Fenton sys-
H2O2/20 mg L−1 Fe3+/80 mg tem for the treatment of textile wastewater suggests that the
L−1 H2C2O4)
solar photo-Fenton system could be a viable alternative for the
H2O2/UV (100 mg L−1 H2O2) 100 60 2.24
treatment of textile wastewater and production of water reuse.
Environ Sci Pollut Res

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