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Are books still worth reading?

Books play an important role in everyone’s life, especially in a

student’s life, but not all the people seem to believe so. While living in a
technological world where phones become our best friends, books
don’t appear to be so relevant. After all, what you can’t find on your
First of all, they teach us about spirituality, love and positive values.
The story of a book is usually made so that the reader gains something
from it. Besides this, reading books such as autobiographies of many
scientists, writers, philosophers and even sportsman, inspires us to
achieve something as great as they did. I assure you that this kind of
inspiration can’t be found on Instagram!

Secondly, books increase self confidence, a thing which most

teenagers nowadays lack. As any other teenager, I’ve struggled with
anxiety, depression and uncertainty. From my own experience reading
good books improved my memory and mental power and as a result my
knowledge and understanding of a large variety of subjects grew.
Therefore, I became more secure of myself and I gained a lot of
information which I’ve used to find answers to my problems . As a great
doctor once said: ,, Learning gives creativity, and creativity leads to
thinking. Thinking provides knowledge, knowledge makes you great”.
In my opinion, the answer to the initial question is definitely yes.
Books are still worth reading. At the beginning of the year I set a goal:
one book per month. I am only at the half of the road but I can see the
great impact this program has on me. I must say that one of the things
that improved right away was my spiritual state. In conclusion, I
challenge you to take up my program and see the benefits for yourself!

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