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Name: Adjie Setya

NPM: 1118210042

1. A. Mapping the capacity of human resources owned

This mapping can provide a lot of information about the capabilities of employees,
the number of active employees, the number of employees who will retire, the number of
employees who have to undergo training, the number of employees who have achieved, the
number of employees who need to improve performance, and other staffing information.

B. Estimating the Company's HR Needs for the Future

After knowing well about the mapping of HR capacity that the company now has, the
next step in HR planning is to estimate the company's HR needs for some time to come,
based on the present HR and company conditions.
C. Talent or Workforce Development.

The next step in HR planning is developing the workforce. This stage starts from the
recruitment, until the last good relationship with labor or HR. Recruitment, Selection,
Choosing and Hiring, Training and Development, Relationships with workers or HR
D. Evaluation and Monitoring
When the company has a plan HRgood and run to the maximum, the next stage is
the evaluation and monitoring of human resources owned. This final process will provide a
clear picture of how HR works and meets company targets.

 Vision is future oriented, for a long time.

 Demonstrate a much better future belief, in accordance with the norms and
expectations of the community.
 The vision of the organization must reflect the standards of excellence and ideals to
be achieved.
 The vision must reflect a strong drive for the growth of inspiration, enthusiasm and
commitment for stakeholders.
 Able to be the basis and encourage change and development for the better.
 Be the basis for the formulation of the mission and goals of the organization.
 In formulating a vision must be accompanied by indicators of vision achievement.

3HRM is more to facilitate employees to support their performance. Ensuring that all
employee needs can be met, and also ensuring that employees can live well. HRM
facilitates employees to achieve company goals.
Broadly speaking HRM is a strategy or series of steps and approaches to manage or
use human resources (HR) to achieve a goal / goals set by the company /

HCM view that human resources are valuable assets for the company, which if developed
and put to good use will be very profitable for the company. HCM pays more attention to
the capabilities of the HR, which later will be developed by means of training, education and

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