Listening Comprehension Test For 10th Form Students

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Listening Comprehension Test for 10th Form Students

Section 1.
True/false statements 1 through 8. Put “+”if the statement is true, “- ” if it is false.

1. People have always believed that men can fly.

2. Orville and Wilbur Wright owned a shop that sold bicycles.
3. They were the first men to fly because they were very lucky.
4. Orville and Wilbur were hard-working students of flight.
5. Orville was lying flat on the wing when flying his first flight.
6. The first long article about the Wright brothers' flight was in a beekeepers’ magazine.
7. In Virginia, Orville flew around an Army field 2 times to prove he could fly.
8. The Wright brothers' depended on the wind to help them fly their plane.

Section 2.
Multiple-choice questions through 9 to 15. Circle the correct letter A, B, C or D.

9. Orville and Wilbur...

a) graduated from high school;
b) didn't finish high school;
c) graduated from vocational school;
d) the article doesn't say.
10. The brothers were … about the poor reporting.
a) unhappy;
b) upset;
c) confused;
d) embarrassed.
11. Orville got to fly the plane first because ...
a) he won the coin toss; he had more courage than Wilbur had;
b) he could run faster than Wilbur;
c) he won the coin toss;
d) he convinced Wilbur he should be first.
12. The newspaper article that appeared about their first flight...
a) was also carried by many other newspapers;
b) pleased Orville and Wilbur very much;
c) was talked about by everyone;
d) had most of the details wrong.
13. You could describe the Wright brothers as...
a) daredevils when it came to flying;
b) very careful about everything having to do with flying;
c) men who enjoyed arguing with reporters;
d) rather careless pilots..
14. When people saw the brothers’ flight over the field, they were …
a) screaming as loudly as they could;
b) laughing and jumping;
c) waving their hands;
d) frightened and shocked.
15. Orville showed Americans that people could fly...
a) in September of 1808;
b) in September of 1906;
c) in September of 1908;
d) in September of 1996.

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