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J Fluoresc

DOI 10.1007/s10895-016-1814-3

Two-Photon Fluorescence Tracking of Colloidal Clusters

Debjit Roy 1 & Dipankar Mondal 1 & Debabrata Goswami 1

Received: 13 December 2015 / Accepted: 26 April 2016

# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016

Abstract In situ dynamics of colloidal cluster formation from beam is used for the tweezing action, a three dimensional
nanoparticles is yet to be addressed. Using two-photon fluo- harmonic potential well is generated and the trapped objects
rescence (TPF) that has been amply used for single particle follows Hookean law for the small displacements from the
tracking, we demonstrate in situ measurement of effective trap center [12]. The strength of an optical tweezer is usually
three-dimensional optical trap stiffness of nanoparticles and expressed by the term trap stiffness which is eventually the
their aggregates without using any position sensitive detector. force constant of the Hooke’s law [3]. The most common way
Optical trap stiffness is an essential measure of the strength of of measuring the trap stiffness is by the back focal plane
an optical trap. TPF is a zero-background detection scheme scattered light detection [13–15]. This basic principle of this
and has excellent signal-to-noise-ratio, which can be easily detection scheme is that the scattered light from the trapped
extended to study the formation of colloidal cluster of object interferes with the trapping laser beam to give rise to a
nanospheres in the optical trapping regime. TPF tracking can spatial interference pattern [16]. With change in the position of
successfully distinguish colloidal cluster from its monomer. the trapped object, the interference pattern gets changed. By
recording this interference pattern by position sensitive detec-
Keywords Optical tweezers . Fluorescence . Trapping tors like quadrant photo diodes [13], high speed CCD cameras
[17] etc., the trap stiffness is measured. In general, a continu-
ous wave (CW) laser is used for the trapping events and some-
Introduction times a second very low power detection beam is used to track
the trapped particle’s position. Over the last few decades, the
Single beam gradient optical trap is commonly known as op- usage of the femtosecond laser pulses has also been used for
tical tweezer [1, 2]. It uses the radiation pressure of a tightly the optical trapping experiments [18–20] as it gives both spa-
focused laser beam to generate force of ~pN [2, 3] ranges that tial and temporal control. Another advantage of using a fem-
can spatially trap the colloidal particles [4–6]. Over the years, tosecond laser is that in addition to the scattering, it can gen-
it has gained a huge popularity in the fields of physics, chem- erate multi-photon processes [21] like two-photon fluores-
istry, biology, nanotechnology etc. [2–9] due to the wide range cence (TPF) [20, 22] that can be used for background free
of forces generated by it with nanometer spatial resolution [10, imaging of the trapping process. TPF detection has better sig-
11] for the non-invasive single molecule manipulation tech- nal to noise ratio than conventional scattered light detection
niques in solution. Without going into the details of the force schemes as it has zero background.
field calculation, it can be stated that if a TEM00 profile laser Since the effect of thousands of pulses are averaged during
measurement, the trapping efficiency of a high repetition rate
(HRR) femtosecond laser is same as that of a CW laser twee-
* Debabrata Goswami
zer [19, 23]. On the same token, the time averaged trapping force generated using a HRR femtosecond laser and that of a
CW laser are the same. Here we are going to present the appli-
Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, cation of TPF generated from the fluorophore coated trapped
Uttar Pradesh 208016, India nanospheres to measure the trap stiffness of a femtosecond
J Fluoresc

