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The Color Wheel

Tasting Form

Name: Date:
Department/Position: Signature:
Product: Colored Waffle
Approximate Price: PHP 10.00 - PHP 12.00

Instructions: Kindly rate the following attributes according to your preference, in terms
of numbers ranges from 1 - 5. (5 is the highest, 1 is the lowest) Check the
corresponding answers.
5 4 3 2 1

1. Appropriateness of the Packaging

(Presentation, durability, design)

2. Quality of the Product

3. Taste of the Product

4. Price of the Product


How satisfied are you with our product?

 somewhat satisfied
 satisfied
 very satisfied

Is this product appropriate to the school environment?

 Yes
 No
 Maybe

Would you recommend this product to others?

 Yes
 No
 Maybe





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