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Defines communication.

1. Which one of the following statement is NOT TRUE about communication?

a. Communication is a process of sharing ideas and conveying messages.
b. Communication is a face-to-face interaction.
c. Communication is a two-way process which involves only the sender of the message.
d. Communication can be expressed through written or spoken words.
Explains the nature and process of communication.
2. When the message being sent by the sender will be converted into words, actions, or other forms that
the speaker understands, what element of communication does it fall?
a. Encoding b. decoding c. feedback d. channel
Differentiates the various models of communication.
4. It is known as the mother of all communication models that depicts communication as linear or one-way
process consisting of a source, transmitter, channel, receiver, and a destination.
a. Shanon-Weaver Model b. Transaction Model c. Schramm Model
5. This model included feedback as one element in the communication process.
a. Shanon-Weaver Model b. Transaction Model c. Schramm Model
Distinguishes the unique feature(s) of one communication process from the other.
(1)Daphne loves Rico, her suitor as a friend. (2)She thinks of how to tell him using their native language.
(3)She tells him, “Rico, mahal kita bilang kaibigan.” (4)Rico hears what Daphne says. (5)He tries to analyze
what she means based on the content and their relationship, and he is heartbroken. (6)He frowns and does not
say something, because he is in pain.
6. The above example shows the complete process of communication. Based on the provided example,
which one falls under the decoding process?
a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6
7. Which one falls under the feedbacking process?
a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6
Explains why there is a breakdown of communication.
8. You are asked to share something about your day or weekend, but you are hesitant because you are
shy. What barrier to communication is implied in the situation?
a. Use of jargon b. lack of confidence c. noisy environment d. emotion
Uses various strategies in order to avoid communication breakdown.
9. Marie is receiving a call form a foreign friend. When she is about to say hello, her sister suddenly plays
the radio cassette so loudly. If you were Marie, what should you do to avoid communication breakdown
in the said situation?
a. Ask your sister to minimize the volume. C. Drop the call.
b. Throw the cellular phone to your sister. D. Let your sister answer the call.
Demonstrates sensitivity to the sociocultural dimension of communication situation.
10. Defense is one of the stages in the Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity where the individual
starts to recognize cultural differences and is intimidated by them, resulting in either a superior view on
own culture or an unjustified high regard for the new one. Which one of the following examples is under
this stage?
a. Their ways are better than my own; I wish I were one of them.
b. I can look things from the perspective of various cultures.
c. All cities are the same; they have tall buildings, fast food chains, and coffee shops.
d. All of the above.
27. Which of the following statements best shows integration as a DMIS stage?
A. “I hear you and I want to see how I can benefit from what you said.”
B. “I can see nothing new in what we all presented.”
C. “I don’t think your suggestions will work. They don’t serve any of our interests here.”
D. “Maybe I can make necessary adjustments in order to meet our objectives.”
22. Which of the following cannot be considered a characteristic of a competent intercultural
a. inclusive b. polite c. open-minded d. idealistic
20. Which of the following best defines intercultural communication?
a. It happens when individuals negotiate, interact, and create meanings while bringing in their varied
cultural backgrounds.
b. It is a competition among people set to make their cultures known.
c. It is an organized procedure where everyone speaks of his/her culture.
d. It happens when a specific culture is regarded as the best among the rest.

Identifies the speaker’s purpose(s).

12. The teacher discusses classroom policies to her students. What is the purpose of the teacher then?
a. to control the behavior b. to motivate the students c. to convey information
13. It allows individuals to interact with others.
a. social interaction b. control c. motivation d. emotional expression

Identifies strategies used by each speaker to convey his/her ideas effectively.

This refers to
Evaluates the effectiveness of an oral communication activity.

Identifies the various types of speech Context

11. This refers to communication that centers on one person where the speaker acts both as the sender and
the receiver of the message.
a. Interpersonal b. intrapersonal c. dyad d. small group
12. This refers to communication that takes place through television, radio, newspaper, magazine, and
other types of media.
a. Public b. mass communication c. small group d. dyad

Distinguishes types of speech style

11. Which one of the following statements is true about the frozen speech style?
a. remains unchanged, and ritualistic d. Used only for imparting information
b. Non-public speech style that use private vocabulary
c. Used among people who do not share common experiences
12. What speech style is appropriate for a teacher delivering her lesson to the students?
a. Formal b. intimate c. consultative d. frozen
Identifies social situations in which each speech style is appropriate to use
13. President Rodrigo Roa Duterte is hosting a state dinner at the Malacañang Palace in honor of the visiting US
President Donald Trump. Which of the following speech styles must be used on the occasion?
a. Intimate b. Casual c. Consultative d. Formal
14. Which of the following requires an intimate speech style?
a. When communicating to your acquaintances c. When delivering a Speech
b. When praying the rosary d. When talking to your partner about your future plans

Observes the appropriate language forms in using a particular speech style

15. Ms. Aguilar has been invited to be a guest speaker at a graduating ceremony in Mariano University. Which of
the following lines is an appropriate introduction in her commencement speech?
a. Hello Philippines and hello world! C. Hi there! How are you today?
b. Guests, faculty, parents and graduates, good morning. D. Good morning friends and enemies.
16. Mira is conversing with her co-senior high school teacher for the upcoming competition. What language is
appropriate for their conversation?
a. jargon b. slang c. vernacular d. all of the above

Responds appropriately and effectively to a speech act.

19. Which of the following utterances is not an example of a directive illocutionary act?
A. Could you please buy me some food? C. Please let me go.
b. What are you waiting for? Do it now. D. I’m deeply sorry for what I said to you yesterday.
24. John was watching TV when his mother arrived from the market. Upon entering the door, she says,
“These bags are so heavy!” What do you think should be the perlocutionary act for the speech act to be
A. Let me help you. I’ll be the one to carry them Mom. C. What are those Mom?
b. Thank you! You arrive safely Mom. D. Finally, you made it Mom!

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