optical tweezer. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first If the trapped colloidal particles are fluorescent, then
attempt to measure trap stiffness by using nonlinear processes, the fluorescence signal coming from the trapped ob-
such as, TPF. Additionally, TPF tracking method distinguishes jects can be used to track the motion of the trapped
the trapped nanosphere monomer from its dimer. particle. Additionally, if the trapped fluorescent colloi-
dal particle undergoes TPF at the trapping wavelength,
then the situation is similar to the two photon fluores-
Theory cence single particle tracking [27–30] process where
the position sensitive detectors are not essentials as
The optical force acting on a trapped colloidal particle can be the total TPF signals are themselves position sensitive.
written as [3]: Fopt = − κq, where κ is called the trap stiffness The intensity profile of a TEM 00 profile Gaussian
and x is the distance of the trapped particle from trap center. shaped femtosecond laser pulsed at a given time can be
The Langevin equation for an optically trapped spherical col- written as:
loidal particle with radius r can be written as [24]:
I ðqÞ ¼ I 0 e−αq
⋅⋅ ⋅
m q ðt Þ þ γ q ðt Þ þ κqðt Þ ¼ ζ ðt Þ ð1Þ
where, I0 is the amplitude of the laser pulse and α is a constant.
where, m is the mass of the trapped particle; γ is the hydrody-
The TPF intensity of the trapped particle at position q from the
namics drag coefficient of the spherical particle in a fluid
trap center at time t is given by:
having dynamic viscosity η and is given by: γ = 6πrη, and
ζ(t) is the random Brownian force acting on the trapped parti-
F ðq; t Þ∝I 2 ðq; t Þ ¼ a:e−2αq ðtÞ
cle by the fluid. For a fluid with a low Reynolds number, the
first term of the Eq. (1) can be neglected and it transforms to where, a is the proportionality constant. For the small
[12]: displacement (q ≪ 1) value of F(q,t) is proportional to
⋅ (1–2αq2). Thus, we can have,
γ q ðt Þ þ κqðt Þ ¼ ζ ðt Þ ð2Þ
The Fourier analysis of Eq. (2) gives rise to the power  F ðq; t Þ−a 
spectrum of the trapped object. The time averaged power  2αa  ¼ qðt Þ ð7Þ
spectrum is given by:
  Thus the term in the left hand side of Eq. 7 would
1 D
Pq ¼ 2 ð3Þ directly give position of the trapped nanosphere from
2π ω20 þ ω2 the trap center while its Fourier analysis would directly
produce power spectra of the trapped particles according
where, D = kBT/γ, is called Einstein-Stokes diffusion coeffi- to Eqs. 5 and 6. Using this procedure, the trap stiffness of
cient with Boltzmann constant kB and T is the absolute tem- singly and doubly trapped fluorophore coated polystyrene
perature of the sample, ω is the frequency and ω0 = κ/2πγ, is nanospheres were measured.
the corner frequency (roll off frequency) where the value of
Pq becomes 3 dB of its initial value. In a dense colloidal
suspension, multiple particle trapping can also take place
[25, 26]. For the trapping of two identical colloidal particles,
the time averaged power spectrum becomes:
1 D
Pq;2 Particle ¼ ð4Þ
π2 ω20 þ ω2

Thus the time averaged power spectra for both the one and
two trapped colloidal particles are Lorentzian with same cor-
ner frequency. In fact, from Eqs. 3 to 4, it can be seen that the
time averaged power spectra of doubly trapped nanosphere is
just the double of the power spectra of the singly trapped
nanosphere. From the interference pattern, using position sen-
sitive detectors, the value of q(t) is obtained which eventually
gives rise to the power spectra. Fig. 1 Schematic of the experimental set–up
J Fluoresc

CW trap (UPlanSApo, 100XO, 1.4 NA, Olympus Inc., Japan) was used
0.12 ML trap
Linear fit of CW for trapping so that the gradient force in the laser propagation
Critical Velocity (mm/s)

Linear fit of ML
0.10 axis overcomes the scattering force. The dichroic mirror be-
fore the objective reflects the 780 nm light and transmits the
0.08 TPF and the bright field image. The real time video of the
trapping was captured using a CCD camera (350 K pixel, e-
0.06 Marks Inc.). The TPF signal coming from trapped
fluorophore-coated nanospheres was collected using a photo
multiplier tube (PMT) (1P28, Hamamatsu, Japan) connected
to a digital oscilloscope (waverunner 6100 A, LeCroy Corp.,
Chestnut Ridge, New York). The power was measured at the
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
sample stage using power meter (PM30 sensor connected to
Power (mW)
FieldMate laser power meter, Coherent Inc.). The sample
Fig. 2 Plot of critical velocity, vc, versus power for the 250 nm radius
stage was attached to a linear motorized stage (UE1724SR
polystyrene nanospheres under both CW and mode–locked laser
driven by ESP300, Newport) connected to a tunable velocity
controller (ESP300, Newport Inc.) for force measurement
Experimental Techniques using the viscous drag method. To measure the trap stiffness
along x and y axes, another 532 nm auxiliary laser (DJ532–40,
The experimental set-up is based on a home-built inverted Thorlabs Inc.) was used. The forward scattered light, collected
microscope reported earlier [20, 22, 31]. A schematic of the by condenser lens (UPlanApo 60X, Olympus Inc.) was ana-
setup is shown in Fig. 1. ATi:sapphire oscillator that can work lyzed by the quadrant photodiode (2901, Newport Inc.) con-
both in CW and Mode-locked condition (MIRA 900-F nected to the digital oscilloscope. The sample used for trap-
pumped by Verdi5, Coherent Inc., Santa Clara, California) ping was fluorophore coated 0.50 (±0.016) μm diameter poly-
was used for trapping. The pulse width of the laser was styrene nanospheres (F-8887, Molecular probes). The λmax for
~180 fs with 76 MHz repetition rate and centered at 780 nm single photon absorption and emission of the fluorophore is at
wavelength. The TEM00 mode laser beam was first expanded 580 nm and 605 nm respectively. The fluorophore molecules
and then collimated to slightly overfill the back aperture of the have two-photon absorption at 780 nm. The original solution
objective to obtain nearly the diffraction limited focal spot was 100 times diluted by Phosphate Buffered Saline solution
size. A high numerical aperture microscopic objective to prepare the final solution to be used for tweezing.

Fig. 3 Plot of TPF signal with Data @ 15 mW 0.026 Data @ 18 mW

Step Fit Step Fit
time for trapping of 250 nm radius 0.017
dye coated polystyrene
nanosphere suspended in water at 0.006 0.009
various trapping laser power 0.000 0.000

0 2 4 6 8 0 5 10 15 20
0.072 Data @ 21 mW 0.075 Data @ 24 mW
Step Fit Step Fit
0.048 0.050

0.024 0.025
TPF Signal (Volts)

0.000 0.000
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
0.126 Data @ 27 mW 0.126 Data @ 30 mW
0.084 Step Fit 0.084
Step Fit
0.042 0.042

0.000 0.000
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 2 4 6 8 10
0.159 Data @ 33 mW 0.189 Data @ 36 mW
Step Fit Step Fit
0.106 0.126

0.053 0.063

0.000 0.000
0 1 2 3 4 5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

Time (sec)
J Fluoresc

-0.8 2.8
Single Microsphere Trap Trap Stiffness
Linear Fit of Trap Stiffness
Double Microsphere Trap 2.6
-1.0 Linear Fit of Single Micrpsphere Trap
Linear Fit of Double Micrpsphere Trap 2.4

Trap Stiffness (pN/µm)

log (TPF Intensity)


-1.4 1.8


15 20 25 30 35
-2.0 Power (mW)
1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.55
Fig. 6 Trap stiffness (κ) versus power for singly trapped 250 nm radius
log (Power)
polystyrene nanosphere
Fig. 4 Log-log plot for the voltage rise for the single and double
nanosphere trapping (after background subtraction) vs. power. Linear
fits with slope = 2 confirm TPF signal Using the Stokes’ law for a continuous fluid with low
Reynolds number, the Fopt is given as: Fopt = 6πrηvc
Polystyrene micro beads with diameter greater than 700 nm The optical force acting on the trapped nanosphere can
were not used for the trap stiffness measurements to avoid also be written as [2, 32]:
decay in TPF due to FRET [31]. All data were collected at
20 kHz sampling rate and plotting and fitting were done using ns P
F opt ¼ Q ð8Þ
Origin 8.5 (Origin Inc.) software. The entire experiment was c
performed at 298 (±1) K.
where, ns is the refractive index of the fluid, P is the incident
trapping laser power, c is the velocity of light in vacuum and Q
Results and Discussions is a dimensionless quantity which is called as the trapping
efficiency. Thus the critical velocity of the trapped object
To check if the CW and pulsed lasers works similarly for the would linearly vary with the incident laser power and the
trapping of 250 nm radius polystyrene nanospheres, the total slope of the vc versus P plot would give the trapping efficien-
average force acting on the trapped nanospheres were mea- cy. The plot of vc versus P for the 250 nm radius polystyrene
sured using the viscous drag method. In viscous drag method, nanospheres under both CW and mode–locked laser is given
the sample stage is moved with a fixed velocity to measure the in Fig. 2 which tells that the trapping efficiency of the CW and
critical velocity, vc, beyond which the trapped particle gets mode–locked lasers for trapping of 250 nm radius polystyrene
untrapped as the Brownian forces acting on the trapped parti- nanospheres are similar and thus the Langevin equation stated
cle becomes larger than the optical force. Thus at velocity vc, earlier (Eq. 1) can be safely used in this situation.
the optical force and the Brownian force becomes equal.



Power(V /Hz)

Power (V /Hz)

15 mW

18 mW 0.1
21 mW 15 mW
18 mW
24 mW 0.01 21 mW
27 mW 24 mW
30 mW 27 mW
1E-3 30 mW
33 mW 33mW
36 mW 36 mW
0.1 1E-4
10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
Fig. 5 Power spectrum for singly trapped 250 nm radius nanosphere Fig. 7 Power spectrum at different laser powers when there is no particle
with Lorentzian fit at various trapping power trapped (this is the background data)
J Fluoresc

Single Nanosphere
1000 Double Nanosphere
Linear fit of Single Nanosphere
Linear fit of Double Nanosphere

Corner Frequency (Hz)

Power (V /Hz)

21 mW

24 mW 70
27 mW
30 mW 60

1 33 mW
36 mW 50

10 100 1000 40
Frequency (Hz) 15 20 25 30 35

Fig. 8 Power spectrum for two trapped 250 nm radius nanospheres with Power (mW)
Lorentzian fit at various trapping powers Fig. 10 Plot of corner frequency versus laser power for single as well as
two simultaneously trapped 250 nm radius nanospheres

There is a sharp increase in the TPF signal whenever a laser power, the corner frequency is increased linearly. The
fluorophore coated nanosphere is trapped [22, 24]. When a plot of κ versus trapping power (Fig. 6) shows a linear rela-
second identical nanosphere is trapped, the TPF signal (after tionship confirming the practicality of using TPF as position
background subtraction) shows nearly a two-fold increase. marker for the tweezed object [33, 34]. The power spectrum
The plot for TPF versus time for 250 nm radius fluorophore when no particle is trapped (dark spectrum) at different trap-
coated nanospheres, which are trapped singly and subsequent- ping laser powers is shown in Fig. 7. Figure 7 shows that all
ly doubly, at different laser power are shown in Fig. 3. The values are ~102 to 104 times smaller than our calibration spec-
voltage rise for the single and double nanosphere trapping tra, indicating that they can only contribute very little to the
(after background subtraction) versus power plot in the log– spectra. Also as the spikes are narrow with small amplitude
log scale (Fig. 4) shows a slope of ~2, indicating that the and are few in number, they are not statistically relevant dur-
collected fluorescence signal occurs due to two–photon ab- ing the data fitting. Thus white noise has very little contribu-
sorption (TPA). As the probability of TPA is very small (typ- tion to the power spectra (Figs. 7 and 8).
ically 10−6), it does not affect the trapping force and so we can It should be noted that, measurement of trap stiffness using
easily apply Eq. (1) for the trapped nanospheres. From Eq. (7), conventional techniques like using quadrant photodiode or
the term [(|(F(q,t) − a)/2αa)|)1/2], is taken as the position, q(t), CCD camera, the motion of the trapped object in the x-y plane
in Eq. (1) to generate the power spectra for these optically is measured. But, in reality, the trapped object explores the
trapped 250 nm radius fluorophore coated polystyrene nano- whole trapping potential well landscape, which indeed is three
spheres. Power spectrum for singly trapped 250 nm radius dimensional in nature. Moreover, the trapping potential is not
nanosphere with their Lorentzian fit at different powers is only elongated but also shallow along axial axis compared to
given in Fig. 5. It can be seen that with increase in the trapping radial axis which, in turn, implies that the trapped object

4.0 Table 1 Value of Einstein-Stokes diffusion coefficient (D) obtained

from the fitted power spectra of the singly as well as doubly trapped
3.5 linear fit of 250 nm radius nanospheres at different powers
linear fit of
D (×106) (arb. unit) from D (×106) (arb. unit) from
Trap Stiffness

(mW) single nanosphere trapping double nanosphere trapping
15 21.0 (± 0.7) –
2.0 18 21.6 (± 0.4) –
21 22.0 (± 1.5) 23.0 (±0.8)
1.5 24 20.9 (± 0.7) 22.0 (±1.5)
27 21.6 (±1. 4) 21. 8 (±1.6)
15 20 25 30
Power (mW) 30 19.2 (±1.4) 21.7 (±1. 9)
Fig. 9 Trap stiffness along x-axis (κx) and along y-axis (κy) plotted 33 22.3 (±3.1) 23.1 (±2.2)
against trapping laser power. It is important to note that κx and κy at 36 19.8 (±4.0) 21.8 (±3.5)
any power is greater than the effective three dimensional trap stiffness
J Fluoresc

fluctuates more along axial axis than along radial axis. These position sensitive detector. This technique allows probing the
facts lead us to conclude that TPF signal fluctuation has a early time formation of dimers of 250 nm radius nanospheres
major contribution from the movement of the trapped object and enabled its differentiation from its monomer.
along axial direction along with the radial position fluctuation.
This is further confirmed from the fact that trap stiffness along Acknowledgments DG thanks the support from the Wellcome Trust
x and y axes (Fig. 9) are greater than the measured three Senior Research Fellowship (UK) and Swarnajayanti Fellowship from
DST, India for funding. DR and DM thank CSIR and UGC, India respec-
dimensional trap stiffness, which consists of trap stiffness tively for graduate fellowship. We thank Mrs. S. Goswami for language
from all three axes. Thus measuring trap stiffness using TPF check.
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